His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 4 Health is the most beautiful

Chapter 4 Health is the most beautiful
Xie Siyao arrived one minute before the meal time.

"Sorry, there's a bit of a traffic jam on the road and I'm late."

Lu Chengjiang joked: "If you are later, we are all full."

The fact is that the food has just been served.

After Xie Siyao sat down, Lu Chengjiang introduced to him: "This is a monthly meeting. Compared with elementary school, has it changed a lot?"

Only then did Xie Siyao notice Lin Yuejian, and took a closer look.

Fair-skinned and beautiful, a proper big beauty.

Compared with before, the change is not so big.

Lin Yuejian used to have a dark complexion, but now her skin is cold and fair, and her figure has grown. That pretty little face keeps turning heads 100% of the time when walking on the road.

Seeing his gaze, Lin Yue smiled slightly.

A smile is more beautiful, it's too sweet.

Xie Siyao nodded, "Well, it's really big."

Chen Xingyu on the side: "..."

Seeing what was said, Lin Yue was a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and concentrated on eating.

Seeing her blushing slightly, Song Qing teased, "Yueyue is so embarrassed when you say it, but I haven't seen her for a few years, and Yueyue really looks so much more beautiful!"

Ye Yingying nodded wildly: "I also think that this face is so pale, Yueyue, to be honest, are you wearing makeup?"

Lin Yuejian was a little innocent, "No, I just put on a lip balm."

Ye Yingying didn't believe it, and reached out to touch it. Lin Yuejian's face was white and tender, and it felt very good.

"No really, Yueyue, how on earth did you manage to be so white?"

Her skin is considered fair, but compared with Lin Yuejian, she is still far behind.

Lin Yuejian shook her head, "I don't know, maybe it's because I seldom go out and don't see the sun very much."

Song Qing, who was born with wheat skin, was envious, "Oh, it would be great if I could also turn white without exposure to the sun!"

"Your complexion is also beautiful, each with its own beauty." Xie Siyao's tone was light, without emotion.

Lu Chengjiang nodded and agreed very much: "I think what Lao Xie said is right, no matter what skin color, health is the most beautiful!"

"You girls, don't keep chasing Bai Youshou, eat more and run away when the wind blows." He also put a piece of fat pork in Ye Yingying's bowl, " Typhoons often visit our coastal area.”

Ye Yingying looked at the piece of fat in her bowl and frowned, full of disgust.

In the next second, she threw it back to Lu Chengjiang: "If you want to eat, you can eat it yourself, and I want to eat the thin ones."

Lu Chengjiang: "..."

Tsk, don't hold it for her, don't pull it down, he will eat it by himself!

Then he happily ate the piece of fat into his stomach.

After a meal, the atmosphere is still very harmonious.

Lin Yuejian quickly melted in, chatting and laughing with Ye Yingying and Song Qing.

Only Chen Xingyu didn't interrupt much, he just sat there eating quietly, looking a bit out of place.

Lin Yue would raise her eyelids to look at him from time to time, if she didn't know that he was always quiet, she would have wondered if he was isolated!

After eating and drinking, Lu Chengjiang touched his stomach, hiccupped indistinctly, and asked, "Brother Yu, do you want to go to the Internet cafe to play games later? I'm only one star away from being the king."

Chen Xingyu didn't raise his eyelids, and directly said, "No."


Chen Xingyu: "I don't want to go."

Lu Chengjiang didn't give up, and continued to ask: "Why don't you want to go? Anyway, you don't have anyone at home. Instead of lying bored at home, it's better to go to an Internet cafe to play games."

Before Chen Xingyu could speak, Lin Yuejian weakly raised his hand.

All eyes fell on her.

Including Chen Xingyu.

Lin Yuejian said: "...someone is there."

(End of this chapter)

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