The male student put one hand under the desk and made a fist. His face was stiff, but he still persisted, "I have already said that I don't know what you mean. If you are bullied, I hope you can find the culprit instead of This is disturbing my study."

"Classmate Bai Lan, do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Some people really need to be dealt with.

Baiji stopped talking, let go of the person in her hand, turned around and walked to the front of the classroom, took out the ink bottle on the head teacher's desk, and splashed all the ink bottles on the male students.

All the other students in the class except Bai Ji and the other three:! ! !

"Since you think so, then just take it as such." While saying this, Bai Ji vigorously lifted the male student's desk and dumped all the books and other items on and in the desk to the ground.

"You!" The male student came to his senses from the daze. His clothes and half of his face were covered in ink. When he was angry, the flesh on his face trembled, making him look hateful. "Don't go too far!"

"I gave you a chance." Bai Ji's cold eyes fell on him, and the latter immediately calmed down and turned pale, "I gave you a chance, but you were useless."

The male student, Liu Xiangquan, shook his body, trembling his lips, and lowered his head under Baiji's cannibalistic gaze.

His deskmate also got some ink on his body. Seeing that Liu Xiangquan was being "bullied" and didn't dare to say a word, he also stood up and glared at Bai Ji, "I said you are really unreasonable. Wait for the teacher later." Now that I’m here, I want the teacher to give me a good review.”

"Forget it." Liu Xiangquan shook his head and glanced at the boy who had rushed up before. He was squatting on the ground and rubbing his shoulders.

——This Bai Lan is not so easy to mess with.

But his deskmate took Liu Xiangquan's reaction as because he was afraid that Baiji would attack him, "Don't be afraid, I don't believe the teacher would attack her! And when the teachers came, she didn't dare to attack him again."

Baiji just happened to put Liu Xiangquan's desk in his place, and immediately clapped his hands after letting go. Thinking that this was Liu Xiangquan's desk, he felt a little disgusted. He was already planning to go to an empty classroom after class to change his desk. Bring over the tables and chairs.

Almost everyone in the classroom was looking at them.

Liu Xiangquan listened to his deskmate's words and didn't take it seriously. He just thought that his good deskmate had been talking for a long time and was still standing there like a waste, not daring to rush up and attack Bai Lan.

Everyone was waiting for the teacher to come, but the teacher didn't come to the classroom until the bell rang.

Li Jianyang, his deskmate, was anxious and looked at the study committee member in the class, "What are you looking at? Go call the teacher!"

The study committee member didn't move. He turned around and glanced at Bai Ji who was already sitting in his seat and starting to play the game without paying attention. He thought to himself that you are so good, so why don't you go.

Everyone was shocked by Bai Ji's action just now.

They are indeed not too old, but they are already old enough to know what they are good at and how to read people's eyes.

Bai Ji's hand just now didn't even use her spiritual power. Whether it was her own reaction ability, the speed of her movements or the strength of her hand, it was enough to prove her extraordinary strength. If anyone dared to confront her at this time, How much do you think you are so stubborn?

The study committee member knew that he would be the first to win, so he would like to minimize his existence. Didn't he see that the trouble-making groups that had been unable to pull him off in the past were all as honest as quails?

"You! You are helping the tyranny! Have you forgotten how kind Liu Xiangquan is to you?" Li Jian shouted angrily, but he always stood behind Liu Xiangquan and never moved from his seat.

The sound was a bit noisy, Liu Xiangquan lowered his head, feeling that Li Jianyang was particularly stupid today.

The teacher hasn't come yet, don't you understand?
Either Bai Ji's background made the school not want or dare to interfere with her affairs, or someone contacted the teacher and sent the teacher away.There are two possibilities, one is background and the other is ability.

Liu Xiangquan hoped that it was the latter, which at least meant that their background levels were the same, but his strength was not as good as others.But if it was the former, it was hard for him to imagine what he would face...

Until this happened, even Liu Xiangquan, who was confident that they had no evidence, began to feel scared.Especially as time passes by, 10 minutes of this class have passed and there is still no teacher.

"Damn! A bunch of guys who are just waiting for food! Let me do it, I'll go find the teacher!" Li Jianyang couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled Liu Xiangquan away from him and ran out.

The front door slammed shut.Jiang Zhu didn't know when he stood at the front door. He closed the door and locked it in front of everyone.

Other students in the class:?
"What about your dad?" Jiang Zhu used Bai Ji's words very smoothly, "You all just stay here, I wonder who dares to leave?"

Bai Ji, who was playing games, raised his eyes and glanced at him, ignoring him.

Li Jianyang was blocked in the aisle. He couldn't go back or move forward for a while.

Will he look cowardly if he goes back?Then go ahead and confront Jiang Zhu?
Although Jiang Zhu is just an art committee member, everyone in the class knows that he is not that easy to mess with. People who are art committee members are just good at their craftsmanship.

Good craftsmanship does not mean good temperament.

Li Jianyang stood in the aisle for a few seconds, planning to retreat and leave through the back door.If you just go through the back door, you will inevitably have to be on the same level as Bletilla for an instant.My previous deskmate was afraid that Baiji would stand up and hit him with his cell phone, and the front door was indeed closer, so he chose the front door.

But before he could take a few steps, he saw Dunnian's deskmate moving the stool to the back door and taking the stool to that stall. He saw Li Jianyang looking at him and showing a silly smile to Li Jianyang. .

Smile!Do you know the door is blocked?

Li Jianyang was extremely angry, but Dunnian stood up at this moment and walked all the way to the podium with the textbook for this class.

He is tall and has long legs. The pants he wore today are relatively slim, and you can still see the muscle lines on his legs when he walks.When he walked past Li Jianyang, he obviously didn't look at Li Jianyang, but the latter felt as if he was being targeted by some beast and shuddered.

"The teacher just sent me a message saying that she has something to do in this class. I will teach you a lesson first." The 1.9-meter-old boy came to the podium and knocked his textbook on the desk, causing the entire class to tremble.Those who watched the fun, those who took the time to study, and those who took this opportunity to be lazy all became energetic. They took out their textbooks and opened the contents of this lesson.

There were only four people standing in the classroom at this time.

On the podium, Dunnian was leaning on Jiang Zhu and Liu Xiangquan at the front door.

There was a girl at the table behind Liu Xiangquan. She was holding back her words and couldn't hold back her voice. "That student Liu, can you sit down first? You're blocking my view."

It was okay for Li Jianyang to stand in the aisle, but Liu Xiangquan stood in his own place, which was quite obstructive.

Liu Xiangquan glanced at her and wanted to curl up his lips with a forced smile to highlight his helplessness and sadness at this time. Then he heard the girl change her words under the tug of her deskmate, "Of course I don't mean anything else. If you want to stand, you can You can just go and stand in the back."

Go and stand in the back?Go next to Bletilla striata?
Liu Xiangquan choked and was not in the mood for a wry smile. He silently threw Bai Ji to the desk in the corridor and moved it to his seat, then sat down honestly.

The girl at the back was still talking quietly to her deskmate, "Hey, I know! Doesn't he have nothing to do? Just go back and wash the clothes. Of course, class is the most important thing now."

The young man who was squatting on the ground rubbing his arms had already noticed that the atmosphere was not good and secretly returned to his seat.

He didn't dare to say that the others were unfaithful. After facing Baiji's momentum at the moment when he took action, he really didn't dare to show off any power anymore.

Dun Nian was already lecturing. He took out a new piece of chalk from the chalk box, first smashed it into half on the desk, and then turned around and started writing on the blackboard.After Jiang Zhu locked the front door, he also returned to his seat, but instead of listening to the lecture, he took out his headphones and put them on, not knowing what he was watching.

Li Jianyang was the only one left standing in the entire class.

Dunnian's deskmate sighed in his heart, that is to say, buddy, why bother?It's not shameful to stand up for others and embarrass yourself.

Dunnian's lectures were indeed good and I could basically understand them all, but he didn't care about the people below him, so he never asked Li Jianyang to return to his seat.

Bai Ji, who finally finished playing the game, looked up and saw Li Jianyang standing in the aisle, looking very annoying. He said, "Why don't you go back?" Then Dunnian paid attention to him and asked him to return to his seat quickly.

"You are hindering others from learning."

(End of this chapter)

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