His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 46 Is there one possibility? It's a matter of face

Chapter 46 Is there a possibility? It's a face problem

Jiang Wanshu is a single-parent family. She lived with her mother since she was a child. The family opened a breakfast shop, and the business is booming because of her good craftsmanship.

The friendship between Qian Tang and her was established in glutinous rice chicken and egg tarts.

Lin Yuejian also has a copy.

Jiang Wanshu has the standard classic beauty appearance, with a melon-shaped face and some pimples on her face, but not many.

She spoke less, was very quiet, and spoke softly.

"I don't know what you like to eat, so I brought the same one as Tangtang."

Although Lin Yuejian had already had breakfast, she still took it, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes: "I have it too?"

Jiang Wanshu nodded: "Yes! My mother made this, try it and see if you like it."

Lin Yuejian took a bite out of the package of the glutinous rice chicken, and the soft and glutinous taste was just right.

Nodding without hesitation: "Well, it's delicious!"

Qian Tang's mouth was full, and his words were a bit vague: "Let me tell you that my mother is professional in bread making. I like it very much!"

Jiang Wanshu smiled slightly, but said nothing.

Lin Yuejian's stomach can hold it better, and she finished the breakfast Jiang Wanshu gave her before her morning reading.

"Shushu, thank you for your breakfast. Shall I treat you to milk tea at noon?"

Jiang Wanshu did not refuse, with a gentle smile on her face: "Just like it."

Chen Xingyu in the back row propped his head, his eyelids drooped lazily, and his eyes fell on Lin Yuejian who was diagonally ahead.

She watched without blinking her eyes as she finished a glutinous rice chicken and two egg tarts, then took out a bottle of AD calcium from the drawer, poked it open and drank it.

The corner of his mouth twitched, knowing that the little girl could eat it, but he didn't expect it to be so good.

Such a small body has such a big stomach, it can hold so much.

Zhou Yu, who was laying on the table to make up for sleep, was awakened by the ringing of the bell. Seeing Chen Xingyu staring at something, he asked casually, "Brother Yu, what are you looking at?"

Chen Xingyu moved his eyelids, looked away, and said lazily, "It's nothing."

Zhou Yu was quite shrewd, so he roughly guessed where Chen Xingyu was looking.

Within two seconds, the positioning was placed on Lin Yuejian.

But he was not sure, Chen Xingyu had never been interested in the opposite sex, and there were so many girls chasing him and giving him gifts and love letters.

No, after morning reading, Chen Xingyu went to the bathroom, and when he came back, there were a few more gifts and envelopes in the drawer.

He pulled out the book, and things scattered all over the floor.

The boy was probably used to it, and he picked up the things and put them back in the drawer with a blank expression.

Zhou Yu looked enviously, "Tsk, when will I have something like this in my drawer?"

Xu Tingxi laughed at him: "Just think about it."

Zhou Yu, "Aren't I excellent? Although I'm not as good as Brother Yu, I'm still a science guy with excellent grades, okay?"

Xu Tingxi, "Is there a possibility that it's a matter of face?"

Zhou Yu looked at Chen Xingyu's tragically handsome face, and then at his own face in the mirror with some pimples.

Although he is also very handsome, but compared with brother Yu... he suddenly has a heart attack and is speechless.

"Brother Yu, tell me the truth, did you secretly take care of your skin at home at night? How can your face be so clean?"

Don't talk about acne, even a pore can't be seen!
If it wasn't for the fear of being beaten, Zhou Yu really wanted to reach out and touch it to see if it was slippery and if it felt good.

Chen Xingyu opened the math book lazily, as if he was too lazy to talk to Zhou Yu.

It was the recess time, and the team leader was in charge of collecting homework.

Su Yiwei received it from Chen Xingyu, and Chen Xingyu looked through the drawer before realizing that her homework was still in Lin Yuejian's schoolbag.

"Wait." After leaving a word, he got up and went to see Lin Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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