Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 505: Coming soon, stop 9!

‘How can this insult someone’s innocence? Why would I use it as firewood if I had nothing to do? It’s a prop after all.’

Colin muttered in his heart, feeling that this "Thorn Lady" was too prejudiced against the "Fire Holder".

Besides, that was what those "fire lovers" did, and it had nothing to do with him.

Those people are those people, he is him, and cannot be generalized.

And so far, he has never burned any props.

The money spent on buying this thing was all real money, and Colin felt that he was not that wasteful.

Then, he took the "Pain Bearing Ring" which was covered with short thorns and had the same style as the "Thorn Lady", looked at it again, and put it on his head according to what the other party said.

The thorns pricked the skin the moment they touched it, causing a slight sting.

‘My scalp, which can carry a large truck, was pierced like this? ’

Colin couldn't help but be surprised.

Then, he was surprised and asked curiously: "By the way, if you put it on your head like this, will it fall off easily?"

This situation is quite easy to happen during high-intensity battles.

"As long as you put the joint on, generally speaking, it won't happen. It won't fall off even if your head falls off."

"Ms. Thorns" sat on a high chair with her arms folded across her chest. Looking at her, she seemed to have thought of something, and a teasing smile appeared at the corner of her mouth:

"Of course, if you are really afraid of falling off, you can also put it around your neck, and then I will give you a 'Lock of Thorns', and then I will hold you like it, hahaha."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but laugh happily a few times, as if she had thought of an interesting scene.

Colin ignored her teasing and asked the little maid to reach out and grab the ring, trying to see what would happen without wanting it to fall.

Then, it was quickly determined that this aspect was indeed similar to what the "Thorn Lady" said.

After currently wearing it, it has been closely connected with himself. If he is not willing, the enemy may not be able to remove it even if his skull is overturned.

In addition, Colin also felt an indescribable lightness in his body at this moment——

All the weight of the body is transferred to the ground at this moment.

It's not the same as standing on the ground.

Colin waved his hand. Normally, he would feel a little resistance from the wind, but this time, although the impact on reality was still there, there was no such resistance.

Everything was moved to the feet.

Seeing the little feet of "Ms. Thorn" swinging back and forth, Colin suddenly wanted to try slippers on the ground.

But after thinking for a moment, he still didn't do it.

“It’s a wonderful feeling.”

Colin couldn't help but muttered that it was unclear how high the grade of this prop would be, but if nothing else happened, it should not have any restrictions and was almost in a state of "prop freedom".

The intensity is still quite high.

And wearing this ring, the body, mind, etc., all of a sudden become particularly "solid".

It's like the loose dumpling fillings are tightly locked in the dumpling wrappers.

Some spiritual energy will not be lost easily.

After a brief try, Colin confirmed that it was indeed a good thing. With "Deadly Insight", he was not afraid of making the first move. And with this thing, even if someone made the first move, it might not have any impact on him.

It suddenly became very "meaty".

"I didn't lie to you, good stuff."

"Ms. Thorn" sounded a little proud, and she was confident in her handmade items. "kindness"

Colin also nodded, and while taking off the things and putting them into the "storage room", he asked, "Then do it have any side effects?"

"There are some. For example, the damage you carry does not disappear completely. You have to find time to slowly erase it. To put it simply, if someone punches you, you can divide the damage of this punch into multiple times at different times. It digests.”

"Of course, you can also choose to let the 'Pain Bearing Ring' resist, but it will destroy the integrity of the item, and if this integrity has not been transformed by a master, only I can repair it, but you can't find it all the time. I"

"So, it depends on whether you want to use it for a long time or carry it once."

"Ms. Thorns" said while thinking: "By the way, this is a new branch. Some functions have not yet grown. You can put some 'colorless crystals' and the like into it later to nourish it. It should have some other abilities in the future." , for example, transferring other people's 'pain', 'injury', etc. onto oneself."

‘My brain is sick, so I transferred other people’s injuries to me. ’

Colin said: "What about transferring it to someone else?"

"It's possible, but you can't do it. These are relatively advanced methods, but if you really want to learn it, it's not impossible."

"Ms. Thorn" clasped her hands in front of her and rubbed them together, showing a wicked smile.

Although Colin felt that it would not be a good thing, he still couldn't help but ask.

"It's very simple. Give up the 'bonfire' and become my successor. If you succeed, those things in your body can also be transferred out."

"never mind."

Colin interrupted decisively and shook his head.

In these chaotic years, he still prefers those who can fight rather than those who are beaten.

Moreover, "Fire Bearer" seems to be constantly being strengthened in this era, so who the hell would choose a version from an ancient and backward era.

"What a pity, sister, I have prepared a gift."

"Ms. Thorns" picked up a strand of hair with her index finger and played with it, with a trace of regret on her face.

Colin was not interested at all in the "gift" proposed by this lady who liked to draw pancakes. Instead of looking at her, he shifted his gaze and looked outside at the car window that was still covered by thick gray fog:

I don’t know how long it will take for this train to reach the ninth station.

After thinking for a while, he asked about "2044" again.

"'2044'? Well, are you talking about the 'ultimate time'? This was some theory circulated by the company at the time."

"Ms. Thorns" said this, paused for a moment, blinked and then changed her tone:

"But if you have time to ask the person behind you about the specific situation, she will let you know when it's time to know."


Colin shook his head sadly.

It can be seen that "Ms. Thorn" must know something, but unfortunately the other party does not know why and is not very willing to tell it.

Without worrying too much about this, Colin continued to chat with the other party while taking advantage of the remaining time.

Get as much knowledge as possible about the company or some enemies

Time also passed little by little during the conversation.

After another six or seven hours, both Colin and "Thorn Lady" felt at the same time that the speed of this train, which was always moving at a constant speed, seemed to have changed slightly.

This means

"The ninth stop is almost here."

Colin looked out the window, which was still covered by thick fog, and whispered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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