Bai Ji raised his eyebrows, this is really a bad fate, what can be said more than "clever"?

The person opposite is Huang Feiqiu and his group.

Now that it was almost evening, Liu Qing didn't feel embarrassed at all because of the bletilla striata by his side, but the group on the opposite side had a few more faces and fewer people than when they first entered the secret realm in the morning.I don't know if I joined other teams in the sect, or encountered some accidents.

If it is an accident, there are many reasons.

Bai Ji didn't think deeply about it, it had nothing to do with her after all, and she didn't care that much.

However, there was indeed something in this group that caused Bai Ji to look sideways.

When she first entered the secret realm in the morning, Huang Feiqiu was still in the middle, as if she was being looked around by other disciples, but now she was squeezed to the edge, stuck behind a group of people like a follower who would be raised at any time.

The expression on his face was as dissatisfied as a doormat, and he was still a little pale when he saw himself at first sight, but it was much better than the previous few times.

Intuition that this kind of thing is mysterious and mysterious, but Huang Feiqiu, Liu Qing and Bai Ji who were present believed it very much.

After experiencing the system going crazy in the morning, Bai Ji became very displeased with Huang Feiqiu for some reason.At that time, she first learned of Huang Feiqiu's identity, and she looked down on that little spirit creature, so she dragged Liu Qing away.

Seeing Huang Feiqiu again at this moment, his heart was filled with displeasure, causing Baiji's eyelids to twitch, and he almost wanted to rush up and kill him on the spot.

Don't be impulsive, be calm.Opposite is the daughter of luck, not someone who can be dealt with casually.Since it doesn't fit your eyes, just avoid it in the future.

Baiji, who has always had revenge on the spot, tried to calm her emotions over and over again in her heart, fearing that if she didn't hold back the next moment, there would be very bad consequences.

After all, there are such existences as the Children of Luck, and it is actually quite intimidating to face them.

Once there is a feud, the other party always likes to play that set of immortality, but they are like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. They can't be killed at all. Don't say it, they will come out of nowhere and beat you. It's really disgusting. ,very troublesome.

Therefore, Baiji, who has always been insensitive to troubles, was extremely resistant to being attached to the child of luck, and wished to leave this place quickly, and the expression on his face was even more displeased, and his already fierce face was even more terrifying.

Liu Qing, who is sensitive to eyes, of course noticed Huang Feiqiu very quickly, and her boredom intensified. She didn't think it was a coincidence, but only felt that the other party was haunted.

Both of them had cold faces, and the air pressure was lower than the other, which made Dong'ezong's group afraid to come up and talk.The disciple who had seen Baiji Weiya earlier swallowed his saliva, leaned over to the new leader, and whispered a few words.

The leader nodded, approached with a smile on his face, and stopped a certain distance away, maintaining a social distance.

"Hello, seniors, I'm Ge Yaqi from Dong'ezong." The woman slightly possessed herself, and bowed to the two Baiji.

Bai Ji nodded, he didn't like to get involved with them, and just wanted to get out of here quickly.Liu Qing was also upset.

The big guy who attacked them before was stunned by the black flame of Baiji just now. Even if it didn't land on it in the end, it still caused a lot of fright to it. At this time, it was trembling at the feet of the two.

Ge Yaqi glanced at everyone, and knew that this was a monster full of treasures. If he killed the other party, it would be of great benefit to them, but...

"Those injuries were caused by you, right?" Seeing Ge Yaqi's salute, Bai Ji didn't speak, and simply spoke impatiently, and directly pointed out the other party's purpose.

"This monster is your prey? Do you want it?"

It can be seen that this group of people is chasing this strange thing, but the strange thing is probably on its way, and ignores them at all, until it meets Baiji and Liu Qing, and the sudden attack is also the fear and temptation of Baiji's breath, afraid of her Be with them.

This is indeed the case, Ge Yaqi smiled slightly, without denying it, "Senior, can you give us this monster?"

"Okay." Baiji directly agreed, "But can you beat it?"

Suffering so many injuries seems to have been hunted for a while, but it didn't affect the speed and attack of the main body at all, indicating that the level of this monster is not low, at least the opponents can't beat it together.

Thinking of this, Baiji felt unhappy.

They stopped when they saw her attack just now, probably because they wanted to take advantage of themselves, what are they doing, this is their prey, if it wasn't for this monster being injured by their blessings, I wouldn't be able to figure out its tricks to get rid of the monster .

Fortunately, she was quick-witted and would never make a wedding dress for others!
Ge Yaqi paused, but he didn't expect that Baiji would simply point out this point.She really had this idea just now, and she also knew that this monster was not something they could deal with, but that was also the case. If they really brought back the corpse of the monster, they would definitely be rewarded by the elders, especially her leader people.

Glancing aside and shivering, Ge Yaqi wanted to give it a try, and said, "How will you know if you don't try it? Senior, please be considerate."

Bai Ji smiled, but didn't fall for Ge Yaqi's tricks, and put aside the high hat she handed over, "Then try it." Then, he pulled Liu Qing to stand aside, making enough room.

"Show me." Bai Ji stretched out his hand and gave them a thumbs up, "Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

A group of human ghosts, most of whom are not as high as Liu Qing, want to challenge high-level monsters?If you really want to die by yourself, no one can stop you.

Facing the baiji two's choking, Ge Yaqi's smile froze, and he turned his head to give his follower a look, leading a group of people to take advantage of his illness to kill him.

But just as Baiji thought, what the monster has always been afraid of is Baiji.At this meeting, Baiji and Liu Qing retreated to the side and no longer intervened, and they had no intention of intervening. How could a group of human rooks kill a monster in an emergency?
First, after probing and confirming that the bletilla striata really had no intention of attacking, the monster resisted on the spot. The suppression of rank made the disciples who couldn't wait to rush up cough up blood. body!A large amount of blood instantly sprinkled the grass around the monster.

Liu Qing looked at it, feeling no pity in her heart, she just felt that if it was Bai Ji, she would definitely be able to avoid it at such a close distance, and would never be scratched by the other party.

"You just..." Thinking of this, Liu Qing suddenly recalled the sudden turn of Bai Ji when Ge Yaqi called to stop, somewhat curious.

Baiji didn't hide anything, and it's not something that can't be said. Although it's a bit embarrassing, it was all a hundred years ago. "It was trained under Pingha's hands."

"After I got acquainted with Ping Ha, he went to Di Lin to clean his face, and told Di Lin that he was my friend. But you also know that he is a creepy guy, he always likes to pick things up, and when I teach him, he always touches God Lin, once or twice down, my reaction speed will be faster."

When he found Di Lin, he stopped in time, and the injury did not fall on Ping Ha, so the two of them were just quarreling, not fighting!Di Lin will not punish her for this.

Liu Qing roughly figured out the before and after of the incident, and turned her head to look at Baiji, seeing that she was still a little proud of it.

But what if Di Lin intended it so?Exercising Baiji's reaction ability will allow her to restrain her spiritual power even in the nick of time, without leaving anything behind.

Liu Qing thought about that man, and felt that he was really capable of doing this.

Most of the disciples of Dong'e Sect over there have fallen. Although there is no death toll, most of them are seriously injured and cannot move anymore.

Looking at this scene, Liu Qing frowned.I don't know how many days it will take for this secret realm to end, if he is injured like this on the first day, he will most likely die in this secret realm.

The leader of the team, Ge Yaqi, was about to burst into tears. Because of the momentary pride and greed that caused so many injuries, if it spread to the sect, to the master...

Ge Yaqi gritted his teeth and didn't dare to think about it. From the corner of his eye, there was nothing wrong with Baiji and the two of them. His silver teeth were almost shattered, and he shouted loudly: "Senior! Senior! Can you help me?"

Baiji took a look, Huang Feiqiu in the crowd was also injured, but her injuries were not serious, which shows that this "luck" is indeed strong.

But, "What does it have to do with me?" Bai Ji tilted his head, puzzled, "I don't know you, and this is your prey, so what does it have to do with me?"

Ge Yaqi raised his head in disbelief, and the expressions of Baiji and Baiji did not show a trace of pity, as if passers-by were looking at ants, ignoring or contemptuous.

"Senior! Senior, we are disciples of Dong'ezong!" Ge Yaqi dodged the monster's attack in embarrassment, but still left a wound on her face. She gasped in pain, and kept asking Baiji for help, "Senior ! You saved us, and we will repay you!"

But Baiji has been sleeping for ten years. Ten years ago, he was also a deaf person. He didn't know what the Dong'e Sect represented. He only knew that it was the sect of the Daughter of Luck.

As for this, the system just mentioned to her during the day that the daughter of luck is called "Huang Feiqiu" and the son of luck is called "Si Yueqing", and they are both in "Dong'ezong".

Liu Qing has never paid attention to these people, but he knows the existence of Dong'e Zong, and he has a general understanding of Dong'e Zong's status in the world, but it has nothing to do with him, he has been looking at Huang Feiqiu, but seeing this The guy is like a loach, a lot of disciples around him have fallen down, but she is still holding on, and her injuries are not serious.

This is actually a bit weird, Liu Qing faintly realized something, but felt very ridiculous.

"What's wrong with Dong'e Zong?" Baiji didn't like to be associated with the sect, and even less liked to be associated with this daughter of luck that he hated. "Dong'e Zong" belongs to both. If she didn't want to see what would happen to this group of people who didn't know how to measure, she would have dragged Liu Qing away long ago.

Liu Qing also heard Ge Yaqi's call, and did not hide it, and explained to Bai Ji: "The big sect, the one that ranks first among all sects, and it lasts for more than one year."

Sure enough, the sect where the Children of Luck belonged to was definitely not too bad.

Bai Ji nodded, hesitating whether to make a move. After all, this monster has not killed it until now. The reason why it did not leave is because this group of humans has been restraining it.

Of course, it is also possible that you are afraid of yourself.

"Let's do it." Liu Qing said, "The leading woman seems to have a high status in Dong'ezong. It is very good to save them and let the other party owe us a favor."

Baiji didn't care about these favors, but since Liu Qing spoke up, she went up to help, but she didn't kill the strange thing, but drove him away.

The monster ran extremely fast, and looked eager to leave the place as soon as possible, and Bai Ji didn't hide her move to let it go, and it was clear that she did it on purpose.

Liu Qing sighed, knowing that Baiji had her own thoughts, so she didn't say anything.It's just that those seriously injured disciples of Dong'ezong looked at Baiji very badly.

Baiji frowned, feeling even more displeased with this group of people.

Back then, the Kanling Sect took care of each other, and the sect was peaceful inside, coupled with the matter of Yu Pei, so that Bai Ji did not have much conflict, but this Dong'e Sect is different. Now this group of disciples don't even know their own position. Understand.

The atmosphere between the two parties was a little stiff, Ge Yaqi covered the wound for a while, and saw that the two Baiji did not make any sign after taking away the strange thing, and then slowly said, "Thank you for your help, senior! If there are difficulties in the future, I will definitely do my part." .”


"To shut up!"

Some disciples were not reconciled, and felt that Baiji was arrogant and arrogant. Not only did they watch the fun, but they also didn't do their best to help, so they couldn't deserve this thank you.

Gorac no longer thought of what would happen to it now.The first thing she needs to stabilize now is the bletilla striata, which can restrain high-level monsters by raising her hand, but she doesn't know whether this woman is a human predecessor or a foreign power.

"I'm sorry, these disciples..." Ge Yaqi was planning in his heart, already planning to let these seriously injured disciples pave the way for him.

These people will definitely talk about their impulsiveness and wrongdoing when they go back, even about this big boss.Rather than doing this, it would be better to let them stay in the secret realm, and when I go back, I will still be the senior sister who has been calling for a long time, and I can get to know the senior in front of me.

Rolling her eyes, Ge Yaqi looked for the right words, but she didn't know that Baiji and Liu Qing who were standing in front of her saw the whole thing with her fluttering eyelids.

Baiji didn't care about these things, and Liu Qing didn't hate people who had their own ideas and schemes for themselves.

But Baiji didn't want these human rooks to repay their kindness. She raised her hand, and before Ge Yaqi could organize her words, she pointed at Huang Feiqiu and said, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. You don't need to repay your kindness. Let her make an oath that you will be happy in the future." Just help me once."

After thinking about it, Baiji added: "No matter what I ask her to do, she will do her part. But don't worry, I'm not that bad."

Liu Qing on the side turned her head away, wanting to laugh.

These words are contradictory, not to mention Bai Ji's villainous face.She obviously has the appearance of a rich and noble flower in the world, but when she said this, the corners of her mouth twitched, like a villain planning bad things.

Liu Qing doesn't like Huang Feiqiu, she won't stop Bai Ji.The other disciples didn't want to just bear the debt of kindness, so of course they quickly agreed, and pushed Huang Feiqiu out in the spirit of being a dead fellow.

With this push, Ge Yaqi also noticed that the injured Huang Feiqiu was not seriously injured.

There was a hint of malice in the lowered eyes, Ge Yaqi knew that Huang Feiqiu's injury must not be here.I was so flustered just now that I didn't even notice this bitch.

Huang Feiqiu, who was pushed in front of Liu Qing of the bletilla striata, turned pale again and again, she was already in a battle-damaged state, she looked very pitiful.It's just that both of Baiji are puzzled.

"I'm your savior after all, right? Hurry up and make an oath and it's over." Bai Ji looked Huang Feiqiu up and down, and felt that this beauty was not bad, but her rank was a bit low, no wonder she kept following the group.

And the kindness and oath of the daughter of luck, in Baiji's view, is the most profitable thing in this secret realm so far.

The lucky girl herself didn't know that she had Xiaoqiang's vitality, so Baiji took the opportunity to assume the identity of the savior.

The girl's lips trembled, and her intuition told her not to make this vow, but she had already been pushed out. At this moment, she hated and complained to these disciples, and also felt an unstoppable sense of being humiliated.

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