Douluo told you to push Qian Renxue alone, but you became the queen

Chapter 30 Bibi Dong: Please Help That Poor Child Renxue

The battle ended within three seconds after Hu Liena released her own martial spirit.
She had no power to fight back against Yu Tianyuan who had already opened two doors.

"This secret method is so overbearing!"

Bibi Dong, who was watching from the sidelines, saw more ways,

"The most amazing thing is that the way its exercises work seems to be completely different from the method of releasing the soul power, just like"

"That's right, this new way of cultivation can allow soul masters with low talents and even ordinary people who have awakened without soul power to lead to a strong road!"

"As long as he has determination and perseverance"

Yu Tianyuan confirmed Bibi Dong's guess.

"Now like me, if you open the second door, you already have the strength of a 49th-level peak soul sect, and if you can open the seventh door in the future, you can fight against a 99th-level peak Douluo."

"If you open all eight gates, you can slaughter gods!"

"Peak Douluo at level 99 is not as simple as you imagine."

"My eight-door dunjia is not that simple."

Yu Tianyuan knew that Bibi Dong didn't fully believe what she said, but she didn't care at all.

"Only I know the cultivation methods of these secret techniques, and I can help your Majesty expand and train the army of soul masters belonging to the Spirit Hall."

"As well as helping you deceive the secrets of the sky and resolve the Rakshasa God's calculations. I don't know if you can be satisfied with such bargaining chips?"

"What you have said so far is only your own side of the story."

Bibi Dong's fingers tapped the power rhythmically, her brain was spinning rapidly thinking.

After a long time, she raised her head and stared at Yu Tianyuan with burning eyes.


Bibi Dong changed the topic,
"You can defeat Nana who is going all out in such a short period of time, at least it proves your strength and future potential."

"But all the secrets you know must be rotten in your own stomach, if something bad I know is passed to the ears of a third person"

"I understand, His Majesty the Pope."

Yu Tianyuan smiled and said:
"I have no other advantages in this person, but I am the best at keeping secrets."

"There is no proof in words, unless you."

"But Your Majesty, you can only choose to trust me, don't you?"

Yu Tianyuan knew that she had gradually figured out Bibi Dong's fate, so her attitude gradually became tough.

"My dear majesty, let me give you a meeting gift first as the basis of our cooperation!"

Yu Tianyuan threw out a trump card she had prepared:

"I can find a way to ease the relationship between you and your daughter Qian Renxue in a short period of time."

"You mean you can help that kid Xue'er?"

"That's right, I can restore the mother-daughter relationship between you and at the same time help her win the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire!"

"In this way, Wuhundian can occupy half of the Douluo Continent without bloodshed... The next step is to send troops south to take Xingluo directly!"

Yu Tianyuan couldn't believe that she had already cast such a delicious bait, and it was possible that Bibi Dong, a big shark, wouldn't take the bait?

Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes were faintly filled with tears.

She recalled the time when Qian Renxue insisted on pretending to be the eldest prince Xue Qinghe to undercover the Heaven Dou Empire even though she was alone
That proud but determined back deeply hurt Bibi Dong's heart.

Anyway, Bibi Dong is also Qian Renxue's mother, and Qian Renxue is a piece of flesh that fell from Bibi Dong's body.

As the saying goes, a child travels thousands of miles and a mother is worried, let alone such a dangerous thing as an undercover agent?

"But you clearly know that Xue'er is my daughter, yet you still blatantly divorced her and divorced her in Tiandou City?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Bibi Dong's mind, and she suddenly realized that there seemed to be many things that were wrong back then.

"It is precisely because I know that the eldest prince is Qian Renxue that I have to do this."

"So you have been plotting against our Spirit Hall since then?"

Bibi Dong's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Where are there so many calculations? I just chose a path that is good for both me and sister Qian Renxue."

Yu Tianyuan smiled wryly.

"What you mean by good is that because of this matter, Xue'er became a kind of talking point in the mouths of Tiandou's subjects, and then your father tried every means to wipe your ass?"

"Even being the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven doesn't mean omniscient and omnipotent. What's more, my Taoism at that time was not as deep as it is now."

Yu Tianyuan said eloquently and forcefully:

"I return to the Heaven Dou Imperial City this time to make up for the regrets I have had, and to heal the rift between you and Sister Qian Renxue."

"If you can really do it. Then why not let me spare your life so that you can grow up?"

After a long time, Bibi Dong finally made up her mind.

"I sincerely hope that you can help Xueer well."

"That child is too strong, and after so many years, she has suffered a lot, so I am sorry for her. I am a failure as a mother."

"Your Majesty, no one is born to be a mother, please leave the rest to me!"

Yu Tianyuan comforted softly:

"It's just that I still want to borrow someone from you."

"who is it."

"she is"

A few days later, a major event that shocked Douluo Continent happened:
That is, Pope Bibidong canonized the Holy Maiden of the Wuhun Temple.

And this saint is not Bibi Dong's lover Hu Liena as everyone thinks, but a mysterious little girl.

At the time of the coronation ceremony, only a little girl who was covered in black robes and hid her body completely in the shadows received the token symbolizing the status of a saint from Bibi Dong.

No other information about her is known.

A few days later, a convoy belonging to the Wuhun Academy of Wuhun City headed for the Tiandou Imperial City, the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

They were invited by Prince Xue Xing to exchange studies with Tiandou Royal Academy.

In this team of carriages, there is a person with a very distinguished status...

She is the very mysterious Holy Maiden of the Wuhun Temple——Yu Tianyuan!

In the same carriage as her was the representative of the Holy Maiden, who, in Yu Tianyuan's words, was the secretary and spokesperson.

This honorable position was naturally assumed by our "Little Hu" classmate - Hu Liena.

Hu Liena is the person whom Yu Tianyuan nominated Guan Bibidong to handle matters related to Tiandou Imperial City with her.

"Little Yuan! How dare you not tell me how strong you are! It made me lose face in front of the teacher!"

Hu Liena was still brooding about the day when she was knocked down by Yu Tianyuan's punch.

"Nana, I have to do that too."

Yu Tianyuan gently kneaded Hu Liena's shoulder and said with a coquettish smile:
"Didn't I buy you a lot of delicious food as an apology gift? Even when I completed the task entrusted by your teacher, I thought of you and brought you out for a walk."

"I think you are arresting me as a coolie."

Hu Liena rolled her eyes angrily and said:
"But it's up to you!"

The carriage suddenly braked suddenly, interrupting the "feeling" time between Yu Tianyuan and Hu Liena's daily friendly exchange.

"Die! Don't run!"

There was a lot of noise outside.

Hu Liena felt: Why does this scene seem familiar?
Please follow up, thank you all!

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