Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 573 Promoted to C-level employee!

In just two or three days, the world has been devastated.

In a city that once faced the sea, earthquakes have not stopped until now. The high-rise buildings were torn apart like paper, dust flew up, and the streets were cracked with huge gaps. Countless people tried to struggle while crying, but were eventually killed by the thunder beneath the earth. The general vibration drowned out all sounds.

In the coastal area, tens of thousands of ships of various sizes rested on the dry seabed, broken in the sludge that rose and fell like sea waves.

However, when the celestial fragments glowing red in the dome cut through the atmosphere and sank with force.

A "hole" was suddenly dug out of the cages built by the consciousness of many high-level beings.

Almost at the same time, a will from outside seemed to take advantage of this moment to follow this "hole" and penetrate into the world.

The invisible force stopped the earthquakes, storms, extreme cold and other natural and man-made disasters in this blue-shattered world in a short period of time.

Gray haze breeds in designated locations around the world

Pale, hollow, monotonous flute sounds sounded from all over the world.

"'Train in the Fog'! It's a train! How could it appear?!" In the ruins, an employee covered in blood and transformed into a giant in the fog more than 30 meters high saw this scene and exclaimed loudly.

But in the next second, a special inspiration made him and all the surviving employees understand the reason.

The "Fog Train" arrives in accordance with a contract that has been signed long ago to evacuate ordinary people!
It was at this time that he felt like there was a distinct ringing in his head.

Immediately afterwards, the first global mega-event since joining the company occurred!
[Global event: Try to transfer ordinary lives to the "fog train" as much as possible, and the people on it will be transferred to various safe evacuation points after a considerable period of time. 】

"Remarks": The mission countdown is 11 hours, 59 minutes and 37 seconds.

At the same time, the internal communication network was established in his mind, and the employee immediately accessed it and found that a large number of people had spoken in just a few minutes.

"Brothers, don't ask so many questions first. Move to the train quickly! The battle has just begun. Ordinary people can't bear it!"

"Don't worry about so much for now, save people! Save people!!!"


Looking at the messages one after another, the employee who turned into a fog giant opened himself up and released thousands of people in the shelter that he had protected as much as possible: "Hurry up and get on the train!"

The people who still had frightened faces did not understand the situation, but under this roar, they came back to their senses a little.

Then he rushed towards the train with the door open.

Where the train is, a fully armed staff member with six mechanical arms and two auxiliary mechanical heads walks out of each door.

Some of the six arms waved the indicator lights in their hands to guide people to discover this place; some arms held laser weapons to kill and repel surrounding anomalies; others waved like batons in an orchestra, guiding the dense swarm of drones to attack the enemy. .
"Please come here quickly."

The victims looked at the guide, and for some reason, they naturally felt a sense of trust and rushed quickly on the broken ground. Even if the soles of their feet were stabbed by sharp edges, even if their hands and feet were scratched by gravel, they did not dare to stop.

The small train entrance is their few hope of survival!
"Although I don't know your origins, I can feel that you are employees like us, so they leave it to you."

Employees in the form of fog giants carried dozens of old, weak, women and children who could not run, and came to the front of the train. While putting the people down, they shouted at the armed pick-up person who came down with six arms and three brains.

The light spots on the face of the armed man flashed, seeming to say a message such as "Leave it to me". He waved his hand, and the lights and shadows around him flickered, projecting dozens of three-dimensional light projections.

The strange thing is that these projections can touch reality, and they have begun to help the injured enter the car.

Seeing this, the employee in the form of a mist giant nodded and was about to leave, but a child stopped him: "Big brother who can turn into a giant, where are you going?"

Hearing this, he let out a rough laugh and turned around: "I'm going to be a hero."

After saying that, he left directly.

If I remember correctly, there was an official shelter not far away, less than a few dozen kilometers away.

There are still a lot of ordinary people there who need to be moved.

The armed men watched him leave, raised their hands in salute, and then began their work.

However, not all regional evacuation went so smoothly.

"Help me, take me away, or I will, I will detonate the bomb and everyone will die together."

"Are you unwilling to save me just because I am a heretic?!"

"My dog, my dog ​​is dead and I don't want to live anymore. Don't touch me. I don't want to live anymore."

"Haha, doomsday, it's useless to run anywhere, just give me a good time..."

"I have superpowers! My system has awakened! I am the proud one of heaven, hahaha."

Among the ruins that were far away from the core battlefield and with a low level of disaster, which had only experienced an earthquake of magnitude 8, many employees looked at the chaos in the city in front of them, and some did not know where to start.

The disaster was horrific, but the chaos caused by the millions of survivors in front of us was even more exhausting.

"What should we do? What should we do in this situation? At this time, shouldn't we unite together? Why are there so many trivial things?"

There was a not-so-high-ranking E-class employee who was covered in blood and muttering to himself. While shielding some innocent people, he faced off against a crazy "awakened person".

He thought that all he had to do was save people, but he didn't expect
Man himself can actually be a disaster!
There are heretics, there are those who have been polluted by evil spirits, there are also those who have lost their loved ones and are in despair and grief, and then inexplicably gain extraordinary powers, and there are even some people who were not heretics in the first place, but lost their minds after seeing the "doomsday". Trying to do things that I normally wouldn't dare to do, including raping, killing, and satisfying extreme desires.
Even, just now, some of the old, weak, women and children he rescued actually wanted to sneak up on him from behind and rob him of his props!
The reason is that although they are grateful for his help, they want to master the power of self-preservation.

E-class personnel feel very sad, and even want to laugh inexplicably
Although there are glimmers of humanity here, it is not enough!
Far from enough! !
That is when he was faced with chaos, confused and at a loss.

A sharp and penetrating whistle, like an urgent air defense siren, sounded out of thin air. The moment the sound sounded, the E-class personnel and many on-site personnel couldn't help but think of their usual disaster drills.

Immediately afterwards, as people's thoughts resonated, an indescribable huge thing slowly descended.

The E-class employee raised his head and could vaguely sense that the thing that had suddenly arrived was huge and could not be easily observed with the naked eye. However, in perception, it was everywhere, filling every corner of the ruins of the city.

Only people with strong enough inspiration can feel it through intuition.

At this moment, it seems to be covering the entire city, and countless thin threads extend from the huge body. Each of these fine threads accurately connects a person and connects everyone's heart. .

It was at this moment that an inspiration flashed through him.

"Aggregation of human consciousness?" The E-class employee felt that he had seen it before, but was not sure, but even so, he still read its name.

This thing is discussed within the company to a certain extent, so it is not completely unfamiliar.

In an instant, a powerful "heart" beat sounded.

Countless people who lost their minds and morals suddenly fell to the ground, lost their voices, and were deprived of their lives.

All those who had committed minor crimes were deprived of consciousness and stood there numbly.

"What's going on?" The E-class employee was shocked and confused, but at the same time, he was also inexplicably relieved.

What shocked him was that he saw that there was a thread in his heart, and he could die suddenly in an instant.

What was relieved was that some other relatively normal people were fine and suppressed all their emotions. Under the control of some kind of "big consciousness", they walked numbly towards a foggy area in the distance.

If I'm not mistaken, that's where the train should have appeared.
Just when the E-class employee was lost in thought, he suddenly heard someone speaking next to him:

"It's like what you said, the 'aggregation of human consciousness', was connected to everyone when you signed that voluntary exercise contract."

The E-class personnel turned around and saw a man with black hair, black eyes, and injuries all over his body. He seemed to have just experienced a lot of fighting and was covered in blood.

In his hand, he also held half the head of a terrifying creature with at least a level three containment level.

"I am a member of the 'Great Wall' elite rising stars, Roger," he briefly introduced himself.

But after hearing this explanation, the E-class personnel knew that the official was over.

After Brother Shunzi led the "fornication" with the official, a lot of "Global Occult Alliance" internal personnel such as "The Great Wall", "Golden Dawn", "Future Observatory", "Digital Research Institute", "Numerology Execution Center" and so on The name of power is not unfamiliar internally.

"'Human Consciousness Aggregation' is one of our means to deal with this scenario. After all, it is impossible to rely on human nature itself for everything. Effective management is also necessary. As for me, you"

The man who calls himself the elite rising star of the "Great Wall" raised his finger and nodded his head: "You can verify the authenticity through your internal network."

In the early days, the "aggregation of human consciousness" did not have the "authority" and ability to erase the lives of others, even the lives of evildoers.
But because from the "Several Records of the 'Seventh Box Garden World' About the Doomsday'" file brought by a certain "Bonfire Company" internal senior staff, various records of what happened in it were observed.

Based on the experience provided by these documents, after a period of debate, the countries of the World Government unanimously approved this "authority". Otherwise, a mere collapse of human ethics would cause huge chaos.

Even with this, a lot of troubles still occurred.

Because of the previous riots and the sudden collapse of the "World Barrier", the effect of the "Human Consciousness Aggregation" is now incomplete. It can only exert one-third or even less of the theoretical value, and the effect is still growing with the sky. The falling fragments of the red moon continue to decay.
On the other side, the E-class personnel nodded when they heard the words. After being reminded by the other party, they realized that at some point in their minds, they were actually connected to internal communications that usually only appeared when the team was performing tasks.

Even this communication seems to be directly bound to the parchment?
But without thinking too much, he discovered that many employees above him were already communicating quickly.

"What is that? Official stuff?"

"Yes, this is the United Will, or the 'aggregation of human consciousness'. It is of no use to us or some stronger ones, but it can avoid riots, quickly re-establish order, and facilitate movement. It can also be used to immediately figure out who has survived. "For better rescue," there are employees who understand the situation and repeatedly explain the situation to new users.

"Okay, okay, with it, it's much easier to save people. Damn, there was a stupid dog shouting that something happened to his son. I spent a long time and dug out the dead dog. Then I realized that his son was a dog. , and then said that when I started digging, I made too much noise and killed his dog. He had to save his dead stupid dog Teddy, otherwise he said that he would drag everyone to die together. It was really disgusting to me."

"Colleagues! Be careful of some heretics! Some guys pretend to be officials to perform blood sacrifices. Officials will have a seal on their chests that can be matched with the 'aggregation of human consciousness' to identify themselves. If not, you would rather stay away than not."

"Brothers, please help. There are too many people here."

"Please post a message asking for help and tell me the specific location. Who the hell knows how much help you are asking for?"


Sensing the information in his mind, especially after seeing the last few items, the E-class personnel were startled and quickly looked at the employee who called himself "Great Wall" and noticed that there was a medal on his chest that looked like a work permit, with the words " After receiving the name and related identities of "Rogg", etc., I was somewhat relieved.

However, before he could speak, the elite voice of the "Great Wall" came again:
"Friend, I'm sorry to bother you. Next, you should cover them all the way to the train. After all, there is still a long way to go, and there are many abnormal races invading, and hundreds of people should be no problem for you. The rest of the battle here will be taken over by us."

Before the most terrifying "divine disaster" just now, a large number of abnormal and heretical races had launched attacks. At that time, they could have been blocked, but during the most intense "divine disaster" not long ago.
Terrifying natural disasters continue one after another, and the earth itself seems to be collapsing.

These "ordinary people" are not even qualified to participate. It is only now that everything has calmed down a little, and they have the opportunity to come out again to provide rescue——

Of course, according to some "fate-promoting" masters, this rescue will not last long.
In a day or a few days, there may be another disaster comparable to a "divine disaster".

What we can do now is to race against time to transfer ordinary people, as many as we can send away.
That is to say, while they were talking, there was a faint rumbling movement behind the "Great Wall" elite named Rogge.

With the help of some observation tools, E-class personnel looked around and saw the end of the ruined land. Thousands of steel machines drove their tracks, and under the cover of dense drones, they were heading here.
The muzzle of the cannon flashed one after another and shot out cannonballs.

However, what is really shocking is not this, but behind the huge torrent of steel, a flame giant with a height of more than two hundred meters, which gives people a great shock, is approaching.

It slowly followed the team and walked on the ruined land.

On top of the ghost-like body, there are faces from time to time with their mouths open, spitting out terrifying jets of flames towards unknown enemies in the distance.

In the huge support team, in addition to these things, he also sensed that there were some double "official" Beyonders among them!
Seeing this, the E-class employee nodded, without any doubt or hesitation, and headed towards the nearest train station with the people he could save.

"The mission at this stage is to do our best to cover and rescue people. If we can send the people away according to the previous contract requirements, then send them away. If not, bring them back to the shelter as much as possible. Then, Team 2, follow me to clean up the area. We will Here, stop those heretical races, buy more time for the work in Vault , and meet the next round of enemies."

The elite "Great Wall" personnel said that as a member of the elite new star, he knew some top insider information and knew that there was an upper limit on the number of people the train could transfer. He didn't know the specific number. Maybe it could hold a lot, but no matter how much it was, it would definitely not be able to fit. everyone
Coupled with all kinds of chaos, disasters, and invading races, it is impossible to completely rely on this for survival.

Fortunately, they also have many plans of their own.

While thinking, he looked up at the sky, looking at the terrifying fragments that were getting closer and closer, emitting red light, feeling those things that were about to move, and became deeply aware of them.

The war was far from over. It could even be said that it was just a prologue, not even the beginning. A strong premonition told him that this might be the end of his life.

But so what?

At this time, he seemed to sense something, and withdrew his gaze, then flew up into the air, looked into the distance, and saw a wave of terrifying and filthy creatures attacking from the distance.

As he moved, dust rose into the sky and the earth shook.

On the other side, the mountain-like beings let out terrifying roars and spread out shock waves, tearing the earth apart.
"Attention, everyone! Prepare battle arrangements within ten minutes! We will build a Great Wall here to resist the torrent!"

At the same time, employees are on the internal channel.

"Speaking of which, where is Brother Shunzi? What's going on with Brother Shunzi?! Let's quickly go to Brother Shunzi."

"We can't go. He is at the core of the battlefield of this incident. We met him just now. If Brother Shunzi hadn't resisted all the injuries and used some space props to move us, our part would have been lost."

"Stop talking such nonsense, what's going on with Brother Shunzi now! Hurry up and get support!"

"It's difficult. Do you know what's going on here? The center of the divine war! Thousands of kilometers of ocean have been directly evaporated. Brother, you can't go there, so don't go."

"He was surrounded by powerful beings like 'gods'."

"Damn it, why am I so weak! Why am I so weak? If I were as strong as a first-level containment object, how could it be like this? How could it be like this?"

"If you can't, you must go. I can feel that Brother Shunzi needs us. He needs at least ten D-class employees to be by his side."

"When the train leaves and the transfer operation is over, count me in!" Some employees were unwilling to give up. They seemed to have some kind of perception and wanted to go and help.

However, at this moment, an ID spoke, causing all the voices to stop for a moment.

"654321": Don't come, save people first, don't think about me, move everyone as much as possible, and then leave as soon as you can, and don't look back in a short time.
After sending this message and cutting off their thoughts, Colin wanted to send something else, but found that the message was interrupted.

"Ahem, the seal is really dead."

Colin covered the bloody hole in his chest and coughed twice.

At this moment, when he was surrounded again and faced despair, he used the "Shield of Fairness and Justice" to apply for a duel against the little maid and regained some living space.
We are currently in a "dueling arena" and it is difficult for outsiders to intervene.

However, in less than nine hours at most, this "duelling arena" will be broken up. Although it is surrounded by phantoms of the will of the gods, which are far from the real body, plus some restrictions, the whole thing is just like the other side. It's like pinching an ant in a balloon with a balloon, you don't have to use all your strength.

But the quantity was too large for him to resist, and even this prop would have to be scrapped by then.

At this time, Colin, who was lying in the arms of the little maid, repairing himself as much as possible, suddenly felt something, and took out the parchment from his pocket.
I saw that the parchment that originally seemed to have a "poor signal" due to the blockade of the will of the "gods" finally recovered at this moment!

The original "A Special Mission" event has been completed!

This also means
[Congratulations, you have been approved for C-level promotion! 】

[Your company authority level will be adjusted from "D" to "C", and your company authority will be changed. The following are the basic authority changes——]

["Storage Room": 10m → 100m+10m (10m is specially approved for outstanding talents: it can hold life). 】

["Talent Qualification": 2+1→3+1. 】

["Trading Ground-Mall": Purchased items have been added, please open the "Mall" to check for details. 】

[The "Office Containment Unit" function is opened for you. You can load some qualified containment objects into it for further control, research, characteristic extraction, etc. 】

[Your various permissions will be adjusted, please learn the details step by step]


Colin was excited, knowing that it was probably the physical fragments of the "Red Moon" that had penetrated the will barrier of the gods, so the information could be refreshed!
And defeat the rat people's conspiracy, stop the red moon, and prevent a planet-level catastrophic event from happening.
This allowed him to obtain this C-level qualification!
"The storage room has been expanded ten times, which is not bad. The talent level. Although this additional talent is stronger, there is no time to find talents now. As for the mall, there are not many refreshes, which is not very practical. As for this office, for the time being, It’s no use.”

The functional changes here are not special to him.
When Colin looked at the bottom of the parchment, what he really cared about was this: his authority had been increased!
"From now on, I finally have the ability to release the first-level containment object 'Love Paradise' to help. Well, the 'King of Crazy Sound' can also be released."

"No, my spiritual perception tells me that the 'King of Crazy Sound' is too far away and may not be released. I have to go there in person, but I'm afraid I won't be able to go. Those things won't allow it."

Colin frowned. There was only one Level 1 containment object to help, so the situation was still not optimistic.

However, he didn't fully expect this.

Now, for him, the real trump card is...
As a serious "C"-level employee who prefers war department-related matters, he is now finally qualified to officially apply for the use of "Hunger"!
Yes, one of the real secrets of the original "Bonfire Special Containment Company" is "0-09 'Hungry'"!
Although the use is limited, it also means that he finally has the ability to compete with those high-level beings!
"However, there is a time limit. Within a month, it can only be used for a maximum of one hour. I may be able to extend it a little more, up to three hours."

"But the key problem is the negative effect. Although this negative effect is not fatal, I have already stacked too many things on my body. If they break out together, problems may occur. You have to use it at the right time, or even if you can't use it, don't use it."

"No, it's impossible not to use it. After all, those things should also make a final counterattack, but as long as they can survive it, they will have to be temporarily forced to withdraw when the 'Red Moon' fragments drop a little further. By then, It will take a long time to rest.”

Colin took a deep breath. His biggest problem now is that he is full of negative effects.

"There is still a sense of being at the end of the rope."

Colin sighed, stopped worrying, and took out the "C-level genetic compensation potion (injection type)" obtained from the last mission.

Looking at the injection, after confirming that it could be used, he directly aimed it at his arm and injected it without any hesitation.
In an instant, Colin trembled, not because he felt pain, but because the various negative effects on his body were suddenly alleviated and relieved a lot as his body was "optimized".

But unfortunately, this medicine only has one injection.
Moreover, even if there is a second one, it cannot be used now.

Because the purchase conditions for the second one are not high, it can be solved by adding points and vouchers. Although it is very expensive, at least it can be solved.
However, the conditions for using it after purchase are quite stringent, and a large number of requirements must be met:

You need to use the "Tianli Type 3 Computing Core" that you have never heard of to optimize yourself, you need "ten percent of the compressed energy generated by the incineration of level one containment objects", you need to have a formal job position and other conditions.

There are more than thirty requirements in total, and he currently only meets less than one third.
In a short period of time, there is a high probability that they will not be able to collect them all.

"As expected of a limited position, it's not like before where you could get one injection and do two tasks."

Colin sighed, and then his mind suddenly relaxed a little, and suddenly, a wisp of negative effects took advantage of it.

Immediately, his eyes were in a daze.

The "time cognitive disorder" that hit him made time seem to be stretched out as long as several years. When he came back to his senses, he felt a strong sense of trance, then shook his head hard, his eyes widened, and he was horrified. The ground opened his mouth and said:

"How long has it been!"

"Three seconds have not passed." the little maid said soothingly.

"Huhu, it was so dangerous. It scared me to death. I thought it had been seven or eight years." Colin breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he shook his head vigorously, then hesitated for half a second, and began to carefully sense his physical condition - before, he had never dared to look at the superposition of negative conditions inside his body, just like someone who was old and did not dare to have a physical examination if his family was not rich. Same as middle-aged men.

Immediately afterwards, Colin's heart palpitating discovery
Even after being injected with medicine, he is now almost in a state of "returning to the light".

Now he didn't die suddenly and fainted, he just relied on his breath to hold on.

"There is a high probability that after the fight, I will be overwhelmed by injuries and negative effects."

As Colin murmured to himself, Meng Bu Lu discovered that a new event had occurred!
[Special event: "Find the recognized sea and enter it, relieve your own injuries, and guide "sea water" into the world."]

"Find the ocean?"

Seeing this request, Colin suddenly felt a sudden realization. No wonder a high-ranking being evaporated into the sea inexplicably before. It turned out that he might have predicted this a long time ago.
He was not surprised by this. After all, there were so many of them that there was a high probability that they would have the ability to predict first-level contained objects.

However, judging from the meaning of the mission, after finding Haiyang, he can guarantee to recover from his injuries?
"The sea should still exist, but it is far away and there is no way to break through. We should first ensure our own survival as much as possible, and then wait until the 'Red Moon' fragments fall to the ground and the blockade is completely broken before we start taking action. "

Colin prepared to take two steps.

The first step is to survive.

The second step is to wait for the red moon to completely break the will blockade of the gods before looking for the ocean.

Otherwise, now that he is heavily armed, even if he can use a small part of his "hungry" power, he will most likely die.

"'Hungry' is currently in a fasting state. Let's see if we can get something to activate it in a while. Otherwise, even if it is used in its current state, it won't be able to exert much real power. First, we need to buy some items and feed it directly to restore some of it. Strength first.”

"By the way, can the golden props be eaten?"

Colin suddenly thought, but soon, strong spiritual knowledge came back -

I can eat it, but I will only suffer from indigestion.

Today's "Hungry" can only quickly use "Purple" level items in terms of props.

And it has to be detonated first before it can "eat" it. Even so, due to the characteristics of the prop itself, it will still suffer from indigestion if it eats a few more, and its hunger will prevent it from eating anything related to the Bonfire Company.
“Damn it, how long has it been and you’re still picky about food!”

Colin cursed lowly.

Of course, if it could be completely liberated, it would eat anything.

Including the user Colin!
Shaking his head, without thinking much, he took out the parchment and prepared to buy something.

Unfortunately, although the mission can be completed, it is now severely blocked, the signal is a bit unreachable, and things are not refreshed.
Finally, after a while, the "signal" was connected again.

Colin took a look at the auction house. There were only scattered pieces of equipment that were about to be broken or ordinary. There was no green color at all. The quantity was smaller than usual, but he didn't dislike it and bought them all.

As a C-level personnel and a "Fire Bearer" reserve, you can ignore some restrictions and stock up.

After thinking about it for a while, Colin opened the chat channel again, planning to find someone to ask for some help.

It turned out that although the message sending speed was fast, it was much sparser than before.

It is obvious that the casualties are increasing rapidly
"Is anyone selling high-end props? I need some supplies. Feel free to add points to the shelves. If it's not too exaggerated, I'll take them all." Colin's message was quickly sent.

After it was sent out, the originally sparse information surged again.
"That's great! Brother Shunzi, you suddenly lost your voice for two hours. I thought you were gone, wuwuwu."

"What do you want, Brother Shunzi? I'll deliver it right away."

"Me too, I'm on the train here, there's no need to fight next."


For a while, the employees were very excited to see Brother Shunzi speaking out again. During this period, in addition to his strong posture, Colin also had some vague spiritual symbolism.

After working with them for so long, even in their most desperate moments, they can expect a bonfire to fall from the sky.

Looking forward to that figure riding the flames to save everyone again!

At this moment, after Colin appeared again and asked for some help, the originally empty auction house suddenly became filled with many more props.

And on the company's internal channel.
"Hymn of Loyalty": Brother Shunzi, and brothers, come on, I have sent everything, you can take it yourself if you need it
"Baizhi is so cute": I've given you everything, so what do you do?
"Hymn of Loyalty": Me.
The message didn't seem to be finished before it suddenly turned dark.

"Fol Mushroom": I can't hold on any longer. You can take it. I'll be satisfied if you have the chance to collect a corpse for me.
"Poseidon Mingyue": I'm dying too. If you have a chance to collect my body, remember to bring a shovel. I'm about to be beaten into a pulp. I donated the props.
"Double Face": Hurry up and apply for the event mission of 'The Non-Existent Hospital'. If you pass, you can hide here! It's safe here for now.
"Brother Xun of the Bard": If you don't go, there are dozens of survivors behind me, including my family. What will they do if I leave?
"The wind blows again in the small building last night": Brother Shunzi, come on, I'm offline. I still have some victims. If I have a chance, I can save them all. Goodbye, all the props are put up. This time, no money is required.
"Only sex pictures are above all else": What? It turns out that there are quite a lot of people wearing purple clothes. I usually don't see any of them, so I thought they were all gone. Come on, come on, I'll give you a lot of insights. Come on, orange clothes. Come on! ! ! Okay, it’s installed, offline, and working well. This is my final gift.
"莣咒咒①勼勼⑦": @ Only the color picture is above everything else, what's wrong! What's offline, hold on! I'm going to save you. I just finished sending a group of people away. I remember that you are not far from me.
"Stop coming, there is a ruthless person here, and I only have half my head left."

After saying that, the name "Only Sex Pictures Above All" suddenly turned gray.

Colin looked at this scene blankly, his eyes a little moist. He did not expect that his request this time would actually have such an effect.

Purple props that were once expensive and hard to find are increasingly appearing on auction houses.

Many of them are orange props that were once priceless and rarely seen by people.
In fact, people have never seen ultra-rare golden props other than him!
And their selling price is usually "0".
Among the many aid gifts, some came from those who evacuated, but compared to this, many more gifts came from the last remnants of the sacrificed employees.

However, when this gift was obtained, it also meant to a certain extent that they, who had left the battlefield, returned here in another way and participated in the battle again.

At this time, Colin saw that some people were attacking him.
"The life mentor is so cute": Brother Shunzi, by the way, Brother Shunzi, the advent mission is about to start, you can go there first, we will be fine if something happens, but you can't, you can't die here like this.
"Walking on the waves in search of pigs": Yes, yes, yes! How come I forgot about the Advent project?
"Arsonist·Taotie": Let's retreat first and go to World No. 4 or 13, leaving the green hills without worrying about running out of firewood. Don't forget, there is a Little Mermaid Princess waiting for you in World No. 4.

"Miss Neelu's Dog": Yes! There is also World No. 13, Xiaohong, Saint, and those followers. They are also Brother Shunzi. You are the hope of the whole village! Let’s hold on here first! you go first! Come back later to avenge everyone!
Seeing this, Colin was rarely moved.

"I can't go. Those guys are staring at me. If they don't stare at me, they will go to you. No one has to leave, so you can go if you have a chance. Once you go, don't come back. After denying it three times, , I will stay there for a long time, don’t worry, I have accepted everyone’s gifts and will not die so easily.”

Colin sighed in response.

Being in the center of this vortex, he deeply understood that that thing would not let him go.

Even if you go to "World Number-13", you will chase the "divine disaster" here and the scale and intensity of the divine disaster in Shana's world are not at the same level at all!

Over there, everyone is exerting force through the coffin board, just press them to death, but here, half of their feet are sticking out of the coffin board!
The intensity is completely different!
As for "Ms. Rabbit," Colin doesn't have much hope. According to the mouse man, "Ms. Rabbit" may be facing quite a lot of trouble at this moment.

It's hard for her to get away.
Everything can only be left to himself.

Looking at some of the people's words, Colin couldn't help but think of the Little Mermaid, Xiao Hong, and Shana, who couldn't come either.

Even if it comes, it can only be a relatively weak clone.
The only thing that can really be used is the main body, but in a sense, Shana is "outside the wall" and it is difficult to reach through the main body.

However, in this situation now, even if it comes, it will die.
'That's good news. '

Colin sighed inexplicably. For the Saint, he was glad that he could not say anything, but also regretted that he did not express his thoughts to the other party.

But now, there is no time to think more about related things.

"I'm not dead yet. When I finally die, I'll think about this again at that moment when I look back. I hope I can have some time to go around before I die."

Colin adjusted his mentality.

Then, he gathered his thoughts and looked at the props he had received.

He obtained a total of ten purple items, but did not receive any orange equipment, because at present, he could only use overload to detonate the purple equipment - a pure purple equipment would be difficult to use against a first-level containment object.

But feeding the hungry is different!
However, at this moment, looking at these items in his hands and thinking of the notes he saw when receiving them, Colin couldn't help but remain silent.

"Spiritual Imprint of the Sage": Come on, no matter who you are, I hope it can help you.
"The Demon Lord's Magic Cloak": This, this is just for your use! Just keep me alive and give me this prop back one day! Give it back to me with your own hands!
"Killer Glove": Don't let my props have soul rings! That would be worthless! We must persist, Brother Shunzi, I believe we can win.
"Snapshot·Thunder": Friends, don't give up!

"Power Glove": Hey, man, come on, help me get revenge
"The Script of Death": Colleagues! The time has come to sacrifice for humanity! ! !
Colin closed his eyes, rubbed his wet eyelids, took a deep breath, his eyes became firm again, and his pupils blazed:

"Don't worry, I won't fall here easily. I will try my best to survive and change the situation here. Become the 'Brother Shunzi' you expect!"

So many people put gifts into his hands at the cost of their lives, how could he lose! ?

"'Hungry'. I hope you won't let me down soon!"

Colin murmured to himself as he sensed the authority he had obtained.

based on feedback
He will be able to mobilize 0.3% of the total substantial part of "hunger" as the next combat power! .
(End of this chapter)

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