His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 39 What made a big boy scream

Chapter 39 What made a big boy scream
Lin Yuejian imagined Chen Xingyu's depressed look at the corpse because the turtle was gone.

Comparing it with his usual cold and unreasonable appearance, he is inexplicably cute!
Seeing the smile at the corner of her mouth, Chen Xingyu was speechless.

However, Ms. Zhang's words continued: "But then again, those little bastards he raised are quite cute. When they see you coming, they will crazily pull the water surface, and some of them can swim backstroke. They are so cute. I like to go to his room and tease his little bastards."

Chen Xingyu: "..."

The young man looked helpless, "That's not bastard, tortoises have names too!"

Ms. Zhang waved her hand, not listening to him, "You have too many bastards, I can't remember."

Chen Xingyu: "..."

He gave up resisting, bowed his head and went to eat.

Ms. Zhang added: "Yueyue, if you are usually in a bad mood, you can also go to his room to see his little bastards, it is very healing!"

Lin Yue saw that she also kept pets, although she had never raised a bastard before.

But to be honest, if you haven’t eaten pork, haven’t you seen a pig run?

She has also seen people posting the daily routine of raising turtles on the Internet.

They are all cute and healing animals.

After being told by Aunt Chen, she was also full of curiosity about Chen Xingyu's little bastards.

I wanted to nod and say yes, but I was afraid that Chen Xingyu would not like it.

She glanced at him cautiously, as if asking for his approval.

Chen Xingyu's face was stinky: "Don't kill me."

The implication is, you can see, don't play with me to death.

Lin Yue's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she nodded quickly: "Don't worry, Brother Xingyu, I love small animals very much."

Chen Xingyu: "..."

After dinner, Chen Xingyu came back to the room and realized it belatedly. When he went to the restaurant by himself, Lin Yuejian laughed so happily with his mother, as if it was because of him.

So what are these two talking about?

He pulled out the chair in doubt and sat down, with flip flops on his feet, when he suddenly felt that something had crawled onto his feet.

Itchy, Susu numb...


Lin Yuejian also went straight back to the bedroom after eating.

She didn't want to take a bath and do her homework, so she was going to play with Shushu for a while.

Only to find that Shu Bao's nest was not closed!
Lin Yuejian's love mouse has a criminal record of escaping from prison. When she saw that the door was open, her first reaction was that it was over!

Went to check, and sure enough, her milk tea was gone.

But when I went downstairs to eat just now, the door of the room was only ajar and not closed tightly. For a moment, I didn't know whether Milk Tea ran out or hid in a corner of the room.

When Lin Yue saw her room, which was not too big but filled with many things, she suddenly felt a little broken.

She first searched the corner near the mouse nest.

Didn't see her beloved mouse...

It took a few more minutes to search for other places, but there was still no sign of her beloved mouse.

Just when she wondered if Shushu had run out, she suddenly heard screams from the next door.

not very big.

But she heard it clearly.

She lived with Chen Xingyu on the third floor, so it was obviously Chen Xingyu's voice.

What made him, a big boy, scream?

Seeing that Lin Yue didn't bother to look for the mouse anymore, she went to the next door to have a look.

The little girl stood at the door of Chen Xingyu's room and knocked politely. Because the door was not closed tightly, she opened it with a light touch.

Then, she saw Chen Xingyu standing on the gaming chair, looking at something in horror...

(End of this chapter)

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