Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 77 Trial Copy

Chapter 77 Trial Copy
"Unnamed 123456": I'm on Earth, just returned, thank you @, I just took time off, I have time to respond to your concerns, this time I survived by luck, the reward is about [-] points + "false strong ( Purple)", barely satisfied, I hope that you will work harder together.

After Ke Lin's message was sent, the news in the chat room suddenly stagnated, and then boiled up again.

"Heavenly Dumplings": Don't post it, don't post it, it's more uncomfortable to see you selling equipment than killing me, with more than 1 points and purple equipment, I can't earn that much even if I sell it
"莣孒嫒①勼勼⑦": Day, what blinded my dog's eyes, not counting the purple outfit, I have to work for a year without eating or drinking to add up to that much.
"The Lord of the Fish Pond": @无名123456, hit Shun Zi, if the golden orange is not sold, leave me a purple one, [-] million US dollars, please.
"The Man Who Never Surrenders": Woohoo, I knew it, I knew it, Boss Shunzi won't die!Please, @unnamed123456, help me!
"You bobby's head is bigger than your head": Damn, this is the first time I came back from the second ring of the Advent mission, @unnamed123456, did you hang up?

"Tianzi Dumpling": @你的波比头 is bigger than your head, Shunzi is a newcomer and has just arrived to take on such a difficult task, so what's wrong with driving it?
"Winning in the wind": What?Open or hang?

"Bai Shou is much cuter": Fuck!Who said that Shunzi's disappearance is called a lottery? !My four boxes are all whiteboards!It doesn't matter if you don't use it, the side effects are still serious!Come out quickly, I can't spare you!

"Double Face": He believed it, he believed it, hehehe, I'll just say it casually, Boss Shunzi, you see, he actually believed it!
"The small building had a spring breeze last night": Wo Ri, is it so easy for Brother Shunzi to come to the task?Please, please bring, [E+ level employee authority certificate], I promise to be obedient, I will call wherever Brother Shunzi points.
"Sea God Mingyue": By the way, could it be that Brother Shunzi descended into a more relaxed and less dangerous world?Brother Shunzi, can you bring me one?

"Life mentor is so cute": Be careful, a waist from another world may not be given anesthesia, and if you want someone from Brother Shunzi, Brother Shunzi might want your waist, but there is still a possibility, maybe it will be Shunzi. Brother Zi is actually a C-level or above boss who runs a trumpet?
"Ha ha."

Seeing the news from these people, a smile appeared on the corner of Ke Lin's mouth. Seeing the messages sent by the last few employees, his expression couldn't help but reveal a bit of weirdness—beautiful?
Tang Ken’s experience emerged in his mind: it’s absurd and beautiful, with luck, this group of people might be sent to the same pot with relatives and friends, become the same dish, serve the same table, and be eaten by the same person into the same stomach.

After watching for a while, Colin felt much better, and most of the sense of alienation from returning from another world disappeared.

As for the above mentioned selling equipment, he has no idea at all.

Let's not talk about the effect of cash on him, the most important thing is, judging from the rhetoric of these people, he knows that if he accidentally exposes his real position one day, a large group of people will definitely come to him for the treasure.

Therefore, the associated risks must be taken with care.

Apart from showing his face occasionally and suppressing the false rumors about him in the interactive hall, it's best not to do other things.

"However, it's a pity that the 'false strongman' has a scope limit. If there is no scope limit, I can follow the cute words in the 'interaction hall' to create a big boss and trumpet for myself. Every time you use it, the direct effect is full."

Ke Lin pursed his lips, feeling a little pity. After looking at it for a while, he raised his head and glanced at the electronic clock. Seeing that the time was almost up, he was about to use the third injection to start the promotion task.

At this time, there are three conditions for E-level promotion.

The first permission level reached F+ level. It seems that because of these few missions, he has already met the requirements.

The second one received three injections of "Grade F Genetic Compensator", and he only had the last shot left in his hand.

Now, after completing the injection, he can advance as long as he can pass the "Trial of Applying for E-level Permission" of requirement three.

However, before Colin took out the potion from the storage room, a line of subtitles suddenly appeared on the retina.

[It has been detected that your task event has reached the "copy" requirement. 】

[Would you like to hand in the second ring task information of "World Number-13" and make it into an "Employee Trial Copy"? 】

[Explanation]: After the "dungeon" is made, all employees can pay a certain amount of points to participate in the trial, and Bonfire Company will share the income from the dungeon with the provider in a ratio of 7:3.

[Remarks]: "Duplicate" will remove the provider information, which can ensure personal privacy and avoid unnecessary problems.

"Huh? This means to change what I just experienced into a trial task for other employees?"

Colin looked at the information on the retina for a moment, and then remembered that he had seen the corresponding information in a post before.

Sometimes after some people's missions are over, their experience will be "acquired" by the campfire company, and then put on the campfire company's mission platform for sale.

This kind of "Trial Dungeon" is generally more difficult than the same level, but the biggest advantage is that it will not die
In addition, it usually costs 20-30 points for one use, so it is deeply loved by some employees, so that they can exercise themselves greatly.

Of course, for most employees who have at most three or two hundred points for a task, 20-30 points is not cheap.

"That's the distribution ratio. How can you get [-]%?"

Colin took a closer look, oh, it's all right, [-]% belongs to others, and he only has [-]%.

However, who is to say that the platform is powerful, the third floor is the third floor, at least it is an extra income.

Aren't many people curious about the situation of the "coming mission"?

Dozens of points to participate.
Hype and hype might earn a few thousand points.

Ke Lin has no reason to refuse, after all, some things are only valuable if they are sold.

After agreeing, Colin suddenly saw a familiar eye pattern suddenly appear on the parchment.

Although it is just a pattern, it is extremely real, staring straight at himself
A feeling of being short-sighted rose again in Colin's heart.

After a few seconds, the eyes disappear.

[The submission is complete, "'World Number-13' Trial Copy" will be put on the shelves in the "Trial Copy" column soon. 】

"I hope to sell more by then."

Ke Lin looked forward to it for a while, and then injected himself with the third "Grade F Genetic Compensation Potion", and a hot feeling came from all over his body.

The cells of the whole body seem to be undergoing further washing
After a while, when the hotness subsided from his body, Colin felt his body suddenly lighten up.

After clenching his fist, he could feel that ALS would no longer have any effect in the short term.

the bad news is
The violent rage of the "lycanthropy" is still deep in his heart. Although it has become much quieter because of the death of "him", it has not disappeared, it just hibernates.

However, there is no need to worry about an outbreak in the short term. Ke Lin opened his "personal resume" and began to apply for his "E-level promotion task".

(End of this chapter)

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