His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 59 You Don't Need To Be So Careful

Chapter 59 You Don't Need To Be So Careful

At that moment, Lin Yuejian felt that it was over.

The last time Chen Xingyu said that this kind of situation should not happen again, but after a while, the milk tea hit his feet again.

Originally, Chen Xingyu took a step back and opened the distance between him and the milk tea.

As a result, Milk Tea walked forward again, and the ball rolled to Chen Xingyu's feet again.

This time he didn't dodge.

Instead, he looked at it condescendingly.

I didn't observe carefully last time because I was afraid, but now that I look at it this way, I find that the little guy looks cute.

The hair is milky brown, fat and plump, very beautiful.

At this moment, he stood up on two feet, wondering if he was observing him.

He couldn't touch it through the glass ball, and he didn't seem so scared in his heart.

But Lin Yuejian was afraid that the milk tea would be thrown out by him, so after putting on her shoes, she ran over to pick up the milk tea and hid it behind her.


Before she could think of something to say, she saw Chen Xingyu move her lips, and her voice was lazy and sloppy.

"Tsk, hide it so fast, are you afraid that I will eat it?"

Lin Yuejian shook her head, "No."

Mainly because I am afraid that you will throw it out.

"Don't worry, I won't steal yours." The boy's voice was as lazy as ever.

Always careless.

Lin Yuejian explained: "No, aren't you afraid? I'm afraid to scare you again."

Chen Xingyu's face darkened when he remembered his ugliness last time.

But in the end he didn't care about the little girl.

"It's okay, it can't touch me in the ball."

The implication is that he is not afraid.

Hearing this, Lin Yuejian's eyes lit up immediately, "That's it, then I can rest assured, I'm really afraid that it will scare you again..."

Chen Xingyu didn't say anything, turned around and went to the restaurant.

Lin Yuejian followed closely behind, and put the milk tea in the living room by the way, without taking it with her.

"You should be hungry. I made two dishes this morning. There are soup, fried meat and scrambled eggs with chives. If you don't like it, I can make more."

Chen Xingyu, "No, I'm not picky."

After a pause, he added, "Thank you."

Lin Yuejian was slightly taken aback, "You're welcome."

Chen Xingyu got up early, and the food was still hot, so he could eat it directly.

Although compared with Aunt Liu's, it's a little crude, but the taste is still very good.

Seeing that he was eating deliciously, Lin Yuejian smiled with crooked eyebrows: "Then, I'll watch TV first, if you have any questions, call me."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked out.

After walking a few steps, Chen Xingyu stopped her.

"See you, Lin Yue."

"Huh?" The little girl turned around.

Chen Xingyu raised his head to meet her gaze, and said seriously, "You don't have to be so careful, we are friends."

The relationship is equal, you don't have to please me.

He didn't say the second half of the sentence, but Lin Yuejian still understood what he meant.

The little girl pursed her lips, not knowing what to say for a while.

She just felt that living in someone else's house should not cause trouble as much as possible, so she was more accommodating to Chen Xingyu on weekdays, for fear of making him unhappy.

She didn't speak, and Chen Xingyu didn't force her.

Changed the subject: "Later, go out to play?"

Lin Yuejian nodded: "Yes."

Then I went to the living room to watch her TV.

At first, he was a little absent-minded because of Chen Xingyu's words, but he was attracted by the TV after a while.

She didn't know how long it took before she suddenly remembered that she hadn't heard the milk tea for a while.

So she started looking for milk tea in the living room.

Just when she was wondering where the little guy had gone, she saw Chen Xingyu coming out of the restaurant.

Followed by her milk tea.

It's still the kind where milk tea follows Chen Xingyu wherever he goes.

Lin Yuejian: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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