His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 20 The little girl's cooking skills are amazing

Chapter 20 The little girl's cooking skills are amazing
After coming down the stairs, Chen Xingyu went straight to the kitchen to get some water. The sticky note on the refrigerator door was very conspicuous.

He frowned habitually and tore off the sticky note.

"Brother Xingyu, I made toast on the table, remember to eat it when you wake up~"

The first-hand wild font is very bold and unrestrained.

Chen Xingyu raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect the little girl to look soft, but her handwriting was so wild.

He put the note in his pocket and took a bottle of carbonated drink from the refrigerator before looking at the things on the table.

The toast made by the little girl looks very delicious.

He picked it up and tasted it. It tasted like potatoes, and it felt good.

Yesterday's noodles were also delicious. It seems that the little girl's cooking skills are very good.

After eating and drinking, Chen Xingyu cleared the table and went upstairs to knock on Lin Yuejian's door.

There are still a few days before school starts, and staying at home is boring anyway, so let's take her out for a walk.

However, he knocked on the door several times, but the "people" inside did not respond.

He frowned.

Could it be that he was taking a nap?

But now it's two or three o'clock, and it's time to wake up after taking a nap.

Chen Xingyu knocked on the door again, but there was no response before he began to doubt.

Is the little girl not at home?
Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and found Lin Yuejian's WeChat account.

After the two added WeChat, they didn't send any messages except for a transfer.

Chen Xingyu: [Are you not at home? 】

Lin Yuejian, who received the WeChat, was shopping.

Ye Yingying was trying on clothes, and the little girl helped to see if they fit.

Song Qing held the mobile phone in her hand, feeling the vibration, she glanced habitually, it happened that Lin Yuejian's mobile phone messages were not hidden.

She: "Yueyue, Brother Yu sent a message to find you."

Lin Yuejian responded, took the mobile phone from Song Qing, and quickly replied.

Lin Yuejian: [Well, I'm outside. 】

Chen Xingyu: [...Why did you run out by yourself? 】

What he thought in his heart was that he was not afraid of getting lost if he was unfamiliar with the place.

Chen Xingyu: [Where is it? Send me a location to have a look. 】

Lin Yuejian didn't think too much about it, so she sent it directly to Chen Xingyu.

Then put away the phone and continued to help Ye Yingying look at the clothes.

Chen Xingyu clicked on the location and took a look.

He actually ran to a place as far away as Huicheng.

I'm really not afraid of getting lost!

With that in mind, Chen Xingyu took the key and went out.

On the way, I received a call from Lu Chengjiang.

"Brother Yu, do you want to come out to play? That kid Li Yuyang came to us for a one-on-one match again. He said that our victory last time was purely accidental, and we can't deal with it?"

Chen Xingyu didn't raise his eyelids, and said in a flat tone, "No time."

Lu Chengjiang, "Why don't you have time, what are you doing all day long?"

Chen Xingyu, "Take care of me."

Lu Chengjiang was suddenly speechless.

After a few seconds of silence, he said, "You are not at home with Yuejian, are you? Why don't you ask Yuejian to come and play together?"

Chen Xingyu thought to himself, he flew out to play early.

"Play with a hammer, school will start soon, have you finished your summer homework?" He answered irrelevantly.

Lu Chengjiang: "..."

"Brother Yu, if we don't mention homework, we are still good brothers."

Chen Xingyu looked disgusted, "Whoever is a good brother to you, my mother gave birth to a son like me."

Lu Chengjiang: "..."

Before he could figure out how to refute, the call was cut off.

Xie Siyao on the side listened to the conversation, and said with a smile: "What game are you playing, go home and do your homework, or you will need another pen at that time, and you will create a miracle in one night."

Lu Chengjiang: "..."

Why is there such a thing as homework?
(End of this chapter)

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