Douluo told you to push Qian Renxue alone, but you became the queen

Chapter 13 Tian Yuan's Dance Selection: The Door of My House Is Always Open, and the Little Rab

Chapter 13 Tian Yuan's Dance Selection: The door of my house is always open, and the little rabbit enters my mind~
Under the amazed gaze of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, Xiao Wu's tightly closed eyes slowly opened.And they can all feel that the vitality in Xiao Wu's body at this moment is like a reservoir with a tightly closed valve, which will not leak in the slightest.

"Xiao Wu, are you awake?"

"No! No! You're not Xiao Wu! Our sister wouldn't have such cold eyes!" Titan Giant Ape shouted angrily, "Who the hell are you?"

"Seniors, calm down, Mrs. Snake is not a bad person! Xiao Wu's soul is still sleeping in her own spiritual space."

Yu Tianyuan hurriedly explained that she was afraid that the other party would immediately push away the snake grandma who occupied Xiao Wu's body on impulse. The snake grandma was not worried, after all, as a spiritual body, she could return to Yu Tianyuan's body, but Xiao Wu was really reduced to a state of GG by her big brother.

"Hiss~ My name is Grandma Snake, I came here to help at the request of Xiaoyuan. If you don't welcome me, then I can leave right away, but if that's the case, then this little rabbit will be jerk~" Grandma Snake sneered. Stop talking.

Who is her snake grandma?How could it be possible to bow down to two mere 10-year-old soul beasts?What's more, her rebellious appearance can also cooperate with Yu Tianyuan, one who sings the red face and the other sings the bad face, and she will surely control the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape to death!
"I'm sorry, we were the ones who were rude, Er Ming, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Grandma Snake!" the Sky Blue Bull Python glared at the Titan Giant Ape and said.

"I'm sorry, Grandma Snake, I'm in a hurry, so you can live without forgetting the villains." Titan Giant Ape said aggrievedly.

"The two seniors are also too worried about Xiao Wu. If you care about it, you will be chaotic. If you care about it, you will be chaotic. I think Grandma Snake will understand!" Yu Tianyuan smiled and mingled with the mud.

"It's just a stopgap measure for me to occupy the little rabbit's body now. I can only temporarily stabilize its core. It will take a long time to slowly warm up the soul through my herbal prescriptions, and then I can gradually return to the main body. !"

In her original world, apart from being a great scientist, Grandma Snake has another identity as a master of poison!As we all know, a poison master who is good at using poison must also be a doctor who is particularly good at curing diseases and saving lives. Of course, Dugu Bo, a shameful thing, should be excluded. How can he not even cure the poison on his own martial soul?
Therefore, Yu Tianyuan still trusts the prescription given by Grandma Snake. As for the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape, believe it or not?They have to believe it or not!This is Grandma Snake's dominance!
"Then how long does it take for us to see Xiao Wu again?" Titan Giant Ape asked naively.

"It is conservatively estimated that after a course of treatment is over, that is, after about three months, the little rabbit's soul should be able to regain control of her body for an hour, and then the control must be transferred back to me, and she will continue to cultivate and adjust in the spiritual space. .”

What Snake Grandma did not add is that the so-called self-cultivation in her mouth is not the kind of sleepy and comatose cultivation that Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape think, but that she can still share the perspective of the outside world with Snake Grandma and perceive what is happening around her. Everything is just that there is no control over the body.

In other words, Xiao Wu's state after waking up is similar to the state of Grandma Snake attached to Yu Tianyuan's mental space. Instigation, coupled with the ability of his first soul ability, can achieve this level.

In Yu Tianyuan's original words: I was worried that Xiao Wu would not be influenced by me after getting in touch with Tang San, so I dozed off and handed over the pillow soon!And it's not just Grandma Snake, it's also convenient for me to blend in with Xiao Wu in the future!

Two souls share one body, it can be said to be true. Blending together jpg.

"That's good, that's good, then I'll trouble you, Grandma Snake." The Azure Bull Boa put its tail on the Titan Giant Ape's head, and let out a long sigh of relief, "As for Xiao Wu's life experience, it's just like what I promised you earlier of"

"Little rabbit's real body is a 10-year-old soul beast, it's no big deal." Grandma Snake said nonchalantly, "Don't worry, Xiaoyuan and I will take good care of her, and even help her integrate into human beings more perfectly." society!"

"Ah? Do you all know?" The Sky Blue Bull Mang was stunned for a moment.

"It was Grandma Snake who found out after entering Xiao Wu's body and told me."

Yu Tianyuan wouldn't foolishly admit that she knew Xiao Wu was not human from the very beginning, wouldn't it make her intentions impure to get close to the other party?
"But please rest assured, seniors, Grandma Snake and I will take good care of her!" Yu Tianyuan patted her chest and assured, "Please rest assured and leave Xiao Wu to me!"

"That's a good relationship. Er Ming and I owe you a big favor, and after Xiao Wu wakes up and recovers, don't forget to take her back to the Star Dou Forest to see us."

The Azure Bull Python always felt that something was weird, but it couldn't tell the reason.So it had no choice but to tell Yu Tianyuan like this. As for discussing with Er Ming?But put it down, relying on that stupid orangutan might as well build a good relationship with the little human girl in front of him, because it would be more beneficial to Xiao Wu's future.

Tianqing Niuban personally entrusted Xiao Wu to Yu Tianyuan.

After going through some twists and turns, Yu Tianyuan and Grandma Snake, who occupies Xiao Wu's body, finally return to the small town on the edge of the Star Dou Forest.First went to grab the medicine according to the prescription, and then the two opened a room in the hotel, locked the doors and windows to confirm the environment, and started to awaken Xiao Wu's spirit.

Yu Tianyuan used her first soul skill again, allowing her own consciousness to enter Xiao Wu's spiritual space.
The spiritual body Xiao Wu woke up leisurely, and she saw Xiao Yu Tian Yuan and Little Snake Grandma with bright smiles on their faces.

"Are you awake? The operation was a success, congratulations, Xiao Wu, you have successfully changed from a soul beast to a human girl!"

Yu Tianyuan inexplicably remembered a stalk from her previous life, so she joked.

"Where is this place? And Xiao Yuan, how do you know?" Xiao Wu with a cute face suddenly realized some secret information contained in Yu Tianyuan's words just now, and asked in a panic.

"This is your mental space. As for why it became like this." Yu Tianyuan touched her chin subconsciously, "Let me tell you what happened after you passed out!"

Yu Tianyuan smiled charmingly, and began to talk about the conversation between herself, Grandma Snake, Da Ming and Er Ming, and Xiao Wu's current situation.

"Well, in short, you are welcome to join our big family of one body and multiple souls, Xiao Wu. Your body will be taken over by Grandma Snake for the time being!"

Xiao Wu:.
Why does she always have the illusion that she is on a pirate ship?
(End of this chapter)

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