〖Host, calm down. 〗The system hurriedly said, 〖Tomb robbery is wrong. We are still the guardians of the villains, so we must lead by example. 〗

"Why didn't you say it was wrong when you went to Jiang's house to infiltrate and investigate?"

〖Cough, that belongs to investigating the truth. 〗

Duan Ge couldn't hear the sound of the system, and when he saw what Baiji said, he quickly applauded and said, "Okay, I'll lead the way and dig with you."

Bringing Yupei is the best choice if you want to lure that spirit thing to appear. The spirit thing claims to love that woman, and it is impossible for the woman's child to be left outside, let alone appearing in the hands of a "dangerous person" (Bletilla striata). inside.

But since Duan Ge did not deny the possibility of digging graves, it means that there is a second option, that is, digging women's graves to attract spirits.

"Compared with the two, no matter how you look at it, digging a grave is more attractive, right?" It can 100% attract that bastard spirit, and it can also immediately anger the opponent, making it in a state of rage, and the attack power is increased. It will not be said to be a bully.

〖... Host, do you really not care that the other party is your own race? 〗

If Ming Guluo is here, he will definitely still turn to the spirit. Even if the spirit is wrong, he will be taken back by Ming Guluo to teach him a lesson, instead of letting foreigners see a joke.

But Baiji will not.

"Such an existence really makes me feel unlucky."

So that night, Duan Ge quietly came to the side of the forest with a hoe and Bai Ji with a hammer.

Yes, it is a big platform for disciples to practice early.

"...that girl was buried here?" Baiji didn't understand, people came here every day, and they were still disciples of the whole sect, did that girl have any hobbies?

Duan Ge paused, resting his chin with his hands, with a heavy expression on his face, "It is true that she asked to be buried here, saying that she wanted to use herself to nourish future generations of disciples. Disciple, that ex-husband."

"Besides, after my ex-husband left, there aren't many talented and capable people in the sect." If it wasn't for the pressure from the spirit creature, the Niche Lingzong would have been wiped out long ago.

Baiji was speechless, raised his hammer and began to hit the ground.

The ground was paved with marble, and the bletilla striata gathered aura on the hammer, cracking it with the first strike.

Duan Ge turned the hoe in his hand, and suddenly felt that he was a bit redundant.


It was the cry of the spirit.

Bletilla striata turned over the whole forest and couldn't find it. The lover's grave was knocked down quickly. Is it true love?

Baiji didn't care about it, and his hands kept moving, knocking the marble into pieces with a few strokes, and then pinched the pieces away with his fingers.

The spirit creature had already arrived, Duan Ge clenched the hoe in his hand, and looked vigilantly at the spirit creature whose body was obviously bigger.

There was a red mist around it, which meant that the spirit creature was extremely angry and was about to start demonizing.

〖Anyway, digging someone’s lover’s grave isn’t too bad, is it?No matter how wrong they are, we can't be too wicked, right? 〗

"Are you really stupid or fake?" Baiji said impatiently, "Do you think I really want to dig a grave? I feel dirty looking at this kind of rubbish grave."

〖! 〗I felt that the host's emotions were very wrong.

The system didn't dare to speak again, and silently closed the microphone automatically.

The spirit creature had already rushed over, ignored Duan Ge, and stretched out his hand to slap Bai Ji.

〖Host beware! 〗You can’t turn off the mic at this time!
Baiji stood up and raised her head, dodging the attack with a slight dodge, and raised her eyes to look at the spirit.

The spirit body froze, and slowly backed away in the sight of the bletilla striata.

"If you are not sure what will happen to the other party in the future, it would be better to end it directly and completely, right? You see, now that you have found a backer, you should be the one who is unlucky."

He was talking about Yupei, systematically and nervously observing the bletilla striata.

It can see that the bletilla striata is still very protective, plus Yupei has always been very attached to the bletilla striata, and the child is very obedient and sensible, how could it not be angry and angry for Yupei? !

Thinking about it this way, the system also became confident, and no longer cared about digging graves, 〖Host!do it! 〗

Are you calling the dog?

The corner of Baiji's mouth twitched slightly, and the strong and cold aura was gone, giving the spirit creature the courage to attack again.

Then Duan Ge looked at, the spiritual creature that had been feared by the higher-ups of their sect for more than 40 years was like a sandbag under the hands of Baiji, and it was about to be broken into pieces when it was beaten.

"...Maybe I should have called her here earlier." Duan Ge looked very pleased, and took out the dried sweet potato that he carried with him from his pocket and ate it.

When Baiji finally calmed down, he saw Duan Ge sitting cross-legged with a hoe on his shoulders, eating something.

"You're quite at ease." Baiji dragged the spirit thing to Duan Ge's side. At this time, the spirit creature was covered in injuries, whimpering from time to time, shaking like a sieve.

Duan Ge finished his last bite in silence, put away the garbage bag, stood up and stretched, "Finished? Let me punch you too?"

"Come on, what is your hoe for? Hurry up and dig the ground."

Duan Ge waved his hand, "Oh, that's wrong. We still need to cooperate in this kind of thing. I don't have any fun if you don't come together."

Have no guts?

Bai Ji frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "You want to die, right? Hurry up and dig the ground."

Duan Ge took the spirit object from Baiji's hand, and was about to walk a few steps to the side when he saw the spirit object wanting to grab him and tried to resist.

"You have to be good." Baiji said coldly.

The spiritual creature froze and didn't dare to move again.

Duan Ge carried the spiritual object, went to the side and gave the other party another beating.

When he came back refreshed, he saw Bletilla striata touching his chin, observing the black earth exposed after the pieces moved away.

"Is there any gain?" Duan Ge came to Bai Ji's side, "Should I tie this guy up first?"

Baiji said no, and continued to observe the land.

After Duan Ge released the hold on the spirit thing, he saw the body of the spirit thing trembling slightly, and then slowly crawled towards the ground.

The marble floor was built quite high, and the spirit creature crawled to the edge, stretched its head to look at the exposed land, and let out a low whimper.

"It's really sad to see. Those who don't know think we are some big villains." Duan Ge put his hands behind his head. Although the spirit looked very miserable at this time, she was calm in her heart, without a trace of pity. Heart.

"When the ex-husband was kicked out, the woman cried and told the other party not to hate them and not to harbor resentment, so in order to reassure the woman, the spiritual creature simply abolished the brother's spiritual veins and made him an ordinary person. There is no more hope in my life.”

Seeing the strength of Lingyuan Zhe, he had always been the proud son of heaven before, but was stabbed in the back by his wife, expelled from the sect, not to mention, even had his meridian veins abolished by the mistress of a foreign race.

"Oh, I forgot his name."

In terms of feelings, it's not that deep.

But Duan Ge watched the man's ups and downs, and had respect for him. Later, he became angry because of the woman's behavior and felt worthless for the man.

The spirit controlled the sect, controlled the high-level members of the sect, and she couldn't resist it like a stick in her throat. She only had some magic weapons from her ancestors on her body. man's name.

She can't help men, so why bother to remember these.

For more than 40 years, the man whose veins have been crippled has no hope, and it is estimated that he has already become a handful of loess.

But every time I see that spiritual creature, I still feel angry.

"If I had known today, I should have remembered the name." In this way, she could still carry the wine to see if she could find the man's tomb and other descendants of the man...

"Huh?" Duan Ge suddenly raised his head and looked at Bai Ji.


"That's right, Yupei is the descendant of that man. That man has no successors. How about I take Yupei as... ahaha, just kidding."

Bai Ji withdrew his gaze and kicked the spirit thing aside.

〖Host, you have to forgive others and forgive others, we don't have to be so cruel. 〗The system is still a newcomer, so I don’t want to be abused, so I suggested, 〖Let’s stop torturing people like this, how about killing them? 〗

"...You are more ruthless than me." To be honest, Bai Ji had never considered killing this spirit creature.

It would be difficult to kill the spirit creature after it became the ghost it is now, and it would definitely have a bad influence on the suzerain.

She hasn't forgotten her main purpose of coming here, and the solution up to this point is strictly superfluous.

Duan Ge jumped down and dug for a long time, but found nothing.

"No, I watched them bury the girl here." Duan Ge came out of the pit and walked back and forth, "Isn't it here, somewhere else?"

The platform is huge, and the place they dug is just the tip of the iceberg.

"How about we try something else?" Duan Ge turned his head and suggested to Bai Ji.

"If it is discovered tomorrow, it should be your fault."

Duan Ge froze, he could already imagine the angry little face of tomorrow's Sovereign after the two of them turned the whole platform over tonight.

"Ahem, let's be more rigorous." After all, buying so many marbles is not a small fee.

The two started experimenting, which was actually quite simple, just to see where the spiritual creature was more excited.

After trying for a long time, I finally locked in a range.

"I think it's here." Duan Ge stepped on the ground under his feet, and the two of them repeated their tricks, and soon the bottom black soil was exposed, and Duan Ge simply fell down and started digging.

After digging for a while, a very clear sound of metal collisions could be heard.

The spirit creature on one side screamed fiercely, as if calling for something, but was blocked by Baiji striata with solidified soil.

〖Cruel, brutal. 〗Looking at it, the system couldn't help swallowing, feeling like a piece of dirt had been stuffed into its mouth.

The two dug out the inner and outer coffins, and before Duan Ge could speak, he saw Baiji open the inner and outer coffins with great boldness.

"Hiss—!" Baiji's hands froze, as if he had been shocked by something, and he withdrew his hand to check, but there was nothing.

〖Be careful, host, why are you so reckless, sooner or later accidents will easily happen. 〗

Baiji ignored the system's advice and opened the coffin inside.

The woman has turned into a skeleton, but it is well preserved, and there are no moths in the coffin.Baiji roughly analyzed her bones, and could infer that the woman was quite beautiful when she was alive, and she was really pampered all the time, without any bones deformed due to fatigue or injury.

He was holding a box in his hand.

"It should be this." Bai Ji wanted to reach out to grab it, but the system hurriedly stopped it.

〖Ah ah ah, don't, how long ago did this happen, the host is not afraid of bacteria and parasites, there are gloves in the system space, shall we wear gloves? 〗

Baiji thought it was reasonable, and didn't avoid Duan Ge who was on the side, took out the gloves and put them on his hands.

Duan Ge watched the whole process, paused, and tightly clenched the garbage bag in his pocket, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't ask.

Everyone has secrets, don't ask what you shouldn't ask.

Open the box, there is a golden bell and another small box.

"What dolls?"

Baiji left the golden bell to Duan Ge, and was about to open the small box.

〖?It's not me who interrupted. 〗

Bai Ji was silent, and took out his mobile phone. It was Di Lin's video invitation.

Oh yes, she even ran down the mountain to charge her phone for tonight's event.

Still not avoiding Duan Ge, Bai Ji connected the video call.

"Xiaobai! Long time no see, have you lost weight?"

As soon as it was connected, the screen was filled with Di Lin's beautiful face.A face that obviously only makes people think it is beautiful, but it can't be mistaken for the other party's gender.

Di Lin's appearance can be unified aesthetically, it is both beautiful and handsome, holy and noble.

Baiji turned around slightly to stagger the screen of the phone, but Duan Ge still didn't come back to his senses, "No, it's your illusion, or the beauty of the phone."

Because it was night, Di Lin's hair was not combed straight, hanging lazily on his cheeks, looking like a beautiful young fairy.

"Does Xiaobai miss me? You have been away from me for four days, how is it over there? Are you used to everything?"

Baiji had a cold face, "If you don't talk about business, I'll hang up."

Di Lin was not angry, but smiled instead. His voice was clear and magnetic, and the bletilla striata's tail vertebrae felt numb for a while, and he wanted to hang up the video with a sullen face.

"Xiaobai's speed is very fast, I knew it would be like this, so I wanted to get you, Xiaobai, to Kan Qingzong. I didn't expect you to go to the Lingling Sect by accident."

Baiji snorted, with a cold face, "What? Something unexpected happened?"

"Do you think that's possible?" Di Lin smiled again, looking in a good mood, stretched out his slender fingers across the screen, as if he was tracing the facial features of Bai Ji, "Do things quickly, and the one who is bored after that is Xiaobai, I won't bring you back first."

The veins on Baiji's face twitched, and Di Lin continued, "I heard that Xiaobai is going to participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition. I'm really surprised. If Xiaobai wins, how about I give you another gift?"

Bletilla striata is an extremely spiritual creature, and no matter how suppressed its strength will be, the system knows that Bletilla striata will definitely win from the moment it says it wants to participate, and it is sure that Dilin knows it too.

After all, you just want to give Baiji something, right?

The system complained inwardly, and saw Di Lin in the video suddenly narrowed his eyes, and when he spoke again, his tone was dangerous.

"There's something wrong with Xiaobai."

The system froze, almost garbled words at that moment.

"Don't worry about it, whether you're grinding or not, hurry up and say something." The box was about to be opened.

"Xiaobai is too much, I want to change Xiaobai to someone who is more obedient." Di Lin sighed, seeing that Baiji could not bear it, he smiled and said, "There is Yupei's love thread in that small box." , if Xiaobai doesn't want Yupei to be like this in the future, it's better not to touch that box."

"Ah? Then what should I do? How can I put it back for him?"

"When you come back, I'll be fine." Di Lin raised his hand and waved it slightly, "That's it, see you later."

The video was hung up, and Bai Ji's angry face was displayed on the screen. She turned to look at Duan Ge, who was still blushing in a daze.

"Tsk, don't think about it, that's my 'father'."

"Ah? Ahh? Ah?"

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