Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 544 The beautiful "nurse in red"!

Chapter 544 The beautiful "nurse in red"!

Bang bang bang.

As the mysterious power on the seventh floor collapsed, countless hospital buildings collapsed one after another, and huge landing sounds were heard in the darkness.

This area has been reduced to complete ruins.

"There's no mystery left to see."

Colin raised his right hand and let the flame in his hand radiate as far as possible. Looking at this scene, he was stunned in his heart.

The total time for the three gadgets to appear may only be three to two seconds.

They didn't even take action against this ghost place, but they fell in love with each other as soon as it appeared.

As a result, there was no winner between them

The hospital on this floor was immediately scrapped!

All abnormal things related to the hospital also exploded and died suddenly.

"I don't know what's going on with the hospitals on other floors, but they should be fine, otherwise it should be the collapse of the entire space, not just the collapse of dozens of buildings."

"However, I never thought before that the rules of this hospital can be used in this way. According to the characteristics of this hospital, I just dreamed of a 'bonfire'. Isn't it directly equivalent to getting the secret to clearing the level? No, that's not possible either. "

Colin recalled the feeling at that moment, the power of the "bonfire", even he, a "fire supporter" reserve, felt a little frightened when he recalled it.

Too huge!

At this moment

"嘤" A slight voice came from beside him, interrupting Colin's thoughts.

You can't think about the shame of the "King of Crazy Sound" as a contained object, right?

Most importantly, it’s hard to think of “bonfire” without thinking of other things juxtaposed with it.

The first time may be said to be an accident. Those things may not realize that there are other things besides their own followers who dare to call themselves.

He himself may be fine for a short period of time, but everything around him, including the "Innate Ashed Holy Body" and other things, might have suffered a heavy blow if the "Fire Holder" power had not protected them in advance.

But looking at the reinforced concrete ruins around him, he choked on his words and was once again covered in confusion:

"What's going on? Where is this place? Did I travel through time?"

If the "bonfire" hadn't ignited everything in an instant, the sudden battle in the hospital might not have ended so quickly——

But if it's too big and you can't grasp it, it's not that good.

"Moreover, some of the things that exist in this hospital may not sit still and wait for destruction. There may also be some countermeasures. If they explode all at once, it would be bad. Moreover, using a high position to exist is obviously a self-inflicted fire."

Even reviewing it, during that short period of time, Colin remembered that when the "red moon" was suppressing the "darkness", it was still giving new life to the things around it, as if to create an environment for the coming.

But just after he finished speaking, he heard Brother Shunzi's voice coming from the side:


Colin thought for a moment - "hungry"?

It doesn't seem to work. This thing can easily cause loss of control, but for other things

Thinking of "Fire Holder", he has never seen any "Fire Holder". In this case, even if he makes an association, the effect will not be particularly good.

Can't stand the breakdown? The collapse must continue!

But if they are "called" again this time, then if these two are prepared, they may actually come!

And what this guy is showing is still a clone.

For a while, apart from those three, he couldn't say there was anyone else who was so impressive that he could immediately think of him.

I just remembered that I was still in a scary hospital, and now I suddenly seemed to have traveled to a doomsday wasteland.

Colin has always felt that being big is good.

He followed the sound and saw that the gray saint who had been knocked unconscious by his punch opened his eyes and woke up, his eyes still a little dazed.

Just now the memory came back, Dahui Saint Body remembered that Brother Shunzi punched him suddenly and he fainted. Immediately, he shook his head vigorously and woke up immediately, and was about to ask why he punched him all of a sudden.

Colin took a deep breath.

Everything around him, even the "epilepsy" in his body, was ignited.

"In addition to the 'bonfire', I seem to be thinking of something else that is powerful and won't go out of control, but is equally impressive."

The moment he summoned it, he felt like he couldn't pull it back.

Before the Holy Body could say anything, Colin glanced at him and said, "There was a small accident. The hospital on this floor should have collapsed. There is no danger around now."

A small incident. The corner of the Ashes Holy Body twitched.

The hospital on the first floor collapsed. Can it be called a minor accident? So what is a big accident?

However, judging from Brother Shunzi's expression, the unexpected final result should end with Brother Shunzi's victory, but we don't know what happened during his coma.

Thinking of this, the Holy Body of Dashes suddenly heard Brother Shunzi say:

"Don't wonder about what just happened. Otherwise, if you realize something, I might not even be able to save you."

Hearing this, he immediately held his thoughts.

"By the way, check yourself to see if there is anything wrong inside your body. It's okay for me to observe, but I'm not sure how you feel."

Colin reminded.

To be honest, if he hadn't accumulated enough experience in such incidents, he would have done some emergency protection immediately.

Now I really don’t know if the ashes of the holy body can still lie here peacefully.

"My body has an inexplicable feeling like loose sand, as if it has become independent?" The Holy Body of Ashes felt uncertainly about itself.

"This is normal and will recover slowly."

Colin did not continue, but looked at the "mental madman" who was next to the ashes body.

Because this one was completely stunned, and it was also within the "supporting fire" range, it didn't seem to be a problem.

After a brief inspection to confirm that there were no problems, Colin began to lead the team forward again.

This time, the journey was smooth.

The good news is that because all the abnormal things died suddenly, the two of them just crossed some ruins and quickly found the building where the "morgue" belonged, and found the things required by the mission.

the bad news is

Because all the mysterious power on the entire floor collapsed, even if Colin found a morgue with corpses, burned the mushroom man corpses into air and then lay down in them, he would not be able to jump to the next floor.

"Is the damage so serious?"

Colin crawled out of the low-temperature morgue, pulled out the "mental madman", and then closed the morgue with who knows how many soul rings hanging there.

"It doesn't seem like they jumped to the lower level," another employee said.

"Wait a little longer, wait for it to recover." Colin looked around.

If nothing unexpected happens, the abnormalities at this level will gradually recover after some time.

Sure enough, almost half an hour later, Colin felt that the hospital was recovering from the high-explosive battle just now, and pieces of broken stone began to fly up and reunite.

Seeing this, Colin raised his hand to pop out the sparks, strengthened the firewood pile in front of him, and after ensuring that the coordinate point was stable, he opened the morgue he had just chosen and lay down in it with the "spiritual madman" and the ashes of the holy body. .

This morgue may not only be used to store human corpses that ordinary people know, so it is not small and can easily accommodate seven or eight people. It can even place a mahjong table inside.

Colin only brought one or two people with him, so there was no problem at all. Soon, after lying in it, an indescribable numbness surrounded my whole body.

I kind of want to sleep.

"Don't resist."

After Colin reminded him, he accepted the feeling that came to him.

Not long after, he suddenly fell into a trance, and when he regained consciousness, he found himself in an empty hall.

"Is this the consultation department?"

Colin looked around, then looked down at the glass door at his feet, feeling a little unsure.

The distortion here is very, very severe and everything is disrupted by misalignment.

The original location of the door is now a window that is almost the same as a door, and the real door is right under your feet, on the floor, on the wall, or in various places.

The overall feeling is as if a person's various organs are misplaced, the mouth grows on the belly button, the butt becomes breasts, the breasts become butt, the eyes grow between the buttocks, the anus is moved to the eyes, and the nose becomes Pennsylvania.

Or maybe it's like some very abstract paintings.

All in all a mess.

"Fortunately, I'm pretty normal."

Colin touched himself and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just a bit strange that there is nothing unusual here?

No, it's not that there are no exceptions.

Colin noticed that the originally dark red patches were now lying softly on the ground, as if they were lifeless——

It seems that the previous battle has spread here.

"Looking at this, at least for ten minutes, to put it mildly, where is the LED screen?"

Colin looked at the original position. The LED screen was now crooked, and what was drawn across it was no longer the code, but pieces of transparent glass.

But soon, he saw the contents of the code glowing red on a floor tile.

What was originally unclear is now becoming clear.

"1. If you encounter any problems, please call the doctor immediately. They are trustworthy! He he he he he is trustworthy? Trust."

"2. 'I' am about to escape. Whoever comes to kill me, please, anyone can come and kill me. I am quick. I can't hold on anymore."

"3. Help me, help me, I see you, please, help me."

"Code 1 seems to be broken. The last two, 'me'? Could it be the employee trapped on the 18th floor?"

After taking a look, Colin felt that if he chose one person he knew, it would be that employee.

Of course, it could be someone else.

But no matter what, he didn't use his brain too much.

He now feels that this code is a bit like a "silence" thing behind his back.

Originally, that person might be able to hold on, but if he thinks about it, he might really not be able to hold on.

Colin hasn't fully understood the "faith comes" attribute of this place, so he still has to be careful where he should be careful.

"No wonder my memory needs to be processed. Okay, let's go find that nurse in red and go to the next floor. We shouldn't be far from the final goal, right?" Colin was stunned as soon as he finished speaking.

It seems that except for the unconscious "mental madman", there is no figure of the ashes of the Holy Body around him.

"It wasn't teleported, or was there another accident?"

Colin wasn't sure why, but intuitively speaking, he shouldn't be dead.

Feeling the gradually recovering gloom around him, Colin temporarily ignored the missing old employee. He stretched out his hand to pinch the still unconscious "mental madman" and quickly followed his intuition. Look for the "Red Nurse" on the first floor.

The degree of mutation on the tenth floor, as well as the atmosphere within it, has almost caught up with the level two containment objects.

And it’s an extremely special secondary containment object.

Even if Colin can handle it, it won't be particularly easy.

Taking advantage of the aftermath of the previous three powerful battles, we can figure out the situation here as soon as possible, as soon as possible.

While taking action, he couldn't help but think back to "the man who never surrenders".

I don’t know how this guy did it. He was stuck on the 18th floor for so long.

"It feels like if you jump one or two more floors, you will reach the second level of containment strength. And it is only the twelfth floor. There is still a long way to the eighteenth floor. There must be something there that is at least not inferior to the 'Crazy Sound'." The terror of the king, and even the stuff behind all this, may be as strong as a first-level containment object, no, maybe even higher, reaching a level beyond the first level!”

Thinking of this, Colin couldn't decide whether to lament that the "Never Surrender Man" was lucky or to lament that he was unlucky.

Two or three minutes later, he saw the so-called "nurse in red". This thing was not difficult to find. Her appearance looked similar to that of the National People's Congress, and her figure and appearance were pretty good.

Under the torn red clothes is a slender, tall, fair and fragrant body. Just looking at the back is enough to make some weak-minded people lose control.

But if you look at the face, you will instantly feel calm.

There are several faces on the front of his head, and these faces are constantly protruding outward like worms about to break out of their chrysalis, as if they are about to split apart, sending a chill down the spine.

"The hospital is very dangerous. Please cooperate with me and go to the safe area. Anyone who hears the sound please follow me to the safe area immediately. We will protect all surviving humans."

Several red and fragrant cherry mouths kept opening and closing, spitting out pleasant sounds.

At this time, it seemed to realize something. A dozen beautiful eyes turned and looked at Colin, who was looking at it not far away:

"You are sick, very seriously. Please seek medical treatment with us immediately."

As he spoke, he walked quickly towards Colin.

From a distance of tens of meters, she only took a few steps before suddenly arriving as if she had shrunk to an inch.

"Leveraging the power of rules?"

Colin raised his eyebrows and looked at the dozens of eyes on the nurse's face. He didn't feel any panic in his heart. Instead, he stuffed the "Psychic Madman" in his hand into the other person's arms, then stepped back and directly overclocked and used the "Emblem of Humility". ".

The sense of presence decreases rapidly.

He doesn't need to completely disappear, he just needs to be lower than the "psychomaniac" and less noticeable.

After the "mental madman" was caught, sounds came from some loudspeaker players.

"There is a medical condition in the emergency department of Building 2, please assist."

The next second, Colin saw another group of nurses in red rushing towards the bed pushing the hospital bed at a speed that seemed unpleasant but actually violated the laws of physics. They put the "mental madman" on a stretcher and then rushed to an emergency room.

When Colin was following him all the way, he saw the red light "Under Surgery" turned on.

Without any further hesitation, Colin took out the "Psychic Madman Blood Extract" and pricked the muscles of his left arm.

As the fluid within it is pushed into the muscles.

Colin felt that his body was rapidly beginning to "melt". Before his consciousness dissipated, a question popped up in his mind:

"If I take this injection, I won't become a psychopath, right?"

Then, everything fell into blank silence, and Colin felt as if he had fallen into a rare deep sleep.

However, he didn't sleep long before severe pain woke him up.


Colin groaned in pain, opened his eyes, and found himself lying on a bed with a shadowless lamp above his head—more accurately, an eyeball emitting white light.

But he couldn't care less about this, as his abdomen was now in severe pain, causing him to break out in a cold sweat.

His eyes moved downward, and Colin's pupils vibrated!

I saw a nurse in red with more than a dozen faces, who had just opened his abdomen and opened it mechanically. She put two hands into it. Those two cold hands hugged his intestines, as if Trying to pick it out.

(End of this chapter)

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