Bai Ji never thought that the first thing she had to deal with on the first day of her ten-year absence from campus life was not to adapt to campus life, not to have a few villains, not to try to target her classmates, and not to skip classes that she cared about.

It's the mess left by Pinha! ! !

In the second half of the class, Baiji kept muttering, "If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have kept him." It made me think that Baiji was talking about me, and I kept thinking about whether I had done anything wrong.

Both of them lost their minds, and the teacher on the podium could see it, but he didn't reprimand him because he was concerned about Di Lin who was behind them.

Jiang Zhu, on the other hand, kept looking back at the two of them frequently.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, before the gang who wanted to make trouble took any action, they saw Bai Ji rushing out of the classroom dragging Dun Nian.

The leading girl's eyes turned red all of a sudden, "What is she doing? What the hell is she? Does she still want to be ashamed?"

As soon as the words were finished, Yu Pei and Hua Po from the next class came in to look for someone.Yupei looked around, but did not see the bletilla striata.

"What about her?" Yupei walked up to Jiang Zhu, with complaints in his eyes, and smiled straight at Jiang Zhu.

"It's none of your business? What do you have to do with her? Why don't you talk to me like that?"

Then, the two rushed downstairs to the playground and had a fight. Hua Po couldn't stop her no matter what, and was led by the two to join in.

Liu Qing, who didn't know it, was still joking with her classmates in the class at this time, when someone exclaimed, "Look at the school forum! There is also a post!"

The people around took out their mobile phones, Liu Qing didn't care much at first, until a girl beside her purposely yelled out loudly.

"Oh my god! That newcomer Bai Lan dragged Dun Nian away after class, and Jiang Zhu, Yu Pei and Hua Po even fought over her!"

The people around looked at Liu Qing, only to see that the smile on the corner of his mouth froze.

As we all know, the relationship between Liu Qing and Dunnian is not particularly good. Liu Qingguan will sow discord and always want to destroy Dunnian's reputation behind his back.

But it may be because they are all children of the same family, and he doesn't allow others to sow discord among them. Before, someone wanted to take advantage of his relationship with Dunnian, but he was severely taught by the two of them together.

In private, some people knocked them off.

Mature and stable man×beautiful and ruthless!sisters!It is worth investing in!

Of course, as soon as the post came out, they were pressed by two people to refute the rumors in public.

Liu Qing even let it go, even if he was really bent, and there was only one man left in the world, he would definitely not choose him!As for Dunnian, he directly stated that he has a favorite of the opposite sex, and hoped that others would not spread rumors indiscriminately, which would damage his image in front of the person he likes.

Rumors and gossips were suppressed, but everyone knew that although Liu Qing would always change his life, no one would allow anyone to provoke them!

And this Bai Lan had just finished the first get out of class on the first day, and she took away Dun Nian, who had a heart to belong to, and Jiang Zhu and the others fought for her!Liu Qing must hate her to death, right?

The students around quieted down, especially the sisters of the troublemaker group in the next class, who immediately shared the news of Liu Qing's face change, secretly expecting Liu Qing to show his power and teach that Bai Lan a lesson!
Let her seduce the male god!Pooh!

And Liu Qing, who was looked at expectantly by everyone with hidden eyes, did not have as many emotions as others thought.

At first, when they mentioned "Bai Lan", Liu Qing was taken aback for a moment, wondering who is this, who can take away that stinky face in Dunnian?Then I remembered that "Bai Lan" was Bai Ji's pseudonym, and she came to class with them today.

And if it is Baiji, then there is no problem.

Not to mention letting the three of Jiang Zhu fight for her, as long as she wanted, Di Lin and Ming Gu Luo could force the five of them to fight for Baiji together.

The ten years spent by Ming Guluo's side not only made Liu Qing more confident and learned a lot, but also made him understand the status of Bai Ji among Di Lin and the others.

At this moment, facing these excited gazes, Liu Qing sneered inwardly, and stood up leisurely and leisurely.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look." After speaking, Liu Qing walked out of the classroom quickly.

When it was confirmed that Liu Qing was far away, the classroom suddenly became lively, and the troublemaker group from the next class also joined in.

"Liu Qing looks very unhappy! I can see that the corners of his mouth are straightened!"

Liu Qing: Because I want to laugh seeing you so stupid, I have been holding back~
"He walked out quickly! He will definitely teach that Bai Lan a lesson!"

Liu Qing: It's just that I couldn't hold back anymore and wanted to leave quickly~ Let him teach Bai Lan a lesson?Before he even made a move, the other party could crush him to death, and Ming Guluo would probably dig him out and whip his corpse after he died.

"Haha! What a big heart! I can't wait to see that Bai Lan make a fool of himself, do you think she will cry in anger?"

Liu Qing: See Bai Lan make a fool of herself?If you see her making a fool of herself, Pingha will rush over and silence you~
"Hey, tell me, she looks a bit like that bletilla striata. They both have the surname Bai, and they are all black flames."

"Bletilla striata?"

"It's the one that didn't even have a semester, and then dropped out of school and went home? I heard that it was the one who came to drop her out of school in person, and she disappeared immediately!"

"Hiss—it's kind of weird for you to say that!"

"Really! It is said that she was sent to be an exchange student in the new semester, but the sect over there didn't pick her up at all, saying that she took Yupei to another sect, ahem, next is the gossip Ah, I heard that she died directly in that sect, only Yupei was brought back by that sect!"

"Really? What's going on?"

"Speak quickly, don't talk halfway!"

"I don't know the specifics. Anyway, there has been no news about the bletilla striata since then. The people my lord sent to investigate found nothing, as if he had disappeared completely, so I guess he must be dead!"

"Then Bai Lan doesn't really have anything to do with that Bai Ji now, does he? Are they similar?"

The classmates who were with Baiji at that time have all graduated from college now, and their classmates in Dunnian have also gone to college. There are only a few classmates left when they first arrived in Dunnian and have not changed classes. I remember the day when Baiji first arrived on campus, Come to have lunch with a few people at noon.

"If you ask me, Bai Ji is much prettier than Bai Lan! Then Bai Lan looks very seductive!"

"Jiang Zihao, what do you think? You should be very familiar with Baiji, right? Didn't they go to your birthday party back then?"

In the back row against the wall, the silent boy paused, slowly raised his pale, baby-fat face, pursed his mouth and smiled shyly, as if he was at a loss for everyone's gaze.

"I, I forgot."

"Eh? Sister Baiji is so pretty and imposing, why did you forget?" The boy who said Baiji was beautiful was taken aback, puzzled by Jiang Zihao's answer.

"Sister Baiji's appearance is even better than Dunnian's! You won't forget it once you see it!" As he spoke, the young man scratched his head again, "It's just a bit fierce at first glance, so I didn't dare to go up to say hello to her back then. Just watching from the side."

"Cut! You bastard!"

"I was only five years old!"

"You are a coward! Otherwise, why wouldn't you dare to look at a 12-year-old girl?"

The protagonists of people's topics shifted and gradually divided into different groups.Some say bletilla striata, some say bai lan.

Jiang Zihao withdrew his gaze, and a glint of haze flashed through his lowered eyes.


Liu Qing wandered out of the class, stopped in the corridor and looked down, and sure enough, she saw the three of Yupei fighting, forming a vacuum around them, and no one dared to go up to stop the fight.

It's ridiculous.

Liu Qing shook her head, she didn't want to just go back to work like this, nor did she want to go downstairs to try to persuade her to fight.

Slowly wandering aimlessly in the corridor, until the number of people around gradually decreased, and came to an empty corner, a familiar voice came.

"You... Tong Yangfu!"

When Liu Qing poked her head, she saw that it was Baiji and Dunnian.

The younger girl had to lift her neck to see the face of the boy opposite, and she was pointing at him, her small mouth kept opening and closing.

" are my foster husband..."

"...Don't tell need to keep it secret, it's all..."

Liu Qing raised her eyebrows, slowly retracted her protruding head, turned around and went back to class without making a sound.

Halfway through the walk, the class bell rang, and Liu Qing quickened her pace. Before entering the class, she glanced at the next class, and sure enough, Dunnian and Baiji were about to enter.Dunnian's expression was serious, and Baiji was also frowning, and the atmosphere between the two was strange.

Ha...that's interesting to hear.

As for what Baiji said to Dunnian, it was completely different from what Liu Qing thought.

"You are not my foster husband."

"Pingha is lying when he said that you are my foster husband."

"Don't say anything, and don't tell others. This matter needs to be kept secret. I'll rot in my stomach. It's all fake anyway, so don't worry about it."

Dun Nian rubbed his nose after listening to it. In fact, when Bai Su talked to him, he didn't fully believe it. After all, Bai Su said that Ping Ha told her about it.

Among the five, he is in charge of Ping Ha.After ten years, I dare not say that I know Pingha very well, but I probably know what kind of person he is.

Extravagant and arrogant, like to watch other people have fun.

Like Liu Qing, she always provokes troubles, and then hides behind her back to watch jokes.When in contact with people, he only looks at the value of the other party...Of course, influenced by Ping Ha, he now also weighs the interests before contacting people, and rarely treats people sincerely.

The three of Jiang Zhu were punished to stand outside this class because they were late.

There is a large window on the wall that can see the corridor, and it is not high, and the few students who are lined up against the wall can put their arms on the window sill.

Through that window, Dunnian could see Jiangzhu standing against the wall outside.

Because of the angle, from Dunnian's point of view, Jiang Zhu's exquisite side face can still be seen, and one can tell at a glance that he is not in a good mood at the moment.

Bai Su mentioned Pingha when she told Dunnian about her "Tong Yangfu", but she didn't necessarily mention it when she told Jiang Zhu, so Jiang Zhu would probably take it seriously.

As far as Dunnian knew a few people, their talents far surpassed their peers made them somewhat proud now.Maybe they won't covet the benefits given by others, but they want to become stronger anyway, as long as they become the strongest among the five, they can get more, so why not do it?

Dilin, Mingguluo, Baisu, Pingha, including Baiji himself.

As long as he becomes the strongest and becomes the foster husband of Baiji, then these people, including the power in their hands, can be used by him.

Dun Nian looked away, thinking constantly in his heart.

So is Jiang Zhu's hard work in recent years for himself or for Baiji?
At first he didn't care about these things, but now... Dunnian lowered his eyelashes, hiding his thoughts.

After class for a while, seeing that Baiji began to be restless, Dun Nian leaned over and whispered, "Don't worry, I think Jiangzhu should be clear in his heart." Of course, this was just comforting, when Baiji and Jiangzhu In other words, if Jiang Zhu took it seriously and made Bai Ji disappointed with Jiang Zhu, it would not be his business.

Bai Ji calmed down slightly, "You are right, I think you are all smart."

Dun Nian sat back, the corners of his mouth curled up.

After the second class, Dunnian's subordinates came to find Dunnian with documents, while Bai Ji went out to find Jiang Zhu, and dragged Jiang Zhu away.

Although Yupei and Huapo were also late, they were not fined to stand in the second class, but were called away after class, so Yupei did not come to Baiji.

Of course, he wanted to, but Hua Po threatened and dragged her away with bletilla striata.

On the school forum, following "The transfer student dragged away Dunnian, Jiang Zhu and the three fought for her" "Liu Qing hooked the corner of her mouth, the transfer student will be finished soon!" "" The true identity of the transfer student?What is the relationship between her and senior sister Baiji?" After "The transfer student strikes again, what is her purpose in pulling Jiang Zhu away?" "Rush to the hot search.

There are a total of more than 3000 people in the high school, not only the first graders, but also the second and third graders are watching.

Bai Ji, who wanted to show off, couldn't imagine how popular the little brats in her eyes are now.Because of them, she became famous in the high school within only two classes, and even the junior high school had heard of her a little bit.

The name "Bai Lan" became famous immediately, even more famous than "Bai Ji" who became famous because of his backing of Emperor Lin.

"So, everything is a misunderstanding, so you don't have to think about it." Bai Ji pinched his waist and explained everything to Jiang Zhu, "Even if this is over, have you told others?"

Jiang Zhu was silent for a moment, his expression obscured in the shadows, "I haven't told anyone else." In fact, I told Hua Po before, but the matter has come to this point, Jiang Zhu thinks there is no need to ask Baiji to go to Hua Po again, he himself Then you can clarify this matter with Hua Po.

"Is there anything else?"

Bai Ji was taken aback for a moment, then nodded blankly, "Well, there's nothing else to do."

"Then I'll go back to class first. The next class is a practice class. I won't be in the original classroom. Don't forget to go." After speaking, Jiang Zhu walked away from Bai Ji.

〖Um?Host, Jiang Zhu feels so cold. 〗

Bai Ji was not surprised, "Ten years is really a long time." Bai Ji didn't take a few people seriously, so naturally he didn't think that they took himself very seriously, let alone ask them so.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we will be separated in three years." After Bai Ji finished speaking, he felt relaxed all over his body. "And now that the mess made by Pingha has been solved, my fame in the first life can be regarded as saved!"

I really don't understand what Pingha is thinking, but it's crazy that he can propose Tong Yangfu!

"Now, I just need to simply curl up..."

"Bai Lan, you are in the same group as us in the rehearsal class, do you understand?" It was the group who wanted to deal with bletilla striata in the classroom. There were five people in total, surrounding the bletilla striata in the corner.

"If you don't come with us in this drill class, you will have good luck in the future!"

It's a threat, but the problem is that Bai Ji wants to skip this class...

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