"I..." Duan Ge's voice was blocked by Baiji's spiritual power.

"Keep down, do you want more people to know?"

Duan Ge couldn't speak, he could only nod his head twice, and Baiji pinched his fingers to release the spiritual power seal.

"Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night?" After solving Duan Pavilion, Bai Ji looked at Yu Pei.

Yupei was a little uneasy, but he was not very eloquent, and he was afraid of making Baiji angry again.

The relationship between the two has just eased, and now Yupei is very careful in everything he does.

"Hey, kid, it's normal to be mentally active at night." Duan Ge opened his mouth to ease the atmosphere, turned his head to look at Yu Pei, and noticed his different pupils, "Are his eyes like this before?"

Speaking of this bletilla striata is not happy.

Yupei's eyes had always been dark green before, why did they become different pupils at night when he got here?

——Oh, it turned out that he had already looked for the spiritual creature in private.

Seeing Baiji pulling his face, Duan Ge smiled awkwardly, and stopped being a curious baby, bringing the topic back to just now, "Then, shall we go now?"

Baiji didn't say any more or refuse, picked up Yupei and followed Duange away.

"Hey, why are you so energetic all night?" In the yard on the other side, Huangfu Yan had just finished washing, and was wearing glasses to read letters from home.

Because the vigilance has always been very high, they soon discovered the leaving figure of the three Baiji.

Yu Yan raised his head after being told by Huangfu Yan, but when he raised his head, several people had already left, so he didn't see anything, "Sister, don't worry about them."

There are only two siblings in the yard now, Huangfu Yan seems to be a different person, looking at Yu Yan with his chin up, "My dear brother, why do I feel that you are always deliberately targeting Bai Bai?"

"Baibai? Sister, you don't know them at all! Do you know what I saw that day? That kid..."

"What does this have to do with us? Does this have anything to do with you?" Huangfu Yan interrupted him with cold eyes, "Have you eaten up all the tutoring of the Yu family? Is that how your mother taught you all the time?"

"Me!" Yu Yan lowered his head, "I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't say sorry to me. If you really feel that you are wrong, you should apologize to the person involved."

"...What about my sister? What do you think of them?"

"The bletilla striata is very strong." As soon as the bletilla striata was mentioned, Huangfuyan became excited, his voice trembled, and the expression on his face was also very excited. "She is too strong. I have a lot of fun fighting with her, and I can gain a lot."

"What about the others?"

"What?" Huangfu Yan was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Yu Yan to mention others, "What other people?"

"Yupei, Yu Wanyi and the others." Yu Yan looked up, trying to see something from Huangfuyan's expression, and saw his sister showing a very confused expression.

"Huh? Who are they?"

"..." It seems that my sister really doesn't care about people who don't bring her happiness.

But it's not good to be so fanatical about Baiji. They came here as exchange students because my sister said that she wanted to experience the strength of the people in the sect and fight with people outside the school. Like a dog licking, chasing after the bletilla striata buttocks.

Yu Yan was dissatisfied, and somewhat jealous, her sister was not that enthusiastic towards him, but now she is towards a person whom she has known for less than half a month.

"What about after that?" Yu Yan tried to wake up his stupid sister, "We have only been here for four or five months as exchange students, and we will leave almost a week after the Zongmen Grand Competition. Baiji and the others are from No. [-] Junior High School. People, although they are in the same city, but the two schools are far apart, basically after leaving the sect, it can be said that they have nothing to do with each other."

After the words fell, Huangfu Yan froze there.


"You haven't thought about it, have you?"

Huangfuyan said bluntly: "Ah, indeed, haha." Then his tone changed, "But this is not a good brother, you remind me, in this case, if the mountain does not come, I will go to the mountain, there is no chance to create opportunities !"

Yu Yan choked up, wanting to slap him in the face just now.

But he held back, gritted his teeth and asked Huangfu Yan what he wanted to do, to see if he could get in the way so as to sabotage her plan.

Huangfuyan didn't like his younger brother telling the people he cared about, but he never thought that his younger brother would destroy his plan.

"Ah, of course I want to marry her back home!"


"Marry and go home, so that I can fight with her every day, just like the old man and mother." Huangfuyan became more and more excited as he spoke, and began to imagine a bright future for the two of them, "If she agrees, I will offer you a bride price all my property."

"Of course, one of our future children can take my surname and the other hers." Speaking of this, Huangfu Yan paused, "No, I can do better than the old man, as long as she promises me, all future children will be surnamed." The child has a good last name with her!"


Yu Yan was puzzled, his expression was shocked to the point of bewilderment, let alone why their parents fight every day, you are still minors, you can't get married at all, right?If this idea is to be implemented, it will take at least six or seven years.

"Ahem, sister, it's crazy."

"Well, indeed, I think so too." Huangfu Yan nodded, "After all, I still don't know what Bai Bai is thinking. I will tell her tomorrow during the day, and then prepare to propose marriage!"

Having said that, before Yu Yan could stop him, Huangfu Yan wrote the news in the letter he was going to mail to his family.

It's not a request, it's a notification.

Old man, I have a girl I care about, she is called Baiji, she is very strong, very strong, and then I want to marry her, well, you can count my property over there, I will use it as a bride price.

After finishing writing, I happily sealed it and prepared to mail it away every day.

Yu Yan saw everything in his eyes, and already planned in his heart to steal the letter and burn it while Huangfu Yan was asleep tonight.

But Huangfu Yan was on guard and put the letter under the pillow, Yu Yan didn't succeed all night.


Baiji on the other side didn't know that she was being watched by someone when she left the yard, and she even made plans to have a baby with her.

Following Duan Ge all the way, the final destination is the place where the elders met last time.

Baiji turned back into an adult, put a mask on herself and Yupei, held Yupei in her arms, and let Duan Ge lead the way.

Yupei really likes bletilla striata, likes her smell, her breath, and the very comfortable feeling when she is close to her.

At this time, Yupei was dragged by the bletilla striata, half-embraced in his arms, his little head resting on the shoulder of the bletilla striata, narrowing his eyes happily, like a sleepy kitten cub, flashing the cuteness of the system flash.

〖Host, he is so cute. 〗

Bletilla striata turned her head slightly, but she couldn't see Yupei's current appearance, so she stretched out her hand to caress Yupei's back, and the anger in the past few days was slightly relieved.

After all, he was still a child, and he was treated like his biological mother before.She has lived for so long, and she doesn't care about a child.

"It's really cute." These children were sensible and obedient, and they were all cute.

The system carefully sensed Bai Ji's emotions, and seeing that she was not acting strange, nor mixed with anger, she felt relieved, knowing that the matter had passed like this.

This time, I have already arrived at the conference room where the last meeting was held. Duan Ge opened the door and entered, and saw all the elders here, but the suzerain was nowhere to be seen.

〖Actually, I think that if they really want to know, they should know the identity of you and Yupei soon. 〗

"Mine may be a bit reserved, but Yupei should know." Baiji didn't care, "But at least, if they want to get along on the surface, they have to hold back and can't expose it."

The Niche Lingzong is not a big sect, they can't bear the result of breaking everything.

Not to mention what will happen to Dilin, Baiji alone can teach them a lesson, letting them know how stupid it is to offend a super spiritual creature.

〖Well, where is the suzerain? 〗

Bai Ji glanced aside, "Hiding there, heh, I guess I don't want people to see him as a child."

The system thought of the Sovereign it had seen before, and thought of his rough voice, it was indeed embarrassing to appear in this image.

Now the two parties have not opened their mouths, and there is a faint sense of confrontation.

Duan Ge wiped off the sweat that didn't exist, and was already thinking about going back to his hometown to marry a wife and have children after finishing this vote.

——Bah, she's not a bandit or something, why would she want to do that.

If you don't even speak, then she will come.

Just as Duan Ge was about to open his mouth, before he could make a sound, he heard the voice of the suzerain, and she quickly shut her mouth to death.

"Your Excellency, Ankang, I hope you can help us when I call you this time." The suzerain actually didn't want to speak, he planned to hold back for a while, but Baiji's Wia kept forcing him, so he couldn't help it and showed up quickly.

In the final analysis, Bai Ji was invited to help, and it would be enough to simply take Joe away, and the loss outweighs the gain if the boss is taken away.

The system saw a little child running out from the side, dragging a black object several times its size in his hand, and finally made a [噗嗤] without holding back.

Baiji raised his eyebrows, Yupei in his arms moved slightly, straightened up and turned to look at the suzerain.

It's ridiculous to say that the two have been born for more than 40 years, and this is the first time the half-brothers have met.

The suzerain saw Baiji first. After all, she was too conspicuous. Although most of her face was covered, her temperament could not be ignored.Especially those eyes, in the dark night, those golden eyes seemed to be shining, when they looked at the suzerain, the cold image seemed to freeze the suzerain.

The suzerain was frightened, so he looked away to avoid staring at each other, and met Yupei again.

The pair of different pupils, one black and one white, were not as dazzling as the golden pupils in the dark, but they were so weird that the suzerain immediately knew that this was his half-brother.

... Ah yes, although he looks like a child, he has indeed lived for more than 40 years, and he is already an existence that can be called an uncle.

And his elder brother, who was sealed in time when he was born, stayed by his mother's side like a living dead, always looking like a baby.Maybe it was retribution, the mother didn't live for a long time, and after that, the spirit was out of sight and out of mind, so she sealed him completely, and fell into a deep sleep without knowing anything.

Thinking of this, the suzerain lowered his head.

He only found this elder brother last year. When he opened the seal, it might be because the seal was too long, and he already looked like a six or seven-year-old child.The suzerain doesn't want him to go on like this, so he can't be sealed here forever?He simply let Yupei go while the spirit was not paying attention.

This is why Yupei was wandering on the road before and was picked up by Di Lin.

But at this time, the atmosphere was rather awkward.

The suzerain has no sense of hostility towards Yupei, and he can accept this elder brother in his heart.It's just that it's only been a few years for his elder brother to have his own clear consciousness, and he has far less experience in the world. Compared with his elder brother, Yupei can be his son.

The voice seemed to be stuck in the throat, and the phrase "brother" just got stuck here.

"What?" Seeing his trembling lips, Baiji didn't speak.

Only then did the suzerain regain his voice, "Ahem, it's like this. After our negotiation, we plan to dispose of this spiritual creature. Please help us."

"We have been held hostage by this spiritual creature for decades, and we don't want to continue like this."

Baiji tilted his head, "I can take it away, so that it will never do anything to you again."

It seems that the suzerain is quite ruthless, or is he being bullied too hard?He even asked her to help him kill his father.

The suzerain paused, "However, if this spiritual object is not removed, I will not be able to die well compared to the child in your arms."

Baiji squinted and threatened her?

The oppressive feeling of the extreme spiritual creature hit, and everyone present began to tremble, it was from the trembling feeling wrapped in the heart.

The suzerain gritted his teeth to resist, and continued: "Your Excellency also saw the child's different pupils, it must be the spirit object to this child..."

"He's your brother."

"—Well, cough, it must be this spiritual creature..."

"That's your father."

"Cough, cough, cough! Cough, my father must have done something to my brother, and I have become like this because of this spirit...my father. Your Excellency, I hope you can help us."

When the suzerain talked about his father, he always had a feeling of gnashing his teeth. Bai Ji touched his chin, knowing that the suzerain really hated spiritual things, and he must have been bullied miserably in the past few decades.but--

"It gave you your current status, as well as your current strength. Having it is also a guarantee, so that you don't have to worry about being invaded by other sects. If you get rid of it, you will lose everything you have today. The strength of the sect will also be greatly reduced, have you really thought about it clearly?"

The suzerain raised his head, and all the elders looked over one by one.

No one objected.

The suzerain was also very firm, "I think so, we have already decided."

"Human sects cannot live under the control of foreign races. We can protect ourselves. Only our own strength is the foundation for the sect to develop, instead of relying on foreign things or foreign races."

The suzerain is small, and the firm and serious expression on this small face is a bit funny, but the determination is already on the surface.

Baiji said again: "The death of the spiritual creature will also hurt you."

"It won't die, it will hurt more people."

After the woman died, although the spirit no longer showed up, there were traces to follow, and most of the disciples who found it were killed by it.Although the suzerain is its child, it doesn't treat the suzerain very well, like treating a part that can be manipulated casually, so that the suzerain must obey his own words.

"It's true that most of my strength comes from it, but it doesn't make me happy. I've been filled with disgust."

Baiji tilted his head and looked at Yupei, who had been silent all this time, "What about you? Do you hate it? And your biological mother."

Yupei raised his head and looked at Baiji in a daze, only himself was reflected in those golden pupils.

He felt joy for this, and his whole body was as comfortable as bathing in spiritual energy.

"I, as long as, bletilla striata."


In fact, he never cared about those injuries, so he never cared about them.

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