Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 555 "A Special Mission"

Chapter 555 "A Special Mission"

As Colin's thoughts turned, he directly used this "Special Item Lottery Ticket".


A golden light appeared in his sight.

Colin narrowed his eyes slightly and saw a piece of information about a familiar style of golden prop appearing in front of him.

[Name: "Force·Gravity"]

[Quality: Extremely rare. 】

[Status: Barely usable (17% complete). 】

[Energy level: Class A. 】

[Effect: After holding and activating the effect of this card, it is a magical card that allows you to briefly control the concept of "gravity". The effect range is 10m. Whether this effect is ideal depends on the status of the item and the proficiency of the card holder. 】

[Remarks: One of the seventeen gold cards of the "Kingdom of Gods in Cards", which can achieve a combined effect with other "Power" series. 】

[Status repair conditions are: consume 19 points, repair to %, and the effect intensity will be strengthened. 】

Colin held the newly acquired gold card with a strange expression. These days, the company's internal gold prop draw is not really about these cards, right?

He thought for a while, and it seemed that he would always be lucky if he hit gold so far.

Colin felt inexplicably panicked.

"If 'Gravity' is stuck for two days, you can go to Shana to practice your proficiency. By the way, you can enter the 'Fog Disaster' to see the actual combat."

Not long after, after spending a total of just over 4 points and 17 gold mission certificates, Colin restored its integrity from 49% to %.

Once the company starts giving super-level props, there will definitely be something big to hold back.

"There are no fancy abilities. The core is 'gravity'. Forty-nine percent is enough. The remaining points must be used as much as possible on 'time and stasis'."

“But you’ve given it, you can’t give it back.”

[Innate skill "Strong Polymerization·Celestial Body Creation": Give yourself or an object a super strong gravitational effect to absorb all objects around you to achieve protection or sealing. 】

This gold card only repairs points, which is not something ordinary employees can afford.

However, after repairing to 49%, the diameter of the effect range has expanded to meters, the gravity is much higher than before, and there is an additional "inherent skill".


[Status repair conditions are: consume 72140 points, repair to 59%, effect strength, range, etc. will be further improved. 】

Colin looked at the more than 430,000 points he had left and couldn't help but complain.

Everything within ten meters seemed to be affected.

However, when everything was crowded together, Colin stopped using things.

Then I suddenly noticed something

There are usually second-stage tasks that involve promotion events in the first and second stages, but it doesn’t seem to jump out immediately?

"what happened?"


Colin made a brief judgment, and then suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings outside the window.

Especially considering that the mission just now gave him more than double his expected excess points and a gold customs clearance certificate, as well as his understanding of "Ms. Rabbit"'s mission-distributing habits.

As for the gold card draw, it would not be wrong to say that he was unhappy, but he was no longer the same person as when he first joined the company, and he knew some inside information about the coupon draw.

One thing is clear.

While Colin was experimenting with turtle doves, the passers-by below the corridor seemed unaware of everything.

According to the results, if he wanted to, he could shape a building into a high-density sphere in minutes.

Colin looked at the gold card and began to repair it.

It seemed to be chasing a male pigeon, flapping its wings on a green tree outside the window. When it was about to catch up, Colin made a move with his hand, and a gravitational force was generated. The turtle dove flew directly upside down and fell into his lap. in hand.

Colin raised his eyebrows. He had not noticed this before when he was accepting the results of the task, but now he found that normally, the next major task that should be jumped out did not appear.

[During the interview, Mr. Katu, who did not want to be named, pointed to a celestial body not far away and said: Have you seen the moon in the sky? I just pinched it]

Colin held the gold card, and with consciousness, he reached out and pointed forward. On a shelf a few meters away, a table tennis ball was surrounded by dust, large or small objects, including the shelf itself. They quickly squeezed towards the table tennis ball. go.

[This prop has been loaded into the "storage room", please check it. 】

Colin grabbed the turtle dove that had been eating rice somewhere in the winter, and it had become much fatter. It was struggling in his hand, recalling the feeling of using "gravity" just now, and it was still very powerful to use it.

Thinking about it, Colin threw the turtledove into the air and took out another gold card "Force·Repulsion".

Colin stretched out his hand and pulled the turtle dove back and forth like a yo-yo, using this to quickly get to know Jinka.

"You can choose which things can be adsorbed and which things cannot be adsorbed, but it takes a bit of effort to control, and the size of the object attached to the 'gravity' also determines the effect. The smaller it is, the higher the accuracy of operation, and the larger it is, the simpler it is, but it may be used skillfully The degree is not high enough, resulting in poor results.”

No matter how small it is, it will be difficult to target.

It was the mixed-breed, semi-feral turtle dove that stopped coming because it ate one of its eggs.

After trying for three to five minutes, Colin once again caught the turtle dove in his hand: "If you come to poop on my window from now on, I'll give you extra food."

However, just when I was doubting, the second round of tasks appeared late.

[Promotion Qualification Event 2——]

After grunting, Colin, who was kind-hearted and could not bear to kill, was thrown out by it.

As his thoughts turned around, Colin put it in his pocket with satisfaction and picked up the parchment.

Of course, if the Jinka's condition and accuracy improve, theoretically, Colin can gather stars with just a grain of dust, but now, applying gravity to something the size of a lychee core is the limit of his operation.

In the blink of an eye, the turtle dove flew out, but it screamed and rolled halfway, and was pulled back by "gravity". In several back and forth, Colin tried many different usage scenarios.

"The power of these two gold cards can cancel each other out, and can also be used in various combinations. The proficiency and operating accuracy requirements are quite high. However, the effect of 'gravity' given to objects by 'gravity' does not matter when there is nothing around. Big discount”

"Go and grab it, work hard to earn some points, and after just two or three repairs, nearly one-fifth of them will be gone."

["A special event": This is a special task. What is special about it is that it is very special, both in terms of rewards and content. 】


Colin looked at the task and was stunned. What about this and this?

Moreover, it's not the second phase of the mission, is it a seven-day tour of Happy Farm?

Why is it different from what was promised?

Confused, Colin clicked on the mission details and checked the specific content.

"Task Description": This task has no specific direction. If you complete the event, pass it and obtain sufficient scores, you will obtain C-level company permissions. "Requirement 1": Before the countdown ends at 57:21 on the 29th day, please repair a card-type golden prop with the highest proficiency to the "Prop Liberation" requirement.


"Remarks": The subsequent request has not been completed and is being refreshed, please wait.


Colin frowned and looked at it again with confusion. The mission content required him to repair his own props. To put it another way, the requirements were to allow him to improve his overall strength as quickly as possible.

Colin thought about this for two seconds and felt that the "Seven-day Tour of Happy Farm" was most likely intercepted by "Ms. Rabbit".

Do you think that he is not capable of completing this task now, so let him improve his strength before considering executing it. Or is it for other reasons?

"There is also this mission statement. After completing it, as long as you pass it, you will be directly promoted to C level, and you don't have to wait in line to qualify?"

Colin remembered that completing this mission was only to gain the opportunity to be promoted to C-level.

As for whether I can be promoted to C level.

To be specific, you have to see what the requirements are for promotion and whether there are any pitfalls. If there is no place, you can only queue up and wait slowly. I don’t know when exactly you will wait.

However, a bit of a joke is that there should be holes everywhere in the company now that so many senior executives have died.

Maybe it's because of this that you can be promoted directly after completing it?

“I just don’t know if there will be any other improvement requirements after completing this part of the requirements.”

Colin looked at this note as if he was asking for more than these two.

After thinking for a while, he opened the company's internal communication, entered a small group, and sent a message.

"654321": I have completed the first stage of the "Promotion Qualification Task"

Just after it was sent out, a bunch of people appeared in the group and cheered.

"Life coaches are so cute": Finally, it's finally here! I also completed the "Speed ​​Ten Rings" mission a few days ago, and now I'm waiting for you to participate in the "Happy Farm Seven-Day Tour", Brother Shunzi!

"Only erotic pictures are above all else": Come on, come on, I'm waiting too, just waiting for Brother Shunzi to wave your hand, let's fight to that broken farm together!

"To be happy, you need to be a superman": Pull me and pull me! I shouted 6 thieves, hurry up!

"Carelessly eating porridge with surprise": @654321, Brother Shunzi, wait a minute, I'm still close to getting points for "Item Liberation", wait for me

A bunch of "elite veterans" in the company all showed up. Although they knew that Brother Shunzi was involved in the task, there was a high probability that something like this or that would happen.

But similarly, Brother Shunzi’s clearance rate is guaranteed.

So far, the mortality rate of teaming up with him is "0".

In addition, they have personally experienced Brother Shunzi's fighting power many times, so even if the "Seven-day Tour to Happy Farm" may be dangerous, the employees are still willing to give it a try.

After all, as senior veterans, they have executed many incidents, and they can feel that there is a storm coming in the future.

There was no chance before, and the second stage of D-level promotion was too difficult, so many people just started doing it.

Now I finally have some hope, I definitely have to fight for it.

However, what quickly disappointed them was that Brother Shunzi didn't seem to be on this mission?

Immediately after seeing Brother Shunzi's description, everyone was stunned for a moment. There seemed to be something wrong with the other party's mission.

Repair your own props?

Although there are indeed other C-level qualification tasks besides the farm, they do not include Brother Shunzi——

New genre?

"Judging from this, it should be confirmed that 'Ms. Rabbit' sent it specifically to me."

Colin communicated briefly and closed the chat group.

Then, I opened the task requirements and took a look, and my whole body suddenly felt a headache.

This requirement may not seem difficult at first glance, it’s just a matter of repairing props.

But the problem is.

"Within two months, all orange equipment and gold props have been repaired to a minimum of 69%. If I am not mistaken, a gold card now requires close to 200,000 points to repair, and there must be a repairer in it. Meet 85% of the 'Item Liberation' requirements. Where can I get so many points?"

Colin didn't dare to think carefully about the points requirement, because just thinking about it made his scalp numb.

Currently, he has a total of 4 gold cards in his hand. Except for "Time Stagnation" which is just at "69%", the completeness of all others is at "49%".

In addition to the four gold cards, he also has a golden prop called "Shield of Fairness and Justice".

Although this was rented by Shana, she has no intention of asking for it now. Rounding it up, it is approximately equal to her own.

Plus various other props.

"In other words, I need to earn another one million points in less than two months to be able to fulfill its requirements?"

Colin opened his mouth, what the hell is the difference between this and "making a small goal first" in a short period of time?

If you think about it carefully, it is even more difficult than the "Fifteen Rings Mission" just now!


If you think about it carefully, if you strive for it with all your strength, there is no chance.

"Borrow some from the official, do some more tasks, plus the usual weekly trading rake, and income from task copies. Well, it's still not enough."

Colin estimated that he would not be idle in the future, and would have to take the initiative to take on tasks whenever he had time.

But before that, he sent a message to Mr. Wu:

"Are you there? I have some extra points from the official side. Can I borrow a few? I need them urgently."

"How many?"

"It only takes about one million points."

"How many???"

On the other side of the phone, in a disaster area, Mr. Wu looked at the information on the phone and wondered for a moment whether he was illiterate or hallucinating?

Otherwise, why would I see such outrageous information?

Until Colin sent another message to confirm this, he was silent for a while before responding.

"In the entire Southern Region south of Huainan, there are a total of 249 employees at all levels. The total accumulated points from half a year ago to now is less than three million, and most of them have used to purchase props and make certain improvements. I am afraid that the idle points Less than ."

Mr. Wu did not reply whether to borrow or not, but stated the official situation.

However, in these words, Colin always felt that Mr. Wu seemed to be hinting at him:

Want some face?

"The idle points are less than 100,000? Are the officials so poor?"

Colin held the phone with his right hand and scratched his head with his left hand. After grunting, he continued typing and editing, and continued to borrow points without giving up.

(End of this chapter)

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