Chapter 79

Don't be ridiculous, why do I feel that you are more excited than me who is about to fight?
It's already marked over there.

Ke, who was supposed to be the most stable, was the first among several people to rush forward and attack the opponent.

Ba Lei hastily dodged a few attacks from Ke, and kept retreating after being beaten. At this moment, Mei Da rushed forward again, and immediately cooperated with Ke. The beating of Pa Lei was back and forth, and those who didn't know thought they were Collaborated many times.

Although there wasn't much substantial damage due to Ba Lei's flexible dodge, it also landed a lot of attacks on him.

Warcraft, like humans, can control the power of various elements, so they have the most harmonious relationship with humans for thousands of years, and humans also give priority to them when contracting with other races.

But spiritual objects are different from strange objects.Spiritual beings control spiritual power. In addition to the special abilities of some races, they also have natural abilities. They claim to be a blessed race. For example, Ke's racial ability is to feel treasures, and his natural ability is to hunt.

That's why he was able to find Ba Lei quickly again and again.

And the monster controls the strange power, only the racial ability.When it is found that the strange thing is possessing strange power, it also means that the strange thing is releasing its moves.

Like now, Meda and Ke are fighting against Palei together, but she does not possess any strange power, which means that she is only in the trial stage now, and she is not serious about fighting Palei.

Baiji carefully observed the situation, and wanted to take advantage of the gap to attack a few times, but saw that Adi had already rushed up, filling the gap between Meida and Ke's attacks.

Baiji: don't want me to play, do you?

With the addition of Adidas, the three-on-one is obviously more advantageous.

Meida and Adi are not as strong as Palei, but Meda and Ke cooperate very well, and Adi is responsible for sneak attacks from time to time, and he will stop when he does it. It was even worse than the injuries caused by Meida and Ke together.

While dealing with Meida and Ke, Bai Lei had to keep a close eye on Adi. Sometimes he turned his head and saw Adi's provocative gaze, and felt a mouthful of old blood rushing to his throat.If the situation wasn't against him, he really wanted to point at Adi and yell, are you cheap?ah?

Bai Ji saw that he was really useless for a while, so he stopped rushing up, but he didn't relax his vigilance either.

She was a little puzzled, did Ba Lei really have a backhand?Why is he still unwilling to make a move after being forced into such a situation?Because he didn't?Or is it that there are some conditions required to activate the second hand, which he has not met, or that there is no small danger for him to activate the second hand?
Baiji didn't take his eyes off Palei, watching him all the time, not missing any of his actions.

"You... you bastards! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat did finally, Ba Lei couldn't bear it any longer, and couldn't stand the pincer attack from the three of them, so he stood up suddenly, but none of the three paid him any attention. Back away from him, giving him a chance to do something else.

Barry: ...

Even after I yelled like that, you still didn't retreat. You really are not afraid that I will suddenly blow myself up and bring you with me.

Why not follow the routine?

Ba Lei fell into despair, he wanted to simply blow up this inheritance and let everyone be buried with him.

"You, you are really unlucky~"

A familiar voice rang in Ba Lei's ears, and then the three of them retreated abruptly, and a figure loomed behind Ba Lei.

"Who is that? Your partner?" Adi frowned and put his hands on his hips impatiently.

"Very strong." Meida pursed her lips, whole body on guard.

Ke didn't say anything, but his seriousness could be seen from his bulging muscles. This sudden figure should not be underestimated.

The figure helped Ba Lei up, missed the three of them, and landed on Bai Ji with a complicated face.

"Long time no see, Miss Bai."

Bai Ji raised his head, and the figure was faintly visible. He couldn't see the specific appearance of the other party, but he could vaguely tell that he was a man with a good figure and half-length hair.

Because the other party greeted Bai Ji, everyone's eyes fell on Bai Ji.

Baiji didn't reply, nor did he look at the other person, but stared at the other person condensedly.

The person who came, Li Rong smiled, "I'm sorry, I should introduce myself first. Miss Bai doesn't know my name yet."

He raised his hand to write in the air, slowly forming a mist, and the word "羙羙" appeared.

Adi, Adi doesn't know those two words very well, but Meida on the side asked, "Meimei?"

The white shadow man paused, even knowing that he was here to save his companion, Ba Lei almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

As the most senior person present, Ke held back his laughter and coughed to cover up his excess emotions, "This is a polyphonic word, Meida. It reads lamb, or beauty."

"Lamb?" Meda tilted her head, "Which lamb?"

Bai Ji raised his head, and his voice seemed to be covered with frost, "Lamb of the lamb."

beautiful lamb.

He is good at hiding himself as a prey, but he is actually an excellent hunter.

He pursed his lips and smiled, "It seems that Miss Bai still remembers me, it's my honor."

Sure. Definite. Will. Remember. Ah!

Whether it was the opponent's provocation in class every day, the figure that slipped away after class, or every face he made when playing tricks on her, and the stabbing knife in the body, she remembered them all!
The opponent is now in a phantom state, and Bai Ji is not sure whether his attack can land on him, so he clenched his back molars to hold back, and did not rush forward to attack recklessly.

If the system is still there at this time, and can still communicate with Baiji, I can't help but sigh, "My host has grown up! She has learned to be patient!"

In fact, of course not, it's just because of the phantom problem, and there are two humans behind her.If the other party was in a physical state, Bai Ji would have passed by long ago.

However, the cheapness of the mouth cannot be left behind.

"Ten years ago, you didn't feel well, did you?" Ten years ago, Ping Ha and Di Lin went to bring them back. Bai Ji didn't know the specific strength of Yao Rong, but she thought that the other party would definitely not be able to deal with Di Lin. Hana probably suffered a lot.

The corner of his mouth froze, something unexpected happened ten years ago.

He thought everything was under his control, but when he was about to go up to repair the bletilla striata, a handsome man who was not human but could stand shoulder to shoulder with a god appeared.

Almost at that moment, Yao Yao, who had already walked to Baiji's side, seemed to be lightly brushed away by some huge and frightening existence, and he couldn't think of any resistance in his body.

Who is that man?He couldn't even mention this man to "God" afterwards, so that "God" didn't know the existence of that man until now.

No, "God" should know him from other channels, so He does not allow anyone to make too much action when dealing with Baiji, and everything must be done secretly.

— "Have you been complacent enough?"

——"Let me see, you actually hurt Xiaobai."

——"You deserve to pay the price."

So the man removed his arms, no, not just removed, but ripped his arms from his body.

Everything was done by that person.

Afterwards, he watched helplessly as the man took the girl away.He was recovering from his injuries for the next seven years, but every day for the past ten years, he couldn't mention that man to anyone, couldn't think about that man's affairs, and couldn't analyze his character and existence.

Sometimes, with so much self-confidence, there will be some absurd ideas-that man knows everything, but for some reason, he didn't intervene.

Of course he knew that Baiji had been in a coma for ten years, but he had been recuperating for seven years. If he hadn't had the brains to use and was almost discarded by the "God", he couldn't let Baiji and the others know, otherwise he would fall behind others in terms of momentum.


"Ten years ago? Ah, you're the one who tore off both of Liao's arms and let him recuperate for seven years, like a defeated dog, almost abandoned by God?" Pa Lei scratched the back of his head, Paired with his injuries and his mindless look, it is very joyful.

羙羙: ...

Baiji and others: ...

Liu Qing raised her hand.Got it, this is mindless and unhappy, the master of this behind-the-scenes guy is pretty good at teaming up.

Baiji raised her eyebrows, "It seems that you are really not feeling well." In contrast, Baiji was relieved a lot. After all, except for the sharp pain of being stabbed, she was in a coma the whole time, but the other party wanted to heal her injuries and Thinking about trying to please his master, it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Don't worry about Miss Bai." In his heart, he wanted to slap Pa Lei to death, but now that the two sides were confronting each other, he could only froze the corners of his mouth to be brave, "Instead of worrying about my past, Miss Bai and everyone should worry about you status quo."

Sure enough, there is a backhand, and [-]% is related to this space.

A glance was exchanged between several people.

To be honest, in Baiji's view, all conspiracies and tricks are ineffective in the face of absolute strength.So under their four-on-two, Baiji was really not particularly afraid of them, and didn't take them too seriously.

And as someone who knew Bai Ji better among all the people present, Ke knew that she was starting to be proud of her own strength again when she saw Bai Ji's expression.

"Take it easy." Ke came to Baiji's side in a few steps, and whispered to her, "Don't be arrogant, in case the other party really has some powerful means, be careful and we will explain it here!"

The other party has already called their leader "God", so the strength should not be much different after all.

He didn't know what they were talking about, but he sneered in his heart when he saw the guarded eyes of the last few people.

So what if he was once a defeated dog?Don't these people still have to look at themselves now?Especially there is a son of luck here.

"I don't want to talk too much with you anymore." The villain died because of talking too much, and I still know this, "Ba Lei, take out the things. Let's start our original plan."

original plan?

Hearing this, the whole body of Meda and the others tensed up, and they were not only looking at them, but also observing the people beside them, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

But Bai Lei said, "Then what, besides the original plan, do we have any other plans?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart, and he didn't say too much, "Yes, but the alternative plan is better than the original plan, do you understand that it is best to follow the original plan "Maybe directly kill the bletilla striata here.

"...Ah, I understand, I understand, but why don't we use the alternative plan." Ba Lei stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, "You understand?"

I know?I know what a fart!There are no alternatives at all!No!And you don't understand me at all!
Ignoring the Baiji and the others, Liao stretched out his hand and grabbed Ba Lei's tattered collar, "What do you mean? Where are the things? Let me tell you, Ba Lei, it's a gift from God!"

"I know, I know!" Ba Lei struggled a few times, but to no avail, he could only shout and explain, "But I'm unlucky, you know! Then I lost that thing."

What was so angry was the surging of Qi and blood, "Did I ask you to take care of it before?"

Because Ba Lei did something wrong, he didn't dare to stand up in front of Liao, "...Yes, there is such a thing! I really took care of it, and then, I don't know what happened, it It's gone... definitely! It must have fallen when the old man was fighting with me just now!"

old man.

Mei Da and the others unanimously turned their heads to look at Ke. As an elder, although his appearance was a bit unsuitable, he was called an old man by the enemy...

Ke wiped his face with one hand, and let go of the wrist of Baiji that he had been holding just now with the other, "Go, Baiji."

"It's time for you to play, Liu Qing is kind... We will take care of this junior." Just now I thought that the bletilla striata would fight fiercely, and I was afraid that the other party would be killed by the bletilla striata again, and I would not be able to make a confession, but now Ke has completely I don't want to worry about these anymore.

The bletilla striata, who was no longer restricted, didn't directly rush forward to attack the two enemies who were caught in internal strife, "Is it just me?"

Mei Da nodded, "You go up first, if not, we will go up to help, or find an opportunity to help." Baiji fights, so it must be observed, otherwise it is easy to go up and difficult to get off.

Over there, Li Rong and Bai Lei are still arguing.

"You! Didn't I say that you don't have to deal with them too much? Take care of yourself first, and then take care of others."

"Yeah! That's what I did, but that old man suddenly rushed out and beat me, I can't bear it, can I?"

"Then run away! Can't you run away? If someone wants to beat you, run away. It is the most important thing to make sure of what the gods have given you."

"I... At that time, a person suddenly came out and wanted to beat you, who could think so much, and I didn't fight with him for too long, so I left right away!" Well, then I met Baiji again immediately and Mita.

"You are really... extremely stupid!"

"It's your unreliable plan! Look at what you said, which one came true in the end? And that Tata, they sold me, but they kept bugging me. I almost died because of them!"

He took a deep breath, "Okay! Let me think about what to do now." It's useless to continue arguing. When things have developed to this point, arguing is only giving the enemy a chance, and it is not beneficial to themselves .

"Alternative plan." Ba Lei finally snatched back his collar from Yaoyao's hand, to be exact, it was torn off by him, so he was rescued, "Don't you have an alternative plan? ?”

"Run if you can't beat it, isn't that an alternative solution?" Yao Yao replied coldly.

"Then, think of another way quickly." Bai Lei straightened his messy collar, "I'll deal with Baiji."

"Huh?" Yuan Yao turned his head, his pupils shrank instantly.

The bletilla striata, who was far away from them just now, had already come in front of him, and because of the closeness, the bletilla striata blinked at him.

"It's not bad."

She can see her own face!
He wanted to back away, but it was too late.Ba Lei on the other side wanted to save him, but he didn't rush there at all.

The speed of Baiji was too fast, so a gust of wind blew past the face of Yao Yao, and in the next second, Yao Yao lost his eyes.

"Ten years ago, I found your playful eyes very unpleasant."

(End of this chapter)

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