Chapter 9
Let's turn the clock back a few minutes.
Tang San realized more and more clearly after spending an afternoon with Yu Xiaogang on the basic theory of soul masters: If he wants to attack Yu Tianyuan, he must first become a first-ring soul master, and then cooperate with him. Tang Sect Kung Fu will be more secure.

But fortunately, my teacher seemed to be more eager than me in this regard, even ignoring the opening ceremony tomorrow, and directly took me to hunt soul beasts, how could I not be moved by this kind of heart?
So Tang San decided to go to inquire about information before departure tonight, as the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles
According to the location shown on the college distribution map in his memory, he quietly moved towards the dormitory where the work-student students lived, but on the playground that must pass through the road leading to Qishe, Tang San suddenly heard a sound coming from his ear. There was a howling sound, and when he turned his head subconsciously, he found that an unknown object was attacking him quickly, and there was no time for him to avoid it!
There was a loud noise, until he and Xiao Wu looked at each other affectionately
"You're the little boy who stood up for his teacher during the day!"

Xiao Wu seemed to be familiar with it, and spoke first.She still has some impressions of Tang San.After all, not everyone has the guts to yell at the Great Demon King Yu Tianyuan
"That. People have names." Tang San stammered, "My name is Tang San, what about you?"

"Xiao Wu, it's dancing~" Xiao Wu replied with a smile.

Xiao Wu?What a lovely name Tang San thought to himself.

"You seem very nervous! Why are you sweating?"

"Well, that's because I'm hot!"

"Strange, it's so cool tonight."

"It's not because you're on top of me"

"Ahhhhh, no wonder I didn't feel any pain when I fell, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Xiao Wu only belatedly noticed that the posture of the two people seemed a little ambiguous at this time.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and get up! There's a large audience, unexpectedly" at this moment, a female teacher came towards them angrily.

"It's outrageous, it's really outrageous! How did the adults in your family teach you? You openly flirted and flirted on the playground at a young age! Come with me to the Academic Affairs Office!"

"Teacher, we're just exchanging ideas!" Xiao Wu said with a quick turn of her eyes.

"Don't you think so? Tang San!" At the same time, she didn't forget to wink at Tang San.

"Ah? Yes, yes, yes! Teacher, we are really just discussing each other."

"Discussion? I see that you two are freshmen, are you both freshmen? What are you competing for? Or are you lying on the ground?" The female teacher laughed angrily, "Don't explain, I've seen it all, you should follow me obediently Bar!"

After that, she picked up one in each hand like an eagle catching chickens, and strode towards the Academic Affairs Office.
"Tsk tsk tsk, the epic first encounter scene of the hero and heroine, it's a pity that there is no video recorder to preserve this classic scene." Yu Tianyuan, who had heard that someone had come and hid in the shadow early, knocked the sunflower seeds with great interest watching the play.

"Little Yuan, why do I always feel that you are a little evil in pleasure? You say so, Mrs. Snake." The Tianmeng Bingcan tremblingly said in the mental space.

"Why do you seem to be paying special attention to that soul beast named Xiao Wu? Are you going to absorb her soul ring later?" Grandma Snake thoughtfully summed up all of Yu Tianyuan's actions today through observation.

As for the fact that Xiao Wu's true identity is a soul beast, the two big bosses also discovered it when they met each other. After all, it is easy to recognize the aura somewhat similar to the root of the Tianmeng ice silkworm.

"Grandma Snake, Brother Tianmeng, you don't understand." Yu Tianyuan smiled, "Xiao Wu is too in love with brains, and is easily deceived by scum, so bloody real-life education is very necessary. Let her become a better version of herself!"

"Then what does this have to do with Tang San?" Tianmeng Bingcan was still very puzzled.

"But if you don't meet and get to know the scum, then what's the point of revealing his true face?" Yu Tianyuan sighed, "I was thinking about how to make the two meet. , but I didn’t expect the correction power of the world’s will to be so strong.”

To be honest, Yu Tianyuan's kick tonight was really unintentional, who knows why Tang San, who didn't come to the work-student dormitory, appeared there!But that's fine, according to her script, Tang San and Xiao Wu finally started to interact with each other
"Although I still don't understand, it looks amazing!" Tianmeng Bingcan obviously gave up thinking.

"Xiao Yuan, I always feel that you seem to know their destiny very well. Is this some kind of secret technique you have mastered?" As a scientist full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge, Grandma Snake obviously cares more about Yu Yu. Tianyuan has the ability like a prophet.

"It's not a secret technique, it's just something that happened in a parallel time and space where I didn't exist. I was born with apocalypse," Yu Tianyuan explained.

I don't know why, but Yu Tianyuan's memory of the original work has become clearer and clearer since Yu Tianyuan was reborn, and the plot in it can be said to be memorized verbatim.So under the strong request of Grandma Snake and Tianmeng Bingcan, Yu Tianyuan sneaked into the teaching building that night and stole a pen and a large stack of paper, and began to silently write the first full text of "Douluo Dalu", combining Tang San and Xiao Wu Everything that happened later was told as a story to the two big brothers in her spiritual space.
"I seem to understand a little bit what you mean by doing this."

Grandma Snake felt a little emotional after hearing the whole story.

"Sorrow for its misfortune, anger for its indisputability!" She used these words to make the most incisive summary.

"So I was thinking, if I can do something for them and change something." Yu Tianyuan rubbed the center of her brows.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"After the relationship between Tang San and Xiao Wu gets closer, we will start designing to let her see Tang San's true face. On the one hand, let her know that people are evil, and on the other hand, let Tang San experience being abandoned by the one he loves. pain of!"

"Aren't you afraid of self-defeating, even if she knows this, she still falls in love with Tang San?"

Grandma Snake pointed out the loopholes in Yu Tianyuan's script.

"Even a Buddha can't save a person who has no fate." Yu Tianyuan gently raised her hair on the sideburns, "Then I can only bear the pain and let her become my soul ring!"

"This is my good apprentice!" Grandma Snake was very satisfied with Yu Tianyuan's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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