His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 275 See You When the Moon Rises


By the time the finale started, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

According to the situation in previous years, the students were already tired and distracted by this time, and some of the braver ones would simply leave early.

But this year, there were unexpectedly many people in the audience.

Without exception, they all came for Chen Xingyu and Lin Yuejian.

This show is full of handsome men and beautiful women, who wouldn’t like it!

The host held a microphone and stood on the stage and announced in a clear voice: "Next, please enjoy "Don't Say Goodbye" performed by Class 1 of Senior Grade 3!"

As soon as he finished speaking, cheers broke out from the audience.

The host walked down the stage slowly, holding up her skirt and stepping on high heels. The lights gradually dimmed, and Lin Yue saw them going on stage to prepare amid cheers.

A few seconds later, the music slowly started playing and the lights shone on the stage. Lin Yuejian and the others were wearing school uniforms and dancing to the music. They exuded the vitality and youthfulness that they should have at their age.

The atmosphere in the audience was immediately boosted. When it reached the climax, the students raised their glow sticks and sang along. The atmosphere was very lively.

But when the show reached the second half, the senior high school students who were about to graduate couldn't help but have tears in their eyes.

From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, three years were neither short nor long, and it passed in the blink of an eye.

The three-minute performance soon came to an end. As the last note fell, Lin Yue saw them getting into position and the song ended.

There was total silence from the audience, and warm applause slowly broke out after a few seconds.

Coming down from the stage, Qian Tang smiled brightly, "I thought I would be nervous in front of so many people, but I didn't expect that I would be even less nervous than when I was in front of my homeroom teacher."

Lin Yuejian just smiled and said nothing. She had participated in many dance competitions before and was accustomed to performing on stage. She was not nervous at all. Instead, she thought it was nice to leave some memories before the college entrance examination.

"Let's go out for a meal to celebrate. We don't have classes tomorrow anyway, so it's okay to sleep late." Zhou Yu suggested.

Lin Yuejian, "I think it's okay."

Since she said so, there must be no problem with Chen Xingyu.

Qian Tang also said, "Sure, I didn't eat anything at night and I'm hungry."

Then everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Wanshu.

Among them, Jiang Wanshu's family is the strictest. She would be scolded if she came home late. If she hadn't made a lot of progress in her studies recently, her mother would not have agreed to let her attend the party.

Jiang Wanshu didn't want to spoil the fun and really wanted to go for a midnight snack with everyone, so after thinking for a while he said, "I'll go too."

"But it's already past nine o'clock. If we have a midnight snack, we won't be home until eleven or twelve at the earliest. As for your mother..." Qian Tang was a little worried.

Jiang Wanshu smiled slightly and said calmly, "It's okay. At most I'll get scolded. I'm used to it. It doesn't matter."

"But I would feel bad if I couldn't go out for supper with you guys. I can't join you every time you do something."

Jiang Wanshu spoke of this in a gloomy tone, and it was obvious that she really wanted to play with everyone.

After coming out of school, Lin Yue saw them taking a taxi to eat at Haidilao.

In this cold winter, the happiest thing is to eat hot pot and barbecue.

Even though it’s so late now, there are still quite a few people in the store. It’s quite lively now.

Lin Yue saw them find a random seat and sit down, then slowly place their order.

Chen Xingyu and a few other boys ordered some beer. They all had smiles on their faces and were in a really good mood.

At first everyone was just chatting, then they talked about studying, and finally ideals.

Qian Tang said that she wanted to study fine arts in college and become a great painter in the future!

Zhou Yu said he wanted to be the big boss.

Jiang Wanshu said that her mother wanted her to study at a normal school and become a teacher in the future.

But she doesn't want to, her dream is to be free and unrestrained.

But after the college entrance examination, Jiang Wanshu still couldn't convince her mother and was forced to choose a normal university she didn't like and study a major that she was not interested in.

Later, after graduating from university, she did not choose to teach, but became an online writer despite her parents' opposition.

But these are all things for later.

Lin Yuejian doesn’t have any particularly great dreams. Since she has good English grades, she plans to major in English in college and hope to work in a foreign company after graduation.

Everyone briefly talked about their thoughts on the future, except Chen Xingyu, who held a beer in his hand, leaned his head against it and listened silently without expressing any opinion.

Zhou Yu turned around and asked him, "Brother Yu, what about you? What do you want to study in college?"

Chen Xingyu, who was called, raised his eyelids slightly, first glanced at Lin Yuejian, and then smiled and replied: "For me, I think I'll study finance."

His tone was lazy and a little careless.

After a pause, he added, "It mainly depends on where Yue Jian goes."

What he meant was that he would apply to the same university as Lin Yuejian, and then choose a major that suits him.

Hearing this, everyone else said in unison: “Eh~”

What a big handful of dog food!
If it were someone else, they would probably say that they were in love.

But the fact is, Lin Yuejian’s grades are also very good, and the difference in scores between her and Chen Xingyu is not much, so it is not difficult for them to go to the same school.

Zhou Yu, "Brother Yu, I noticed that you are not hiding anything now?"

They are not together yet, but they are showing off their love to them every day. It is too much!!!
Chen Xingyu smiled with a smug look on his face: "It's something that everyone knows, what's there to hide?"

"Besides, I, your brother Yu, am not something you can't show off." After he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Lin Yuejian, "Right?"

The change in tone before and after is quite big.

The former is arrogant and proud, while the latter humbly seeks recognition.

Lin Yuejian was somewhat helpless with him, so she could only nod: "Yes, yes, yes."

Chen Xingyu: "What do you mean by your perfunctory tone? Don't I have what I need?"

As he spoke, his expression looked aggrieved, as if he had been bullied.

Lin Yuejian: “…”

She really couldn't stand Chen Xingyu's look, so she could only reply to him seriously: "You are the best."

Hearing this, Chen Xingyu smiled with satisfaction.

Others said: It’s too shameful to watch.

Chen Xingyu's aloofness no longer existed before Lin Yue met him.


After New Year’s Day, there are two more weeks of classes before the one-month long winter vacation begins.

Lin Yuejian boarded the plane back to Wuhu on the third day of the holiday.

In the past, when she had holidays, she had to go home, and Lin Yuejian would pack her luggage and go home.

But this year, before the holiday even started, Aunt Jiang would call her from time to time to ask when the holiday would start and when she would go back.

She said she was almost bored to death by herself.

Lin Ji had grown up a little and became more and more naughty. She couldn't handle it alone.

The main thing is that I see my baby every day when I open my eyes and close my eyes, which makes me a little tired.

So Lin Yuejian was called home as soon as the holiday came.

However, when she returned, Aunt Jiang didn't let her do anything. She spent most of her time studying and doing exercises in her room. She only occasionally went shopping with Aunt Jiang and played with Lin Ji.

Her relationship with Lin's father also improved a lot. When eating the New Year's Eve dinner, she no longer felt like an outsider, but a happy family member.

Lin Ji likes her sister very much. Even though he is still young and can barely walk steadily, he follows her around every day.

Even when Lin Yuejian was doing her homework, the little guy would move his toys to her side to play.

Aunt Jiang sometimes likes to joke that Lin Ji will definitely be a sister slave when he grows up.

But these are all off-topic. Time flies, and the one-month winter vacation is over in the blink of an eye.

After the New Year, Lin Yuejian returned to Yunjiang and began to prepare for the college entrance examination.

As the days passed, the climate in Yunjiang gradually warmed up. This year there were more rainy days than in previous years, and it rained for several months in a row.

The rainy season is not truly over until the weather clears up in early June, and midsummer arrives with the turn of the month.

Lin Yuejian gets up at 5:30 every day without fail, and then takes advantage of the time to memorize a few more words while washing up. After eating the breakfast carefully prepared by Ms. Zhang, she goes out to school with Chen Xingyu.

When they arrived at the teaching building, there were still a full fifteen minutes before morning reading.

However, the corridor outside the senior high school classroom was deathly silent. Not only were there no students playing around outside, one could even hear the sound of students reciting lessons.

At this point, almost all the students in the class have arrived.

Chen Xingyu and Lin Yuejian were the last to enter the classroom. It was written on the blackboard that there were only three days left until the college entrance examination.

Time is running out and the atmosphere in the class is extremely depressing. Everyone is studying against time, hoping to get good grades and live up to the hard work of the past three years.

Whenever Qian Tang saw Lin Yuejian coming to the classroom, he would say hello to her.

The two chatted for a few minutes, then put their thoughts aside and went back to reviewing seriously.

The day before the college entrance examination, I went to see the examination room. Lin Yuejian and Chen Xingyu were not in the same examination room, but they were not very far away, only a dozen minutes' walk away.

Ms. Jiang knew that Lin Yuejian was going to take the college entrance examination, so she brought Lin Ji here a week in advance and booked a hotel for her.

So when they visited the examination room, it was Ms. Jiang who accompanied her, and she was also responsible for Lin Yuejian's food and daily life during the two days of the college entrance examination.

At night, Lin Yuejian was reviewing the subjects she would take the next day in her room. Ms. Jiang was afraid that she would be too nervous to sleep, so she would give her hot milk. She was also afraid that she would catch a cold by turning on the air conditioner at night, so she would sneak in to cover her with a quilt and adjust the temperature.

Lin Yuejian was a light sleeper, and although she hadn’t fully woken up, she vaguely knew what had happened.

She had sweet dreams during those two days.

With Aunt Jiang's caring care, Lin Yuejian had an extremely smooth time during the two days of the college entrance examination, and she did not forget to bring her ID card or admission ticket.

Apart from the different examination room, Lin Yuejian entered the examination room calmly and came out with a smile on her face, just like she usually did when taking mock exams at school.

The same is true for Chen Xingyu.

He had received admission offers from several universities before the college entrance examination, but after thinking it over, he decided to take the college entrance examination.

Therefore he is calmer than anyone else.

It was just like any other exam, no pressure at all.

On Saturday afternoon, when taking the last exam, Chen Xingyu handed in his paper half an hour in advance and ran all the way to the school gate.

That afternoon, he was the first person to come out of the examination room. Reporters who had been waiting outside came up to him with microphones and asked him various questions.

"Hello handsome guy, do you think this year's exam questions are difficult?"

"Handsome guy, as the first person to come out of the examination room, what do you think?"


Facing the questions that the authors were asking one after another, Chen Xingyu breathed slightly, with a smile on his face, revealing that he was in a good mood at the moment.

He thought for a moment and replied, "Well, I don't have any feelings. The reason I ran out in such a hurry is because I want to meet someone."

"I want to tell her that there are many people passing by on the road of life, and everyone has their own destination. Others go east, west, south, and north, but I go to you."

After saying that, Chen Xingyu ran away with a smile without waiting for the reporters to react.

Not far away, Ms. Zhang was waiting for him with flowers in her hands.

Chen Xingyu ran up to her, and before he could even call her "Mom," Ms. Zhang handed him the flowers and said with a smile, "Go ahead. I'll be waiting for your good news at home."

Chen Xingyu nodded, took the bouquet and started running towards the examination room where Lin Yuejian was.

Lin Yuejian has always been cautious in taking exams. She usually doesn't hand in her mock exam papers early, so she definitely won't hand in an important exam like the college entrance examination early. It's just the right time for him to run over and wait for her.

Little did he know that there were people who had exactly the same idea as him.

The first time Lin Yuejian handed in her paper early was in the college entrance examination hall.

She wanted to go to the next examination room with flowers in her hands to greet Chen Xingyu, and tell him that across thousands of miles of mountains and fields, he was her joy hidden in the breeze.

So they met each other at the street corner.

They all looked stunned, and it was obvious that they didn't expect to meet here.

When his eyes fell on the flowers in the other person's hand, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

For a moment, no one spoke. They just looked at each other silently, letting the June breeze blow across their cheeks.

The first one to recover was Chen Xingyu. He walked towards Lin Yuejian.

Before coming here, he had a lot to say, but the moment he saw Lin Yuejian, he found himself so nervous that he didn't know what to say.

He moved his lips several times, but no sound came out.

In the end, it was Lin Yuejian who spoke first: "What a coincidence."

Chen Xingyu, "Didn't you say you handed in the paper early?"

Lin Yuejian, "Didn't you also say you wouldn't hand it over?"

Chen Xingyu: "..."

Lin Yuejian: “…”

When the two of them contacted each other on WeChat last night, they both asked each other this question.

It was a bit embarrassing and funny at the same time.

Lin Yuejian, "Then, shall we exchange bouquets?"

Chen Xingyu was somewhat reluctant.

Because today he didn't just want to give Lin Yuejian a bouquet of flowers and wish her a happy graduation.

After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly became serious, "Lin Yuejian."


He rarely called her full name so seriously, so Lin Yue's expression also became serious.

Quietly waiting for what Chen Xingyu would say next.

"The college entrance examination is over."

Lin Yuejian:?

Calling her so seriously, just to say this?

The ending will obviously not be.

After a pause, Chen Xingyu continued, "I want to drink milk tea with you, watch movies with you, go home with you in the evening breeze, and walk the rest of the way with you."

"do you understand me?"

His tone was serious yet a little cautious and nervous.

Lin Yuejian did not answer immediately.

In fact, I already knew it in my heart, I just wanted to see what else he could say.

Sure enough, she didn't respond, and Chen Xingyu got a little flustered. He was afraid that she didn't understand what he meant, so he said, "I'm a person with a dumb mouth and I'm not good at saying those fancy words. I came to you today to tell you something very simple."

Having said this, Chen Xingyu paused because of nervousness and shyness.

Lin Yuejian asked him, "How simple is it?"

Chen Xingyu took a deep breath. He never thought that he would be so nervous that his brain went blank and he completely forgot the lines he had prepared. He could only say dryly and straightforwardly: "Lin Yuejian, I like you and I want to be your boyfriend. It's such a simple thing. Can you promise me?"

In the following words, Chen Xingyu became more and more humble.

No matter how well they get along on a daily basis, even the feelings between them are known to everyone even if they don't say it.

He still worries about being rejected.

Lin Yuejian couldn't help laughing when she saw that he was so embarrassed that his ears turned red.

A gentle and pleasant voice came out of her throat: "Since it's so simple, then I'll agree to it!"

The little girl's tone was lazy and a little nonchalant.

But the next second, she changed her previous laziness and told him seriously and solemnly: "Chen Xingyu, what a coincidence, I like you too."

Their love is a two-way journey.

The story of these two years is simple: we met each other and were filled with joy.

The rest of my life will be with you.


During the summer vacation, Lin Yuejian and Chen Xingyu passed their driving tests and traveled abroad.

When Lin Yuejian couldn't sleep at night and was watching videos to pass the time, she saw Chen Xingyu on the Internet.

As the first person to leave the examination room, the reporter asked him what he thought.

Chen Xingyu replied: "I don't have any feelings. The reason I ran out in such a hurry is because I want to meet someone."

"I want to tell her that there are many people passing by on the road of life, and everyone has their own destination. Others go east, west, south, and north, but I go to you."

"I heard that evening primrose only appears at night, so I set out from dusk, crossing mountains and rivers, just to wait for the moon to rise - to see you."


——End of full text——(End of this chapter)

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