His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 34 Like a Little White Rabbit, Simple and Innocent

Chapter 34 Like a Little White Rabbit, Simple and Innocent

In the end, Lin Yuejian chose dormitory 902, because her deskmates Qian Tang and Jiang Wanshu both belonged to this dormitory.

It is always better to have a classmate you know.

At this point, both Qian Tang and Jiang Wanshu had already returned to the dormitory, and Su Yiwei also went back to her own dormitory after making arrangements for Lin Yuejian.

Qian Tang took Lin Yuejian to meet her roommates. They were all classmates in the class. They were very amiable and welcomed her.

He also circled around Lin Yuejian curiously, asking her why she changed schools, why her skin was so good, and complimenting her on her beauty and cuteness.

In just a few minutes, Lin Yuejian roughly knew what kind of person the roommate was.

Except for Jiang Wanshu who is more introverted and silent, everyone else is very carefree and loves to joke.

Because there was still class in the afternoon, the girls chatted briefly for a while before taking their lunch break.


The three sessions in the afternoon are all theoretical classes.

Although it is the first day of school, it does not delay the teachers of each subject to attend classes.

Lin Yuejian felt a little tired after a day of class, so she packed her schoolbag and prepared to go back after class.

Qian Tang at the same table asked: "Yueyue, where is your home?"

Lin Yuejian: "Garden District."

Qian Tang thought about it. Although he had heard it, he didn't know the exact location, so he could only ask again: "Is it far from the school?"

It took Uncle Chen this morning to drive over without traffic jams for half an hour, it must have been twenty or thirty kilometers.

Lin Yuejian nodded: "A little bit."

Qian Tang: "Then are you going back by bus, or is your family coming to pick you up?"

Lin Yuejian: "My family will pick me up."

During the conversation, Qian Tang had already packed his schoolbag, "Well, shall we go to the school gate together?"

Lin Yuejian subconsciously glanced at Chen Xingyu from the corner of her eye.

He was still sitting on the seat and writing with a pen, probably writing the homework assigned by the teacher today.

Seeing that Lin Yue didn't know when he would be ready, she slowed down her hands and rejected the kindness of her deskmate: "You go back first, I have to wait."

Qian Tang thought it was Lin Yuejian's parents who didn't come over so soon, so he didn't think much, and after saying goodbye to her, he left the classroom with Jiang Wanshu.

I don't know if the students in Class [-] are active in class or not, but they run very fast after class.

In the blink of an eye, almost everyone in the classroom had left.

Zhou Yu, who finished a homework, also kicked the stool and stood up, "Brother Yu, are you leaving?"

Xu Tingxi had already packed her schoolbag and lazily carried it on her shoulders.

Obviously waiting for Chen Xingyu, as long as he is well, leave at any time.

Chen Xingyu first finished writing the inscription on his hand, then raised his eyelids lazily, and glanced in the direction of the little girl.

It just so happened that Lin Yuejian was also looking at him, and the eyes of the two collided unexpectedly.

Lin Yuejian, who was wearing a white dress and holding a schoolbag in her arms, looked very good, like a little white rabbit, pure and innocent.

Opening a pair of beautiful almond eyes, she looked at Chen Xingyu without blinking, and pursed her lower lip, looking a little more timid.

Chen Xingyu didn't answer Zhou Yu's words, but looked at Lin Yuejian and asked, "Let's go?"

Just a simple word, indifferent.

Lin Yuejian opened her mouth invisibly, and said "ah" in a daze.

Seeing that Chen Xingyu's gaze never moved away from her, she was sure that he was asking her, and nodded quickly: "Well, let's go!"

Stuffing the remaining two books into the schoolbag, Lin Yuejian kicked off the stool and carried the schoolbag on her back, as if she could leave at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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