Chapter 22 Heartbeat and Grief

What Yu Tianyuan and Mind Body Xiaowu didn't expect was that they saw Tang San rushing down the mountain, but when they hurried back to Tang San's home, Tang San didn't come back
"Xiaoyuan, you didn't offend Tang San, did you? Why did he treat you like that?"

The mental body Xiao Wu was very depressed, she never expected to see such a scene on the mountain.
"Of course not. As for why he did that, you ask me, who should I ask?" Yu Tianyuan replied angrily.

She could guess that Tang San might be prejudiced against her because of Yu Xiaogang, and at most, she would always be around Xiao Wu to make him jealous, but Yu Tianyuan swears to the sky that she really didn't think of it The other party can directly kill him!

Co-authoring means that I really committed his way of taking death. But Tang San, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!
Yu Tianyuan had no way to attack Tang San directly, it was not the same as taking revenge on Tang Hao, as the Chosen Son of Douluo Continent, behind Tang San was the shadow of two great gods, the Law Enforcer of the Sea God Realm, the Asura God!He can attack himself, but if he is uncertain about what obstacles he will encounter.
Therefore, Yu Tianyuan decided to make a decision before acting, slowly weakening Tang San's fortune as the protagonist, until finally jumping out of the chessboard of the god kings and killing him with one blow!This doesn't conflict with Yu Tianyuan's original goal of saving Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong from the plans of the gods. Of course, she can also save Bo Saixi, a high priest of the sea god.

"Xiaoyuan, you said Grandma Snake won't just do that"

The mental body Xiao Wu is still very kind, at this moment she is still concerned about the safety of Grandma Snake.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Snake is much better than me. It's just jumping off a cliff. This trivial matter is nothing to her. Little rabbit, you should think about how to face Tang San when he comes back for a while. Bar."

"I, I don't know." Mind Body Xiao Wu murmured in a low voice.

"At that time, you should listen carefully and feel with your heart." Yu Tianyuan sighed, "When the time comes, tell me what kind of posture you want to face him, and I will help you act."

"Hey, Xiaoyuan, what do you think if Tang San isn't the kind of person I imagined?" Mind body Xiao Wu was obviously shaken.

"Then you have to let yourself go. Xiao Wu." The mental body Yu Tianyuan gently touched the head of the mental body Xiao Wu, and she rarely called Xiao Wu a little rabbit, "Humans are like this, they are cunning, They are greedy, they are tyrannical."

Then Yu Tianyuan added: "Of course, human beings are also upright, generous, and humble. Whether it is negative or positive, it is human nature!"

"It's so difficult to be a human being," said Mind Body Xiaowu.

"If you want to become a real human being, you still have a lot to learn." Yu Tianyuan laughed.

At this moment, Tang San came back.But at this time, he was disheveled, with several big holes in his clothes.There was blood oozing from the exposed skin, and the whole appearance was in a state of embarrassment.
"Tang San, why did you make yourself like this?" Yu Tianyuan pretended to be concerned and asked, "Where is Xiaoyuan who is with you?" She asked knowingly.

Tang San wiped his tears, and said in a sad voice: "We met a Vigorous Vajra Bear with a cultivation base of nearly a thousand years on the mountain. Yu Tianyuan and I fought together, but she accidentally slipped and fell off the cliff, and so did I. It took a lot of hard work to escape.”

The three views of Yu Tianyuan and Xiao Wu were shattered, they never imagined that Tang San could make himself into such a state and make up such an outrageous story, but I have to say, the two girls had to Admitted that Tang San was really cruel to him!

"Xiaoyuan, how you deal with Tang San is up to you, I don't care, whether it's revenge or whatever" said the disheartened mental body Xiaowu.

The filter in her eyes had been completely shattered, Xiao Wu never expected Tang San to be such a brazen villain!

"Okay, then it's all up to me to perform, but you have to help me in the future, little rabbit, I can't make it without you in my follow-up plan."

"No problem." Mind Body Xiao Wu answered in response.

So Yu Tianyuan started her own performance of "Wu Ze Tian".

"Tang San, are you okay?" As if Lao Yuan's jumping off the cliff was unimportant, Yu Tianyuan still cared about Tang San pretendingly.

"No problem!" Tang San's heart warmed, he waved his hands and said, "I'll go to Old Jack Grandpa to remind everyone about the presence of Mighty Vajra Bear in the back mountain."

"Then you come back earlier, I'll disinfect your wound first," Yu Tianyuan said softly.

This behavior of hers gave Tang San a big score again.

It was already very late when Tang San came back from the old village chief Jack, and he was surprised to find that Yu Tianyuan had already prepared a table of hot meals and set up two sets of bowls and chopsticks, just like a good wife and mother Like a husband waiting to come home from a busy day
How can a husband ask for a wife like this?Tang San couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Lao Yuan's death and Wu Zetian's attitude towards him gave Tang San a feeling of double happiness today, so after drinking and eating, the two wore the same clothes and sat side by side on the steps in the yard to count the stars.

"Xiao Wu, thank you." After joking for a long time, Tang San said suddenly.

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for always being with me." Tang San lowered his head, looking at the ground under his feet, his eyes were a little blurred and hazy, but after all, no tears fell.

I'm coming!The most classic scene of Douluo's early days is here!As Yu Tianyuan, who has memorized the scenes in the original book, of course she knows how to answer the next conversation and what will happen after the conversation is over.
But different from the original book, it is Wu Zetian who made this move at this time, not the original Xiao Wu who had already secretly promised Tang Sanfang, so the same thing will lead to a different ending naturally.

In the following time, Yu Tianyuan listened to Tang San's thoughts about his father, and comforted and enlightened Tang San according to the original method, until that sentence came.
Tang San held Wu Zetian's hands solemnly, and looked at her seriously: "Will you be my sister? I really hope to have another relative."

Seeing Tang San's eyes glistening with tears, Yu Tianyuan tried her best to show that her eyes gradually turned red: "If one day, many people want to kill me, and you can't beat those people, what should I do?"

Tang San stared straight at Wu Zetian, suddenly burst into a bright smile, and said firmly: "Then please let them step over my corpse first!"

At that moment, the breeze blew the hair of the two of them.None of them spoke again.
"Brother" a simple word broke the peace between the two.

The tears that had been suppressed all this time finally slipped down at this moment, Tang San tremblingly squeezed Wu Zetian's hand tightly, and said excitedly: "Thank you, sister."

I hope that when I stab you in the back, you in despair can still recall the beauty of tonight, Yu Tianyuan said silently from the bottom of her heart.

She planned to put this unforgettable moment in Tang San's mind in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition when he was 15 years old.But before that, she has to work hard to play the other party's "good sister"
The mental body Xiao Wu in the mental space suddenly felt a chill.
(End of this chapter)

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