Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 517 Keep one more hand!

"I need assistance."

On the phone that Colin was holding, the end of the communication was not a human voice, but an electronic synthesized sound.

He did not block so that although the sound coming out of the phone was very quiet

But the people behind, whose physical senses were far beyond ordinary people, still heard clearly.

Especially the white team leader, his pupils vibrated violently when he heard the information he had compiled with his consciousness on the phone.

He informed his superiors, why was it the other party who answered the call?

For him, this scene was no less than encountering evil forces when going out and secretly calling the police, only to have the robber's cell phone ring.

All that's left is embarrassment.

At the first moment, he couldn't help but think that that extremely powerful friend had been killed?

But he quickly rejected the idea.

He is already the best among the seventh-level official personnel. If he can be described as super strong, he may be a member of the ninth-level personnel. How could such a person be eliminated in seconds without any sound?

So, it's probably an embarrassment

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to know that the call was from him.

"What? You want help?"

Just as he was thinking this, the young man in front suddenly turned his head and looked at him: "What kind of assistance?"

Colin suddenly appeared next to him, put his hand on his shoulder, noticed it, and didn't seem to find anything that needed help?

"There is a certain probability that he misunderstood your purpose of coming." The little maid's reminder sounded in the ears.

It was she who had just intercepted the source of the corresponding phone signal and informed Colin that the person who "needs help" was behind him.

After the little maid finished speaking, Colin saw that the white captain showed an awkward and polite smile, with some panic in his eyes, and wanted to explain the situation.

They are still very afraid of this terrifying existence that can appear unknowingly and suppress the entire audience.

Especially the senior personnel have abnormal personalities, and it is very possible to kill them all just because of this small misunderstanding.

if it is like this.

There will probably only be two reactions from Great Britain. One is to vigorously condemn the other party for using horrific weapons, resulting in the death of its own personnel, and express that it will send high-level extraordinary people to impose sanctions and make the other party pay the price. However, this situation usually occurs in The man in front of me is only at level seven or below.

Second, he died fighting a heretic and had a glorious funeral. Nothing happened to the other party. Everything was fine because he really had a terrifying weapon.

At present, the second possibility is very high. The opponent does have terrifying weapons!

Every person above level eight, including those above level eight, begins to have a certain strategic value in this world.

And no matter which one of the above, he is dead!

When he thought of this, he regretted making the call for help. At the same time, his words trembled a little:

"I, I, I'm sorry."

"Okay, stop talking now, I understand."

Colin waved his hand. He didn't know why the other party seemed so scared for no reason. He was not a bad person.

However, he ignored it and continued to observe.

Outside the small military base in the distance, the heretical believers seemed to be worshiping the octopus head in the posture of the Buddha, shouting words such as "good weather".

Some people around them were smearing the surroundings with bright red blood, creating strange and strange fuao. It seemed that they were setting up a ritual place, so that even from a distance, you could smell some blood.

"It seems that the believers have basically no strength, and they are all ordinary people. However, deeper inside the air-raid shelter next to it, there seem to be some guys whose highest strength is no more than the official sixth level."

Colin jumped up to the canopy of the wetland forest to observe secretly and obtain information.

If nothing else happened, he casually made a fireball and threw it over. Everyone present, including the extraordinary person under the cave, would be burned to death.

However, the mission requirement is to allow them to open the passage and hold the ceremony smoothly.

Otherwise, the express delivery will not be possible.

So much so that before that, when he saw this small white team, he had to come over and stop them to avoid any accidents.

"Speaking of which, do you have anyone else?"

Colin jumped down from the tree crown, landed silently, and casually asked the person next to him.

"Yes, in addition to us, there are several response teams, as well as some armed ships, and a submarine."

"Hey, there are quite a few people."

Colin was surprised. Because he wanted to be secretive, he came to suppress the fire all the time, so that some things were not very clear.

"Do you know anything about this place? Also, what are you going to do here?" He continued to ask. The other party hesitated for a few seconds and finally told the situation.

They had been lurking here for more than half a month, with the purpose of recovering a key item among the various indemnity trophies obtained from a certain country during the war a hundred years ago.

At that time, a warship sank to a nearby island.

Originally, after so many years, they had not considered recycling it. After all, the ship was mainly antiques and the like, and it was probably rotten long ago.

But in recent years, various strange things have revived.

There was something above that attracted their attention.

Having said this, the team leader paused and looked at Colin with some awe.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when he mentioned things like war reparations, he suddenly felt a heavy pressure all over his body, and he felt like he was about to suffocate to death.

But fortunately, this kind of thing only lasted for a moment, like an illusion.

However, this also made him think more carefully about his words and tone, and he did not dare to be a little proud when he just mentioned that period of history.

After all, it was glory before, but now it is a reminder.

Times have changed

"So, what are you looking for?" Colin asked casually.

"The main reason is that there is a special incorporeal containment object in our country that we cannot contain, but part of its cage is here. It was fished out by the uncultured North American barbarians and placed here. We want to put it here." Go back to the cage and see if you can contain that thing."

The team leader stated his purpose of coming this time.


Colin glanced at these guys. It was unclear which country was responsible for that period of history. After all, there were too many "Qing Dynasty" people who rubbed "my Qing Dynasty" on the ground.

But now, I can guess where the team comes from.

Not surprisingly, it should be the island that may have more people than it does now.

At this time, the team leader added: "Originally, the time given by the superiors was quite a lot, but for some reason, starting a few days ago, we were suddenly asked to take action within these two days to bring that item back."

Suddenly asked to speed up? Is it because of me? Colin muttered in his heart.

However, he didn't say it out loud, he just said:

"Looking at it this way, we don't have any conflict. When my operation is over tomorrow, you can see for yourselves if you have a chance to recover that thing. In addition, if you successfully use that item to recover the contained object, you have to give it away. Well, it should be returned. Give us.

"I won't take advantage of you either, so I won't charge you extra.

"Consider it my reward for helping you this time."

"This" the squad leader was stunned. He couldn't make a decision on this kind of thing!

"Can I communicate with the higher ups?"


Colin waved his hand, and after a while, he knew that if nothing unexpected happened to his request, there would be no surprises.

Sure enough, the squad leader nodded in agreement almost a minute later.

As for going back on his word, Colin is not very worried.

If you don't give it to him, just go get it yourself. It's not a big problem. Colin estimates that his strength should be stronger than the C-level civilian personnel in some companies, and even surpasses nearly 99% of the official ninth-level personnel on Earth.

In this case, no one can refuse his reasonable request.

Of course, if that happened, Colin wouldn't mind asking them: "Friend, what makes you disrespect me so much?"

"Now start waiting until the end of my operation tomorrow."

After Colin finished his instructions, the figure disappeared directly, found another area more suitable for observation, and lurked alone.

Time passed very quickly, and at three o'clock in the morning on the next day on the 20th, the atmosphere in the entire abandoned military base was inexplicably heavy.

More and more believers are coming from all directions to worship the "Buddha Statue". One of them, wearing a dark blue cassock, who appears to be an abbot or a great elder, stands at the front, leading the worship. “‘Nanyang Bodhisattva’ bless, ‘Nanyang Bodhisattva’ bless.”

Amid shouts and chants, the atmosphere finally reached its peak at six o'clock the next morning.

The sea surface, which should have been illuminated by the rising sun, was now in complete darkness under the dark clouds.

High in the sky, the clouds became thicker and lowered, giving a feeling of coming towards your face.

"Come out, come out! He is about to come to this world!"

The archbishop's voice was shouting wildly, and thick water mist continued to spread from his body. In the water mist, arcs of lightning flashed out, and strange tentacles sprouted on the surface of the body.

Just the next second after he finished shouting, a thunder exploded.

Immediately afterwards, strong winds suddenly came and heavy rain fell!

Around the island, tornadoes like dragons sucking water appeared hundreds of meters, kilometers, or even kilometers away.

The power of nature is vividly displayed here, as if the end is coming.

Seeing this situation, even Colin had to be vigilant.

This group of believers is indeed weak, but the existence they are trying to call is indeed very strong.

"At least the strength of a Level 1 containment object."

Colin sighed secretly, thinking of some official files. There are more than a dozen harms of this level on the earth. This is only on the surface, and it is not clear behind the scenes.

Excluding "0" level things, the number of high-level containment objects here is more than most other places he has been to.

The problem is that there are some remnants of the "Fire Holder" arrangements over there.

Not here.

However, he didn't think much about it at the moment. Colin shook his head secretly, gathered his thoughts, and focused on the matter at hand - this might really cause a car overturn.

"It's out! It's out! I'm about to understand everything! The future, destiny, everything in the world."

The great elder standing at the front wearing a dark blue cassock shouted.

His body also gradually became deformed under some kind of influence. Countless thick tentacles extended from under his clothes and beat the surrounding air crazily, making lightning-like noises.

"Do you really want to keep waiting? The end of the world is coming!" The team on one side hugged the tree with one hand to prevent themselves from being blown away, while making an electronic call to Colin.

If he hadn't confirmed with his boss several times that this was one of his own, he would have suspected that he was an undercover agent.

"I didn't say anything, just continued to wait."

Colin stood with his hands behind his hands and looked forward.

And it was at this time that he suddenly noticed something. He looked up to the sky and saw the thick dark clouds suddenly split, as if the sky was torn apart.

If he felt something, he directly rose to a height of about a hundred meters in the air, and then looked at the sea area far away from the island. He saw that on the sea area, a vortex with a diameter of several kilometers was slowly forming and expanding rapidly.

The channel is forming little by little!

"Hahaha, Nanyang Great Compassion Bodhisattva," the great elder shouted loudly at the altar, and then seven or eight eyes turned and looked somewhere.

At the same time, Colin felt that a thick line of sight was looking at him. He followed it and found that it was the great elder. He seemed to have been parasitized by some kind of power.

"Do you think you're hiding it well?! I've discovered it a long time ago! Now, it's too late to figure it out!"

The great elder wearing a dark blue cassock laughed wildly and said with a very penetrating voice.

At the altar, the dark-skinned Southeast Asians who worshiped began to grow scales on their bodies, and their life forms transformed.

"We will receive the Bodhisattva's mercy, escape from the pain of flesh and blood, enter the sea, and enjoy eternal life!"

"You don't have to pester us, and we will not come to land again. From now on, we will go to the Great Compassion Palace of the Eternal Deep Sea, serve the Bodhisattva, and we will end our fate with you humans today, and we will have nothing to do with you anymore."

"Donor, please retreat."

The great elder's countless tentacles clasped together and looked at Colin, with countless bloodshot eyes in his dozen or so eyes.

However, Colin did not respond and pursed his lips. If the other party really said this, he actually felt that he could not let him go.

However, Colin, who knows enough about many secrets, knows that the real situation may be different from what they think.

The various inmates who are now being imprisoned by the "Bonfire Company" are willing to say anything as long as they can come out. Colin even suspected that they would not even mind saying that they were pregnant with a "fire bearer" if possible. flesh and blood.

Just look at the "King of Crazy Sound" in this regard.

At the same time, I watched the people below gradually transform into fish-men and change their life forms.

A thought flashed through his mind for a moment, could this thing be considered an ascension of flesh and blood?

"No matter how it ascends, you dare to believe in the blessings of these gods and ghosts"

Colin grunted and ignored the "Nanyang Bodhisattva" great elder. Instead, he hung high in the sky, staring calmly at the huge vortex in front of him in the violent storm.

The channel is in the process of being opened, but it has not yet been completely opened.

He has not started the bonfire for the time being. Using the power of the "Fire Holder" at this time is almost like a light suddenly turning on in the dark night.

prone to accidents

Seeing Colin ignoring him so much, obvious anger flashed across dozens of pairs of eyes of the great elder.

"Since the donor is unwilling to cooperate and listen to advice, then I have no choice but to take action." After saying that, he tightened his muscles and tentacles and shot towards Colin.

Countless thunder and lightning burst out from his body, making him look like a ball of lightning.

However, just when he thought he was about to meet Colin, he suddenly lost consciousness.

There was a bang.

When he came back to his senses, he had fallen onto the altar, with cracks spreading like spider webs all over his body.

"Hold your ceremony honestly, don't force yourself to do it."

Colin muttered, retracted his feet, and did not continue to pursue. But below, the white team leader felt his scalp numb at the sight of the "ball lightning" just now, which was so powerful.

If it were him, he would most likely be killed instantly, but with this guy, it was just a matter of one kick.

It’s just that I can’t think too much about it.

Between heaven and earth, the sound of heavy and rapid breathing suddenly resounded here.


At this moment, Colin no longer hesitated. He took a step above the sky and dived towards the vortex. At the same time, he took out a severed hand from his pocket that burned violently as soon as it was exposed to the air.

Just prepare to throw it towards the vortex.

At this time, a huge and strange tentacle flew from under the vortex at an extremely fast speed. Colin was already prepared and moved his left hand to activate "Time Countercurrent".

The tentacles that were about to touch him began to "retract".

And at this moment, Colin no longer hesitated, poured strength into his severed hand, and plunged into the vortex.


Countless lightning bolts burst out of the vortex and landed on the replica of Rosen's severed hand.

However, it had no impact on it at all.

When it fell into the passage, a terrifying scream was heard. In an instant, all the abnormal weather collapsed without the support of the mysterious attributes.

"This hand is still useful."

Seeing this situation, Colin couldn't help but sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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