His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 272 The coming day is long, we have plenty of time

Chen Xingyu's eyes were downcast with a hint of disappointment, which was very obvious.

Lin Yuejian didn't know it at first, but when she saw Chen Xingyu's expression, she understood it instantly.

The guy must be referring to what he just wanted to do.

I don't know what to think of, the little girl's face turned red all of a sudden, and she stuttered even while speaking: "I, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to see what Auntie wanted to do just now."

After saying that, the little girl slipped away wearing slippers.

Those who didn't know thought there were wolves chasing her!

Chen Xingyu was amused.

Seeing that Lin Yue didn't look back, she ran straight to the kitchen.

The aunt was still cooking. She probably noticed something. She glanced at the door and met the eyes of the little girl who came in.

Auntie still hasn't forgotten the scene she accidentally ran into just now, and now she is full of embarrassment when she sees Lin Yuejian.

Lin Yuejian also felt very embarrassed. Auntie must have misunderstood.

She didn't know what to say when she encountered this kind of thing for the first time.

The awkward atmosphere lasted for a few seconds, and finally Lin Yuejian broke it by finding a random topic.

"Well, what happened to you just now, Auntie?"

After a little accident, the aunt forgot what she was going to do, and thought for a while before remembering, "It's nothing, I just want to ask if you want to add some chili to your cooking."

Seeing that Lin Yue liked eating chili peppers recently, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Auntie, "Okay, I'll add some more."

Lin Yuejian said, "Thank you, auntie."

Aunt: "You're welcome."

Tian was chatted to death again, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment.

Auntie was concentrating on cooking, and Lin Yuejian was standing at the door, continuing to watch, either leaving or leaving.

After being silent for a while, Lin Yuejian felt that she still needed to explain.

"Auntie, just now, things were not what you saw."

Without turning her head, the aunt blurted out without thinking, "I understand, I understand."

Lin Yuejian: "..."

So what does Auntie understand?
After a pause, the aunt added, "Auntie is someone who has been here, so I understand."

Lin Yuejian: "..."

The little girl felt like crying.

What do you know? Auntie has clearly completely misunderstood!
Auntie probably felt in her heart that she and Chen Xingyu were already secretly together, right?
Really wronged!
Lin Yuejian could only explain feebly, "Auntie, you really misunderstood. Chen Xingyu and I have nothing."

Auntie still didn't raise her eyelids, "Well, I know, you don't have anything."

Lin Yuejian: "..."

That's all right, no matter what she said, Auntie felt that her relationship with Chen Xingyu was not simple.

Seeing that the explanation was of no use, the little girl continued to say nothing.

There are still two dishes that have not been fried well, and it is estimated that they will have to wait for more than ten minutes before the meal can be served.

Lin Yuejian could only return to the sofa, where Chen Xingyu was playing with his mobile phone.

When passing by him, the little girl said, "It's all your fault, Auntie misunderstood."

Chen Xingyu: "..."

He didn't realize what the little girl was referring to for a while, so he subconsciously asked, "What's the misunderstanding?"

Lin Yuejian opened her mouth to say something, but after thinking about it, she realized that she seemed to have caused the incident, so she shut up.

She waved her hand, "Forget it, it's nothing." Chen Xingyu was really confused.

But he quickly realized that the little girl probably went to explain to her aunt that it didn't work.

So I came back and played a little temper on him.

Seeing how angry the little girl was, Chen Xingyu couldn't help but laugh: "Well, it's all my fault."

Lin Yuejian: "..."

She found that Chen Xingyu was really number one in the world when it came to admitting his mistakes.

Every time something made her unhappy, he never went to the bottom of whether it was his fault, anyway, as soon as she was unhappy, he would admit his mistake and coax her patiently.

Obviously sometimes it's not his fault.

"Chen Xingyu, why are you admitting your mistake so quickly?" Lin Yuejian was a little helpless, because he was really too particular about her, so it would be easy for him to feel wronged.

Chen Xingyu, "Because my child is unhappy. As long as she is unhappy, it is all my fault."

The implication is that it was his fault that Lin Yuejian was unhappy.

Lin Yuejian was amused, "Tsk, if you spoil me like this, you will spoil me bad. What if I become an unreasonable person in the future?"

Chen Xingyu said, "It doesn't matter, I love you."

Lin Yuejian, "You know how to draw big cakes, but I can't eat them when I feed them."

Chen Xingyu laughed, "Won't we find out after we draw the pie? The days are long and we have plenty of time."


The little episode between Lin Yuejian and Chen Xingyu was nothing, it was just that the aunt found time to tell Ms. Zhang what she had seen and guessed.

After all, they are in their third year of high school, and both of them are going to take the college entrance examination, so nothing can go wrong at this time.

Ms. Zhang was not surprised. She just pondered for a while and then found a time to talk to Chen Xingyu.

She has no objection to falling in love. After all, she followed Mr. Chen when she was a young girl. Mr. Chen has always been very kind to her, and he has always been affectionate to her.

So she is full of beauty in love.

But it's different for someone else, even if this person is her own son, she can't guarantee that Chen Xingyu will treat only one person like his father for ten years.

Now is the critical time, she never worried about Chen Xingyu's study, because this kid never let her worry about it, even if she didn't pass the exam, she would repeat or take another path, she respected everything about Chen Xingyu idea.

The main thing is a stocking freedom.

Lin Yuejian is different. Her own child can fail the exam, but she can't delay the bright future of other people's little girl!
So Ms. Zhang called Chen Xingyu out alone and said a lot.

Chen Xingyu didn't express much opinion, but just listened quietly.

It wasn't until Ms. Zhang ran out of words and couldn't think of what else to say that he said flatly, "I'm not with Yuejian."

Ms. Zhang:? ? ? ?
Ever since her aunt told her about the two children, she always thought that Chen Xingyu and Lin Yuejian were in a relationship.

She talked to Chen Xingyu because she was afraid of delaying the college entrance examination.

In the end, after talking for a long time, it was all in vain? ? ?
Ms. Zhang was really confused, "The aunt said you are in the living room..."

She stretched out her hand and made a kissing gesture, "...What's going on?"

Speaking of this, Chen Xingyu felt a little embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck habitually, "It's just, it's nothing."

How can Ms. Zhang not understand her son?

Just this small action, it seems that something is wrong.

Ms. Zhang became serious in a second, "Don't hesitate, tell me quickly, don't try to fish in troubled waters for me."

Chen Xingyu: "..."

The key is that it’s hard to describe!

Although the person sitting opposite was his own mother, he was still embarrassed to speak.

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