Chapter 3

The two broke up on that day, and Mitu felt that number one was as timid as a mouse, and that he would only miss good opportunities if he was so cautious about things.

Number One felt that Mi Tu was impulsive and reckless, and started to calculate this and that with a little cleverness, and he would suffer a loss sooner or later.

For Yu No. [-], he doesn't need a very stable relationship. A close relationship like Baiji is the best, which not only gives him enough breathing space, but also won't cause too much pressure.

It's just that he doesn't know what Bai Ji can get from him by doing this, what he wants to get, which makes him a little uneasy, fearing that behind the goodwill is a deeper abyss.

But apart from this life, he has nothing left to lose.


It's another week of scouting, and Mitu has already confirmed that every night at ten o'clock sharp, Baiji will enter the room at the right end of the second floor on time. I don't know when I went out the next day, but there was indeed such a person at night. move.

After making sure again and again, Mi Tu didn't tell No. [-] that he went to knock on the door on this cloudy night.

"Miss Baiji, it's me, Mitu." Although he said hello, the person had already opened the door and entered.

The lights in the house were not turned on, only the moonlight could be seen pouring in from the window, and the room was silent.

The room is arranged in a simple and random manner, with no rules. The surrounding walls are covered with unexplained long scrolls, which are as long as mopping the floor, and spread out on the entire floor like a carpet. Some are pressed under the tables and chairs. Because of unevenness, some tables and chairs are crooked.

In the middle is a big round bed with a human shape protruding from the quilt.

Mi Tu thought it should be Baiji, but he didn't know why he had to cover himself in the quilt, and the furnishings in this room looked very weird.

Encouraging himself, Mi Tu slowly walked towards the bed.

"Miss Baiji, are you asleep?"

"Miss Baiji, I'm sorry to bother you so late, I have something to talk to you about, so I need to get closer to you."

Mi Tu took every step firmly, but for some reason, he just couldn't get to the bed. The road between the two seemed to be extending infinitely, and it seemed that it hadn't changed at all, except that Mi Tu himself was standing still.

"Miss Baiji, are you awake?"

No one responded.

Mi Tu was a little impatient, he stopped and slowed down, and then stepped forward again.

This time he didn't stop on the spot, and walked to the bed in four or five steps.He swallowed subconsciously, then knelt on the edge of the bed with one leg, reached out and grabbed the corner of the quilt, and slowly pulled it away.

"Miss Baiji, I, I'm here to help you." Mi Tu was also very nervous, and his whole body couldn't stop trembling. When he got to this point, he was also filled with fear.

I can't tell if it is the fear of what he is going to do, or the fear of the consequences, or the fear of killing him if Baiji doesn't like it?
Where the horns were drawn away, delicate and small feet and the white ankles were exposed.

Mitu's other hand touched it, the palm was wet, and his voice was trembling, "It's my first time too, I'm very clean, I haven't done these things before, but I've been taught that if I don't do it well , please white..."

"how old are you?"

Mitu's body froze.

It was Bai Ji's voice, but it came from behind Mi Tu.

"Let me ask you, how old are you this year?"

Mi Tu didn't dare to turn around, and didn't know how to speak.During this period of time, he was very sure that there were only the three of them in the house, and now that Baiji was behind him, who was that under the quilt?

"Six, six years old." Mitu put down the quilt in his hand, knelt and sat on the edge of the bed, not daring to turn his head, "I'm sorry, Miss Baiji, I didn't mean to offend you, and my friend who disturbed you..."

"What friend?"

This time the voice came from the bed.

Baiji lay flat on the bed, her hair spread out casually. She lifted the quilt to her chest, raised her head slightly, and fixed her black eyes on Mitu. Seeing that Mitu froze and didn't answer, she asked again: "I friend? Where is it?"

Mi Tu didn't answer, he turned his head suddenly, there was nothing behind him, as if everything before was his illusion.

But he knew very clearly that it was not an illusion.

"Just now, I..." He didn't know how to explain it to Bai Ji, and he was afraid that if he said it too clearly, it would make Bai Ji unhappy, but fortunately, Bai Ji didn't go too deep into it.

"Staying up so late is just to demonstrate your learning results? Who taught you?" Bai Ji sat up. She was wearing a white sling, revealing her fair arms. There were some weird marks on her elbows, which seemed to be carved on it. Yes, both elbows.

Mi Tu withdrew his gaze, and replied honestly: "I'm afraid that you will not want me, I hope you can understand, I just want to make you happy."

"This kind of thing shouldn't be done by you."

"No! They say I'm very talented, you believe me, I will make you happy, give me a chance, I will definitely serve you well." Saying that, Mi Tu was about to start.

〖He is not yet of age. 〗The system that finally came online hurriedly said, I am afraid that Baiji will just agree, 〖he is only an adult, he is still a child. 〗

"Actually, our boy is an adult at the age of 14."

〖...Please be sure to wait until the eighteenth, thank you. 〗

"That's too troublesome." Baiji grabbed Mitu's hand and stretched it out to her. She didn't know whether the words were addressed to Mitu or the system. She stared at Mitu's face and looked up and down, "It's not bad, It will look better in the future."

Mi Tu thought she agreed, resisting the discomfort of being scrutinized by this aggressive gaze, obediently remained still, and put on a submissive posture.

Bai Ji rubbed his chin, feeling that this kid is indeed talented.

But it's too young, how can anyone have desire for a child who is only six years old.

"The previous people taught you?"


"Ha... Damn it." Baiji got out of bed, dragged Mitu to the door, "Listen, I don't know what you went through before, and I'm not interested in knowing, but you don't have to do it. Before you, I will not abandon you, but after that, you will all get out of here."

"These things can't be said to be useless, but you don't need them now. How about learning something good? I think your injuries are almost healed. Go back to sleep now. I will go to you two tomorrow morning. It's time to move, it's really not a problem to be too idle."

She pushed Mitu out of the room, and leaned lazily on the door frame. Mitu just reached her thigh. disturbed.

"If you want, you can show me your value in other places. You are really not interesting now."

Mi Tu still didn't move, the bletilla had already let go of him, so he reached out to grab the hem of the bletilla's skirt.

Bai Ji avoided him, retreated into the house, and said with a smile, "Go back to sleep, Mi Tu. See you tomorrow morning."

"There's still this room, come in and break your leg again."


When Mi Tu walked back to his room, he found No. [-] standing at the door.

Mi Tu didn't want to talk to him, walked around him and entered the door, turned around to close the door.

No. [-] blocked it with his feet, but didn't make any further movements. At this moment, there was only a gap in the door. The two looked at each other. Mitu frowned, and whispered through gritted teeth: "Get out, don't fall ill with me."

"You went to see her?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

Number one also frowned, but not because of Mitu's tone, he leaned forward slightly, and leaned close to the door, "Do you know that if you lose the bet, we might all be kicked out? Don't let other people do it for you." Wrong order."

When Mi Tu heard this, he retorted indifferently: "Ah, so, do you know? If I win the bet, you will become a street kid again from tomorrow."

"Because I will definitely drive you away, get out!" Mi Tu pushed the door hard with his hands, making a "bang".

Number one retracted his feet in time, stood at the door for a while, then turned and went back to his own room next door.

The decorations in the room haven't changed in any way since he came here, and he tried his best not to leave too many traces of his life, as if he could leave at any time.

He walked to the bedside table a few steps, and took out the thin piece of paper that determined his fate from the drawer.

"It's okay." No. [-] pressed the paper against his chest. He actually couldn't feel any heat, but he was very relieved. It was a feeling of holding his own life in his hands. He comforted himself, "I I will have the last laugh, for sure."

It was Mi Tu who picked things up first, so I don't blame myself, right?

The next morning, Baiji appeared in the living room yawning.

She was not in good spirits, her hair was disheveled, but she was neatly dressed.Although he yawned all the time, there were no dark circles under his eyes, and he looked just like an ordinary person.

Mi Tu sneaked a few glances at her, and there was indeed nothing unusual in her appearance.

"What are you looking at?" Baiji yawned again, seeing Mitu sneaking a peek at him, raised his eyebrows, "What about the kid?"

Mi Tu didn't tell No. [-] about this at all last night, but he couldn't tell, so he lied, "I don't know, maybe I forgot about it."

"Forgot what?" Coincidentally, No. [-] happened to go downstairs, and both of them were there unexpectedly.

He lives next door to Mi Tu, and although Mi Tu deliberately avoided him, he couldn't hide it too deeply.Although I don't know what happened, but Baiji was also sitting there, and the memories of last night flashed one by one, which made No. [-] a little uneasy.

Mi Tu secretly cursed his bad luck, fearing that he would expose him, so he hurriedly said: "Come down quickly, Miss Baiji has something to say, so don't fret."

This lie is very low-level, and Baiji can see through it at a glance, but she doesn't care much about it. After all, she still hasn't put her identity on the identity that the system wants, so no matter what these people do, as long as it doesn't touch Baiji's Bottom line, she doesn't care.

The system flashed in his mind, 〖Mitu lied, and he framed No. [-], this kind of behavior is wrong, you have to correct these mistakes in time while he is still young...〗

"Sit down quickly when you're all here, and let me tell you about my arrangements." Baiji didn't respond to the system. She didn't take care of the two cubs during this time, and the system kept talking in her head. Baiji can be quite normal now. The ignore it when it's not there anymore.

No. [-] came to the other side of Mitu and sat on a chair, a little far away from both of them, but Mitu was very close to the bletilla striata.

Number one glanced at the two of them and remained silent.

"We've known each other for half a month, and everyone knows everything. Your parents don't love you, and I'm alone." Bai Ji glanced at the two of them, her dark pupils dimmed, and she looked a little gloomy, "Before you each recovered from your injuries , I don’t want to bother you, now that you’re all well, and you still have other thoughts, let’s talk about it.”

Both of them tensed up for a moment.

"No. [-], no name, no registered permanent residence on the human side, seven years old this year, no one in the family will help you after your father passed away three years ago, there is one brother and one brother, who was sold to the knife half a month ago by the mother Scar and his party, as for the reason... Well, for your brother to go to school, your brother is a spiritual master."

This era is very chaotic. It has not only the rapid development of technology, but also metaphysics such as spiritual power.Ordinary humans are the first, and the spiritual are the original, but even so, there are still territories that humans dare not set foot in, such as Erlin, where the bletilla striata is located and where weird things are rampant.

Also affected by Erlin, the development of the villages and towns near Erlin is very backward. The industries that are restricted and controlled in the city of the Great Imperial Capital are almost on the surface in these villages and towns, such as Scars and others. In a few days, Baiji Just come across many.

The development of science and technology allows ordinary people to have a way out. Those spiritual masters are not too noble, but in order to prevent the loss of talents, some high-level spiritual masters will occupy land and form clans, so there are aristocratic clans.

Spiritual beings are active by nature. In order to avoid conflicts with ordinary people and cause too many accidents, the leaders of the country did not curb such phenomena, but only slightly controlled them to prevent the number of sect families from being too large.

On the whole, everything seems to be normal, but Bai Ji has a systematic reference to the original case, and has been out frequently to investigate in the past few days. It is known that the muddy water is stirring under the peaceful surface, and the conflict is growing day by day.

Baiji looked at the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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