Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 607 Chapter 603 "Bonfire Shelter Company" .

Chapter 607 Chapter "Bonfire Shelter Company" (Completed).

"Great! Great!!!"

After hearing this news, the "King of Kuangyin" almost burst into tears. After eating so much "big cake", he finally got to eat the real big cake!
Along the way, he really put everything into it.

The whole world seemed to be shaking with his wild laughter. It was not until Colin reminded him to "shut up" that he stopped laughing.

Then, there is the processing of some "neutral" entities that "submit".
This group is the majority of the current "returners", accounting for about half.

There was nothing to say. Colin promised to improve the situation in their shelter, and then let them continue to wear shackles in the holding unit and contribute their share to the company.

Although it is unlikely to be released in the short term, at least there is a chance, and the status is equivalent to the "King of Crazy Sound" who showed his loyalty for the first time.

Regarding them, in short, Colin mainly intends to observe and observe first.
Then, there are those who say they are neutral but it doesn’t count, and they say they are innocent but it doesn’t count. They are more or less crimes and there are some mistakes.

Even if they did not do so subjectively, they still hurt some people and affected some things, but the severity of the harm was not high.

There are five or six in this part, and Colin said that he wanted to transform them with "first fire" and inject "humanity" with a good side into them.

a hundred years?

"The problem is not big. There are still many high-level containment objects to be solved in many high-end containment units. Now it's time to come to the door one by one to settle the accounts."

Because when "humanity" is enriched and all values ​​​​are no different from normal humans, "First Fire" will not make them feel particularly similar.

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

When setting the punishment, Colin was already prepared that some of these guys might raise objections or even fall out.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Colin looked at the people in front of him and spoke slowly:
"Next, within seven days, I demand that all external forces on the earth be eliminated, not to say 100%, but at least 99%."

They must be roasted by the "first fire" for eight hours every day. During this period, the roasting time may be unconditionally increased every day depending on the situation. The maximum additional time will not exceed sixteen hours and last for at least a hundred years——

In the flames that lit up the world, Colin spoke to these beings about his request.

The moment one of the units in the Kingdom of God was opened, the aura of terror quickly spread to the entire "Numbered World-13".

"The First Legion of 'First Fire' will participate in the operation, and you need to fully cooperate."

If Colin remembered correctly, the working life is three thousand years, without rest. Although it will try to avoid its death during the "working" period, this is not guaranteed.
Of course, one hundred years is just a "punishment time" now, and the length of the work contract has not yet been determined.

Colin has a feeling that just by relying on them, he might be able to directly create "inflation".

Although the unmanned army in the first legion of the "First Fire" Army Group is approaching.

None of them require extreme treatment. After all, they are not stupid, and there is no big problem in the ones that can be cast.

At that time, you can refer to the experience of "predecessors".

After that, Colin didn't waste any time and directly asked the "King of Crazy Sound" to hold a faint aura of "First Fire" to visit the "Housing Kingdom" and then obtained permission to leave.

As for a hundred years, it is not a problem for higher-level beings. After all, no matter how you look at it, there is at least a head start. As long as there are no accidents, life will be as long as eternity.
One hundred years passed by gritting one's teeth.

But the forces that arrived first were not many. In this case, if you want to pay a smaller price and save more humans, the assistance of the demons and monsters in front of you is obviously indispensable.

"'God descends'?!"

At this moment, both mortals and extraordinary people felt that the air under their feet and around them was trembling slightly.

However, although there are more points, the number of "points" that need to be used to start and maintain things left behind by many companies is also a very exaggerated number.

Colin thought of the contract that had been drafted by the "King of Crazy Sound". At that time, the "King of Crazy Sound" was in a somewhat similar situation to this group, and there was no "malice" subjectively.

As for being instilled with "humanity" or something like that?
The cosmic environment itself has been changed, and their thinking has been biased in this direction for a long time. Otherwise, they might not be able to keep up with the version, so they don't feel there is a big problem.

'But speaking of it, I urgently need the power that I can use now, and I don't have the conditions to dismantle them for research.'

If we just rely on the money burned from these contained objects, it seems to be a bit stretched compared to the expenditure.

"Don't worry! I promise to complete the mission!" The "King of Crazy Sound" and other beings immediately made guarantees.

According to the past situation, in this case, they will basically send it to some research institutes to be violently dismantled and cooperate with various experiments. It is normal to have a piece here and a piece there.
Moreover, there is no way to escape the fate of being "roasted", and these types of contracts start from three to five hundred years.

Colin pursed his lips, feeling ready to take the next step.

Although Colin's authority is still C-level, it is enough for some general approvals.
"Ah, I finally came out~~~!"

But unexpectedly, not only did each of them show no such signs, they even seemed to be relieved.
Immediately afterwards, in the "First Fire", some "inspiration" came vaguely, and through this "inspiration" Colin understood the reason.

These are the three categories that currently need approval.

Those with problems know that they have no way out and cannot come and surrender.

'Ah, this is my first time as a 'fire supporter' and I don't really understand the sentencing standards.'

'Moreover, the integrity of each of these 'contained objects' is quite high. With their cooperation, if they can be burned sustainably, you can gain a few thousand points in one hour. Tsk, in one day, one can be burned. Provide one hundred and eighty thousand'

Unless it is directly used as firewood.
But obviously, these people who are on their own side can't burn it so vigorously.

But it did break the protection of the "numbered world" and cause some disasters.

In a factory, some people stood up nervously and looked around, their faces a little pale. But at this moment, another person who was walking in, the "Light" bishop and factory manager, suddenly realized something and was shocked:

So what difference does it make to them?
"Level 1 Contained Objects" most of them don't particularly care about what can be accomplished within a limited time limit, as long as the time is not particularly exaggerated and long. What they are more afraid of is the situation with no end in sight.

No, that’s not right, it’s not the kind of “divine descent” that comes through containers, possessions, etc. as commonly understood, but the “divine descent” in the true sense!
After hundreds of years, some terrifying superior existence has truly arrived!

"What happened? What happened? Is the earth angry?"

Regardless of whether this universe is as long as a hundred years or not, the content must be finalized first!
Although the "initial fire" burning must be very painful, it is not a big problem. It is painful at first and then becomes more comfortable.

For a time, a large number of people fell into panic.

In high-level meetings in some countries, some people looked frightened and expressed their certainty.
乆: "It must be the 'good deeds' done by those foreigners!"

In addition, there are also a small number of people, such as some remaining company staff who have taken refuge in this world, who are not unfamiliar with the "King of Crazy Sound". At this moment, after witnessing the appearance of the "King of Crazy Sound", I vaguely understood something.

"Brother Shunzi, did you say that?" Some of them had surprise on their faces.

The news of Brother Shunzi's reappearance is known to many people on earth, but the time is too short and the news has not been transmitted back.

"How's big brother?!" Xiaohong, who was a little taller and already a little girl, ran over quickly.

A cold bloody aura surrounds this place, forming patches of abnormal red ice crystals.
One employee had some heart palpitations. The red ice around him would cause his body to collapse genetically if he was touched by it.
Noticing her gaffe, Xiaohong quickly controlled her emotions, apologized, and asked again.

"I'm not sure yet. I won't know until I contact the 'King of Kuangyin'. But looking at it now, it should be developing in a good place. Brother Shunzi should be alive."

After she finished speaking, before Xiao Hong could react, she suddenly heard words coming to her ears.

"The great executor of the supreme will of the 'First Fire', the sacred and inviolable leader of the company, and the distinguished agent, Mr. Colin, has successfully embraced the flame and become a 'fire supporter'."

The "King of Crazy Sound" declared to the world and reached the ears of everyone including Xiaohong, company personnel, and "Bonfire Church" believers.

"Big brother is still alive, it's great!" Xiaohong said with red eyes, and then she couldn't help crying.

In other places, shouts of surprise also sounded at the same time.
Most of them didn't understand what the "King of Crazy Sound" meant specifically, but they all vaguely felt that everything was good for "Bonfire", and this wave was a major good!
Immediately afterwards, not long after, the shock that affected almost half of the world receded.
Under the gaze of the war machines of the "Radiant Angels", the "King of Crazy Sound" awkwardly took back his power, and then prepared to go to the earth.

Continue to work hard for the boss there in person, instead of just being a "descending body".
Feeling that the other party was about to leave, Xiaohong's eyes flashed with blood and asked:
"Can I go find big brother together?"

After years of hard work, she has been able to control her own power to a certain extent.
In a certain instinct, the "King of Crazy Sound" gave up the idea of ​​peeking into the blood-red essence. For the person who asked him questions, he originally planned to deal with it and leave directly.

But thinking about it, I seem to remember that this person seemed to be someone close to the boss, and his patience was strengthened.


Colin was sitting in a train, preparing to go to a small closed world also located on the earth. From there, he planned to operate on a certain high-level containment object.

At this moment, he has inherited a series of large and small permissions from "Ms. Rabbit", including "Fog Train", "Zoo Army" and so on.

'This train is quite convenient. It can travel through most places within the 'wall', especially in the solar system. It is almost unimpeded.'

'As long as the stop point has a certain degree of closure and there is clearly an abnormality, well, 'Bonfire' can also directly replace the abnormality. At present, the reason why the train stops at an abnormal place may be because of some of its uses. unique characteristics.'

Colin looked at the train, knowledge about it rushing through his mind.

This is a composite prop that is very well-known in the company. It is unclear who made it. Anyway, there is a high probability that there is more than one person, and a large number of top manufacturers from the company may be involved.

Level is regarded as a "golden prop" that transcends general understanding of meaning, and it is also extremely special in itself.

Its orbit extends far beyond the Earth's vicinity.
The scope of the company's involvement was as far as the places it went, and there were a variety of different types of carriages to carry different types of "human beings" and undertake different tasks, etc.

'If it weren't for the lack of character, I feel like I'm almost touching the '0' level.'

'But speaking of it, these 'dark shadows'.'

Colin glanced at the dark humanoid shadows trembling under the "first fire".

Now that there is "First Fire", these things are no longer needed. Those powerful first-level containment objects also dare not peek directly into the essence of "First Fire" through the special windows of the train.

If the "First Fire" didn't come, something would happen, and it might disappear out of thin air and be swallowed up by some unknown and huge flame.
Now the "First Fire" has arrived.
This is even more of a death-seeking act, and he will definitely be swallowed directly into a flame.

You must know that due to some kind of "resonance", the "first fire" that Colin saw in the darkness may only be a small ball, but in the real material world, its projection is in a special dimension, so it can be .The big one has no edges.

But in the end, Colin didn't plan to deal with it for the time being - if it was running normally, let it continue to run like this.

Otherwise, God knows if there will be any incompatibility problems if the "Black Shadow" is removed rashly and replaced with "First Fire".

"However, if possible, we have to look for an opportunity. Find a fallen world, use 'First Fire' to release an 'Extermination Order', and set off some fireworks."

"In my entire life, I have never seen how the 'Extermination Order' is used."

Colin couldn't help but mutter under his breath.

"What are you talking about?" Shana, who was next to her, turned her head and looked over.

"It's about the 'Extermination Order'." Colin didn't hide anything and simply talked about his curiosity.

Shana couldn't laugh or cry when she heard these words, but she still got closer to Colin, biting his ear, and whispered in his ear not to indulge this power.

"Don't worry, there is a 'Bonfire Agreement', and nothing will happen."

Colin waved his hand.

Nowadays, his power is high not only because the "initial fire" is indeed very powerful, but also because there is "no one on his head". Therefore, it does not mean that the agreement can be violated randomly.
Of course, even if he could ignore the risks, he couldn't.

After all, the essence of the current "First Fire" is the "good side of human nature". If he really messes up, it is equivalent to denying himself, which is no different from committing suicide.

After a pause, Colin approached Shana and said in a voice that only she could hear: "But speaking of indulgence, we can indulge elsewhere."

"Huh?" Shana was puzzled for the first time, but after noticing the way Colin looked at her, she immediately reacted and nudged Colin with her elbow angrily.

Then, she sat next to Colin and asked curiously, without continuing the bad topic: "By the way, where are we going now?"

Colin didn't know what he had thought of before, but he suddenly pulled the "descended bodies" of multiple upper-level containment objects and summoned a train to come up with her. He didn't tell her where she was going or what she was going to do. .

"this one"

Colin reached out and smoothed Shana's pale blond hair on her forehead, combing it next to her ears:

"I'll give you a surprise later."


Shana tilted her head, smiled and said with a hint of expectation: "Then I will look forward to your surprise first."

Not long after, when the train began to slow down, the scene outside the window gradually unfolded in the thick fog.
This is a strange broken space, like some kind of desolate and dilapidated ruins, but from these ruins, there flows an extremely rich and peaceful pale light.

Although it looks like some kind of heaven on earth, in fact, ordinary mortals, and even extraordinary people, cannot set foot in this realm. Almost as long as you go down, you will die.

However, Colin's group of people are obviously different.

When the train stopped and opened the door, a group of humanoid beings exuding a terrifying aura walked out one after another, ignoring the influence of the light and standing outside the train waiting.

Soon, Colin and Shana, who were walking at the end, walked out side by side.

In this space, it seems that due to the influence of white light, gravity is gone, and everything is floating everywhere in the sky and earth.

However, this problem is not a big one
When Colin's feet landed on the ground, he felt that there was gravity, so this small world had gravity.

A large amount of floating gravel and other things fell to the ground with a crackle.

Immediately afterwards, he walked slowly towards a certain direction in this strange space. The fire coming from his body easily dispersed the unusually rich white light here.
Behind him, more than a dozen high-ranking "advent bodies" followed silently.

"This place was opened up by a previous enemy, well, it was the rat monster."

Colin briefly explained the origin of this place to Shana. Although it was his first time here, he probably knew what was going on here.

The rat left the "Seventh Box Garden World", and it was obviously impossible for him to be the only one.

It also has a lot of special little worlds like this one.
Each one contains an almost completely restricted "first-level containment object". The other party's original plan seemed to be to sacrifice these "first-level containment objects" to the body of "Red Moon" when they mastered "Red Moon", in order to achieve the goal. Some kind of confrontation and balance.

But unfortunately, Colin did not allow it, so all these plans failed. "

Ten minutes later, his footsteps stopped in front of a damaged containment unit that was as huge as a mountain.

The containment unit is full of cracks, and from this crack, you can see a life with a large number of wings but a severe injury lying in it.

All the light in the entire small world emanates from it.

That is, after Colin arrived, it floated again, the center of countless wings.

A huge bloodshot eyeball looked towards the visitors.

"Tsk, you're still alive."

Colin pursed his lips. Previously, when the "Kingdom of God in Cards" was activated, he directly attacked this thing together with its main body.

I thought that it would be almost as good as not dying.

But looking at it now, I can still stand up
"'Fire Holder', the path of 'First Fire' has been confirmed by you. If necessary, I can choose"

"Oh, it's too late."

Colin interrupted the other party's words and said with a smile: "Besides, I can't see any sincerity in you. You are not even willing to call me 'you'."

Of course, whether there is this "you" or not, the other person deserves to die.

You know, letting such a thing continue to live is not a good thing for Shana around him. As long as someone is thinking about his Shana's characteristics all day long.

Colin couldn't sleep at night just thinking about it.

Immediately afterwards, with no intention of continuing the pleasantries, Colin's body surged with flames, and he stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky.


A flame like the sun condensed in the sky.

The firelight emitted from it directly suppressed the power and characteristics of the first-level contained object named "White Night", and then directly connected the consciousness to the system controlling this containment unit.

After a set of actions, the contained object in front of him was suppressed once again.

"Move quickly."

Colin waved forward, and for a moment, the people following him showed a twisted smile to "White Night".

Then, according to the boss's wishes, he launched a righteous encirclement and suppression against that guy.

As long as it is relatively easy to expel or defeat the existence that steps into the first-level containment, it is not easy to completely obliterate it.

However, this is not a big problem for Colin.

There is "First Fire" that completely suppresses it on the personal level, Shana who has the same origin is deconstructing it on the side, and there are a lot of various containment objects to exert force.
Colin didn't even need to actually take action, but after a while, he got a fresh "characteristic" that exuded rich white light.

After thinking about it, Colin used his strength and combined it with some basic prop making knowledge that came with "First Fire". He quickly kneaded it into a "ring" made of condensed light on the spot.

“How does it feel, is it the right size?”

Colin watched Shana's eyes widen slightly, seemingly surprised. Then he took Shana's slender white hand and put it on, "It seems a little rough."

"It's not rough anymore, it's unique."

When she saw this small world, Shana guessed what the "surprise" was, but obviously, this surprise was more surprising than she thought!
Then, she looked at Colin, blinked her ice-blue pure eyes, and then suddenly reached out her hand, grabbed Colin's collar, pulled him to her, and kissed him fiercely.

The broad, white wings that made her look like an angel spread out and enveloped the two of them.

On the other side, there were a group of superior beings, but those who knew the interest did not get too close.
After a while, she let go: "Thank you, I like it very much."

"Well, after the current troubles are solved, we will hold some banquets or something."

Colin stared at the other person's mouth, licked his lips, and then said. The latter just blinked, nodded without much opinion and said, "It doesn't matter if you have it. No matter what, I will always assist and support you."


Colin nodded, then looked at the empty containment unit, and suddenly remembered a guy——

That guy was not thinking about Shana, but thinking about him.

The "Big Buddha" I met once on a train said it was destined for me
Now Colin doesn't mind "renewing the relationship" with the other party.

But it's a pity that the other party was thrown into the "Script City" by "Mr. Wu" earlier.

"It's a pity." He shook his head, and then continued to focus on the present.

Nowadays, the "first fire" has just been ignited, and the exact counterattack has not yet been carried out.

The earth world is still in a state of fragmentation for the time being.

Colin calmed down his emotions, with flames raging in his eyes, and as the leader of the "Fire Holders", he issued his official order to all beings.

"The official counterattack begins now!"

"I only have three requirements for this operation!"

"Efficiency, efficiency! It's fucking efficiency!"

"The surviving humans have endured this disaster for a long time. We must end the suffering as quickly as possible and get everything back on track!"

When speaking, through "inspiration", Colin also gave more details on the specific implementation period.

Such as various rewards and ways to deal with various emergencies and difficult situations
The moment the order was issued, all the terrifying beings took action desperately, fearing that they would be one step too late.

You know, the tasks on earth now are not very difficult, but the rewards are not low. The most important thing is to leave a good impression in front of Mr. Colin!

In this way, they will have the opportunity to become a member of the company system like the "King of Kuangyin" in the future!
As an employee of "Bonfire Company", you can not only leave the holding unit, but also embrace the "First Fire"!
This is an absolute pillar equivalent to the "Dark Night" in the peak era of the past!

Then, you will have the opportunity to continue to advance further in your own life level!
When the last figure left, Colin did not stop. Instead, he directly connected to some company systems in the earth world through his own consciousness, and then connected all the company employees in this world.

The next second, after getting the coordinates of all of them.

Bundles of bonfires descended from the sky and descended on every employee.

This also means that a comprehensive counterattack has begun!

The battle is basically divided into two parts. The first one is the "high-end battlefield" composed of the "First Fire First Army's unmanned rapid reaction force" and the "King of Crazy Sound" who are cooperating from the side.

These battles have been moved beyond Earth and are being fought in space
Inside the fireballs wrapped in flames, there are special mechanical figures that are constantly issuing instructions.

Either modify the environmental rules in a certain small area, or attack with the power of "first fire", or create barriers to cut off the retreat path of some upper consciousness. The variety of attacks is dazzling.
The "King of Crazy Sound" and other "Light Clones" of our own side use their own authority to help kill those consciousness bodies that descend.

Find as much fuel as possible for the company.

After all, there seemed to be some hints in the new leader's words: they were in urgent need of points to start the company, and if they couldn't find anything to burn.

Then they may be the ones burned next! ! !
So everyone worked very hard. After letting go of their hands and feet without any worries, the battle above was extremely fierce.

This universe even "flickered" because of this battle.

A battle of this level is not so much a battle as it is more like various "natural disasters" colliding in a way that ordinary people cannot understand.

Colin even had some doubts about how many of the eight planets would be left by then.

"But it looks like it should be safe."

Colin withdrew his gaze. Although he was still watching, he did not continue to pay all his attention to it.
Instead, it was placed on the other side's battlefield.

That is to say, in the battle on the earth, he seems to be sitting back and taking no action, but in fact, his will has come to every company employee.

The employees who carry his power will receive his direct assistance and have a comprehensive combat power that is not inferior to that of his "Fire Bearer" in the later stages of reserve service.

It is equivalent to giving every employee a hook!

"But speaking of it"

Colin raised his hand and rubbed his chin, then looked up at the sky, connecting with the "First Fire".

He was vaguely able to have weak and vague connections with the "Fire Bearer" reservists scattered throughout the universe.
Then Colin discovered something
Among all the "Fire Bearer" reserves, even when he is the strongest, he does not seem to be the strongest among the reserves.

"What the hell, how could there be a 'Fire Bearer' reserve who is stronger than the 'King of Mad Sound'? Can this be called a reserve? I doubt that even the regular army can defeat him one on one. No, it seems that there are more than One, and another, there seems to be something wrong with the size, so big? "

Colin couldn't help complaining in his heart.

However, after feeling it, it is not surprising. Even if these guys don't use the power of the "Fire Bearer", they are very strong in themselves.

It belongs to a certain sense of "bringing capital into shares".

Rather than spending too much thought on this matter, Colin turned his attention to every employee.

In a narrow rift valley.

Some die-hard heretics who couldn't be said to be very good, but who hadn't done anything particularly bad suddenly discovered that their perfect hiding spot was suddenly discovered by a group of old-era official forces for some unknown reason.

Immediately afterwards, they were directly surrounded and intercepted.
"You losers in Shelter 2, give up! We will never give in!"

"At first, you didn't let us in and took refuge inside. You refused to save us. Now you want to recruit us. It's just a dream!"

"Only the great Lord can give us blessings and strength at the moment of our life and death!"

"In response to the mercy of our Lord!"

"We are determined to dedicate everything to the great will!"


"Can these people really persuade me to surrender?" The No. 2 shelter personnel who intercepted the door were a little unconvinced when they heard these words.

Heretics like this are the most difficult to deal with
Their consciousness has long been distorted. In most cases, even if they die or suffer torture, they will not surrender.

"It's okay. If you want to vote, just vote. If you don't want to, just send them to see their Lord. It's not a big problem."

Said a "double" employee who has become a leader.

At this moment, there was a flame dancing on his body that made people feel that his emotions were inexplicably stable.

This is the BUFF Brother Shunzi imposes on everyone!

With it, "double material" employees are now unprecedentedly confident, and even feel that they can keep up with the superiors with only two tricks.

Of course, he also knew that he would probably get G after the first move.

However, there is definitely no problem in handling the situation here.

Seeing that these enemies did not come out to surrender as some kind of "revelation", he was thinking about whether to take the initiative to break through the barrier and bring the heretics inside to justice.

But at this moment, he suddenly found that it seemed to be quiet inside.

Immediately, he raised his hand to stop his men who were about to make a move, signaling to continue waiting.

Sure enough, after another ten minutes, they saw a dark door emerging out of thin air deep in the rift valley that had been quiet for a long time.
One by one, the not-so-extreme heretics took off all their defenses and walked out.

"'Official' friends, there were some misunderstandings before, and we are willing to act together in the future."

The leader of the heretics had a strange expression, as if his views had been washed away, but he still showed goodwill to the "official" people outside in accordance with the will given by the "Lord".

As he spoke, he remembered the previous arrangement of the "Lord".

Surrendering was not a big deal, but what impressed them most was that "the Lord" asked them to change the name they called him.

From now on, we can’t call them “masters”, but “colleagues”. If that doesn’t work, we can call them “leaders”.
I don’t know why this happened all of a sudden.
However, although I don’t know the specific reason, there may be some big chess being played behind it?
At this time, he suddenly saw that the official who he had met several times and was very strong in his own right, but now completely invisible, suddenly appeared next to him.

"Is there any misunderstanding? We are all good friends." The "double material" employee showed a gentle smile and patted him on the shoulder.

The scorching flames poured into the body of the heretic leader, letting him know that things were definitely not as friendly as the other party said.

As long as he makes the slightest movement, he will probably die suddenly in the next second.

But at this time, the leader of the heretics remembered something and took the initiative to say:
"By the way, there are some fellow travelers who have committed crimes. We have controlled them at the request of the 'Lord', no, a 'colleague', no, no, no, a 'leader' Get up and wait to be handed over to you for trial."

After completing the docking, the former leader of the heretics raised his head and looked high into the sky. He saw a bright sun hanging high in the sky. He felt the gentle warmth falling on the sun and clearly realized that
From now on, things are going to change.

But he didn't know much about everything behind the scenes, so he didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

In another direction, the entrance to the territory of an alien evil being was breached, and a female figure with flames all over her body slowly walked into it under the horrified gazes of a large number of alien beings.

"Don't come over! Let us leave, otherwise, I will fight you to the death and kill all the hostages!" The distorted alien life roared.

"Sorry, I don't accept threats."

Facing its threat, the young woman didn't hesitate at all. She raised her hand and controlled this flame that even gods couldn't look directly at, completely devouring the enemy and the hostages.

Immediately afterwards, she sent an application upwards.

Then a mysterious force came, and she saw that everything except herself was moving backwards, and the hostages who had just died were all brought back to life in the reverse flow of time.

This does not include those alien races.

"Brother Shunzi's power is really terrifying. He can even control time."

This D-class female employee couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

However, before she could think about it, she suddenly heard that some people at the scene who had been tortured due to the experiments of the alien race, and were either emaciated, obese, or covered with various types of tumors, huddled together and looked at them in confusion. She looked at the flames on her body with an expression of desire and fear.

The female employees did not step forward, but just supported the flames, silently giving them the warmth they had longed for.

During the confrontation, the atmosphere was slightly awkward and so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Tens of seconds later, among the survivors who had been captured by the alien beings, someone finally couldn't help mustering up the courage, broke the silence, and asked:
"Who are you? Where are those monsters?"

"Don't be afraid. I am an employee of the 'Bonfire Company'. Of course, I can also be considered a member of the Earth's 'Supernatural Federation' and an official member. However, these are not important now."

With a smile on her face, the female employee stepped forward and slowly stretched out her hand in front of a group of stooped personnel:

"The company has seen your suffering, heard your prayers, and decided to lend a helping hand to you because its goal is to save all humanity that has fallen into despair."

Looking at the outstretched hand glowing with warm fire, a little girl with a sallow face, thin muscles, distorted facial features, and tentacles all over her body hesitated, and finally hugged her.

Similar situations occur all over the world.

On this day, the liberated and frustrated people finally raised their hands, with the courage given by the bonfire, to question the gods who had destroyed the world one by one!

Vow to initiate a thorough liquidation and drag them down from their lofty throne!

Under Colin's will and visible hands, mankind is quickly regaining its rights in this world and returning to its former status.

At the same time, the light from the "First Fire" is dispersing the "black curtain" that once enveloped the universe.

One after another, the highest orders were sent to the stars.

After settling the earth's crisis, he will follow the original plan, let the "symbolic world" play its true symbolic role, and regroup the forces of the "Bonfire Company" as soon as possible in a short period of time.

In this way, the path with "First Fire" as the core can be effectively and effectively implemented in the world.

From this day on, all life in the world knows one thing:

A special shelter called the "Bonfire Shelter Company" woke up from its distant slumber with the birth of the "Fire Holder". At the same time, it sent an envelope to people everywhere praying for hope and the future. job invitation——

"When night comes, someone should light a fire and shine it in all directions."

At the same time, it also brought a prophecy.

At the end when the end comes, the terrible disaster will once again sweep the entire world!
(End of this chapter)

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