His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 10 Aunt has already regarded you as her own daughter in her heart

Chapter 10 Aunt has already regarded you as her own daughter in her heart
But thinking about it, Lin Yuejian didn't do that, and he didn't care about him calling him perverted.

Instead, he asked in a good mood: "In the future, I will be in charge of cooking, can you clean up and wash the dishes?"

When the words fell, Lin Yue regretted it when she saw her.

She had just arrived at someone's house, where did she get the courage to ask the owner for a condition.

The master also refused as she expected.

"not good."

He also refused very decisively.

Lin Yuejian: "..."

Cut, forget it.

The little girl shut her mouth and did not speak.

With just two or three bowls, Chen Xingyu finished washing in the blink of an eye.

He put his things away, dried his hands, and left the kitchen.

Seeing him go, Lin Yuejian jumped off the chair and followed closely behind.

Chen Xingyu's pace was calm, neither fast nor slow. He seemed to be thinking of something while walking, and suddenly stopped.

Following behind him, Lin Yuejian, who was only focused on playing with her mobile phone without looking at the road, bumped into him in a daze.


Raising her head to meet his eyes, Lin Yuejian said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Xingyu, "Do you have something to do?"

Lin Yuejian shook her head, "No."

Chen Xingyu, "...then why are you following me?"

Lin Yuejian was confident, "I didn't, I was just going back to my room."

Chen Xingyu was speechless.

He found that the little girl looked obedient, but in fact she was not obedient at all.

At least a little rebellious.

No, yesterday he spoke limply, but today he started arguing with him.

It feels like it won't take a few days for her to quarrel with him when she gets used to this place.

But Chen Xingyu didn't bother with her, he turned and left when she saw that she was fine.

In order to prevent him from saying that she followed him, Lin Yuejian changed her plan. She didn't go back to her room and stayed in the living room.

It happened that Aunt Chen (Chen Xingyu's mother) called her on WeChat.

After connecting, Aunt Chen's amiable voice came from the phone: "How about Yueyue, are you still used to living at home? Did that kid Xingyu bully you? If he doesn't treat you well, you can just Tell auntie, auntie will go back and help you clean him up!"

Lin Yuejian turned on the hands-free habitually, and Chen Xingyu, who hadn't gone far, listened in without saying a word.


It sounds like my own mother, as if he is some kind of bastard.

How could he bully a little girl? It's funny.

Aunt Chen asked so many questions in one breath, Lin Yuejian didn't know which one to answer first.

Because it was a video, the little girl had a smile on her face, and she spoke obediently: "No, Brother Xingyu is very kind to me."

Chen Xingyu: "..." She still has a conscience.

He didn't continue to listen, and went upstairs at a faster pace.

Hearing this, Aunt Chen was relieved a lot: "That's good, uncle and aunt won't be able to go back until next week, so you can treat this place as your own home, if you have anything to do, just ask Xingyu, you're welcome, you know?"

Lin Yuejian nodded: "Okay, I see, Aunt Chen."

Aunt Chen: "By the way, how do you feel about the room Auntie decorated for you? If you don't like it, I'll ask someone to redecorate it for you."

Lin Yuejian: "I like it, thank you Auntie."

Aunt Chen: "Oh, what are you being polite about? Your aunt watched you grow up. In her heart, she has already regarded you as her own daughter. So you are not welcome here. You are my own family. If you need anything, just tell your aunt. , don't be embarrassed, you know?"

Aunt Chen was so enthusiastic that Lin Yuejian was a little overwhelmed.

But beating my little aunt is very good to me, just like my own mother.

Lin Yuejian's heart, which had been left out all the time, got a little warmth at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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