Chapter 72 Question [-]: Writing to Convey Tao

The chief examiner in charge of the examination on the high platform is none other than Dolphin Douluo.

He can be regarded as the more educated one among the titled Douluo in the palace.

In addition, he is the Crown Prince's confidant, so Emperor Xue Ye was very relieved to have him preside over the first question.

"Is it just for paperwork?"

Ning Rongrong charged forward as usual, fearless.

"It's just that before the paper is handed in, it's forbidden to speak, forbid to act, and forbid to kill."

Porpoise Douluo's answer was concise and to the point.

"Then after handing in the test paper, can you kill someone?"

I don't know who raised such a weird question from a tricky angle, and the atmosphere on the high platform became a little strange for a while.

"Heh, if you really have the strength, you might as well be the first to hand in the paper, and then kill all the others so that they can't hand in the paper."

"In this way, you can directly enter the palace and become the princess."

Dolphin Douluo told a cold joke into the air with a half-smile.

This time the scene was really completely quiet, and everyone was silent, which was much better than saying "quiet" just now.

"Since everyone has no questions, let's start answering the paper."

Dolphin Douluo used his soul power to distribute a stack of test papers to all participants' desks one by one.

He raised his hand, signaling to everyone that the exam began.

Time is precious, seize the day and night.

In the next time, the pen rustled.

But as time passed, everyone's expressions became more and more painful, and they couldn't help but want to scold their mothers.

Because the questions on this paper are really too difficult!
Not so much difficult as it is weird.

It's the kind that clearly knows every word, but after connecting together to form a topic, it instantly becomes very weird and extremely strange.

Sometimes they can't help but think:

Is it really easier to solve the people who answer the questions than to solve these questions on the paper?
For example, comprehensive question:

"That year when the prince was traveling in Xingluo, he met Taoshan fine wine, so he picked flowers and drank wine all the way. First cut a catty of peach blossoms and drank a jug of wine; cut another catty of peach blossoms and drank half a jug of wine; cut another catty of peach blossoms and drank half and a half Pot of wine, if you go like this, when the crown prince reaches the end of the road, how many catties of peach blossoms were cut and how many pots of wine did you drink?"

The prince is really leisurely
But what is he doing drinking and picking peach blossoms when he has nothing to do in a foreign country?
And it actually has to become an exam question to embarrass everyone here.

Another common sense question:
"What kind of elixir can be condensed by mixing the Xuekuihua recorded in "The Yellow Emperor's Compendium" with the blue herb recorded on page 20 of "Jibei Zhiwu" No. [-]?"

God knows what medicinal effects the long-extinct Blood Kuihua has, and what herbs are recorded on page No. 20 of "The Chronicles of the Extreme North".
They are entering the palace to be princesses, what are they doing knowing this?
Not to be an alchemist!

Another example is the cultural question:
"Please write a seven-character verse with the title of the word composed of the six columns and nine lines on page No.80 of the fifth page of the third volume and the two single characters in the same column on the same page of the second volume in "The Chronicles of Tiandou". "

"The Chronicle of Heaven Dou" is indeed a familiar history book, but who would memorize these things if they have nothing to do?

If you don't even know the title, how can you make a poem?

All in all, these topics are all-encompassing, but they seem to be full of strange things.

No one has figured out that being able to answer these questions is really good for choosing a concubine?
Many people were scratching their heads, their faces were pale, and they couldn't write for a long time.

Can't answer, really can't answer!
Occasionally, someone looked up and saw the difficult mocking smile on the face of the chief examiner, Dolphin Douluo, and glanced at the indifferent prince sitting on the high platform from the corner of his eyes, some people realized:
This is obviously embarrassing them!

The prince doesn't really want to choose the concubine
Today this is the correct answer.

So after a while, a girl who consciously saw the truth of the matter directly chose to hand in the paper.

"Look, she is the daughter of General Annan!"

"Is she so powerful? The descendants of generals are so quick-witted."

"I don't think so"

The spectators all around talked about it.

"Are you trying to get your hands on them?"

Dolphin Douluo asked with a half-smile.

The daughter of General Annan quickly shook her head and clarified:
"No, no, it's just handing in the paper."

Hearing this answer, Thornfish Douluo's tone suddenly became a little harsh:

"Then why didn't you answer the questions and hand in the papers so early?"

This question made the daughter of General Annan feel a little uneasy.

But she still took a deep breath to stabilize her mind, and then saluted gracefully:
"I don't think anyone will answer the questions on this paper."

"So I think the essence of this assessment is not to answer the questions, but to have another mystery!"

She firmly believed that the judgment in her heart must be right!
Hearing such remarks, Porcupine Douluo froze for a moment, then nodded.

Seeing the appearance of the Porpoise Douluo, many girls who were very close to the Porpoise Douluo couldn't help feeling a little jealous towards the daughter of General Annan.

Damn it!Why didn't they think of this level?

It was snatched by others first!

Perhaps some people have similar thoughts, but she did not have the courage to take this first step like the daughter of General Annan.

Or he was half a beat slower than her while hesitating, so he lost the opportunity.

"Oh? Then what do you think is the mystery of the first question?"

Dolphin Douluo didn't care what the people present thought, he just asked this reckless girl curiously.

Hearing Dolphin Douluo ask herself like this, General Annan's daughter heaved a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth again.

She was right after all.

So she proudly puffed out her chest, and replied sonorously:
"I think this first question tests decisiveness and courage!"

"Since no one can answer these questions, it means that the score on the paper is not important."

"Whoever can see through this first and hand in the test one step faster than others, then whoever can get a higher score!"

Whether in the hall or outside, courage and decisiveness will always be the necessary qualities for being a princess, and even the queen of the future mother of the empire.

The former can make people fearless, and the latter can make people seize opportunities. Only such a princess will be a good helper for the future master of the empire.

Hearing the girl's convincing deduction, Porcupine Douluo's smile became colder, and his lion-like pupils were extremely aggressive.

"So... that's why you handed in a blank paper?"

For a while, the atmosphere became a little weird.

The daughter of General Annan faced the coercion from the Titled Douluo, her body was a little weak, and her two legs were fighting.

Then she heard Porcupine Douluo's elegant words of great concern for her:

"I bought a watch last year."


The girl listened with a cute face.

"Just get out of here!"

This time the daughter of General Annan understood.

It seems that this first question does not test courage and decisiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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