His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 18 Brother Xingyu, You Are So Kind

Chapter 18 Brother Xingyu, You Are So Kind
"Snack Buckle"

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Lin Yuejian's thoughts.

When she came back to her senses, there was a tear in the corner of her eye, and she realized that someone was looking for her, so she quickly wiped off the marks on her face, and opened the door with a smile.

She and Chen Xingyu were the only two breathing creatures in the whole building, so they knew who they were without looking.

The little girl opened the door, with frowned eyes, trying to make herself look happy: "Brother Xingyu."

Chen Xingyu glanced at her.

Although the little girl was wearing pajamas, she was very decent, showing nothing but her arms and legs.

Just ordinary short-sleeved shorts with the label "pajamas".

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, he straightened his gaze and landed on her face.

The little girl is really beautiful, with an oval face, white and tender, because of her young age, there is still a little baby fat on her face, which adds a bit of cuteness.

A pair of almond eyes, round and clear as lake water, the eyelashes are long and dense, and curled up.

But why is it a little wet?

I feel a little pitiful looking at it.

Chen Xingyu frowned slightly, thinking that she had just come out of the shower, so her eyes were a little red, so she didn't think much about it.

Handed her what was in his hand, "here, it should be used."

It is a light green hair dryer.

Lin Yuejian was a little confused, how did he know what he needed?
After two seconds of silence, the little girl reached out to take it, speaking softly and with a nasal tone: "Thank you Brother Xingyu, I will return it to you when I run out."

Chen Xingyu, "No need, keep it for yourself."

Lin Yue was taken aback, "Don't you need it?"

Chen Xingyu, "My hair is short, and the wind will dry it after a couple of blows."

Lin Yue made a sound when she saw it, and she had no words to refute: "Okay, thank you Brother Xingyu."

Chen Xingyu: "..."

To be honest, he was tired of hearing those five words in just one day.

I didn't want to talk at first, but considering that the little girl might be a little sensitive when she just came here, I was afraid that she would think too much, so I moved my thin lips and said, "You're welcome."

Lin Yue laughed, probably because Chen Xingyu always cared about her in some unexpected little details, and she felt a lot more relaxed.

He added another sentence: "Brother Xingyu, you are so kind."

It comes from the heart.

Chen Xingyu: "..."

It was the first time for him to take care of a girl when he grew up so old, he just wanted to try his best not to let the little girl feel that he didn't welcome her and cause a burden in his heart, he really didn't think about anything else.

He was not used to being praised all of a sudden, he habitually put on a straight face, and left with a "huh".

Lin Yuejian was left standing alone at the door of the room.

Looking at the hair dryer in his hand, the depression in his heart dissipated a lot.

From the bottom of my heart, I felt that Chen Xingyu, who seemed very indifferent, was really a nice person.

After drying her hair, Lin Yuejian saw Ye Yingying send a message asking if she wanted to play tomorrow.

We had dinner that day and wechat each other.

Ye Yingying: [Yueyue, are you going to play tomorrow?You haven't come back for so long, let me take you around. 】

Seeing that it would be boring to stay at home, Lin Yue might as well go out with Ye Yingying, so she agreed.

The two girls hit it off and decided to go play together tomorrow.

It was getting late, after chatting with Ye Yingying, Lin Yuejian played with her mouse for a while before going to rest.

Probably because I was tired from tossing and tossing today, I fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while.

After eleven o'clock, Chen Xingyu came out of the shower, and was quite surprised to see Lin Yue saw that the door of the room was dark.

I thought to myself, the little girl actually had a rest so early.

It seems that he is quite obedient in terms of work and rest.

(End of this chapter)

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