Chapter 39

The system found it ridiculous, but luckily Huangfu Yan did not inherit her great-grandfather's talent.

It is impossible for the current Baiji to bring Huangfu Yan by her side, otherwise she would be the first to be pestered to death by the other party.

The system thought again, fortunately, the villains are not adults yet, and they are not so awesome, so they won't be targeted by Huangfu Yan, a gangster.

In its own memo, the system silently recorded Huangfu Yan in the difficult category.

In other words, Huangfu Yan's name seems to have been mentioned in the novel originally written according to the future, from the perspective of the daughter of luck?

The system looked for it from the built-in files, and sure enough, it found Huangfuyan.But it also appeared in the later stage. After the girl of luck came to the city, she would face this lunatic-like female character. It was a staged boss, and it was the kind of boss who beat back one and came back again, and came back after teaching mother and father a lesson .

Hmm... is this the big family?One after the other, it's amazing.

The system sighed again, is it because the bletilla striata is bound to itself?Every step she takes now is like walking the path of the daughter of luck, although she is walking backwards.

Baiji didn't know why the system suddenly went silent, but it was good, without the system's voice constantly calling in her mind, it would make her more relaxed and no longer distracted.

"Sister!" Yu Yan broke Huangfu Yan's hand, "You almost suffocated me."

Huangfu Yan put down his hands, still staring at Bai Ji.

Yu Yan immediately hit the nail on the head, "Is she suspicious? She even knew the name of her great-grandfather, but she didn't say anything after mentioning it." He wrote a letter when he returned home, asking his family to thoroughly investigate the bletilla striata.

Huangfuyan's eyes were complicated, "I don't think she is a bad person, although I don't know how she met her great-grandfather, and whether what she said is true, but I have a hunch that she will not harm us, and she has no interest in our family."

What about that feeling?Rather than saying that Baiji is harmless to the Huangfu family, it is better to say that she doesn't care at all.

Great-grandfather was a pharmacist with outstanding achievements, but when Baiji mentioned him, his tone was very flat, as if he was asking people "how is the weather today", it was just an ordinary inquiry, and he didn't care too much about other people's answers.

When Huangfu Yan replied that it was her great-grandfather, she was a little surprised, but she didn't have any other emotions.

If I had to say it, Huangfu Yan felt a kind of complexity at that moment, as if he was expressing——

Ah, then I can still be considered your elder?

Huangfuyan hurriedly dismissed this outrageous idea, Bai Ji looked only about 12 years old, although sometimes he was very imposing, but it didn't mean that the other party could really be his elder... right?

All of a sudden, Huangfu Yan had a complicated expression and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The Huangfu family has always taught the children to respect their elders, unless the elders are making troubles on their own, everything should be courteous to the elders.

Ever since Huangfuyan knew Baiji, not to mention being courteous, when he pestered her to fight, he wanted to use all his strength, for fear that the fight would be uncomfortable and he would not show his limit.

And if his old man knew about this, Huangfu Yan closed his eyes and had already made a decision in his heart.

Regardless of whether Bai Ji is Yu Yan's elder or not, at least he must not be his elder.

Marriage proposal must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.


Baiji didn't know that her inquiry out of curiosity about her surname had caused so many follow-ups. After she left Huangfuyan's two siblings, she came to Yupei's side and began to guide Yupei's posture.

The color of desire that can be seen obscures most of the appearance, and there are always distracting voices from the system, which makes Bai Ji only use his consciousness to observe others most of the time.

If it wasn't for his fierce looks, others might have noticed that when Baiji was talking to the system, he was often in a daze.

"Here, raise your arm, yes, raise it to this high." Baiji raised her hand, grabbed Yupei's arm, lifted it up, and then settled there, "Then you must lower the air pressure, sink your qi into the dantian, and try your best at all times Don't let your anger get lost."

Once the qi is chaotic, it means that you are either tired or flustered, which will make the situation unfavorable to you.

Bletilla striata is naturally good at fighting, so it also has some insights of its own about moves, just like a person who is good at painting can spot awkward human body structures at a glance, and Bletilla striata can also spot wrong postures when making moves.

Following Bai Ji's guidance to Yu Pei, the crowd that had dispersed because of Yu Wanyi and the others slowly gathered again, stopping their movements and looking at them.

Yu Wanyi and the others also stopped arguing.

Although Baiji noticed them, he didn't care.

Of course Yu Pei would not care about them.

One of the two taught as he wished, and the other studied hard. Even though they were surrounded by people, they didn't distract others for a second.

The more Yupei practiced, the more serious he became, and the more he practiced, the harder he worked.

There were so many people around that he couldn't ignore them, but not only would he not be distracted, but he felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

He likes this feeling, people around are looking at him and Baiji, or they are all looking at Baiji, but Baiji only looks at himself.

Everyone can't make Baiji look at them, Baiji only has eyes for himself.

Mixed with satisfaction and excitement, Yupei practiced more powerfully, as if he would not be tired, and kept listening to Baiji's words, trying hard to control his breath.

"Okay! The morning practice is over!" The supervision teacher on the side shouted, and the people around slowly dispersed.

Yupei made a sudden stop, retracted his arms and feet smoothly, and began to calm his breathing.

"That's amazing! Baiji, you know a lot!" Yu Wanyi hurried up, "And Yupei! You're also amazing!"

Yupei nodded, but didn't say anything. After recovering, he quickly raised his head to look at Baiji, his eyes were bright, and he wanted to hear Baiji's praise for him.

But Baiji remained the same, turned his head aside after the end, neither paying attention to Yu Wanyi nor praising Yupei.

Yupei was a little disappointed, and looked in the direction Bai Ji was looking at, and found that it was the man from the morning class.

what do you say that is?

The man was walking with another man and a woman. The three of them were chatting and laughing, and they were almost walking out of the platform.

Yupei didn't know what Baiji was looking at. It stands to reason that these three people should not attract Baiji's interest.

Just as she was about to look back, she saw the woman suddenly turn her head, as if she was looking at Bai Ji, and seeing Bai Ji looking at them, she was taken aback, and quickly turned back.

A series of smooth and fast movements seemed to be Yupei's illusion.

However, Yupei's vision is very good, the influence of the spirit has not dissipated on him, and the feeling has not returned to his body, so even if he has not opened his veins, his five senses are basically similar to those of a medium spirit.

The moment the woman turned her head, her expression was very smug and a little sarcastic.

"Bad guy." The Yupei Club doesn't swear much, so that's all they can say.

Bai Ji, on the other hand, stretched out his hand to rub Yupei's little furry head, "So we want to beat up the bad guys."

By the way, I also educated Yupei, "If you become a bad person, you will be beaten by others. Yupei doesn't want to be beaten by others, right? Yupei can't be a bad person."

Yupei nodded, but he thought in his heart that he just didn't want to be beaten by Baiji, and he didn't want to make Baiji angry, and everyone else didn't care.

The two went hand in hand to select courses, and Baiji left Yupei to Huangfuyan at the door.

He was merciless, not at all as emotional as he was during the early training.

Yu Pei pursed his lips, didn't say anything, and watched Bai Ji enter the classroom before turning around and entering the room with Huangfu Yan.

Of course, Huangfu Yan was also watching Bai Ji off, they were like two husband-watching stones, but the person being watched didn't look back even once.

Yu Yan rolled his eyes, ridiculed in his heart, and felt very sad, so he also went to his classroom.

The bletilla striata here is taking a class on medicinal materials, and the course is relatively simple. The teacher teaches students about various medicinal materials and simply tests memory.

Of course, Baiji's memory is very strong. As long as she thinks about it, there is nothing she can't remember, not to mention that she still knows all the medicinal materials that the teacher taught in these few lessons.

〖Host, host! 〗The system that had been silent before suddenly spoke.

Baiji squeezed between her eyebrows, impatient, "Say."

〖The one over there, is that the woman standing next to Xiao Ze just now? 〗

Baiji was an exchange student, and she got in halfway, so the seats for this kind of lectures were relatively farther back. She looked up and saw that the third row back was indeed the woman next to Xiao Ze just now.

So they were in this class together?
Baiji looked back indifferently, it seems that the system knows what happened just now, so it will definitely not be quiet again.

〖Host, I think she is so annoying. 〗Sure enough, the system immediately continued, 〖I feel that she seems to regard you as the host as an enemy, and her glance this morning was definitely showing off! 〗

〖Fortunately, she looks like she is in her twenties, and she is shameless compared to a ten-year-old child! 〗

Baiji's eyelids twitched, "Who are you talking about ten years old?" How old is she?

The system also knew that it had made a mistake and quickly corrected it, 〖No, the host is indeed like this now, and they don't even know how old you are the host. 〗

Baiji's golden eyes are brilliant, when she shows off her power, everyone will tremble under the gaze of those golden eyes, and even forget that Baiji is a beauty.

So those eyes can also be said to be the symbol of Baiji.

"After what happened last night, if you still dare to look at me like this, it's probably a disciple who doesn't care about the elder." Baiji sneered and didn't care.

After all, it is a spiritual thing, even if it is not hostile to human beings, how much more can it put human beings in its eyes?
Duan Ge promised that Baiji would not disclose it to others, so Xiao Ze would definitely not know the identity of Baiji from Duan Ge.But the other elders, as long as they are not stupid, know that they should call the disciple they like to their side, so as to raise a few words.

Didn't you see that Yu Hai and Yu Yang didn't talk to Baiji today?The quarrel was also with Yu Wanyi.

Because I read the plot in the morning and saw a series of face-slapping scenes, the system spoke again, with a hint of sarcasm in the words, 〖Host!If she looks down on you and provokes you, we will slap her hard in the face and make her regret being rude to you! 〗

The corner of Baiji's mouth twitched, probably Pingha was here, and he would definitely agree with both hands and feet, wishing that Baiji would have a plot in front of him where Feng Aotian slapped the vicious female partner in the face.

"I reject."

〖What? ! 〗The system is unbelievable, 〖Host!Judging from my experience in reading novels with you, the host, for so long, she must be holding something bad at this moment! 〗

〖We can't stand still and wait to be dealt with, we have to be caught by surprise! 〗

Surprise ass.

Baiji held his chin with one hand, grinned with one hand, showing his canine teeth, "Do you want to die? You started yelling after being nice to you, are you ordering me now?"

The system will be honest immediately, 〖Isn’t that, I’m afraid they will hold back and deal with you as the host, hehe. 〗

Baiji was speechless, not knowing why the system suddenly became so excited, "Don't worry, the strength lies there, and even their level of conspiracies can't hurt me."

The system is still worried, [But you were not the host before...]

Baiji interrupted, "I said it's fine."

The system is completely honest, and it is estimated that the face-slapping plot will not be seen on Baiji, so he connected to the Baiji mobile phone network and began to search for cool articles on the Internet to watch.

While satisfying myself, it is also for learning, and it will definitely be useful in the future!

Seeing that the system stopped talking, Baiji straightened up and continued to listen to the class, but it was really tiring to listen to things he was familiar with. At this time, the woman's strong, sarcasm eyes swept over Baiji again.

Bletilla striata: ...

Ah this.

Bai Ji turned her head to comfort herself. It might be because she is a spiritual creature, coupled with her natural ability, that's why she is particularly sensitive to these sights.

After one class, Baiji was swept three times.

When she came out, Baiji was just about to go to the classroom for the next class, when her deskmate from the medicinal material class stopped her.

The girl at the same table is pretty, with a little baby fat, and looks very tender, but she is two heads taller than Baiji.

"What did you do?" The tablemate asked, and before Baiji could speak, he continued, "My name is Qiao Mingyue, hello, I am Elder An's disciple."

Baiji nodded, this is considered to be acquainted, "Baiji."

Qiao Mingyue said, "I know you. Your eyes are so outstanding. When they got together in the morning, they were looking at you, right?"

Bai Ji nodded again, and when he mentioned his eyes, Bai Ji knew that this was a disciple loved by the elders.

"So what did you do?" Qiao Mingyue asked again, "Cui Xinran always looks back at you in class." As he spoke, Qiao Mingyue frowned, and imitated Cui Xinran's expression on Baiji.

It is indeed six points of complacency and four points of sarcasm, which is like ten percent of learning.

"Well, it's not only me, but everyone in our area is made uncomfortable by her." After the study, Qiao Mingyue said, "But after I observed it, I found that she was looking at you."

Bletilla striata: ...

It's not that she is sensitive, but that she can feel it?

What is that girl doing?

"She's always been like that? What's she doing?"

Qiao Mingyue paused, leaned closer to Baiji and said in a low voice, "She is the suzerain's disciple, she has pretty good talent, and she has always liked Xiao Ze."

The bletilla striata was roughly solved, and then Qiao Mingyue suddenly laughed, "She is 25 this year, and every day she thinks of an old cow eating tender grass by Xiao Ze's side, and she is the suzerain's disciple, even the suzerain's face I haven’t seen it before, it’s just a name.”

Bai Ji noticed that Qiao Mingyue's tone was subtle, and she was also a disciple, but she always called people by their first and last names.

"You like Xiao Ze?"

Qiao Mingyue was taken aback and opened her eyes wide.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Qiao Mingyue pouted, "I don't like Duan Ge's disciples, and Xiao Ze is a very boring guy at first glance."

Bai Ji nodded, and said again: "Then you like the suzerain?"

Qiao Mingyue couldn't help laughing out loud: "Pfft haha, why are you talking about him again? Look at me like someone who likes little brats?"

Bai Ji paused, stopped, and then looked up at her seriously, "Have you met the suzerain?"

Qiao Mingyue also stopped in her tracks. She had already stepped out of Baiji. When she heard Baiji's words, she turned her head slightly. The expression on her face was interesting.

"Ah, have you been found?"

(End of this chapter)

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