Douluo told you to push Qian Renxue alone, but you became the queen

Chapter 94 Three people walk, there must be my teacher

Chapter 94 Threesome, There Must Be My Teacher

The Hall of Asking Hearts has long since become deserted.

All the girls eliminated from the third to eighth questions woke up and left the Hall of Questioning Heart in despair.

Maybe there is unwillingness, maybe there is regret, maybe there is also a little bit of luck?
But no matter what, the trial journey of these people is over, and the journey of the rest will continue.

Qian Renxue got up slowly, and followed behind Emperor Xue Ye.

Because the next ninth question requires her to be present.

Of course, she wanted to carry on as "Xue Qinghe" on the bright side.

"You are all the future pillars of the Heaven Dou Empire!"

Emperor Xue Ye was the first to deliver a speech.

"Congratulations, you have passed many tests and come to the present!"

"I am so proud of you!"

"This last question is testing my family's imperial son's eyesight."

"So if you didn't choose you, it's not because you're not good enough, but just because luck didn't happen to be on your side!"

"Next, I announce the last question of Jiuzhuan Wentian: Flying together, start now!"

This so-called "flying together" rule is also strange.

First of all, Qian Renxue will give flowers and sachets.

Until the end, Qian Renxue was only allowed to give out three sachets, and the girls who got the sachets could continue to enter the second stage.

The second stage is the tea party of the crown prince "Xue Qinghe".

The three girls will drink tea with the prince in the imperial garden and go out for a walk. After a day of dating, the prince will personally choose the final princess.

By the way, under Prince Xuexing's complaining but unremitting efforts to clean it up, the strange smell left by the original second question has disappeared.

Otherwise, the location of the tea party would not be re-selected in the imperial garden.

As for the melon-eaters who watched Jiuzhuan Wentian through the big screen broadcast, they couldn't hear the specific chat content of several people.

Perhaps we can only guess what the pangolin said through body language and reaction behavior.
"Then, my lord, who do you want to invite to your tea party?"

Emperor Xue Ye asked with a kind smile on his face.

"Father, Qinghe has already made a decision."

After pretending to hesitate for a while, Qian Renxue said very firmly.

"Oh? Since my son has already made a choice, he must go on unswervingly with his decision!"

Because he was in front of the public, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Emperor Xue Ye didn't dare to do anything that would lose the majesty and demeanor of the royal family.

So he could only whisper a few words in Qian Renxue's ear.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, but he would never have thought that his favorite prince had already died tragically in the dense forest full of business, and his identity had been replaced by someone else.

"Father, Qinghe understands, I will definitely be cautious and never regret it!"

"Good! As expected of my Emperor Xue Ye's seed!"

"Prince, you can announce your choice now."

"it is good."

Qian Renxue nodded.

As expected, Yu Tianyuan was selected as one of the three places, but in the eyes of the public, she was still wearing the vest of Yu Dihuang.

And what about the remaining two?

You might never have imagined that Qian Renxue actually chose Hu Liena and Ning Rongrong!

But if you think about it from another angle, such a choice is also very reasonable.

One represents the Wuhun Palace, the other represents the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and the "Jade Dihuang" comes from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.
Candidates for a royal marriage are also well-matched.

(End of this chapter)

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