Chapter 1

The sun was shining brightly, but most of it was blocked by the savagely growing trees, the breeze was blowing from time to time, and the only sound in the quiet forest was the rustling of leaves.

Bletilla striata didn't wake up naturally this morning.She was lying on the floor of the refining room, turning her head to watch the ants crawling on the floor.

Maybe because last night's dessert fell on the floor?Oh no, she doesn't know how to make desserts at all.

There was a buzzing in his head, like a hangover, and there was also a bone-deep pain that made Baiji's face twitch continuously, and he couldn't control his facial muscles.

The refining room was very messy, with books and blankets scattered around, as well as bottles and cans placed randomly.Bai Ji didn't know what position she was in now, but she slapped down the medicine bottle with a wave of her hand, and her crisp voice amplified her sense of irritability.

She should go to a human to buy a slave. If the human still sells slaves, the slave she bought can at least help herself up at this moment.

——As for now, first solve the problem at hand, how to get things out of the brain without damaging the brain.

Ah, yes.Waking up from a state of not knowing what was going on, Baiji immediately sensed that there was something strange in her mind before she made any movements...


The boy stumbled and ran into the depths of the forest. Those who arrested him were six grown men. Seeing that the boy was still running in, they hesitated for a moment.

"Boss, there..."

"Tsk, this brat really knows where to run."

"Are we still chasing?"

The little brothers were arguing in a mess, and some were already scared and wanted to leave here.

The leading man with the scar was also a little scared, but he was not very reconciled.When buying that brat, he cost [-] yuan, considering his good looks.Now that I haven't earned a penny, if I don't get it back, all the money will be in vain.

"We'll wait here for a while and surround the whole area. If he comes out, he'll take him away. If he doesn't come out, bah! Go back and find that old woman to get the money back!"



Fortunately for the boy in the forest, nothing happened along the way. He fell beside the swamp, and the wound on his body burst open.

The boy was not willing to stop here, he grabbed it forward with both hands, grasped the weeds in front of him, and then dragged his body forward with great effort, a clear bloodstain stretched out from under him.

He heard the howling of unknown beasts in the forest, but for some reason, they didn't rush out to eat him.

"I seem to hear the voice of desire."

In the end, a woman in black appeared in the hazy vision.


"Go to hell! You disaster star!"

"Why did I give birth to you? You are a monster! Stay away from me!"

"Come on, come here, mom will take you to clean up."

"Ten thousand, no, twenty thousand, a buyout price of twenty thousand, this is his contract of sale, you can treat him whatever you want in the future."

"Which rich woman and old man are you going to sell this appearance to?"

"Would you like to enjoy it first? This kind of thing is rare on weekdays."

"Don't do it, the boss said you can't touch him, he is injured now, and he needs to be raised before he can be sold."

"Brat! Don't run!"

"You can't run away!"


The boy woke up from his dream. He sat up covered in cold sweat. He thought the wound on his back would hurt, but his back felt unspeakably comfortable.No, not only the back, but the whole body is very comfortable.

"you're awake?"

The boy turned his head suddenly, it was the woman before she fell into a coma.

She is dressed in black, a bit like those who practice religion, but the clothes are very simple, with some complicated patterns on the clothes, which looks very mysterious.

The woman's hair is like ink, slightly curly, and her bangs are straight, but they were cut with a pair of scissors to form a slanted line, which looks weird.It looks good, but compared to those with outstanding looks, this face is really too ordinary. The only thing that stands out is the eyes, which are obviously very dark, but they reflect a dark golden light under the light.

Stared at by those eyes, the boy froze all over, not even daring to breathe.

"Are you awake? When you wake up, you can... hiss." The woman looked impatient, and she opened her mouth to chase people away, but she stopped for some reason.

Raising his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, and pressing his forehead again, Baiji suppressed the swearing and changed his words: "Since you've woken up and have nowhere to go, just stay with me, little gu...boy."

The boy was very at a loss, he got up in a hurry, quickly spread the quilt, and sat on the side obediently, with a somewhat defensive expression on his face, but it was mostly fear, and he grabbed his clothes with both hands.

The clothes on his body were a bit big, with a green smell of herbs, not the clothes he wore at the beginning. During the time when he was unconscious, the woman washed his body, applied wound medicine, and put on new clothes.

I don't know if the woman's series of actions were out of good intentions, but the woman mentioned that she could stay, which did make the boy's tense body slightly relaxed.

But he still couldn't trust women wholeheartedly, after all, he knew nothing about women.

"Huh? Name? Are you kidding me?" The woman seemed to be talking to someone, her tone was full of displeasure, but the boy was sure that there were only two of them in the room, "It's not my job to name, I don't like to give Someone else takes the name."

"What was your original name?" Baiji looked at the boy. The name is a kind of expectation and the establishment of a relationship. It is not easy for her to leave behind a boy who is full of desires. Build a relationship with him.

Bletilla striata attaches great importance to these.

"I, I don't have a name." The boy was a little embarrassed, "They all call me a monster."

"Ah, okay, then you will be called a monster from now on." Bai Ji didn't care, no matter whether it would hurt the boy or not, "He has a name, and a monster can also be a name."

Bai Ji never cared about what other people think, as long as others don't focus on her, it will make her feel uncomfortable, and she doesn't like it very much.

Baiji is a very picky woman.

"Hello, monster. My name is Baiji. I am the owner of this room and your future si--guardian. I will take care of you until you become an adult. Do you know when you are an adult? It is before you. As for after that, you just get out of here." Go wherever you like here." Saying this, Baiji ignored the things that were jumping angrily in his head, and stretched out his hand to the "monster": "Shake hands, and the contract between us will be established."

To be honest, the boy doesn't like being called a monster, he can feel that those who call him a monster are full of malice towards him, including his biological mother.They loathed and despised him, yet feared him.

The woman Baiji has no such malice, the word monster has no meaning to her, she just wants to find a name to call herself.

It doesn't matter, he's used to being called a monster anyway.The boy thought to himself, comforting himself, soothing the disappointment deep in his heart.He sorted out all his emotions, and took the woman's hand with both hands.

This warmth made him feel very unreal, he subconsciously wanted to hold it tightly, but Bai Ji had already withdrawn his hand.

"Okay, okay, that's it, this is your room, you rest here first, and I will show you the way after a while." Baiji retracted her hand and subconsciously wiped the hem of her skirt. He didn't care about the boy's drooping eyelashes, "Oh yes, there is one more thing, your contract of prostitution."

She felt that those guys hadn't left yet, but the deeds shouldn't be on them, which was a bit troublesome, but she could avoid them and go into the city to get them back before they went back impatiently.

"You are amazing, Baiji." Baiji patted her chest, reassuring herself, "It's okay, just you need to buy something too."

The things in her mind would be quiet without a sense of existence, but Bai Ji could always feel that existence very clearly, she thought to herself,——ah, damn it, hurry up and pass these ten years.

After walking out of the "monster"'s room, Bai Ji turned around and locked the "monster's" room, lest he would run around and mess up her things when she was not at home.

〖If you do this, he will feel very insecure, and his emotions will be very fragile. He will think that you want to lock him up. 〗

"It doesn't matter, I've already told him, what does his own random thinking have to do with me?"

〖You should give him a sense of security, this is the duty of a guardian. 〗

"Then take my life away now."

〖...The host, please perform your duties well. 〗



"Boss, it seems that the brat won't come out."

"It's not really dead inside, is it?"

"Fuck, go, go back and find that old woman!"

The six of them walked back noisily, while Baiji followed slowly not far away.

She walked casually, but did not make any movement, and none of the six men noticed.

When the few people left the forest, it was directly a town. The town was not big, but there were many people. There were locals selling goods, businessmen from other places in strange clothes, and some adventurers passing by.The carriage was going back and forth on the street, and the six people went to the street, mixed into the crowd, and disappeared immediately.

Baiji knew that it was because of the special nature of her profession. She closed her eyes and listened, and finally locked on a direction.

There, it was full of voices of various desires.

Human cities are lively.


〖You underestimated him. 〗

What happens when you get home and are about to see the little animal you just picked up, only to find that he has made a mess in the room and smashed the door?

The good mood of the day is really gone, although Bai Ji is not in a good mood today.

"I don't want to give him the deed of sale now."

〖You are an adult, you must keep your word! 〗

"I'm really sorry, I'm a scumbag who has no role model at all. I only rely on the old to sell the old and bully the young with the big." While talking, Bai Ji turned his head to search, and stretched out his hand to grab the "monster" hidden in the corner.

"Listen, little monster, if you want to stay here until you are an adult, you have to obey me obediently in the future. I let you stay in the house before I leave, and you just stay in the house, isn't it good? Who of us Don't bother anyone, both of you will be fine."

"I...I don't know." The boy also knew that he had made a mistake, and clutched his hem awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I thought you were..."

Baiji frowned, raised her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose, and interrupted impatiently: "Ha, you think I'm the one who annoys others the most. Listen, I'm the only one who can do this in the future. Now, go back to the house and stay. Immediately." !” After saying that, he picked up the boy by his collar and dragged him up, carried him upstairs, and threw him into the room regardless of his resistance.

"Shut up! Heal your wounds and sleep!"

Baiji slammed the door shut.

The boy got up from the ground. He was only six years old this year. Although he was sensible early because of the previous situation, he was still not very good at facing adults like Baiji.

Maybe he should help and tidy up the room with the woman. When he broke out just now, he saw that not only the living room, but also several rooms were also messy.

The boy was thinking, he opened the door with his feet, and when he looked out, he found that it was very quiet outside, and the woman didn't know where she went.

He tiptoed out and looked down from the stairs, only to find that the living room had been tidied up. Although it wasn't too tidy, it was obvious that it had been placed before - the door on the west side was also intact.

But how long has it been?

The boy was puzzled, he squatted on the ground, wanted to go downstairs but didn't dare to go down.

"What are you doing?" Baiji suddenly appeared behind him, the boy was startled and almost rolled down the stairs, but fortunately Baiji grabbed his collar.

The boy was picked up again. He struggled a few times and almost slipped out of his loose clothes, so he didn't dare to move.

"I, I want to help." The boy explained, the short contact let him know that Baiji is not so easy to get along with, he was afraid that what he said would make the other party dissatisfied, so he apologized quickly - he didn't know that he could do other than apologize What.

"Okay, you take this. If you want to tear it up, just tear it up. I was so angry that I forgot to give it to you just now." As it happened, she put the boy down, and slapped a piece of paper into the boy's arms with the other hand, "I won't help if I make another one."

The boy couldn't read very well, but he saw his fingerprints, so he immediately realized what it was. He grabbed the piece of paper and looked up at the bletilla striata.

But the bletilla striata left again, not where it was.

The boy looked downstairs, but there was no sign of Baiji downstairs.He thought that the bletilla striata might be the reason why those people were afraid of the forest.

Baiji, is it a witch?

"what are these?"

"It's new, look, these are sold in the Chunlou, and they are all well-trained..."

"Hush! Keep your voice down, walls have ears, so keep quiet."

"what happened?"

"What else can I do? A few days ago, a source of goods was all killed. Damn, there are still people acting as heroes these days. During this time, be good, don't draw too much attention, if something happens, no matter how powerful your lord is, There is no way to rush over to save you."

"Yes, those goods..."

"Put it in, close it deeper. Damn it, don't let me know who it is."

"Oh, okay, that... which source is it?"

"Scar's group, I don't know where the goods under his hand have gone. I'm still waiting to collect them. In the end, all six of them died."

"Is this... a big loss? I remember that Scar's gang is very powerful?"

"I haven't paid the money yet, but the goods are good. Forget it. It's a small source of goods, but I just can't swallow it. Doesn't this mean to slap me in the face? The other party hid very deeply, leaving no traces. It turned out to be much better than those six, just be careful these days, don't really be some master and pretend to be a man."

"Oh, good."



〖Person No. [-] has appeared, please rush to the host immediately. 〗

〖warn!Please host immediately. 〗

〖warn!warn!Please the host rush to the No. [-] person immediately before he is seriously injured. 〗


"Send missions in the middle of the night? Kill you?"

(End of this chapter)

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