Douluo told you to push Qian Renxue alone, but you became the queen

Chapter 74 At this moment, the results of the first question are announced

Since childhood, Yutianying has always regarded Yutianyuan as the target of pursuit.

For this reason, she never slacked off for a moment, no matter whether it was reading extensively or practicing hard, she did not fall behind in any of them.

She tried to understand Yu Tianyuan, became Yu Tianyuan, until she surpassed Yu Tianyuan!
So although there were many tricky questions that left her clueless, she did try her best to answer them.

And she can always feel an inexplicable sense of sight between the lines with some topics:
It was as if she had seen or heard of something similar somewhere by accident when she was a child.

So she can still solve a lot of problems.

"Yu Tianyuan, let today be the first time you stumble!"

But on Yu Tianyuan's side, Ning Rongrong is having a polite social interaction.

Putting aside Yu Tianyuan's status as the number one fan girl "loyal dog", she is also the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

That is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, one of the top three schools!
Naturally, there will be many people who fawn on her.
"Sister Rong Rong, how did you do on the first question?"

Facing such a question, Ning Rongrong couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile:
"I didn't perform very well this time, I failed the test and failed the test."

Although there was a touch of bitterness in her words, there was a subtle lightness in her eyes, just like the legendary school bitch.

Of course, she was all on her own when she said that.
Because Ning Rongrong rejected Yu Tianyuan's help.

At that time in the examination room, Ning Rongrong could tell at a glance that the questions this time contained a lot of Yutianyuan style.

"No one can understand Sister Tianyuan better than me!"

"It's too cheap to rely on Sister Tianyuan to pass the answer to answer this kind of question!"

"Today, I'm going to find out from those little rascals who are sneaking away who is suitable to stay by Sister Tianyuan's side!"

So Ning Rongrong, who was strong, resolutely chose to rely on the hard power he had accumulated in his life to answer the questions on this paper.

In the end, she still felt good about herself and felt that she answered well, but she just wanted to keep a low profile!
So Ning Rongrong answered other people's questions to her very modestly.

At this moment, the papers were finally corrected.

The Porcupine Douluo directly moved out a large display screen, and the names and results of the girls who participated in the selection of concubines began to appear on it.

The order is from low to high, so there are a bunch of zero eggs at the beginning.

There are three cases of getting zero eggs:

Or, like General Annan's daughter, she finally handed in a blank paper;
Either the answers given are all wrong;
Or the test papers were lost by insidious and cunning peers.
Either way, it means humiliation.

Most of the young girls are very thin-skinned, so many of them covered their faces and cried on the spot, which is called a pear blossom with rain.

However, as there are more and more zero eggs, many people are relieved.

After all, when most people are ashamed, the matter itself may become less embarrassing, and become a habit instead.

Then many people feel that this should not be their own problem, but the problem of the paper itself.

Otherwise, how could so many people get zero eggs?

But what is the meaning of the Tiandou imperial family this day, why did they slap so many people in the face?

This has damaged their reputation. Even if they can't be selected as the crown princess, it will not be easy to marry in the future.
Who would marry a woman who has no talent or virtue?

Looking at the zero eggs floating by on the big screen, the girls who saw their names were ashamed, and then showed confusion, but in the end they returned to the commonplace of everyone.

After a cup of tea, many people who were used to it even joked with each other.

"Hey, you got a zero egg?"

"What a coincidence, me too!"

For a moment, the scene was full of joy.

In the auditorium, Bishop Salas watched them quietly, with a hint of sarcasm rising from the corner of his mouth.

This is the Heaven Dou Empire?

You must know that they are all people who are going to be mothers in the future, so how can the next generation raised by them be better?
Wuhundian should be prosperous!Praise to His Majesty the Great Pope
"My heart aches."

Looking at the attitudes of these girls, Emperor Xue Ye would inevitably feel a little regretful.

"Actually, I have also done this paper."

Emperor Xue Ye said lightly:
"I think that I have managed the empire in a smooth manner and have great talents, but at most I can do less than [-]%, and I may not be much better than them."

"But I'd be ashamed! I'm in awe! Do they?"

Emperor Xue Ye even wanted to slap the table, but in the end he restrained himself, after all, he couldn't let the special envoy of Wuhundian see the joke.

"Emperor brother, calm down, after all, most of them are still girls who haven't grown their hair yet."

Prince Xue Xing hurriedly comforted him.

"However, there is indeed suspicion of finding fault with this paper. When we got the final product, we would have the urge to tear it up."

"That's all, let's look back later."

Emperor Xue Ye tilted his head and rubbed his sore eyes, and said with a bit of tiredness.

After a while, the girl who scored 1 point finally appeared.

She was just a commoner from a tofu peddler in the imperial city, but her achievements had surpassed many dignitaries, so she unconsciously puffed up her chest.

So far, the cheerful and active atmosphere just now disappeared in an instant.

There are contrasts where harm can occur, but it's clearly a good thing:
Because everyone's shame is finally back online.

"Sister Heng, I can still score 4 points!"

Seeing her name finally appear on the screen, Haina said happily.

"Besides, Sister Heng, your name hasn't appeared yet. You are really better than me!"

Before the words finished, Heng Tingyun's name also appeared on the big screen.

Heng Tingyun, 5 points!
5 points is one point more than 4 points.
Haina couldn't help but express a sincere and joyful admiration:
"Sister Heng is really better than me!"

From 5 points on, the rate of scrolling names on the big screen becomes very, very slow.

Up to 9 points, Ning Rongrong was on the list!
At this time, many names have been played, and according to the number of serial numbers, she is enough to be ranked in the top twenty.

"I just said that I can be worthy of Sister Tianyuan with my own strength! This result is already very good!"

Ning Rongrong proudly put her hands on her hips, she even wanted to share her learning experience with others.
"Actually, I just squeezed out the time you usually spend drinking tea to read more books!"

She sighed loudly inexplicably.

The girls around Ning Rongrong stared at her with complicated expressions.
Is it possible to do whatever you want with high scores?
Sorry, it's okay in today's first question scenario.

At this moment, the participants who scored 10 points began to be announced on the big screen.

The descendant of Jiuxin Begonia, Ye Lingling, 10 points!
And then 11 points.

All the girls looked at each other, and they suddenly realized that something seemed wrong.

Silence, just like today's examination room.

"I feel that you seem to have misunderstood"

As the chief examiner, Dolphin Douluo said quietly:

"No one has ever told you that this paper is a [-]-point system."

It is clearly the [-]% deduction system!

No wonder there are so many zero eggs

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