Naqi was suffocated and couldn't stand still anymore. He fell to the ground and scratched around with his claws.

Dilin may not be the one who bought the ticket, but Pingha must be the one who let Naqi hide the ticket!

"Little Naqi with claws out, next time I will peel your skin!"

The task is to take care of the villains and give the villains another life. The very humanitarian and empathetic system is also very angry this time. Ren Baiji taught Naqi a lesson for a long time before opening his mouth to persuade, 〖Okay, okay Lah, host, it's time for us to go! 〗

Baiji got up, took Naqi back to the contract space, and saw that there was no one around, then summoned his spiritual power and quickly headed towards the airport.

Go through the security check, wait, check in, get on the plane, take off, and land.

Once you leave the airport, you will be in Shanghai.

It smells familiar, but Modu Airport has changed, and it feels much bigger than before.

"Hmm... ten years is indeed a long time for ordinary human beings." Bai Ji nodded his face twice with his index finger. At this time, he was sitting on a chair at the gate of the airport, his eyes drifting away from the passers-by.

Because of her excellent appearance, everyone who came and went was attracted by her. In just 5 minutes, Bai Ji had already rejected three waves of people who came up to strike up a conversation.

〖Go home!go home quickly!What are you doing sitting here? 〗The closer you are to home, the more anxious the system is. Seeing that Baiji is still sitting here leisurely, and kept urging, 〖Isn’t the host curious about how the villains are doing now? 〗

"To be honest, no." Bai Ji stood up, "They should be almost 67 this year, and the time I spent with them before was even less than a year. One year is too short for us aliens. You Understand? It's not worth my attention and memory, so I don't really miss them very much."

Those children didn't bother Baiji too much. Everything was within Baiji's ability.

After all, only by paying more can you remember more, right?
Baiji tilted her head, she didn't really understand this, but going home is really important now, and she didn't forget to teach Pingha, the mastermind behind letting Naqi swallow her air ticket.


"What's the name of that place?" Bai Ji looked up at the sky. She kept thinking about it after leaving the airport, but she couldn't remember it at all. After all, she had been picked up by a car before.

〖...〗The system was silent. It didn't expect the host to be silent for so long, just because he couldn't remember the name of his home and couldn't find the location of his home.

〖Rong Yulin, let's go!Let's take a taxi! 〗

May all the people in the world who can speak with a long mouth be able to speak, and don't waste that mouth.


It was almost eight o'clock in the evening when Baiji arrived at Rong Yulin.

The driver left the bletilla striata at the gate of Rong Yulin. The bletilla striata had no money, so he gave the driver a few pills. At first, the other party didn't believe it, so the bletilla striata pressed him to let him feel it for himself.

Pharmacist is a very respected profession, even if the driver is an ordinary human being, he knows not to provoke a pharmacist, let alone the other party gave him a bottle of elixir.

After turning into Rong Yulin (because the guards didn't let Baiji in), Baiji had a new trouble.

We all know that Rong Yulin is very big, and Baiji doesn't even know where their house is, and Dilin and the others didn't mention the specific house number, so the system can't retrieve its historical records.

In the end, Baiji wandered around for a long time, asking the system to retrieve the recorded pictures, looking at them one by one, comparing them one by one, and finally found his home at 08:30.

There were still a few rooms in the house with lights on. Thinking that the children were not in danger anyway, Bai Ji went in without intuition, but looked at the houses on both sides.

None of the rooms in Pingha's house were lit. I don't know if it was because the lights were not turned on or because others were not at home at this time.

Hmm... I don't want to go, I owe this beating first.

On the other side of Minggu Luo's house, there were no lights on either.

〖Host, don't miss it, let's go back soon! 〗Just next to the house but didn't enter, the system looked really anxious.

"Okay, okay, don't rush."

At [-] o'clock in the evening, they should not have slept, but they should all be in their own rooms, but Baiji didn't want to look at them one by one because of the system.

The door lock is fingerprinted, which was recorded by Baiji in the past, so it is easy to enter now, and there is no need to use other methods like entering Rong Yulin.

The living room was pitch black, and it seemed that everyone was indeed in their own rooms.

Bai Ji was not in a hurry to go back to her room, and while reassuring the system that she would see them tomorrow, she walked towards the computer room.

She is so energetic and doesn't need to go to class anymore, why should she fight a wave?

The system screamed angrily, but was blocked by Baiji.

There are computers in the computer room, but there are not many of them. Bai Ji was too lazy to go in, so he simply opened one at the door. Once he put on the earphones, his relatives would not listen.

Fighting until ten o'clock, Baiji didn't close the door. Although the sound of the computer room was not loud, it was still noticed.

The tall figure came down from upstairs, and when he passed the second floor, he was immediately attracted and walked towards this side.

The system discovered it immediately, but because it was blocked by Baiji, it couldn't notify Baiji.

The figure approached, and the system found that the other party was really tall, about 1.8 meters tall, about 1.9 meters tall, and his figure was also very strong.

The boy was wearing a shirt, which stuck to his skin, and smooth muscle lines could be seen.

"...Bletilla striata?" The boy came behind Baiji, looked at the familiar face in his memory, but now looked at the strange face, and murmured uncertainly.

Baiji moved her ears, took off the earphones and turned back.

He is a very handsome young man, in the entertainment circle, standing there and doing nothing can make those beautiful girls' legs weak and call him husband.

Baiji stared at his face, scanned his figure, and felt the strength of his high-level green segment. After a minute of silence, he slowly issued a question mark.

"Who are you? What are you doing at my house?"

This time it was the boy's turn to be silent, but he didn't indulge in it for too long, and immediately burst out laughing.

Baiji laughed so hard that he didn't know why.

Ten minutes later, in the hall downstairs, Baiji unblocked the system, because all the boys it wanted to see were here.

The five teenagers have different styles, and they are all very good-looking.While bringing a bit of mature masculine charm, there is also the youthful feeling that has not faded from the youth.

The hooked system blinked, frantically calling for several people, and the lights went off.

〖Woooooh, host, I am so touched, they all seem to be growing up very well, and they all look so good. 〗

Baiji had a cold face, "I haven't asked them about their situation yet, how do you know they are excellent now?"

〖Because they all have great faces! 〗Although it is definitely not comparable to Dilin, it is definitely comparable to Pinghamingguluo and the others!
The system thought to himself, it could still compare to Baiji!
Bai Ji still had a cold face, ignoring the system's mad howls, and glanced at the five people, and found that they had indeed changed a lot compared to when they were young, as if they were different people.

And these are all thanks to Pingha and the others.

Baiji didn't know if it would be like this if it was him, but it is undeniable that Pingha and the others are really good at raising children. At least throw these five teenagers out immediately, and they can support themselves.

Baiji nodded, took over the commission from the system, but slept for ten years, now he only needs to take care of them for another year or two, and doesn't even need to take care of them carefully, just give them money and resources, which is really a beautiful thing.

Baiji's life is long, and ten years is just a short span of time for her, so she doesn't care that she slept for ten years as soon as she fell asleep.

But these ten years really happened to the five people. It happened when their three views were formed. It was more important to them and could change them.

No one in the hall spoke first. While Baiji was looking at them, they were also looking at Baiji. It can be seen that Baiji is in a good state of mind now, and she really hasn't changed at all since ten years ago.

The five people have different thoughts, and in the past ten years, they have all undergone changes that Bai Ji could not imagine.

"Well... they have grown taller, which is good."

After sitting awkwardly for a while, Bai Ji couldn't help but speak first. She mainly wanted to go back and continue the game. In her opinion, this was much more interesting than sitting in the lobby with a group of human kids.

"Pfft, of course it will grow taller, after all, ten years have passed." It was Liu Qing who answered, "The bletilla striata has disappeared for ten years."

Liu Qing is the most beautiful among them.

Yes, it is beautiful.He is not as tall and strong as Dunnian who discovered the bletilla striata, but his body is slender and lean, with smooth and beautiful muscle texture, just like him - he is obviously a boy, but has an overly magnificent face, like a delicate rose Same, but without looking very feminine.

At first sight, Liu Qing is considered beautiful, but immediately afterward, he recognizes that this is a man, not a woman.

But Baiji looked at him, because he noticed what he said.

"Baiji" is not the former "Miss Baiji".

Is it because you think you have confidence?The eyes are indeed different from before, at least Baiji feels that Liu Qing has determined her goal and knows what she really wants.

And not only Liu Qing, but even Hua Po, the most inconspicuous of them, was very energetic, not a bit timid as before.

It wasn't until this moment that Baiji realized the meaning of these ten years to them belatedly.

〖Woo, host, I feel like we really missed a lot. 〗

Once again I sighed in my heart, after Dilin and the others were really good at raising children, Baiji was not as sad as the system for Qiuyue, feeling that the time lost in the past was meaningless, thinking about the good, at least the next one or two years can let her come Witness the growth of the rest of the people.

"Indeed, but I had a good night's sleep." Baiji briefly explained, but did not elaborate, "And now it seems that not only have you grown, but your eyes..."

"The eyes are very good, and they have become brighter."

Bai Ji smiled slightly, got up and left after talking, ignored the five people who were frozen, went up to the second floor by himself, and returned to the computer room.

This time she knew how to close the door. Not only did she close the door, she also locked the door.

"Now that everyone has seen it, don't bother me anymore, understand?"

The system nodded repeatedly, seeing the villains, it was indeed relieved a lot.

〖Host, in the next two years, let's work together!Oh, by the way, I have to thank Pingha and the others! 〗

Baiji turned on the standby computer, hummed twice to defy the system, and laughed inwardly, thank you?That's after she beat those people up again.

Fortunately, she had wondered why that craftsman Bai Su suddenly changed his attitude, and really taught Jiang Zhu well. It turned out that she also knew about this, and Di Lin probably promised her some benefits.

Tomorrow, she will go find them one by one!

In the hall on the other side, Bai Ji fell into silence after leaving.

After nearly 5 minutes, Liu Qing got up first, "Heh, it's really boring to be with you. I was so honest when I saw each of you just now. It's a pity that I didn't install a camera in the living room to take pictures of you all."

Dun Nian frowned, and looked at Liu Qing disapprovingly, "Why are you so hostile? Everyone hasn't seen Bletilla striata for a long time, and it's normal to be a little dazed."

"Are you in a daze? Or are you thinking about something else?"

"Don't touch her, she's mine." Yupei, who had always kept quiet, interjected, "I'll chop anyone who touches her." He was full of anger, and he wasn't joking.

Yupei has been stubborn since he was a child and cannot be flexible. Even though he is a normal person now, he still only grows a brain, not a brain.

Liu Qing sneered in her heart, this guy is just stupid.

"Okay, let's all go back to our houses." Jiang Zhu got up, put down these words and turned around to go upstairs, ignoring a few people, let alone looking at anyone.

Liu Qing's hair was relatively long, and it was left below the shoulders. He stretched out his hand to straighten it, but he couldn't resist Jiang Zhu. After all, this guy is really aggressive and would throw a knife at home.

He had cut Liu Qing's hair several times, and only then did he have this quiet moment.

The five returned to their rooms one after another, but when they passed the second floor, they all subconsciously paused for a few seconds.

The owner of this villa has finally returned after ten years absence.

At this time, everyone was caught off guard.

Bai Ji kept calling until two or three o'clock in the morning, because the previous account was out of use for too long, and she used a newly registered account.

But also because of this, no one was looking for her.

Thinking back to the several marriage proposals in those two months ten years ago, Bai Ji felt speechless, and made up his mind to avoid the area where Huangfu's family was in the future, absolutely not to let Huangfuyan know that he had returned.

Tired from playing, Bai Ji went back to the house to sleep, and met Jiang Zhu who came out to fetch water to drink at night.

The boy was the shortest of the five, but he wasn't really short. He was about 1.8 meters tall, and his figure was stronger than Liu Qing, but he still couldn't keep up with Dunnian.

Dunnian's figure looks like a double-door refrigerator.

But it's not too exaggerated, and it's not as greasy as those bodybuilders. It feels really handsome.

It looks very safe.

Oh wait, it's Jiang Zhu now.

Baiji came back to her senses, mainly because the stimulation she had received from Tonian was too strong, she really didn't expect that thin boy to become what he is today.

As for Jiang Zhu, he belongs to the type of beautiful boy with a strong wild sex appeal.

He is obviously a delicate and beautiful boy, but he has a sense of uninhibited heroism. The key is that he has shaved his head, has a black earring on one ear, and his eyes are more... ferocious?
Bletilla striata, who was always said to be fierce, looked fierce, but Jiang Zhu, who was actually a beautiful young man, was silent for a moment, said "good night", and immediately went back to her room and closed the door.

Jiang Zhu, who said he was going to get water to drink, didn't move, looked at the door of Baiji's room, and subconsciously licked his tiger teeth.

The next morning, the five of them packed up and were about to go to school by car, but Ming Guluo suddenly came in.

"Go to school, I'll wait for Baiji."

Ming Guluo didn't change at all. After she put the file bag in her hand on the small table in the living room, she sat on the sofa beside her and began to wait for the bletilla striata.

The five looked at each other and left the house.

In the yard, I saw Bai Su again, directing people to come in with a very long box.

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