Chapter 62
Baiji was already speechless about this luck, and really didn't want to entangle with them any more.

But before Baiji pulled Liu Qing out of this place, he felt a little familiar atmosphere, and looked at it, and it turned out to be Adi who had successfully entered Dong'ezong's interior.

Good guy!
Baiji was shocked, but he didn't expect Adi to be so brave, pretending to be a disciple of Dong'e Zong and sneaking into the team of Dong'e Zong!
This group of children can't do him any harm, but he is afraid that something will happen and he will be hunted down by the elders of Dong'ezong.

Bai Ji held Liu Qing down and didn't let him go first, just lurking aside with him to observe Adi.

Adi is here, Mita is here.

Liu Qing looked down and saw Bletilla striata holding the hand on her wrist. Both of them had white skin, but looking at it this way, Bletilla striata's skin was obviously whiter and looked sickly.

Is it not recovered?But she said she was fine.

The two of them hid in the bushes next to them, focusing on one not getting involved and not being exposed.

Huang Feiqiu's team has changed, and she doesn't know how Ge Yaqi operates. All the seriously injured disciples disappeared, and many new faces joined in.Huang Feiqiu was still squeezed out of the surrounding area, her complexion was not good, it seemed as if she had been bullied.

In addition, Si Yueqing and his group did not have fewer people, not only that, but there were a few more, Si Yueqing had always been the leader.

The two groups met first, and there seemed to be some conflict.

Baiji saw that Adi had mixed with Huang Feiqiu's group, and he was even better than Huang Feiqiu, a lucky girl, and had been promoted to Ge Yaqi's side, just like Ge Yaqi's follower.

Baiji let go of his hearing, and Adi yelled.

"We hunted this prey!"

Bletilla striata:?
Not only did this guy break into the Dong'e Sect, he was so rampant that he didn't know how to hide.

After listening carefully, Baiji roughly understood what happened.

It's nothing more than a resource allocation issue. The prey that Huang Feiqiu and his group were looking for was killed by Si Yueqing and his group first. Although it was the latter's efforts, there were traces left by Huang Feiqiu and his group on the prey. .

Bletilla striata stretched out its head and took a look. This prey was a high-level monster, but its body was full of treasures, some of which could be made into weapons, and some could be made into spiritual weapons.Even if you don't do it, selling it to others is still a lot of income.

No wonder Zheng blushed.

But Bai Ji was a little puzzled, as they said, both sides contributed their efforts, and they were both from the same sect, so why didn't they divide the prey equally?Afraid that there are too many people, and the benefits in the end are too few?

Or is it that Adi is picking things up in the middle?

Adi has been able to speak eloquently inside, and she saw that the female leader Ge Yaqi's face was flushed, and she was probably very angry.

Indeed, as Baiji thought, Ge Yaqi was so anxious to death at this moment.

After finally getting rid of those encumbrances, taking in new strength, and meeting Si Yueqing with great difficulty, he never expected such a thing to happen.In order to keep fighting so fiercely for Warcraft, have these people never seen anything good?
She is the leader of this group, and the people under her are too noisy. She is very afraid that it will ruin her impression in Si Yueqing.But if they can be stopped, they will definitely leave people with a lot to talk about, and they will definitely attract criticism after returning to the sect.

Relying on being the leader, Ge Yaqi has held back a lot in the past two days, but she has done a good job on the surface, and some of the others are not convinced, and there is no way to speak up.But Ge Yaqi's love for Si Yueqing is known to most people in the sect. Once she opens her mouth to give in now, Ge Yaqi will want to know what those who don't like her will say.

For a while, Ge Yaqi was caught in a dilemma, so she was followed by her all the time, and her disciples who followed her lead were the first to speak up to argue, every sentence was for the good of their team, so that Ge Yaqi was raised high, and there was no chance to speak again , could only smile awkwardly at Si Yueqing, feeling anxious to death.

stupid!How stupid!These people will only hold her back!
Don't they want to merge teams?It's so ugly to fight for a magical beast, almost to fight, have you ever thought about what to do when you return to the sect?
Ge Yaqi was anxious and angry, and at the beginning he wanted to ask for some benefits, but now he wished he had to get to know this group of people, wishing they would die in the secret realm!

Among the two groups, only Si Yueqing, Ge Yaqi and Huang Feiqiu remained silent.

Goyaki had no chance to speak.Huang Feiqiu was excluded, and seeing that this situation was not good for Ge Yaqi, she felt relieved, so of course she would not open her mouth, causing herself a whole body of blood.

It's just that she looks reluctantly at the corpse of the monster. After all, she has been bullied by Ge Yaqi during this period of time. Her harvest is the least among the group, and the materials in her hands are just scraps.

The master didn't have the opportunity to enter the secret realm because of the restraint of rank, which made this group of people easier.Huang Feiqiu made a serious note for Ge Yaqi in her heart, and she will settle it with Yu Peipei in the future!
The two groups were about to fight, and Si Yueqing opened his mouth.

He first stopped his group and told them to retreat behind him to calm down, then looked at Adi, who was the happiest in the dance, and said in a deep voice, "Aren't you a disciple of Dong'ezong?"

Adi was taken aback, and asked back, "How do you know? If you say I'm not, then I'm not?"

Si Yueqing was very organized and did not panic, "As far as I know, you are not among the disciples we entered the secret realm this time."

"Haha, big brother, can you still remember everyone?" Adi laughed a few times, and then began to introduce himself, "My name is Cai Fei, and I am an outer disciple. It is my honor to come to this secret realm this time. Blessing."

After a pause, Adi brought Ge Yaqi into his words again, "Of course, I was very lucky to meet Senior Sister Ge."

If it wasn't for Si Yueqing being here, Ge Yaqi would have just rolled his eyes, and this person really had the nerve to speak.

Adi's words were provocative, but Si Yueqing who was provoked was still not angry, nor was he confused by the other party's sophistry.

"I remember, I remember all the disciples who came to the secret realm this time." Si Yueqing, who had always been Qianqian's son, showed an attitude that he didn't have before, "So I know very clearly that you don't exist in our sect."

Adi turned cold when he heard this, "Many people here know me."

Si Yueqing raised a possibility, "Maybe you have resorted to some means, after all, this kind of thing is not difficult to do, especially for foreigners."

Bai Ji raised her eyebrows. Judging from the few encounters and impressions she has had so far, she only thinks that this son of luck is much better than the daughter of luck.

Adi was at a loss for words for a moment, Si Yueqing became more determined when he saw this, "I don't know who you are, but please stop making such jokes and sowing discord among our sect's disciples."

Adi was certainly at fault, but at this moment, Si Yueqing put all the responsibility on Adi with a single sentence, and he lightly ignored the greed of Dong'ezong disciples.

Probably they all regained their senses, knowing that it would be difficult to see each other in the future, the disciples all calmed down, and immediately followed Si Yueqing's train of thought to blame Adi.

"Eldest brother is right, I have no impression of you at all! Who are you?"

"Are you trying to provoke our relationship?"

"What's on your mind?"

"He has been following Senior Sister Ge before, and Senior Sister Ge must have been bewitched by him!"

"Get him out of here!"

The disciples began to denounce Adi, and the two groups who had been fighting each other not long ago glared at Adi together, as if nothing happened just now, and only Adi was on the opposite side of them.

Adi has a panoramic view of everyone's expressions. Some people always think they are right, some hesitate to speak up, and some follow the crowd because they are afraid of getting into trouble.

Unable to hold back, Adi burst into laughter first, then tried to stop, but it didn't work. He laughed out loud, with tears hanging from the corners of his eyes.

"Hahahahaha! You guys! You guys are so fun!"

Adi's state is not right, Baiji was the first to notice, and wanted to take Liu Qing away, but also cared about Meida.

So far Meida hasn't shown up yet, probably she is possessed by Adi, so it's better for her not to take Liu Qing away first.

After hesitating, he heard Liu Qing approaching him and began to analyze in a low voice.

"That...Si Yueqing, he didn't see through the man who called himself Cai Fei at first. He was watching the two parties during the quarrel, and he saw the most instigating person among them, so he set his sights on Cai Fei. "

"In order to prevent the disciples of the same sect from confronting each other, Si Yueqing put all the mistakes on one person, took advantage of the inferiority of human beings to put Cai Fei on the opposite side of everyone, and didn't want to give him a chance to escape. "

"It's the easiest way to detain the identity of a foreigner. You can use the alienation psychology of other disciples to completely put Cai Fei on the opposite side, and no matter how the other party argues, whether it is true or not, you can find a reasonable reason to press the other party to death."

"In the end, it can not only solve the problem of resource allocation among the disciples of the sect, but also reunite the disciples. It can also remove the most provocative people, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Liu Qing's analysis was straightforward, Bai Ji couldn't help but tilt his head to look at him, and then looked at Adi who was still laughing, making a group of disciples panic from laughing.

"what about now?"

Liu Qing narrowed her eyes, and her tone was displeased, "Let him get hit right, and let him use this to build his prestige. If there is no accident, these people will be more convinced by him in the future."

Before Baiji could open his mouth to praise, Liu Qing went on to analyze, "After the previous few contacts, you don't like these people now. With your temperament, seeing them, you can't wait to run away quickly. You are still here now, which means you Know that Cai Fei."

After a pause, Liu Qing continued, "If I'm not mistaken, he should be the weird thing we're looking for?"

Since entering the secret realm, what Baiji misses most is Meida brother and sister and Ke.But the brief contact let Liu Qing know that Ke was not the one who did such a thing, so Cai Fei standing there, regardless of the possibility of disguised as a man, there is a high probability that it is Meida's brother, Adi.

Bai Ji was surprised by Liu Qing's analysis, mainly because he didn't expect him to think so much.

Adi over there just finished laughing, and then black air surged, showing his original appearance, a handsome young man with a thin body.He is more like a gloomy student than a super monster.

The disciples of Dong'ezong tensed up. Some of them wanted to run subconsciously, but they were immediately suppressed by Adi. All of them could only stay where they were, unable to move.

A shadow began to form behind Adi, and as time passed, the shadow soon became a woman.It's just that this woman is obviously much taller, and her height of more than two meters makes Adi even more slender.

"Ah, it's Meida." When Bai Ji saw the shadow, he guessed the identity of the other party.It seems that in order to prevent her brother from continuing to cause trouble, Meida has started to accompany her all day long.

And Adi, who likes to make trouble, is easy to think of Pingha, who likes to have fun. In addition, both of them are strange creatures, which makes them more associated.

Liu Qing thought for a long time in her heart, but decided to ask aloud, so as to put on a correct attitude.

"Are Meida and Pingha belong to the same family?"

Bai Ji shook his head and denied, "No, it's not from the same clan. It's the nature of weird things to like to make trouble." It's just because everyone is weird, and some methods are not good, so currently there is only the race of Dunnian's mother, "Bai Mian "It will be shot against the same family.

"However, they do get along very well and are good friends."

Baiji knew Meida because of Dilin, and Adi through Pingha.

On the human side, when Meida appeared, everyone present was even more frightened.They didn't know whether the extra huge woman had the ability of the monster in front of him pretending to be a disciple of the sect, or was summoned by the monster to come to share the prey.

The system also sensed the danger of Si Yueqing and the others, and said weakly, 〖Then, since we are the host's friend, why don't we persuade them to make peace and go up to help? 〗

Baiji didn't agree, and held Liu Qing tightly, not letting him show up in front of Adi.

"Wait a minute, Adi just likes to pick things up, but he never likes to do it himself. He doesn't have much killing intent on humans."

〖Then, what about the female monster? 〗

Baiji glanced at Meida quickly, wondering how to ask Meida to help remove the mark without alarming Adi.

As far as Liu Qing is so smart, once Adi takes a fancy to Liu Qing, he will definitely not let him go.This guy is as slippery as a loach, and Bai Ji is afraid that Liu Qing will offend him and be framed by him, and he will not be able to catch anyone, so he can only let Adi run away.

After Meida condensed into a solid body, Wia, which is also an extremely strange thing, appeared. The disciples of Dong'ezong didn't dare to feel lucky anymore, and could only wish to leave this place as soon as possible.

Some complained in their hearts, feeling that everything was Si Yueqing's fault.As long as the elder brother doesn't expose the other party's identity, although the other party doesn't know what to do, it will definitely be better than now.

Huang Feiqiu was at the edge of the team, and she was also suppressed and unable to move at this time, she only wished that the other party could not see her, or that she suddenly understood the secret method of the alien race and left here directly.

Ge Yaqi didn't dare to speak, he was so proud on weekdays, but now he was so embarrassed.The extremely weird thing has been by his side to please him, and it makes people feel horrified to think about it.I can't even help being afraid for a while.

Only Si Yueqing remained the same.Even if he couldn't move, he was not afraid, and he didn't look away, looking back bravely and firmly.

It was also because of his calmness that he quickly felt the difference between the two monsters.The ghostly aura of the transformed man was a little rushed, as if he had encountered some great event, he was both happy and anxious, but he was also a little uneasy, and he was very impetuous in general.

And that female monster doesn't need it.Her demeanor was calm and soothing, and she didn't seem ready to cause trouble to others.I don't know if it was an illusion, but Si Yueqing felt that the existence and appearance of the woman was instead suppressing another strange thing.

Wanting to get rid of such unrealistic thoughts, Si Yueqing raised his head again, only to see that female trick who had no idea about them made a huge opening in the ground.

Si Yueqing:?

Bletilla striata:?
(End of this chapter)

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