Chapter 44 The current criminal and the sister-in-law big cat - Zhu Zhuyun
"Sister Tianyuan! Sister Tianyuan! I want to join your Dawn Flower Sect!"

Ning Rongrong shook Yu Tianyuan's arm vigorously and said coquettishly.

"If you join now, I guess Uncle Ning will go crazy, right?"

Yu Tianyuan couldn't help but laugh, she could have predicted Ning Fengzhi's exaggerated reaction after learning about this.

"I don't care! Dad will understand me!"

Ning Rongrong's answer didn't surprise Yu Tianyuan at all, after all, the other party is still that petite little witch.

"Okay, okay, this matter will be discussed after we leave the illusion and finish the trial!"

"Sister Tianyuan, can the path of using martial arts as an auxiliary system battle soul master that you said really go through?"

Even Ning Rongrong who recovered her own memory still did not forget everything that happened in the illusion, so she asked cautiously.

If you have not seen hope, how can you talk about despair?

Ning Rongrong was afraid that what Yu Tianyuan described to herself earlier was just a beautiful fantasy
"Of course!"

Yu Tianyuan nodded very positively and said,
"I have a treasure, its name is: Soul Carat!"

"Soul carat?"

Even Zhu Zhuqing, who was silently dazed by the side, couldn't help but come forward curiously.

"What it is?"

"Give me your hands, both of you. I'll let you experience it."

After finishing speaking, Yu Tianyuan held Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing one by one, and transferred the newly formed soul carat in her body to them.

"This power is amazing"

"I feel like my martial soul is jumping for joy, wanting more."

Zhu Zhuqing's face was flushed, the cat's ears and tail appeared uncontrollably, and he couldn't help humming softly.

Yu Tianyuan was shocked by this scene, and those who didn't know thought she gave the kitty some kind of medicine!
"As long as you practice body skills hard, and then refine the soul carat..."

"No matter what type of soul master or even an ordinary person with low talent or no soul power can become a master!"

Yu Tianyuan feels very confident in the "Soul Carat" that she and Grandma Snake developed together.

"Isn't this the hope of defeating my sister and Davis?"

Zhu Zhuqing murmured absentmindedly.

"Zhuqing, what are you mumbling about?"

Yu Tianyuan asked suspiciously.

But what she didn't expect was that the other party would kneel down and prostrate at her feet in such a humble way, as if he wanted to kiss her toes.

"What is this doing?"

"Please teach me how to use Soul Carat."

Zhu Zhuqing's delicate body trembled slightly, begging bitterly.

"Actually, you don't need to do this. I didn't say I won't teach you."

Yu Tianyuan bent down and lifted Zhu Zhuqing's chin.

"Look up at me!"

Zhu Zhuqing's delicate face was already full of tears.

"So...why are you being so nice to me?"

Zhu Zhuqing once again asked the question she had asked Yu Tianyuan when she was just rescued.

"There's no reason, it's just because you are Zhu Zhuqing."

This time Yu Tianyuan still didn't give her an answer she wanted to know.

"No, it's impossible that nothing in this world is good for no reason, me."

Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth, jumped straight up, wrapped his hands around Yu Tianyuan's jade neck, then lowered his head and kissed it fiercely.

Ning Rongrong:? ? ? ? ? ?
Can anyone tell her what's going on now?
What did she see again?
Sister Tianyuan was actually given by Zhu Zhuqing
At this time, Ning Rongrong felt that she should not be here, but should be under the car.

"Zhuqing, why are you doing this?"

Feeling the bloody smell still lingering between the white teeth, Yu Tianyuan gave a wry smile helplessly.

"Master, now I am yours, only in this way can I feel at ease when I accept your gift."

Zhu Zhuqing said stubbornly.

That's right, Zhu Zhuqing didn't kiss her for no reason, it was a secret method that only their Zhu family could use:
Transferring the blood on the tip of your tongue to the other party, and reaching a master-servant contract, from then on the life of the Zhu family has been completely controlled by the other party and must not be violated.
Generally speaking, this secret method is used by the Zhu family and the Dai family on their wedding night, but Zhu Zhuqing used it at this moment.

Perhaps at this moment, Yu Tianyuan's performance is more trustworthy than Dai Mubai's?
"Oh, that's all."

Feeling the rhythm of Zhu Zhuqing's life, Yu Tianyuan sighed leisurely.

She never thought that things would develop to this point.
Now let us turn our attention to the East Palace of the Crown Prince of Xingluo:

There were shrill screams and the sound of whipping in the room.

Zhu Zhuyun, a woman in a light blue dress who was once elegant and dignified in front of outsiders, now has nothing to cover her body.

Her hair was disheveled, and her limbs were arranged in a "big" character and hung high under the beams, and her body was covered with bruises.

In front of her was Xingluo Crown Prince Davis, who was wearing a gorgeous brocade robe, with a hideous face, holding a thick hemp rope whip with a diameter of seven or eight centimeters in his hand, and beat his fiancée forcefully without hesitation.

"Zhu Zhuyun, you really have a good sister!"

While talking, Davis gave Zhu Zhuyun another heavy whip, which bruised Zhu Zhuyun's flesh.

"Brother Prince, please let me go, I really don't know anything!"

"do not know?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Since you said you didn't know, why did the emperor give my younger brother a playboy a marriage first?"

Davis spat lightly and snorted coldly:
"Who in the royal family doesn't know that using your Zhu family's blood from the tip of your tongue will increase the life level of our white tiger spirit?"

"Why is Dai Mubai ranked ahead of me?"

"What kind of ecstasy soup did your sister pour into him and my father?"

"I am a concubine. Go home and ask her."

Zhu Zhuyun said with a breathless air.

her heart is really bitter
Because she knew too much about the fate of the Zhu family, she really hoped that her younger sister Zhu Zhuqing could get out of this cage.

But Davis' constant monitoring made her not know how to explain all this to Zhu Zhuqing.

She can only play a clown to please the other party with a smile on her face.

"Go home and ask her? She has been missing for several days."

Davis said angrily.

"Brother Prince, calm down! Brother Prince, calm down!"

"The concubine knows it's wrong! If there is any news about my sister, the concubine must tell the prince and brother immediately!"

Zhu Zhuyun was terrified on the surface but very happy in his heart.

run away
my stupid sister.
Once trapped in this quagmire of the Xingluo Imperial Family, it is no longer so easy to break free!

She doesn't even feel pain from those wounds on her body.
But at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing, who she never forgets in her heart, is offering her allegiance to Yu Tianyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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