Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 503 The secrets of the company’s top executives.


The dilapidated old train emits a string of shrill flutes.

The gray fog intensified again at this moment.

The scene outside continues to be obscured by increasingly dense gray fog.

"Well, fortunately I still have a few good accounts, otherwise I would have suffered a huge loss and would not have the shame to go out to meet people in the future."

"Ms. Thorns" murmured in a low voice with regret in her eyes, but Colin's eyes were dark as he listened.

‘Ah, this is a waste of my emotions’

Colin was a little speechless. He thought he was feeling depressed, but he didn't expect it to be this.

There's just an account number. If it's gone, it's gone. There's nothing wrong with it.

But speaking of it.

He glanced outside at the distorted world wrapped in thorns that was gradually obscured by gray fog, and secretly palpitated. According to "Ms. Thorns", this was the actual display of her true power.

I didn't feel any pressure when facing the "clone consciousness", but when I glimpsed its true body, I felt a overwhelming sense of oppression from above.

Even Colin didn't dare to take a closer look.

'The true strength of a first-level containment object is that it is enough to affect the entire world, and can easily destroy a star without human intervention.'

Colin sighed secretly in his heart, thinking of the simple description of the first-level containment object before.

At this time, when the gray fog was completely thick and the window was no longer visible, "Ms. Thorns" retracted her gaze and glanced at Colin:

"Your account is quite good. Do you want it? Forget it, you seem to be bound to death. Moreover, even if it is not bound to death, it is a bit troublesome. There are too many things involved. It really has to be... My hands may not be able to bear it.”

Hearing this, Colin didn't know what to reply.

But looking at it this way, "Ms. Thorn" does have a little quirk.

For example, she collects "beautiful account" accounts, but I don't know how she can transfer them.

"By the way, I saw you mentioned before that these 'outsiders' were restricted here by you because they were in some special period. What happened during that period."

Colin naturally chatted about some topics that interested him.

At present, all disasters seem to originate from a certain period. During that period, almost all world civilizations regressed and there were historical gaps.

The main body of Bonfire Company also disappeared at this moment.

And "Ms. Thorn" has been able to live as an administrator for such a long time. Even if she doesn't know much, she should know a little bit.

"Ms. Thorn" thought for a while, stepped back and sat on a higher seat, stretched out her bare feet from under the black thorn robe and said:

"Well, I'm not very sure about this. I just remember that during a certain period hundreds of years ago, the entire universe was obscured by a huge event. During this period, all external navigation was directly interrupted, and the originally connected Each world was forcibly isolated, and at the same time, various chaotic things impacted various places, causing extremely serious distortions.

"It's okay to have me here. Some places I went out to explore on the way were simply extinct, and even the stars were destroyed or distorted.

"As for those people, before the disaster broke out, I happened to receive a mission to relocate this group of refugees from other galaxies. As a result, I ran into the storm halfway. I had no choice but to pull back to my own management world. Just take care of yourself first

“It lasted for sixty or seventy years, a hundred years or more, before this massive impact gradually disappeared.

"Then, after I contacted the outside world through some things, I found out that a lot of things had happened, and the company seemed to be going bankrupt.

"But I didn't have the energy to inquire too much at the time, so I fell asleep for a while."

She didn't hide it, she simply told what she knew.

How many decades older? Did it last for so long? Colin was stunned and thought it was just a moment.

It's a pity that from what "Ms. Thorn" said, she could only see the impact and try to contact the outside world. She couldn't see the root cause and didn't know what the outcome would be.

I am afraid that only some "fire supporters" in high positions are aware of the situation.

But speaking of it, there are some key words in the words of "Ms. Thorns"


"Well, I heard that they were transferred from the previous 'Numbered World'. I don't know the specific origins. Some key contents seem to be highly confidential and I can't see them."

Ah, this is the numbered world.

Colin looked strange. Could this be some of the people who were transferred after Brother Rosen blew up the planet?

"Why, you seem to know something?" "Ms. Thorns" asked curiously.

"Maybe I know a little bit." Colin thought for a while and briefly talked about the memories about Rosen.

"Well, it should be him. However, Rosen is the number one loser under a big shot in the company. I have no contact with him, and my memory is not clear. I heard that he seems to belong to the 'conservative' group of fire supporters. "One of the leading figures"

"Ms. Thorn" made a brief comment.

As for Colin's mention of what the other party was going to recycle, "Ms. Thorn" had no reaction. I don't know if she didn't know, or if she was deliberately avoiding it.

The number one loser under the big shot. Colin thought about it and estimated that he should be talking about "Boss Huang He".

I just don’t know if Brother Luo will turn her into a piece of energy carbon and burn her after hearing this comment in Tianzhiling.

"But when I talk about this, I get angry. I'll just wipe my ass after what this guy did. His group of 'refugees' are just terrible. I was really tired after dealing with the chaotic impact, so I squinted a little." I squinted my eyes and fell asleep for a while."

"In the end, they made a big mess for me. It seems that there was a rumor that I abandoned them, and then they took out some of the sealed artifacts related to the 'Dark Night' that I had sealed from somewhere and worshiped them."

"Can you imagine how I felt when I just woke up and almost had my house stolen by Dark Night before I could figure out the situation?"

"Ms. Thorns" said somewhat angrily.

Is this the history of "Dark Night" believers? Colin's mouth opened slightly, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"What happened to that aberration world? That's the world you manage. How could it be like that?"

In the case of "Ms. Thorn", since the "refugees" can be saved, then we shouldn't let our world be like this, right?

"Ah, um, don't worry, it's okay. They will wake up when the time comes. Wait until I get some. Well, as long as I am still here, they will wake up one day."

At this point, "Lady of Thorns" doesn't have much to say.

Colin felt that the so-called "breathing" of the other party's trip might have something to do with those aberrant people.

However, since the other party did not want to say more about this, Colin did not inquire in depth.

At this moment, when he looked at this "Ms. Thorns" who had a personality like the talkative sister next door, he always felt that there was something he had forgotten to say, and he couldn't remember what it was for a while.

After thinking carefully, I just had some ideas when I suddenly saw a line of subtitles appear in front of my eyes. 【This section of the train is about to merge into the special track, there will be some bumps, please understand.】

As this prompt appears.

The entire train carriage immediately shook violently, as if cooking was shaking.

In the process, the carriage began to repair itself, and all the tattered places gradually became brand new under the irrigation of some special secret power.

The original style of the train that was damaged in the war in the Middle East suddenly looks like it was made from the original factory.

After almost three minutes, the bumps gradually subsided.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get something to avoid problems." "Ms. Thorns" said and left the place. But a few minutes later, Colin saw some black figures locked by the "black thorns" being dragged to various places. Among the train carriages.

After all this was done, the figure of "Ms. Thorn" appeared again.

She actually knew that a human figure could stabilize a train? Colin was surprised and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, I have never understood why there are people in the train?"

"You don't know?" "Ms. Thorns" glanced at him in surprise, then remembered something: "Oh, I forgot, you are not C-level yet, but even C-level may not know this.

"Let me tell you briefly, these black shadows actually involve the 'dark night'."

"Dark night?!" Colin's pupils trembled slightly.

"Don't be so afraid. They have all been handled by a certain big shot. They are absolutely safe. One is placed in each train. And do you know the material of this train's windows?"

She paused, but before Colin could shake his head or say "no", "Ms. Thorn" continued to explain:

"Have you ever used to analyze or predict a type of crystal creation? The effect of this thing is pretty much the same, but after certain modifications, only some non-company and hostile people can see through the car window."

At this point, Colin understood the reason without her further explanation.

Once there is a high-level existence, you can use props such as "analytical lenses" to peek into something related to "dark night".


Colin couldn't help but think of the time a few months ago when he used the "Analytical Lens" to analyze the "Hunger" barrier, which almost killed him when he saw it.

"This design is quite clever." Colin pursed his lips and finally said.

"But this is not a panacea. For example, if you sit a few more stops and leave the protection of the wall, even if you pay a certain price, many things will choose to come and wipe out your 'bonfire' seed. .”

"Ah this."

Colin finally had a deeper understanding of how hated the "Fire Bearer" was.

Then, he asked about some knowledge about C-level and above.

"Is the knowledge gap in the company so serious now?" "Ms. Thorns" looked at him in surprise, as if she was surprised that he didn't even know some basic knowledge and wanted to ask her.

However, the "Thorn Lady" still provided an explanation.

"There is nothing special about the permissions of C-level and above. The main thing is the positions assigned after C-level. If there are no other changes, then from what I know, the C-level allocation space is probably quite large, and there are You have to wait for me to deal with some confidential projects, and it’s really hard to explain them at the moment.”

"Ms. Thorns" thought for more than ten seconds, and then explained while combining the "inspiration" method:

"First of all, the distribution of responsibilities within the C-level scope depends on whether you are in the administrative or corps system or something else. I don't know the latter two because I am a civilian. It can range from a world administrator to a planetary system. In theory, It’s all within my scope.”

civilian? Colin was surprised, this is so weird.

"Oh, they are usually equipped with some celestial computers, ecological world trees and other systems to assist management, but mine were all broken during the special period before. It's quite troublesome. I can't control the climate now. ”

"Ms. Thorns" said: "That's roughly what I know so far, and I'm not too sure about the higher levels. I'm currently at C+ level, and I only know the situation in C+ relatively well."

"C-level? Are you only C-level?"

Colin's eyes widened, how could this be possible? This couldn't be possible?

"You are already familiar with the strength of first-level contained objects. How come you are C-level? I have seen some C-level objects before, and they seem to be similar to me."

"C+! I'm C+! You should be C- when you meet someone, and there's a big gap between me and me."

"Ms. Thorns" reminded her emphatically and hummed:

"And if you look at this thing purely in terms of combat effectiveness, the upper and lower ranges are quite large. Some external personnel in the group army who are stronger than me are only D+. At most, they will have some temporary special authorizations of C level or higher, but On the surface, it's certainly not as high as my authority level.

“When you see me, you don’t have to just shout ‘Hello, leader’.

"Comparisons must be made within a system. This is my management scope and capabilities. If we look at it in terms of combat effectiveness, the legion system may be more interested in this."

"Ah this."

Colin scratched his head and felt that in other words, if the "King of Crazy Sound" is released, it seems that he will be a D-class employee?

That's really the strongest D class.

At least for now, this is what losing the earth looks like.

‘The limited positions were so high back then, even the subordinate first-level containment objects could only be assigned to D-level first, and could not be given to high-level ones.’

For a moment, Colin didn't know whether to lament how many volumes the company had back then, or whether he should lament how talented the company was back then.

“However, some special areas under direct jurisdiction require a C+ with temporary B-level work experience downgraded to manage them, and there will be multiple C-level administrators in a galaxy, unlike me in the wilderness, where I am the only one. "

"Oh, I'm not the only one. I had two deputy-level managers at the beginning, who were mainly responsible for handling affairs. However, they were later transferred to the main company, and they haven't been returned to me now."

"Anyway, there are a lot of things to pay attention to here."

"Lady of Thorns" explains some special circumstances.

It’s just that Colin always feels a little unclear, but he is somewhat certain that the C-level should be the backbone of the management.

C+ level ones like "Lady of Thorns" are indeed among the best.

As for combat power, although "Ms. Thorn" said that she is a civilian, she may not be good at fighting.

But the basic numerical value of the level is there, no matter what it is, it won't be bad.

"The things and scope of C-level management are so large, how exaggerated are B and A?" Colin clicked his tongue.

"I don't know. I heard that A-level people are already manipulating some macro-level conceptual things. That is the '0' level field. Anyway, I can't figure it out. If you are curious, wait until I do this. Go out and look for it, see if you can contact some people, and I will talk to you when I have the opportunity."

"Ms. Thorns" said while looking at him and shaking her white feet.

There will be more in a while (end of chapter)

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