Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 491 Another “former company employee”?

"The general content of the 'Eternal Night' ritual is to pray to a certain stone tablet symbolizing night within the train area, and then pour a large amount of hunted aberrant blood for sacrifice."

"When the atmosphere is about the same, let the selected one-third of the people enter it."

"The ceremony calls for the fall of 'night'. The ceremony usually lasts from three to seven days. The specific length depends on the number of 'Extraordinary' appearances and the number of deaths."

"This is how you gain strength"

Colin licked his lips and felt that this ceremony was simple and crude.

What's interesting is that before entering, one-third of the candidates will have some gold implanted in their bodies to carry the power of night in the mysterious realm. In this way, even if the extraordinary people die in the future, they can still recover the power of the night in their bodies. Gold, inherits the power, the only difference is that it is not as good as the original version, and there is no possibility of improvement——

In Colin's opinion, this is a bit like installing a battery on the body.

‘Gold can shine in the field of mysterious materials and can be used in these places. To be honest, it is quite magical and incomprehensible.’

Colin continued to check the content of the "Eternal Night" ceremony, and from time to time he spoke to ask Aikaxi and other people present for some details.

According to tradition, the "Night Sect" is basically determined to start the "Eternal Night" ritual tomorrow.

Because starting from tomorrow, there will be a period of time when the sky will be cloudless
  That was the best time for the ceremony.

Of course, it is not impossible for these people to choose to push back, but this push may be a bit limitless.

Because no one knows when the next "cloudless day" will come.

Queen Aikasi, who was sitting next to Colin, said: "If you're lucky, it might be visible within a month. If you're not lucky, it might take a year and a half. The further time goes by, the more pressure you will have on food and other things."
  “After all, we have just survived periodic natural disasters and there are not many stocks of various kinds.

"If this continues, people will complain and become impetuous, which will be even more detrimental to the ceremony."

"That's it"

Colin nodded. He didn't expect that the "believers" here could actually complain.
  If some other heretical churches were allowed to leave, and the higher-ups issued orders in the name of "Lord," the crazy believers would probably be able to endure it until the day they starve to death.

  I am quite free in my thinking.

"Then we'll start working on it the day after tomorrow."

After briefly setting the time, Colin looked at Queen Aikasi. At this moment, her body was almost completely repaired.

After taking off the black robe pocket, he looks very outstanding, with long and smooth black hair, dark eyes, and three-dimensional soft facial features.

"By the way, can you think of what you will do then?" Colin asked.

From the current point of view, there is a lot of opportunity to destroy the ceremony and the liberation train after he joins. However, the method of making millions of people obedient at once has not been found, and he is somewhat worried.

Hearing this, Aikaxi tilted his head, thought for a few seconds, and finally shook his head: "I'm sorry, I just have a feeling that I know what to do when the time comes, and I can't tell how to do it."

"All right."

Colin pursed his lips and could only hope that nothing would happen by then.

Otherwise, even if the ceremony is destroyed and the train is liberated, he may not be able to escape easily. After all, with the strict rules of the "Bonfire Company", even if his conscience is really eaten away and he chooses to ignore them, he will not be able to drive. Running.

Once he was trapped in this mess, Colin felt exhausted just thinking about it.
  However, no matter what, the task must be done.

After praying again that the lady chosen by "Ms. Rabbit" would be reliable, the next round of discussion began.

Hand over some mission details, such as who will destroy the "Eternal Night" ritual, who will destroy the train shackles, etc.

Colin preferred to stop the ritual when the time came, and then everyone else, including the two D-class people who followed, would destroy some "thorn restraint device" on the train.

After all, the ceremony will definitely have the largest number of participants.

In addition, the power of "dark night" comes
  If I leave it to these crooked melons and cracked dates, I'm afraid I won't have to think about leaving this world in this life.

After all discussions were completed, the sky gradually darkened and communication stopped.

"The sense of crisis has increased a bit, but there are no abnormal phenomena beyond our understanding. It's okay."

Colin glanced outside the carriage. In some worlds at night, such as "World No. 13," the entire world would be shrouded in some indescribable sense of dark oppression.

He had tried to understand, but had no definite answer.

Shana couldn't explain why, but the "King of Crazy Sound" told him that it should be some kind of special containment mechanism operating.

But what the specific situation is, it is estimated that only B-level authority can know.
  Then, in order to persuade him, the "King of Kuangyin" said something quite reasonable - since a mechanism can currently operate normally and there are no major flaws, then there is no need to explore it excessively.

Otherwise, if something happens just by taking a look, that would be bad.

But fortunately, there are no such bald things here.

At this time, Aikaxi greeted: "Would you like to eat something first?"

"You guys eat."

Colin declined the invitation to use food from other worlds, but he was quite curious about what kind of food could be grown in such a ghost place, because when he came here, he felt that the fields cultivated by people in this world seemed a bit weird. .
  So he followed and looked at the nearby fields.

Just as I came here, I heard sounds coming from the farmland.
  "No, it's not a sound, it's a sound transformed by some kind of strange mental fluctuations? What's going on?"

Colin looked at the crops and could vaguely hear some shouts in his ears.

"I want to drink water, I want to drink water, I want to drink water."

"Add some soil to my roots"

"Hurry, hurry, my fruit is ripe! If you don't pick it, you will miss the best period for eating!"

"I want NPK! I want NPK!"

"The seeds next door are grabbing my water. I'm dying of thirst."


Strange mental fluctuations came from all over the field like the sound of bullfrogs, and some figures wandered among them, planting according to the "sounds" made by these plants.

"Hiss, what kind of monster farm is this?"

Colin opened his mouth and listened to the sound of farmland, his eyes were a little dazed.

"Oh my god. I'm losing some energy. Can these things really be eaten?" Orange Cat couldn't help but take a breath, feeling that what was growing in this field was not food, but a bunch of monsters and monsters.

"Isn't this just a normal plant?"

Aikaxi said something puzzled, and at the same time stretched out his white hand, picked a recently ripe fruit that looked like some kind of nightshade, and put it into the basket he was carrying.

‘I’m afraid you’re the only one who thinks it’s normal? ’

Colin didn't reply, but silently made the flames on his body brighter, and then took a look at the plants.

Generally speaking, they are all familiar types of plants.
  Some are like rice or wheat, and some are like fruit trees like apples.

And one thing they all have in common is that they are exceptionally fertile.

For example, Colin saw a plant about three meters tall, about the same size as a banana tree, but it looked suspiciously like rice. There were dozens of bunches of tassels hanging on it, and each bunch was very big. It felt like he could get at least one from just this one. A harvest of more than [-] kilograms.

And when Colin arrived, the fire on his body seemed to attract these crops.

"Look at me, look at me and I will give you black pearl grapes to eat."

"Shine on me! Ah! Shine on me, I can do it"

"Come to me and I'll give you a sweet and big chicken-flavored super-large mango."

"Ah, it's so hot." "Yeah, yeah, it's so comfortable, shashasha, it's so hot, heat it up a little more, ah, I'm about to get ready!"

All kinds of mental fluctuations that make people lose their sanity are coming.


Colin suddenly felt a little scared and wanted to burn all the crops. He paused as he followed Aikaxi.

"It seems they all like you!" Queen Aikaxi turned around and said with a smile.

I'd rather they didn't like these things, they're so abstract.
  Colin muttered in his heart and said calmly on the surface:

"Where do you get these plants?"

"You can use points in the 'company' to save your own seeds. But if you keep your own seeds and plant them for a few generations, they will become abnormal. Their voices will become softer and softer, and eventually they won't be able to speak. In that case, we will I don’t know what to water, it will affect the harvest.”

It’s normal not to be able to speak!
  Colin and the other two employees said almost at the same time.

The items sold in the 'Branch' mall are a little different in each store. Shanna's store only has some black bread and water, while here it's crop seeds. ’

Colin thought for a while.

Most of the content in the mall of this branch is related to strange talking seeds, and each type has a huge harvest, and the planting time is very short, and can be planted repeatedly for several rounds.

Even in this kind of world environment, the first batch of fruits can be obtained in more than a month at the fastest and no more than six months at the slowest.

Listening to Aikaxi's explanation, Colin began to feel a little tempted and wanted to exchange some "seeds" and go back to study.

But unfortunately, I am worried about what "virus" these seeds may contain.
  After all, talking crops are quite weird.

But at this moment, a line of information burst out of his mind.
  [Event [-]: Collect the plant seeds encountered in this mission, three seeds of each type. 】

"Requirement": Make a transaction with Ms. Aikaxi and hand over 9000 points.

"Remarks": After returning, you will receive a batch of seeds and the corresponding points will be returned.

"Okay, okay, it seems that 'Ms. Rabbit' also wants this batch of seeds, but if I buy this batch of crops with [-] points, I don't know whether I will lose or make a profit."

"Well, it's not me spending the money anyway, the points will be returned, just helping with purchasing."

"As long as I make some money."

Colin grunted and made a deal with Aikasi.

The other party was stunned for a moment, but still accepted the deal, and then couldn't help but say, in fact, there are more than a thousand seeds, and if you buy them all three times, you can get about [-] points at most, which is several times more.

"It doesn't matter, it's not a big problem."

Colin waved his hand and said that as long as the points can be solved, it doesn't matter.

After a simple transaction, the picking continued, but when they started dinner, Colin left the territory alone after giving the two D-class employees some life-saving measures and telling them, "Don't walk around here at will."
  Because some new tasks popped up.

[Event [-]: Go to an area of ​​the "World of Lost Data", where a broadcast from an unknown former company employee is suspected to be sending out signals. 】

"Remarks": Complete before dawn.

"Former company employee? Rosen? It shouldn't be. His information has been clear, indicating that this person should indeed be an unknown employee."

As Colin's thoughts flashed, he was a little curious, who could this "former employee" be this time, dead or alive.

Then, after gathering his thoughts, Colin began to concentrate on his journey.

Although most places in this distorted world are not very dangerous, we cannot take it lightly. Otherwise, it would be a lot of fun if we were to turn into another "ex-company employee" and then send out distress signals and wait for others to come. .

In the desolate darkness, Colin kept walking through the firelight.

Along the way, many abnormal aberrations attacked.

However, most of them did not pose much of a threat to him, but he just felt a little troublesome.
  "There are so many of these things."

Colin turned his revolver into a sword, threw out a sword energy, and stopped a deformed body that was constantly emitting thunder and lightning and chasing him all the way. Then he couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

Maybe once we get to the place where the former employee sent the signal, we can figure out some of the reasons.

That's about four to five hours.

Colin came to a deep area that the employees of the "branch" had never reached. There were mountain peaks everywhere, and in the middle of one of the mountains, he saw a magnificent mountain stone gate.

"Is this hollowing out a mountain?"

Out of curiosity, Colin landed here.

Two flesh-and-stone aberrations came forward holding spear-like weapons.

"Leave! This is the gate to the Holy Land! Mortals are not allowed to"

"You can actually talk? Can you communicate? Hello."

Colin "tsk", looked at it for a while, tried to talk to no avail, then shook his head in disappointment, and then without being polite, he stretched out his hand, clenched his fist, punched twice, and blew one up with one punch.

Make some preparations and activate all the equipment.

He came to the door, raised his foot and kicked it hard.

Along with the rumbling vibration, the door was pushed open a little. Colin increased the strength on his feet, leaned forward, and pushed the door further open.

That's the moment the door is pushed open
  There was no time to see what was inside, and countless waves of aberrations wearing unique costumes came out.

Colin stretched out his hand to grab it, and the flames in his hand turned into a ball, and he threw it like a bowling ball.

After the flames were released, they rolled forward and expanded.
  All the aberrant bodies that were run over by the flames melted and evaporated into a ball of blood mist.

"Huh? It's not burnt or carbonized? There seems to be something in it."

Colin raised his eyebrows, then put his hands in his pockets, opened his legs, and walked into it step by step.

The inside looks like a religious or palace-like place, and it is not dark because there are a large number of strange gems that emit orange-red light illuminating the interior.

In addition to being full of dilapidation and desolation, the building is still quite well preserved.
  Following the guidance that became increasingly vague as the mission got closer, Colin went deep into the ruins while erasing the aberrations around him.

"It feels like there is no breath of life anymore. So, you're sending it too?"

Colin was not surprised at all.

But in comparison, this place of death is much better than Brother Rosen's little shabby church.

I just don’t know what it’s like to die
  After wandering for almost ten minutes, Colin walked all the way into a hall.

He discovered that the blood mist turned into by the aberrations after death seemed to float in a certain direction.
  Following this direction, he came to an extremely spacious hall.

In the center here, there is a pyramid-like platform.

He raised his head slightly, looked over the stairs going up one by one, and saw the things on the high platform.

Colin raised his eyebrows and blurted out one word:


(End of this chapter)

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