Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 546: I came according to the will of "Bonfire".

Chapter 546: I came according to the will of "Bonfire".

"It's the 'Corpse Tyrant', it's over"

Behind the hospital building with its doors and windows sealed by various iron plates, more than a hundred powerful humans looked at this "corpse tyrant" that was six to seven meters tall and made of pieces of flesh and blood, and stood up to them step by step. The attack opens the crack and squeezes in.

There was a look of despair on their faces.

"Corpse Tyrant" is one of the terrifying disaster individuals in this world. Their physical fitness is extremely strong, and it is basically impossible to deal with it with their strength.

Even if they meet on a regular basis, they must find a way to attract a large number of "red nurses", causing them to die from the abnormality, triggering a level three alarm, and allowing the "dean" to appear to resist the recovery.

But now, the existing conditions are not enough to cope with it!

"Why is this happening? Why does the deep world suddenly crack? Why, we usually don't see the 'corpse tyrants' when we go out to search for supplies. Today we met three at once. Are we destined to die in this exploration?"

An explorer of the disaster zone muttered to himself when he saw this.

Not long ago, they encountered the "Corpse Tyrant", and they were lucky enough to make some sacrifices and escape.

During the second encounter, a strong man with a strange origin came to help. Although they cooperated with that strong man to fight to the end, they defeated the "Corpse Tyrant" for the first time.

But not long after, he broke out of various abnormal sieges and encountered another one when he returned to the garrisoned fortress.

The third time

Who else can help them this time?


He looked at the man covered in bandages not far away, with doubts in his eyes. What is the origin of this guy?

Why is it so strong, and the sudden crack in the deep layer this time, could it have something to do with him?

If so. Thinking of this, a trace of hatred came into her eyes.

"Pah!" Before she could get angry, a thick slap hit her on the head.

The billowing energy and blood immediately stopped the "Corpse Tyrant" in its tracks, but in the next second, it stretched out its hands and tore hard, directly tearing open the torrent of energy and blood in front of it, and attacked everyone with its crazy bloodthirsty instinct.

Seeing this scene, the captain knew that the dozen or so people from the three teams would definitely die!

Sure enough, with just one touch, several extraterrestrial explorers had their air armor shattered and their limbs twisted and flew out.

"You are all warriors and I salute you and, of course, myself."

"Captain, me"


In fact, in addition to saving them, the reason for risking one's life to protect the other party was also because this unknown person had an astonishingly stable genome!

They knew what it meant but embraced it.

This is a powerful method that only the strong can truly use!

"Don't take your anger out on others,"


The captain nodded, encouraged him, turned his head and continued:

"Other teams from the 19th onwards must protect him and take him back! We have to figure out what's going on with this guy. Even if we can't figure out the situation, keeping him is still the best option.

"I checked and he has a very, very good genetic sequence and the sisters will love it."

If it were for breeding, it would be much better than snatching it from the crazy person who said "Spiritual Compound"!

By then the possibility of giving birth to an immortal psychosis will be minimized.

Several figures responded.

After saying that, she took out an injection needle, aimed it at her neck and stabbed it hard. The muscles in her body began to become extra tough, and all attributes increased rapidly.

Wisps of energy and blood spurted out from the pores on her skin, converging into armor and other protection, with an astonishing momentum.

I didn’t have time to experience it myself.

"Okay, no need to say more."

Just when the effect broke out, and everyone was preparing for the attack, the "Corpse Tyrant" rushed in with steps that shook the earth!

Several small formations of four to seven soldiers immediately activated the energy and blood in their bodies to form a torrent and rushed towards the "Corpse Tyrant".

A tall, over two-meter-two-meter woman holding a special mace said in a deep voice, "If he hadn't sacrificed his life to help, we would have died long ago."

The woman who was more than two meters tall and was called the captain raised her hand to interrupt her while looking at the "corpse tyrant" who crazily squeezed into the aisle:

"In five or six minutes at most, it will break through all our arrangements and rush in, rushing into the hall.

"As soon as Team No. 17 arrives, all of them will break out with me and lure it away, giving the shelter time to deal with the 'Corpse Tyrant'."

"Everyone, give me the booster shot!"

It's a pity that she secretly touched the man's buttocks, which was so thin and tender that it was so tender.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she was ready to continue taking action, waiting to take over the battle, attracting the "Corpse Tyrant's" desire to attack, and then leaving this place with guidance.

However, as soon as the three words "Come with me" were shouted out, a sudden change occurred!

Pale, orange-red light suddenly erupted in front.

Immediately afterwards, there was a heavy sound of falling to the ground.

After everyone was stunned for a moment, when they came to their senses, they all looked at the "corpse tyrant" who fell to the ground in disbelief.

On its back, a petite and thin figure with blue and white stripes stood there, using incomprehensible strength to trample the "corpse tyrant" under its feet, suppressing it to the ground, unable to move -

"How can it be?!"

Everyone exclaimed.

The captain held his breath and looked at the man. The man had his hands spread out, palms facing up. His left hand held a dazzling and calming white light, and his right hand held a surging orange-red flame.

Staring directly at the white light, distracting thoughts in your mind disappear as if purified

Looking directly at the flame, you just feel that everything inside you begins to become more "full"?

They couldn't think of how to describe this feeling for a while, but they instinctively wanted to get closer, or even touch, but their reason stopped them.

At this moment, even though the opponent looked very petite and thin, and the strength in his hands looked obviously gentle, it was this "gentle" method that made the opponent easily suppress a "corpse tyrant"!

One of the most dangerous things you can see on this level!

"There are actually people in this damn place."

While being watched by others, Colin was also looking at this group of people. He really didn't expect that there were still people living on this level, and it looked like some small societies in the apocalyptic world that he had encountered before.

However, he didn't know anything else. The moment he saw this group of people, Colin knew that there would be a task of relocating personnel soon and he would definitely not be able to escape.

Then he looked at the task progress bar that had reached thirty-nine. Colin thought about how to contact and communicate with this group of people.

From the current point of view, there is nothing special except that they are a little taller women who seem to be gifted with some extraordinary means.

It can be summarized as normal human beings——

At least better than the fish-men, silicon-based crystal men, stone men, and tree men that grew from the fruits of trees that Colin had seen before, as well as some people who did not have human form, but could speak, and were recognized as human beings within the company. Let’s talk.

It's relatively normal.

It's just that we don't know yet what their internal situation is, whether it's good or bad.

But just after the ten seconds between Colin's appearance and the confrontation between the two sides, a weak voice came from the side:

"Shun, Brother Shunzi?"

"Huh?" Colin looked around and unexpectedly discovered that an employee who had been lost before appeared here. However, the other party's condition didn't seem to be very good. He was covered in bandages and severely injured. He was being held in the arms of a strong woman about 2.34 meters tall, like a half-grown child.

It seemed that because he felt his power, he sat up in shock while dying of illness.

"What's going on with you?" Colin frowned, making everyone feel depressed.

Hearing this, the Holy Body of Dashes straightened up with difficulty. When he spoke, he was not sure whether the other person was Brother Shunzi.

Because the body is obviously not the same person, but only the body has changed. Everything else, including the tone of voice and other things, is exactly the same as Brother Shunzi.

But now the other party didn't say anything negative, letting him know that it was indeed Brother Shunzi.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "I'm fine. Brother Shunzi, be careful about that thing under your feet. It... it will explode!"

If it weren't for this reason, although he would be injured, he would not be paralyzed.

"Self-destruction? Don't worry, it's not a big problem."

Colin glanced at the bone spurs stuck in the vest of this Level 3 containment creature. The filthy and foul-smelling black water was continuously injected into the stitched creature's body, causing it great pain.

If Colin hadn't stepped on it now, he would probably be break dancing on the ground in pain.

In the end, he will die suddenly within two minutes.

Colin pursed his lips and said disdainfully: "Even if I become weaker, it doesn't mean that the threat of this thing has become stronger."

As he spoke, he stepped hard and pinned the monster under his feet to the ground.

Whether it is just a level three containment object or a weak one, he can easily solve it with props. He can even put a "Snow Girl" or a three-headed "Smiling Corpse Mountain" to solve it. It won't be a big problem.

The real trouble is that in this ghost place, there is an unknown secondary containment object, and even vaguely, there is something deeper and more dangerous peeping out.

'There must be storage objects above level one in the hospital. '

He hadn't been sure before, but now he was sure of it.

On the other side, after hearing Colin's confident words, the severely injured Dashe Holy Body breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, when Brother Shunzi said he could solve it, he never heard of it failing.

Because of this interruption, the strong women looked at Colin with much less vigilance.

"There seems to be a lot of trouble outside here. I can't stop blocking it now. Where are you going to go next?"

As Colin spoke, he turned around and glanced outside.

There is still a gap behind him. If he hadn't blocked it with a bonfire, there would have been a high probability that a bunch of anomalies would have poured in. Of course, doing so would also make it impossible for the hospital itself to repair itself.

So if you can change places, it’s best to change places.

Hearing this, the leader of a group of tall women hesitated. She originally planned to rush outside, but turned around and found a direction: "Follow me, retreat, and bring the wounded with you."

The current situation is not serious and there is enough time to take everyone away.

Colin nodded and took out an explosive barrel containing three liters of grease and various mixtures from his pocket. He planned to surprise the anomalies who poured in after the flames died down, and then followed the opponent's team to the rear, taking the initiative to stand behind.

Soon, Colin saw that these people quickly walked into the negative level, opened a room, opened the entrance to a secret underground passage, and everyone got in.

“Drilling holes in the ground is a surefire way to never fall behind.”

After Colin waited for everyone to enter, he also followed in. Below was a gray concrete channel that was five meters wide and about eight meters high, a quite huge sewer.

"There are a lot of abnormalities here." Colin sniffed the air and could smell quite a bit of rotten smell.

However, although there were a lot of anomalies, they seemed to have their own way. When passing through some passages, they suddenly penetrated the wall and saw the passages they dug themselves.

After everyone entered, the concrete wall began to repair itself again, making it difficult to detect.

Then, almost ten minutes later, Colin moved to another hospital building, which was also full of strange creatures.

But basically everything is within the scope of solution

Just when Colin thought that they should stop here, the team of hundreds of people continued to move non-stop.

Then he passed through a secret underground passage in a secret room, walked in circles for a long distance, and finally came to a closed underground area.

Here, the human atmosphere suddenly became stronger.

"There should be hundreds or thousands of people. It should have been an area like some kind of warehouse?"

Colin raised his head and looked at the "ceiling" that was about ten meters high and was sewn together with various steel plates, and then looked at the various self-made buildings and rooms under the steel dome.

This place is like a special shelter, or a small society with a dense population.

He admired how these survivors of the "non-existent hospital" could survive in this hellish place and still exist on the twelfth floor.

"Our captain, please come over." A tall woman came over, lowered her head slightly, and said to this fair-skinned, petite man.

"Okay." Colin was not surprised by this situation and followed him.

Passing through a road that looked a bit like self-built houses in a slum, but much cleaner and tidier, many tall women poked their heads out to look at him curiously.

"What did you eat to make you so tall?" Colin looked at the average mature person who can reach about two meters, and there was a lot of curiosity in his heart.

Although this sister is tall and strong, her appearance is surprisingly not bad.

But before he could think about it, in the hall of a converted hospital room, Colin saw the ashes lying on the hospital bed, and a sister who seemed to be almost as tall as him when she sat up, staring at him.

The character I had seen before, who seemed to be a captain, was sitting in the position of the elder sister's deputy.

"Where are you from?" the deputy captain asked.

"I came from the world outside here, with the mission of 'Bonfire', and came in response to the prayers of the weak and innocent people, to liberate and transfer and save the survivors here."

Having done similar work more than once, Colin, who already had a way of talking, spoke directly without thinking.

Although he didn't hear anyone's prayers when he came, and he didn't know that except for some employees who stumbled here, no other survivors really came to save the survivors.

But that didn't stop him from saying that.

After all, given the nature of the company, people would still be pulled away after a while, and no one else would know the actual situation if he said this.

After a pause, he added: "Of course, before that you have to cooperate with me and answer some questions."

(End of this chapter)

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