〖The host has a cold? 〗

"Impossible, you think the spirit is a fragile human being, and you still have a cold." Baiji rubbed her nose and continued walking into the forest.

Yupei had been staring at the forest just now, which made her very concerned.

"But I did have a chill just now." Bai Ji rubbed his upper arm, recalling the feeling just now, "It feels like being stared at by some ferocious beast. There is indeed a problem here."

〖Pay attention to safety, host. 〗The system has been scanning around, not daring to let go of any movement, 〖After all, you...〗

"Stop, don't need to say more." Bai Ji didn't care, interrupted the system, "Since Di Lin asked me to come, it means that no matter what happens, I have the ability to deal with it, and I will recover after a while, it's nothing Big problem."

〖Then be careful! 〗

"It's not so easy for adult Shiling to die." Bai Ji didn't understand why Di Lin and the others thought nothing happened, but the system always felt that she seemed to be a fragile group.

〖Shi Ling?The race of the host? 〗It was an unfamiliar name again. The system searched in the background think tank, but there was very little information, only a few sentences.

The Shiling clan is nourished by the aura of heaven and earth, and there is one out of a hundred years.The juvenile period is 150 years, and it is extremely fragile. Only after the juvenile period can it become the overlord.

The system looked at the word Overlord, and said, 〖The host, you are really strong. 〗

They are all bought in exchange for the pain of infancy. The infant spirits who are weaker than animal cubs only become one in a hundred years, and how many have never lived to adulthood?The last aura will be given back to heaven and earth.

Baiji didn't tell the system too complicated. When they were adults, they could accept the inheritance of their predecessors, but Baiji has not accepted it until now. The knowledge of the Shiling clan is all innate knowledge, some knowledge engraved in instinct.

At this time, Baiji had almost reached the depths of the forest, but still found nothing.

What can hide its own spirit?Like Pinha.

The forest is very quiet, except for the sound of the wind, not even the chirping of insects and birds.

〖It's so quiet here. 〗I have been observing the sound of the surrounding systems.

"Yeah, such a big forest is so quiet." Baiji also felt unbelievable.

There should be some strong existence, its breath makes all the small animals stay away.

Is the corpse buried here, or is it still here, guarding something?
Is the guarded thing related to Yupei's opening?

There was no one around, and Baiji didn't hide his skills, so he quickly ran all over the forest, but still found nothing.

"Tsk, it's really hidden."

After the class selection, Baiji was waiting for Yupei at the door of the classroom.

People came out one after another, Yupei and Huangfuyan walked last, seeing Baiji, Yupei's eyes lit up, and just as he was about to make a move, the people around him rushed over.

"Yo! How are you resting? Are you fighting?" Braking suddenly stopped in front of Baiji, Huangfu Yan raised his hand to hook Baiji, but Baiji avoided it.

Reaching out to Yupei, Baiji left the sentence "Go back and compare" and left first.

Yupei was being led, turned to look at Huangfuyan, and found that the other party's eyes had been fixed on Baiji.

That gaze had a strong sense of aggression, like a ferocious beast staring at its prey.

For some reason, Yupei subconsciously disliked it.

Want to goug those disrespectful eyes.


Of course, Baiji won the competition. Because he was satisfied with the care taken by Yupei, Baiji gave Huangfuyan a few hands and gave her a little guidance.

Yu Wanyi came to find Baiji and Yupei, and asked them to choose the class to be taught tomorrow.

Baiji took a look, and took the medicine class and alchemy class, and chose a meditation class where you can catch fish.Looking back, Yupei had also finished choosing his classes, and they were still in the same classes as Huangfu Yan.

Bai Ji paused, it seemed that the two of them got along well today, so she could be a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind.

The system had a panoramic view of everything, and was anxious, for fear that Yupei would be spoiled in a place where the bletilla striata couldn't see it.

Xiwan Baiji ran to the forest to look around again, but still found nothing.

〖Maybe this is really nothing? 〗When the system saw that Baiji had a bad complexion, he quickly spoke to comfort him, 〖and we have a lot of time, so there is no need to worry. 〗

Baiji is impatient, and he wants to get results quickly when doing things, otherwise he won't hate riddlers who beat around the bush.

"Do it again tomorrow. If it doesn't work, I'll turn the ground over." Bai Ji said, grinding the ground hard with his right foot, "Did you hear me, make it out tomorrow!"

Like a child playing a rogue.

The system is speechless, and sometimes feels that Baiji is more like a child than a few villains.

When Baiji returned to the small courtyard angrily, seeing Yu Pei and Huangfu Yan boxing together in the courtyard, Yu Yan's face was cold, with displeasure written all over his face.

"Bletilla striata!" Huangfu Yan was the first to spot the bletilla striata, as if a bletilla striata radar had been installed.

Secondly, Yupei was interrupted by Huangfu Yan when he was about to speak, seeing how many times Huangfu Yan rushed to Baiji first.

"Why did you go? You were not here when I knocked on your door just now. Are you coming to fight?"

Yu Pei pursed his lips, and turned to look at Yu Yan. Sure enough, the other party's face was full of displeasure. Seeing Yu Pei looking at him, he turned his head away and snorted coldly.

It's an eyesore, but it's still useful.

Bai Ji, who was perfunctory Huangfuyan, lowered her left body, looked down to see that Yupei was pulling her, her small face was tense, and she looked at Huangfuyan vigilantly.

"You brat!" Huangfu Yan was not angry, seeing Bai Ji's impatience, "Then see you tomorrow, go back and rest well, tomorrow we are fighting!"

Do you only see fights?
Baiji pinched the center of her brows, nodded perfunctorily, and was then pulled away by Yupei.

At midnight, Baiji returned to the forest again.

〖Host, what an addiction. 〗The system feels that there is nothing here, and does not understand what Baiji is insisting on.

〖Is there a possibility that Yupei really just looks at this forest for its beauty?Look at this tree, it is thick and dense, and you can tell that it is well nourished. 〗

"A forest without even insects, good soil and good trees? Is it really nourished by nature?" Baiji said dissatisfied, "Don't talk about spiritual energy, no matter how much spiritual energy there is, it won't have this effect."

She asked Yu Wanyi before, what did that spirit creature do here back then, and Yu Wanyi didn't have a definite answer, but she heard that she came here to look for her own child, but in the end she couldn't find it, so she lit a fire in anger.

It sounds unreliable, how could the spirit's anger be quelled by simply quelling the fire?But it did catch a fire at the same time that year.

〖But the host, didn’t you say you would come tomorrow? 〗The system thought for a while, and could only say this.

"It's already [-]:[-], it can be said that it's the second day."

Bletilla striata knocked on the big tree, "Did you hear that? It's already the second day."

It was a gust of wind that responded to Baiji.

"He's quite grumpy."

〖? 〗What emotions did you analyze from this wind?
Baiji raised her legs and walked into the woods. This time, she walked very slowly. She had to observe carefully every step or two, and put her five senses to the maximum, so she could breathe a little.

This time, the system also sensed something was wrong.

It is true that nothing exists but plants.

〖What to do, host, I'm a little uneasy, why don't we withdraw first and come back tomorrow during the day. 〗The system suggested in a low voice.

Bai Ji ignored it and continued to walk forward slowly.

The further you go, the more eerie the atmosphere becomes.

After walking to the center of the forest, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the breeze blew by, but there was no sound at all.

〖Host, we withdraw now, I think there is still a chance. 〗The system said righteously, 〖A good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses. I don't think it's bad during the day. 〗

Go away, goblins, go away, go away, goblins!

"System." Baiji said.

〖! 〗

〖What?Don't speak suddenly. 〗

"He has come."

〖What?spirit? 〗 The system froze for a moment, and saw a figure slowly appearing from the opposite side.

As the distance increased, the figure changed and its body elongated. It no longer looked like a human being, but instead looked like a slender ghost.

But it was always pitch black, and it was impossible to see what it looked like.

〖What's this?Is it really a spiritual thing? 〗

The figure stopped in front of the bletilla striata. It was slender and about two meters tall, with a dark bald face and long hands, like a slim version of Naqi.

It opened its mouth, but it didn't seem to open its mouth.

It was a harsh, electric sizzle sound like a broken radio.

"You're so noisy, it's none of my business?"

The black shadow raised his hand and patted it like a bletilla striata.


"Baiji! Baiji! Don't forget to fight with me after class selection." Huangfu Yan followed behind the two Baiji, and Yu Yan was half a step behind, still with the same black face.

Yu Pei glanced back at the two of them, then turned around and ignored them.

Bletilla striata is not in a good condition today, it is obviously blue and black, its face is pale, and its lip color is also very light.

Feeling like a sick beauty.

Before arriving at the classroom for the morning class, he ran into Elder Zhao, who hurried past, noticed Bai Ji and the others, and stopped in his tracks.

"Student Baiji, are you not comfortable with the environment here?" This is the daughter of the golden thigh, and there must be no loss.

Bletilla striata shook his head, indicating that he was fine, while Yupei looked at her worriedly, and held the bletilla striata tightly with his little hands.

Elder Zhao said again, "Let's go to the pharmacist to have a look. How about classmate Baiji resting first?"

Just as he was about to refuse, Bai Ji nodded quickly, turned around and said to Huangfu Yan: "Then I will leave Yupei to you today, and I will go back to the yard to rest first."

Seeing that Bai Ji's expression was really bad, Huangfu Yan didn't bother Bai Ji anymore, and hurriedly said: "That's fine, don't fight with me today, fight twice tomorrow."

Baiji comforted Yupei, then turned and left.

Elder Zhao saw that the bletilla striata had left, he gave a slight signal to the remaining three people, and hurried on his way.

On the way, I met Elder Duan.

The two nodded as a greeting, and then walked in one direction together.

〖Are they going to discuss what happened last night? 〗Even though it knew that the two of them couldn't hear it, as the follower's "follower", the system subconsciously lowered its voice.

〖Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, host, don't make such a big fuss. 〗

Of course it was impossible, and they didn't know that it was Bai Ji who moved his hand, but the movement was indeed very loud.

Thinking of the woods where the ground had been torn all over, Baiji felt a little guilty, and raised her hand to scratch her nose.

"Hey, I didn't expect that guy to be so brittle."

The bletilla striata couldn't understand what the thing said last night. Seeing it raised its hand, it thought it was going to attack itself, so it simply preempted it.

Unexpectedly, that guy was a group of brittle ones. After being beaten, he wailed and disappeared in place, never to be seen again. He was so angry that Baiji was so angry that he simply searched all over.

Got nothing, Gan.

Baiji's complexion was bad because he had been digging the ground last night.

The forest is now in a mess, so it's no wonder that several elders gathered together in a hurry, presumably to discuss what happened last night.

〖The disciples will definitely find out when they go to the morning practice, and Yupei will definitely know too! 〗The system said angrily, it was called Baiji so much last night, but it didn't stop Baiji.

〖Host, you really went too far this time. 〗

"I thought it was hidden in the ground, but it's good, at least we know that there is nothing in the ground." After all, I searched it over and over again.

One person followed the two elders to a large hall, saw the two men straighten their clothes, and walked in slowly.

"Speaking of which, we haven't met the suzerain yet." It wasn't the suzerain who came to pick them up, and it wasn't the suzerain who was handling the matter, and the suzerain wasn't there when he gave Guan Yidong and the others rewards.

〖It should be to maintain a mysterious identity. After all, he is the main person in charge of the sect, so he must be more aggressive. 〗

Although these words are reasonable, Baiji always feels that something is wrong.

After confirming that the two went in, Baiji also slowly groped in.

The hall was very quiet, and Baiji didn't know how to go next, so Elder Liu hurried over.

It's a coincidence that it's better to come early than to come, Baiji simply followed Elder Liu all the way in, and finally came to a hall.

All the elders on the seats sat down, Elder Liu was the last one, seeing that everyone was present, he also hurriedly took his seat.

The hall fell silent for a while, Baiji waited in the dark for a while, but no one spoke, let alone the suzerain.

〖What are they doing? 〗

"Could it be that you came here to meditate?"

As soon as the words were finished, all the elders stood up suddenly, and then bowed to the head, and saw a small hand on the table, and then a child carved in pink and jade appeared, about to take the head seat.

Because of the short legs, I tried for a while but couldn't climb up the chair.

"Don't you have bad eyesight? Don't you know come up and give me a hand?" The child crawled for a while, and seeing that the elders were still silent, they all stood there and bowed, angrily yelling loudly.

The voice is very strong and powerful, completely the voice of an adult man.

Several elders rushed forward and helped the child onto the chair.

"Ahem, I called you all here, and I think you all know what's going on." After the child sat on the chair, his face was only a little higher than the table. They are very used to it.

"What happened to the forest next to the disciples' early practice? Why was it searched all over overnight? Does someone want to farm in our niche?" The more the child said, the more angry he felt, and he wanted to pat the table, but then Can't reach it, so I can only pat the chair under my buttocks, making a muffled sound.

"And you! Duan Ge! Don't cover yourself with your black robe, and then secretly play with your phone underneath! We are discussing business now! Are you in charge of that area? Huh? Are you talking?"


Bai Ji chuckled happily, but couldn't hold back the laughter.

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