Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 70 Retreat

Chapter 70 Retreat
The castle did not know when it began to be filled with water mist, and there was an unknown source of gurgles in the water mist. When Colin and others rushed to the second floor of the castle, they immediately saw the old housekeeper and his party who were fighting.

At this moment, the old housekeeper and the others protected Helena and the others behind them, fighting against the special type of "lycanthropy" patients who crawled in from nowhere.

After Colin came up, he didn't exchange pleasantries, and directly hit the fatal parts of the "lycanthropy" with a few bullets, and then cooperated with other people's attacks to quickly complete the harvest.

"What happened?" The old housekeeper frowned, kicked a piece of soft and wriggling intestines that fell nearby, and flew them away.

"I don't know, I can only tell you, don't eat from now on."

Colin shook his head. He was very hungry now, but he was still within control.

After finishing speaking, he glanced outside the window of the castle, and found that the outside was covered by white mist, and he couldn't see anyone, but there were faint screams coming from both inside and outside the castle
Apparently, the tragedy didn't just happen here.

And what made him palpitate the most was that amidst the grunts, some white mist in the distance seemed to be changing into a blue-black haze.

For a moment, Ke Lin felt that the black and blue haze was like the digestive juice in the stomach, and they were like the food swallowed in the stomach, which was in the process of being digested.

Without waiting to think about it, a few shadows suddenly flew over outside the window, which were scarlet intestines like nooses. Colin raised the iron sword he had picked up earlier with his right hand, and chopped off the intestines.

At the same time, amidst the sound of thump, thud, several heavy footsteps came from under the castle, making everyone on the second floor clearly feel that the ground under their feet was shaking.

"Another large-tonnage 'lycanthropy'."

Colin squinted his eyes. These special types of "lycanthropy" are very troublesome to deal with. Each of them has a minimum attack range of more than ten meters.

It is also extremely flexible and automatically searches for enemies. One can only emit more than three intestines, and cutting the intestines has no effect. If one is accidentally strangled and dragged back, it will immediately become the owner of the restricted screen, which is terrible.

What made Colin even more troublesome was that the water mist was getting thicker. Even in the castle, people started to become blurred if they were within ten meters away.

But it's not without good news - there are more than three hours left.

Just get through those three hours and everything will be fine.

At this time, Calder on the side yelled: "No, you can't stay here, this place is too foggy, too closed, and there are many entrances, if more 'lycanthropy' surround us, we will die sooner or later if we stay here !"

"Where are you going?" the old housekeeper asked.

"My suggestion is the basement, where the building is solid, these monsters cannot break through easily, and there is only one long and narrow entrance, we can hold on to that entrance for at least half a day"

Before he could finish speaking, Colin's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting his words: "No, go to the roof!"

"Roof? Are you sure?"

Ke Lin glanced out the window. The lower ground was already covered by water mist, and the bowel sounds continued: "The higher you go, the thinner the water mist. If you stay in this mist for a long time, you will also have problems."

After finishing speaking, Colin didn't wait for their consent, and rushed towards the stairs, followed by Duncan, Helena and others.

The castle has five floors and is very huge. It is the second largest building in Blackstone City after the church building, and it is also one of the points where several bonfire pillars are erected in Blackstone City.

Ke Lin's operation was smooth. After quickly solving a few "lycanthropy" through the time stop, he went all the way up to the top.

Fortunately, there didn't seem to be any lycanthropy on his head, and his vision recovered with the disappearance of the water mist, and then he saw the soldiers guarding the top floor.

They also had a problem here, but it was not serious and has been dealt with.

After reaching the top of the building, Colin discovered that the water mist became less and less as it went up, which was probably related to the bonfire that lit up the whole night, and there was almost no fog in its vicinity.

At this moment, Colin breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had finally come to the right place.

The top of Black Rock City Castle is also very spacious, enough to accommodate thousands of people more easily, and there is a bonfire fire pillar with a total height of more than 100 meters in the middle.

A large red flammable spar was inlaid on the top of the pillar of fire, and the fire light from the spar made the surrounding area clear of fog.

At this time, after coming up, he didn't talk too much nonsense, and started to defend on the top of the castle with everyone.

With the fire to drive away the fog, the field of vision is clear, and those flying intestines can no longer pose too much threat. After all, the farther away from the main body it is, the less flexible it will be.

It's just that with the passage of time, some "lycanthropy" finally seemed to be unable to sit still, and began to rush out from around the water mist, fighting with their own bodies, and everything began to become more and more difficult.


After Ke Lin waved his numb hand and chopped off a second-stage "lycanthropy" head, he was in a daze for a moment.

The continuous ultra-high-intensity fighting for an hour or two made him a little unbearable.

Beside him, the old housekeeper, Calder and the others all had a lot of injuries, their hands that raised their swords were trembling violently, and they couldn't even hold the hilts.

As for the others, there were even more casualties. There were hundreds of soldiers on the top of the building, but now there are only one or two hundred soldiers left.

"Your Excellency Ke Lin, do you think someone will come to support you soon? Will there be enough time?" The old butler couldn't help but speak after he and the others worked together to kill a fat second-stage "lycanthropy".

At this moment, they had no idea what was going on outside the castle, and could only judge from the less and less screams and more and more enemies that the situation might not be good.

However, before Colin could answer, there was a deafening sound from a distance, and immediately after that, a picture appeared in everyone's mind either clearly or vaguely——

A gigantic arm protruded upward from under the ruins.

Its skin is blue-black with a stone-like texture. It is elongated and grotesque, like a human hand that has been stretched many times, and it is more than ten meters long.

And with its appearance, an extremely terrifying superior aura swept over like a sandstorm, devouring everything.

Ke Lin and the others, who were far away by an unknown number of meters, felt their bodies stiff just because of the arrival of this breath, and their souls seemed to be rushed out of their bodies.

Suddenly, Colin's pupils shrank slightly, and a short future picture flooded into his head. He didn't care to think about it, and shouted at everyone with a look of horror:

"Run! Follow me to the other side!"

And just less than three seconds after they ran away, a huge blue-black palm suddenly fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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