Chapter 16 The Attacking Tang San

"We lost the first game, let's go to Ling Feng!"

The second person sent by Xiao Chenyu was a thin and thin senior student, his facial features were all small, and his slender figure could be easily blown away by a gust of wind.If he didn't say it, no one would think of him as a 12-year-old boy, but as if he was the same age as Yu Tianyuan.
"She has a lot of strength, don't be head-to-head, her moves can be more insidious, don't worry, with my father around, I will take care of you no matter what happens!" Before going into battle, Xiao Chenyu whispered in Ling Feng's ear exhorted.

"Don't worry, Boss Xiao! I will never underestimate the enemy like Liu Long!"

"Okay! You are worthy of being my right-hand man! Be optimistic about you! Come on!"

Ling Feng is Xiao Chenyu's best friend, among the sixth grade students, he is known as No.1 in speed, which is enough to show that his speed is really fast.


Ling Feng jumped up, turned over deftly in the air, and then stood still in front of Yu Tianyuan.

"Your opponent in the next round is me! I won't be pitiful!"

"Yo! Do you have a brain and know how to change tactics?" Yu Tianyuan smiled.

Ling Feng standing in front of him was obviously an agile soul warrior. It was obvious that Xiao Chenyu wanted to use guerrilla warfare to defeat him, but it was obvious that this move would not work against Yu Tianyuan.

"Today, I'm going to show you how to use the eastern mind-flow style of play to defeat the western speed-flow style of play!" Yu Tianyuan began to talk nonsense again.

Ling Feng didn't care about that, he just opened his arms, gliding two meters, and rushed towards the top of Yu Tianyuan's head.And Yu Tianyuan's coping method is also very simple and rude, that is, to remain motionless, as if the other party does not exist at all.

Just when Ling Feng was about to come in front of Yu Tianyuan, suddenly, his body turned over again, and with a shock of his arms, he forcibly changed the direction!He came to the back of Yu Tianyuan, waved his arms at the same time, and slashed towards the sides of Yu Tianyuan's neck.

Yu Tianyuan didn't move until Ling Feng rolled over from the top of her head.In the face of an opponent whose ability is unknown, it is the best choice to remain unchanged!However, just as Ling Feng cut and closed his palms and was about to hit Yu Tianyuan's neck, she moved.
Secretly running the "Jade Dragon Heart Sutra" ten layers of skills, in fact, Yu Tianyuan can perceive any slight changes in Lingfeng, so all the opponent's changes are under his control!

Yu Tianyuan nodded with a phoenix, just in time to flash Ling Feng's hands, and as her upper body leaned forward, Yu Tianyuan's left leg suddenly swung back as if it was broken. During the whole process, she didn't move look back.

Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, Yu Tianyuan interpreted this point to a perfect state, and the speed of the instant explosion was so fast that even few people watching the battle on both sides could clearly see it.

Yu Tianyuan's heel was in intimate contact with Ling Feng's chin, and Ling Feng made a third somersault in the air, and it was a continuous backflip!With a bang, he fell heavily several meters away, followed in Liu Long's footsteps, and fainted immediately.
Another KO!Everyone present is numb, who will take care of each other?The little girls are all crazy!

"The next one!" Yu Tianyuan continued provocatively, "I think you have spent the past six years studying on pigs? Oh no! I'm insulting pigs by saying that! Just drag a pig here for six years It is probably stronger than you! At least it is thick enough that it won't be knocked down by me."

"Strange. How can I see some shadows of martial arts in her previous life in her moves?"

Tang San, who was watching secretly from the side, bit his finger and muttered, he fell into deep thought.
He returned to Notting College almost at the same time as Yu Tianyuan and the others, and naturally heard the news from other students about the battle between the working students and the senior students in the back mountain of the college.As soon as Tang San, a work-study student, thought of Xiao Wu, when he thought of Xiao Wu, he worried whether Xiao Wu would be bullied, so he naturally rushed to the back mountain without stopping.

When he arrived, it happened to be the time when Yu Tianyuan and Liu Long were fighting, so he witnessed Yu Tianyuan punching Liu Long into a broken flower and defeated willow.

I haven't seen you for a few days, why did Yu Tianyuan become so cruel?After confirming Xiao Wu's safety, Tang San's IQ came back online, and he realized that the strength of the target he wanted to assassinate had become more and more unfathomable, so he decided to hide aside and become a sixth child.

Let's observe Yu Tianyuan's battle carefully first. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles!
The more he looked at it, the more frightened he felt, and what was even more frightening was that Yu Tianyuan's soul power level had not been revealed so far!Tang San only hoped that Xiao Chenyu could give some strength next, at least to test out this key point.
As if responding to Tang San's expectation, Xiao Chenyu walked out with a gloomy face.

Because of losing two games in a row, it was time for him to play.He asked himself that apart from himself, there was no one stronger than Ling Feng.If the low morale can't be recovered in time, then there is no need to fight the remaining duels. If only I, the boss, personally go out and defeat Yu Tianyuan, the boss of the work-study student, with fierce means, then the previous petty fights will be nothing at all. What kind of!
"Heh~ Boss Xiao is going to end himself?" Yu Tianyuan jokingly said.

"Xiao Chenyu, a sixth-grade student, martial spirit, wolf. Eleventh-level first-ring battle soul master."

"It's okay to play these little tricks. It's time to give you a little shock, so that you don't have to immerse yourself in your own little world all day long."

After all, when the other party reports the martial soul, he should also report the martial soul. This is the mutual respect between soul masters.

"Yu Tianyuan, a first-year work-study student, Wuhun, Gouzi. A thirteenth-level first-ring battle soul master."

The strange Shiba Inu-like creature wearing a helmet appeared in front of everyone again.

"Wait. What level do you say your soul power is?"

Xiao Chenyu's face was full of disbelief, he seriously suspected that his ears were not listening.

"Thirteenth level. Can't you? Don't tell me you haven't reached the thirteenth level yet?"

Yu Tianyuan repeated it in an exaggerated tone, and at the same time, a bright white soul ring rose from under her feet, hovering around her body and dancing up and down.

"It's okay, it's just a ten-year spirit ring, far inferior to my hundred-year spirit ring with the best age ratio!" Tang San secretly heaved a sigh of relief, "The teacher is really right, with her That innate talent with only half a level of soul power must have used some secret technique that sacrificed her own potential in exchange for a rapid increase in her soul power in the early stage! She is no threat to me at all!"

It is said that when Tang San was talking to himself on this side, both sides on the other side used their first spirit skills and started to fight.

"Bloom! Lightning dog, the sinful bone will eventually become a dog!"

In addition to the bug-level god-defying skill of possessing the soul, the line that Yu Tianyuan yelled above is the first soul skill that she discussed with Brother Tianmeng and Grandma Snake and is suitable for public disclosure. The effect is that Thor accumulates electrical energy all over his body, and then performs a combination of lightning flash and sacrificed impact on the target.
With just one blow, Xiao Chenyu, who was strengthened by his martial soul and soul skills, also followed in the footsteps of Liu Long and Ling Feng. The elder brother, second elder brother and third younger brother lay neatly side by side on the back hill of Notting College.

"Forget it, I'd better find a chance to attack Yu Tianyuan after practicing again." Tang San mused to himself, "Then my next plan should be to lurk by Yu Tianyuan's side to collect more comprehensive information. Let's dance!"

Tang San's thoughts were partly for Yu Tianyuan, and partly for Xiao Wu, who knows?

(End of this chapter)

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