Thinking of this, Bai Ji looked complicated, but he didn't open his mouth to train Hua Po to do such an operation.

She knew that the children were all geniuses, and she didn't care about throwing away a few basic cheat books after opening the spiritual veins, so she really couldn't blame Hua Po for becoming like this.

Hua Po is more obvious because it is a double row, but what about the other children?

Bai Ji felt a little embarrassed, and planned to take a look at these children one by one during the remaining few days of vacation.

Of course, it is mainly Hua Po at present, so Bai Ji roughly told Hua Po about the feeling, telling him not to drag the elements into his body, but to feel them outside the body.

When Hua Po finally learned the correct way to use it, Baiji asked her what she was more concerned about before, "Are there any other problems, such as physical discomfort? Heart burning?"

Hua Po shook her head, indicating that everything else was normal.

Baiji thought it was miraculous, but as long as it's okay, everything is indeed normal at present, and it's not Hua Po who is holding on.

After repeatedly admonishing Hua Po to come to her if there is something to do, and not to insist on holding on, Bai Ji took Hua Po upstairs with confidence and watched him return to her room.

That is to say, in the end, Wa Po didn't even eat his supper.



Because of Hua Po's accident, Baiji checked the spiritual power of the other children one by one the next day.

Sure enough, besides Hua Po, Jiang Zhu also used spiritual power in the same way.

However, Jiang Zhu's reason is different from Hua Po's. He was always attacking other people because the elements were out of control before, and he wanted to control them better.

Then Baiji criticized him and told him that there are many ways to exercise his control, and there is no need to choose such redundant operations.

Ming Guluo also came today, and she sat with Liu Qing and Yu Pei, who hadn't opened their veins yet, and watched Bai Ji explain the correct way to exercise to Jiang Zhu.

Jiang Zhu was the first to open the pulse, and it has basically become a habit. Baiji saw that he could not change after several times of teaching, so he simply asked Dunnian and Hua Po to teach him, while he retreated to the side.

Seeing her retreat, Yupei, who had been staring at Baiji, quickly got up from the sofa and followed Baiji.

Liu Qing looked at the two of them, then peeked at Ming Guluo out of the corner of her eye, to see if she didn't move.

The only voices in the hall were Dunnian and Hua Po.

"Why are you still a fool?"

After a while, Ming Guluo suddenly spoke.

Liu Qing was taken aback by her, and turned to look at Ming Guluo blankly, "Chun Zhe? What?"

"Stupid." Ming Guluo repeated, "Don't ordinary humans call themselves stupid? It's ridiculous."

"It's beginners, beginners, those who know spiritual power are called originals." Ming Guluo's voice was not low, and Bai Ji on the other side heard everything, and reminded, "Don't bring the malice against Bai Su to ordinary people."

Ming Guluo denied it, "I don't have any malice towards Bai Su, I just simply hate every human being." After saying that, the piercing gaze swept over Liu Qing, leaving behind a sneer.

Liu Qing's scalp was numb from seeing it. God knows how much pressure he was under every day after being assigned to Mingguluo by Baiji, and he didn't even have time to think about ways to get Baiji's favor.

As for the opening of the pulse, he has been thinking about it in his heart.I don't know why, he was very talented when he learned dancing in the building, and his movements were very good, but now he is completely incapable of doing these exercises.

If this continues, he will be thrown away by others. Baiji likes the strong, and he will not even have a place here.

The more Liu Qing thought about it, the more panicked she became, and she made up her mind to go to Bai Ji and try to get her pulse opened before the end of the holiday.

The three people with their own barriers over there didn't know anything about this side. After Hua Po and Dunnian taught for a long time, Jiang Zhu was able to use spiritual power correctly only three out of ten times.

The system looked at it for a long time, and felt that this appearance was very similar to the host. After all, Baiji would use some seemingly superior abilities to not do "business".

Having said that, 〖Host, how do you feel today?Are you ok?There is nothing uncomfortable, right? 〗

Bai Ji moved his wrists, his eyes fell on the three of Jiang Zhu, and when he heard the system's worried words, he slowly "hmm".

"It's okay, I'm still alive."

After the last morning, Jiang Zhu managed to control the probability to [-] out of [-]. Bai Ji saw that the time was almost up, and the chef had already prepared a meal, so he invited them to have dinner, and they could continue to practice after a nap.

Ming Guluo took Liu Qing to another room for class two hours ago. If she hates it, she hates it. She is still very serious about Baiji's entrustment, but how far she can learn in the end depends on Liu Qing herself.

This meeting brought the dejected Liu Qing back, greeted Baiji and left.

After eating, the children were sent back to their room for an afternoon nap by the old gentleman butler who had just been hired.

Liu Qing also went back to the house, but he didn't go to bed. After waiting for a while, he opened the door and saw that there was no one in the corridor, so he quietly ran to the door of Baiji's room.

"Miss Baiji, I have something to talk to you about."

Bai Ji, who was lying on the bed playing games, ignored him, Liu Qing didn't know the situation, and knocked on the door again.

〖Take care of Liu Qing, what if something really happens to him? 〗

Bai Ji frowned, put down the phone, and the door of the room opened slowly, revealing Liu Qing who was startled.

Seeing Bai Ji lying on the bed and staring at him, he hurriedly explained: "I didn't open it, I just knocked on it."

"What's the matter?" Bai Ji got up and sat on the edge of the bed, leaving the phone aside.

Liu Qing was hesitant to go in, but when Baiji saw this, she dragged him in with her spiritual power, and the door was closed with a "bang".

Only then did Liu Qing look up, and it was the first time today that she looked at Bai Ji seriously.It is very strange that Baiji would always change back to its adult appearance when there is no one else at home, but today it has always looked like a girl.

And I don't know if it's because of maintaining the appearance of a girl, the breath of bletilla striata is also very weak, far from the sense of danger that Liu Qing had when she first saw bletilla striata.

Liu Qing didn't ask, the former "teacher" taught him that before he was sure that the guest had a strong impression of him, it was very offensive to ask the guest about his personal affairs.In his eyes, Baiji is now a major client that must be captured, and he cannot make such low-level mistakes.

"So what are you going to do?" Seeing Liu Qing coming in and not opening his mouth for a long time, Bai Ji could only speak again, "You are here for the mime show?"

Liu Qing paused, aware of Bai Ji's displeasure, and hurriedly told Bai Ji about her situation, and repeatedly stated that it was really not that he didn't work hard, but that he really didn't seem to have this talent.

According to the normal development, Liu Qing is also a spiritual master, otherwise how could he become one of the big villains?That being the case, of course Liu Qing is not without talent in this area.

Baiji thought for a while, is it too difficult to give them the basic exercises for beginners?But the other children have practiced well, and Yupei has not opened his pulse so far because of his special physical condition.

It's about the bright future of the villain, the system found an overview of normal development, Liu Qing is indeed a spirit, and he is vicious, murderous, and lives an extremely corrupt life.

Because the general overview is from the perspective of the daughter of luck, there are not too many details about the villains. Most of the problems encountered by the children so far have not been mentioned in the overview.

Bai Ji observed Liu Qing carefully, and found that he was thin overall, but his body lines were smooth and he looked a little weak.

"You...can dance, right?"

"Will do!"

Can dance but not do exercises?Both physical strength and physical flexibility are there. Is it lack of strength?

Suddenly, I thought of a novel I read recently. The heroine is a ballet dancer, and the hero is a jazz dancer. Both of them are obviously dancers, but... cough, thinking too far.

Bai Ji got up, walked to Liu Qing's side, raised his arm, and pinched his thigh.

Liu Qing's face was flushed, but she didn't dare to move, for fear of causing Baiji's displeasure.

"You, let's dance." After observing for a while, Bai Ji made a final decision, "You don't need to practice that exercise anymore, and you can just practice dancing every day from now on."

"But dancing..."

"It's okay. After all, it's all body movements. Wait for me to look through it. I remember that there was a sect that did this before."

This is not Baiji's nonsense, nor is she comforting Liu Qing.Although Bai Ji is very strong, she really has no talent in creation, so it is impossible to create a special exercise for Liu Qing.

There was a sect a hundred years ago, they thought that since the spirit masters were superior to others, their exercises should be unique, and the movements of the normal exercises seemed too rough, so they had to create new exercises with a new perspective.

The combination of dance and spiritual power, with a sense of power and elegance, coupled with brilliant elements, is a visual feast and a dance of death for the enemy.

Needless to say, it was really good at the beginning. The program performed by Baiji at the art festival came from the combination of the martial arts of this sect. Although it was exercise, it seemed to be singing and dancing.

It's just that some people later said that this was too embarrassing, and they felt that they were dancing for the enemy, and that they were too kind to the enemy, which meant flattery and temptation.Others changed their ideas and made various adaptations, and even hired people to play music on the sidelines.

In the end, the kung fu has been made fancy, and it is already improvisation.

After Liu Qing went back, Bai Ji searched the system space for a long time but couldn't find it.

〖Is there really such a sect technique?How is this sect now? 〗The system is also very curious about this sect.

"Well...what's it called, Painted Dance Sect? Later, everyone started to create freely. If no one obeyed others, the sect would be ruined." Bai Ji had the original exercise in her hand, and it was also the one she met back then. A member of the Painted Dance Sect, that person thought the dance of the exercises was outdated, and then threw it to her.

Just, a group of very thoughtful people.

Baiji searched all afternoon, but couldn't find it in the end, so he planned to ask Dilin and the others. In the afternoon, Dunnian and Hua Po were still teaching Jiangzhu.

Yupei couldn't find the bletilla striata, so he sat obediently aside.

"You, why are you always pestering Baiji?" Liu Qing, who was also fine, sat next to Yu Pei and asked.

This guy named Yupei is emotionally slow. Although he is not stupid, he is always slow in doing things, even in school on weekdays, which makes the teachers of various subjects anxious.

It is the fast speed when encountering Baiji.

Yupei slowly raised his head and looked at Liu Qing, as if he didn't understand why he asked this question.

Liu Qing repeated impatiently, and said again: "I can feel that you act on instinct sometimes, you are so attached to Baiji, don't you think she is dangerous?"

Although they get along well, Liu Qing still remembers the dangerous aura of Bai Ji when he first saw Bai Ji.

"Bletilla striata, fragrant, beautiful." Yupei spoke slowly, always saying in a few words, "I like it, Baiji, mine."

Liu Qing frowned, this guy obviously answered the question he just asked, but he didn't think Baiji was dangerous at all, but, Xiang?

"Do you like the fragrance of medicine?" Bletilla striata does have a faint fragrance, but sometimes it seems very bitter. Liu Qing asked Bletilla striata, and Bletilla striata said that she didn't know, maybe it was dyed with medicinal fragrance.

"No." Yupei denied, "It's very fragrant, like, naturally."

nature?He has never smelled this before, is it the smell of the quilt that has been sunbaked, or the smell of green grass after the heavy rain?

"Bai Ji, together, it's very comfortable." Yu Pei added.

These words caught Liu Qing's attention, he looked at Yu Pei who seemed happy, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Comfortable?Is it because of race, but why not Mingguluo?

Bai Ji reappeared, it was the last day of the holiday, and the first thing she did when she came back was to throw the cheat book to Liu Qing.

Liu Qing hurriedly took it, and just about to raise her head to thank her, Bai Ji had already hurried upstairs, only leaving behind a few people.

Several children looked at each other in blank dismay, but the sensible ones did not catch up.

Jiang Zhu thought, then tell Bai Ji that he has changed the way he uses spiritual power when he goes to school.

But what made Jiang Zhu stumble was that on the first day of school, the final grades of last semester came out.

Bletilla striata ranks last in the class, with more than 300 students in the school year.

The bletilla striata was fine, but Pingha broke the news to Di Lin and Ming Guluo, and then the children could no longer go to school with the bletilla striata.

Except for the fact that the bletilla striata is still unshakeable for lunch, they will come to have dinner with them, and they will be picked up by Ming Guluo in person sooner or later, and random inspections of knowledge points will be conducted on the road.

Baiji is not particularly stupid. Although the system gloats and refuses to help Baiji, Baiji can still remember most of the knowledge points within a week. Even the homework at night is asked by Dilin to learn by himself, which makes Baiji suffer.

She didn't listen carefully in class, and never wrote homework. Baiji didn't know the format and some requirements of the homework at all. She could understand some questions, so she wrote down the answers directly, and was told by the teacher several times.

During the first week of school, the air pressure around the bletilla striata was low, and the younger ones didn't dare to say anything to the bletilla striata during meals.

At this time, Liu Qing was a little envious of Dunnian who hangs out with others every day.

Fortunately, since the eighth grade of the first grade is the class of the spiritual origin, a new course about the spiritual origin has been opened in the first grade, and the part of the culture class is relatively reduced, and the world of Baiji has come.

The class schedule was changed in the second week after the start of school, and after Baiji refreshed the class schedule on the school's official website, the courses belonging to the spirit source accounted for more than half of all the courses for the week.

Weeping with joy.

Visible to the naked eye, Baiji's spirit and mood improved, and Dilin also took care of Naqi and brought him here, and found a way to open Yupei's pulse.

"Eh?" Talking about this matter to Bai Ji, this method made Bai Ji stunned, unbelievable.

"You let me take Yupei to travel? The two of us?"

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