His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 32 People can change

Chapter 32 People can change

There were quite a lot of people queuing up to play snail noodles, and by the time Lin Yuejian and Ye Yingying finished, Song Qing had already found a seat to sit down.

Song Qing has been paying attention to the two of them, and seeing that they are ready, she waved: "See you at Yingyingyue, here!"

Although the canteen was noisy, Lin Yuejian and Ye Yingying found Song Qing smoothly.

The weather was hot, so Song Qing found a place under the fan, which happened to be three tables put together, which could seat many people.

After Chen Xingyu and the others prepared their meals, they came over with them and sat down naturally.

"What do you eat?" Ye Yingying asked casually.

Lu Chengjiang: "I eat Malatang."

Zhou Yu: "Roast chicken rice."

Xu Tingxi: "Sliced ​​chicken."

Chen Xingyu didn't speak, but already started to eat slowly with his chopsticks in his hands.

Zhou Yu, "By the way, I haven't introduced it yet."

Finally found a chance to meet this beautiful new classmate!
Then he introduced himself to Lin Yuejian with a smile: "Hello, my name is Zhou Yu, and I am good friends with Brother Yu."

"My name is Xu Tingxi." In case she didn't know, he added, "We are in the same class."

Lin Yuejian smiled and said modestly and politely, "Hello."

"It feels like I haven't seen her for a few years. Yue Jian has really changed a lot. How could she be so cute and gentle before." Lu Chengjiang said casually.

Lin Yuejian still kept the gentle smile just now on her face, but the smile didn't reach her eyes: "Everyone is subject to change."

Her tone was light and emotionless, but if you tasted it carefully, you would find a touch of sadness hidden in her tone.

Because her parents divorced, she became a drag bottle that no one wanted.

The court sentenced her to her father. Although her father was not short of food and clothing, he was no longer as good to her as before.

Later, her father remarried and had a lovely son, so she was nothing in his eyes.

It's her own home, but she looks like an outsider. After entering high school, Lin Yuejian moved to live in the school, rarely going home, and her father even sometimes forgets her...

In such an environment, Lin Yuejian could only try to be as good as possible and not cause trouble for her father.

Dad didn't like her much at first, it would be bad if he hated her any more.

Of course, these things about her are not clear to everyone here.

Regarding her sudden return to Yunjiang to study this time, she didn't ask any more questions.

While she was meditating, everyone had already talked about other topics, and the atmosphere of talking and laughing was very active.

Seeing that Lin Yue was in a bad mood suddenly, she didn't participate in it, and ate in silence with her head down.

It's just that the originally delicious snail noodles didn't taste good even after she ate them.

The little girl lowered her head, pawing at the noodles in the bowl repeatedly, as if talking about noodles could kill her.

Chen Xingyu was originally a relatively quiet person, everyone around him was chatting, unless he was asked, he would not express his opinion.

His eyes fell on the little girl.

In fact, from what she said just now, "People change", he could see that she was a little unhappy.

It's just that I don't quite understand where it touched her sad point.

Now it seems that there should be some reason why she suddenly transferred to Yunjiang City.

Although Lin Yuejian was not in a high mood, she did not show up. After the meal, Ye Yingying asked her to take her to familiarize herself with the campus, and she agreed.

Just after leaving the cafeteria, I ran into Su Yiwei.

Originally, she just passed by, but Su Yiwei seemed to remember something suddenly, and called Lin Yuejian to stop.

"See you, my classmate."

Lin Yue stopped when she heard someone calling her, "What's wrong? Squad leader."

(End of this chapter)

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