Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 499 "Lady of Thorns"

Chapter 499 "Lady of Thorns"

"Huh, finally."

Colin breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

Later, he wanted to see who this "former company employee" was and how he could easily take over the banner.

However, as soon as I started to move, I suddenly felt that my body was a little bit out of control.

An indescribable "joy" surged through his whole body.

A terrifying atmosphere that is not inferior to the atmosphere of "dark night" emerges.

Colin froze, feeling as if his body would collapse at any moment.

My consciousness started to feel a bit like a wild horse running wild, out of control and quite messy!

‘No, no, no! This kind of smell, no, it’s not ‘Lady of Thorns’! Absolutely not’

He lowered his eyes with difficulty. Now, "Lavinia" still maintains the same standing posture as before.

But the aura on his body is completely different, there is some extremely powerful consciousness coming.

This "consciousness" is very wrong

‘Never, never be what I think! ’

He conveyed a message with difficulty: "Aren't you going to summon the 'Lady of Thorns'? Now, who are you summoning?"

Hearing these incoherent words, "Lavinia" opened her eyes, and a strange smile appeared on her face that was abnormally pale due to blood loss or other reasons.

‘Is this a different person again? ’

Colin felt that the person in front of him seemed to have undergone some internal changes.

than a person

He felt that the guy in front of him was essentially more like a container!

The people in the container keep switching!

"Lavinia" looked at him and blinked, her blackened lips parted: "I never said that I summoned the 'Lady of Thorns'."

Before Colin could ask, the weirdness on her face became even more intense, with an indescribable smile:

"She didn't tell you that I am the 'Ms. Thorns'?"

Are you the "former employee of the company"?

Colin's pupils shrank, then.

"What the hell did you summon? Why, I feel like something is wrong."

The throat, mouth, tongue and other organs that are difficult to control make intermittent sounds.

However, he stopped mid-sentence.

Because although "Ms. Thorn" didn't speak, her dark eyes were faintly glowing with wisps of red light.

In the deep darkness, a vague red moon seemed to be about to appear.

The answer is self-evident!

"Fuck you."

Colin's pupils shook violently and his face turned pale. This was the last thing he wanted to see!

If you can't beat "Dark Night", you don't have to fight. Are you going to die with me if you bring this thing here?

"Good colleague, don't panic, I hope you can persist a little longer."

"Ms. Thorn" nodded with a smile, then raised her body upwards.

At an extremely fast speed, he passed Colin and went all the way up.

The next second, Colin seemed to realize something. Without any hesitation, he did everything possible to let the flames envelope him, covering and protecting him layer by layer.

And that is the moment after taking all the precautions

There was a "bang" sound.

The entire body of "Lavinia" above her head exploded.

Organs, bones, and blood all exploded into blood mist, and at this moment, creeping red light bloomed from the flesh and blood, and then quickly reunited during the bloom.

However, with the arrival of this power, the "dark night" above the sky seemed to be aware of it.

A blow coming in an unknown way

It almost gathered into a round crimson object and suddenly exploded. However, it did not disappear directly like the "hunger" in Colin's body, but continued to regroup.

A large amount of new life spreads

All things are born with new consciousness and new life in the red light.

Colin's "ears" and other parts began to involuntarily sing a strange whisper of "Life is so beautiful, la la la, new life, happy, I want to live, everyone is together, together~"——

This was the first time he heard some of the contents of "Red Moon"'s ravings.

Its content does not seem weird, it appears simple and messy, and its tone is like a nursery rhyme humming by a child.

The meaning seems to be calling for "birth", "life blending together" and so on.

"Fuck, don't think about it, I don't want to know what 'Red Moon' said! Don't pronounce the name 'Red Moon'."

"Damn it! I said no"

"Damn it, even with more than ten layers of 'Fire Bearer' flame protection layers, it still can't prevent the erosion of this thing?!"

Colin really wanted to punch himself now and knock his increasingly active brain out.

No, it's to knock out all the cells in the body that are "singing" happily.

Colin could clearly feel that the aura of "Red Moon" this time was a little different from the ones he had encountered before.

For example, it seems very "cheerful" and full of a happy mood.

but relatively

Colin, who was affected by it, couldn't be happy at all!

The extremely high status of the "Red Moon" and one of its basic powers, "rebirth", are no worse than the "dark night" of the dome!

The two most terrifying things Colin knew were fighting in the dome, and the flames on his body were almost extinguished.

Under the influence of "new life", chaotic "thoughts" were generated all over his body, including the brain itself, which was also generating "thoughts" out of control. Colin felt that he was about to collapse.

But at this moment, circles of thorns glowing with dark metal came out of nowhere.

Wrap and wrap him directly.

As the pitch-black spikes with a cold texture pierced his skin, Colin's messy "thoughts" began to dim and dissipate.

"Add more fire, 'Dark Night' is too strong, it can't gather. If we wait a little longer, 'Dark Night' will arrive more, and we will fall short." The whisper of "Ms. Thorns" spread along the thorns on the body's surface and into the body.

"Who the hell is saying 'what the hell' to you? I want to punch you first!" Colin couldn't help but curse.

"Okay, okay, after you resolve the matter here, you can fight as you like. You 'fire supporters' are different from me. If I take action, they will be gone. You will not be locked. I will make it up to you. Quick, quick, increase the fire." ."

Colin now has the flames reaching his personal limit.

It's not easy to add another fire

Even if you take the "secondary containment object" in the "storage room", it won't be enough time.

Because it takes a lot of time to ignite it, and it may not be easy to use.

The only way.

Colin gritted his teeth and activated "Time Stasis" and "Force Repulsion" at the same time. Then he took advantage of the short gap between the two props and grabbed the index and middle fingers of his left hand with his right hand.


Two fingers were torn out of his left palm and thrown high into the air.


A bright little sun rises at this moment.

However, before the little sun could bloom with any warm fire, it suddenly exploded and was directly wiped out from the darkness in an incomprehensible way.

But it also benefited from this short moment.

In the fading firelight, a crimson "moon" slowly rose.

(End of this chapter)

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