Chapter 6 Add a WeChat
Lin Yuejian looked left and right, but she still couldn't find where the car Chen Xingyu said was. Just when she wanted to say that she hadn't seen it last, a white car stopped firmly in front of her.

Looking at the license plate, it was the one Chen Xingyu mentioned.

Lin Yuejian: "..."

There is an inexplicable feeling of being cheated.

Meeting her gaze, the person concerned walked over without blushing and panting, and opened the door of the back seat. Seeing that she was still standing still, he moved his lower lip lazily: "Aren't you leaving?"

Lin Yuejian opened her mouth, but in the end she still didn't say anything, walked over and bent down and got into the car.

Chen Xingyu got into the car after putting his things away, and confirmed the phone number and address with the driver before setting off.

There was no communication along the way, everyone played their own things, and the atmosphere in the car was too quiet.

It's not too early or too late to get home, exactly ten o'clock.

Chen Xingyu kindly helped Lin Yuejian take all the things she bought upstairs, and then stood at the door and introduced her to her family.

"Except for my parents' room on the second floor, the rest are guest rooms. There are sports equipment in the living room, which you can use as you please. There will be a nanny at home to clean up regularly, and an aunt will come to cook, but recently the aunt has something to ask for leave at home. If you want to eat, you can order takeaway or go out to eat, if you want to make it yourself, you can do whatever you want in the kitchen."

Lin Yuejian nodded and listened seriously: "Okay, I see."

Chen Xingyu thought about it, and didn't know if he had missed something, so he could only add: "In short, you can go to the house as you like, and you can use your things as you like. If you have any questions, you can come to me."

In case the little girl feels that this is not her home, she dare not touch anything.

Moreover, Mrs. Chen explained that she should "take good care" of this guest. If she didn't take good care of her, Mrs. Chen would skin him.

Lin Yuejian continued to nod: "Okay, thank you Brother Xingyu."

Chen Xingyu hummed, didn't say anything, turned around and walked to his room.

When he put his hand on the doorknob and was about to push the door in, the little girl's soft voice sounded again.

"Brother Xing Yu."

Chen Xingyu turned around in doubt.

He didn't speak, but frowned slightly, as if to say: Is there anything else?
"Well, can I add a Wechat?" Seeing how old she is, Lin Yue has never taken the initiative to ask a boy for a Wechat. This is the first time.

She was a little embarrassed, "In this way, it will be more convenient for me to find you if I have anything to do."

Chen Xingyu was silent for two seconds, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, clicked on the WeChat QR code and handed it to Lin Yuejiansao.

With a beep, Lin Yue saw Chen Xingyu's WeChat on the phone screen.

The profile picture is pure black, and the screen name is XY.

WeChat account, no.

Lin Yuejian took a look at Chen Xingyu and thought: This guy seems a bit boring.

But she didn't say anything, and quickly added Chen Xingyu's wechat.

Chen Xingyu's phone vibrated, he tapped the screen, and passed Lin Yuejian's friend request.

The head of the little girl is very cute, it is a white golden silk bear.

He took a look, put away his phone and went back to the bedroom.

Lin Yuejian also went back to her room to pack up the things she bought in the supermarket.

In addition to daily necessities, what she buys the most is snacks.

It happened that there was a snack trolley in the room, and Lin Yuejian put away her favorite snacks one by one.

It was not too early when she finished tossing around, she took out her pajamas from the closet and went to take a shower.

Coincidentally, Chen Xingyu just came out of the bathroom, holding a towel in his hand, and was wiping his dripping hair.

(End of this chapter)

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