His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 68 Want to add WeChat, how about adding mine?

Chapter 68 Want to add WeChat, how about adding mine?

Lin Yuejian, the boy in front of him, had no memory and didn't know his name.

But the boy has a thick skin and said confidently: "How can this be rude? You ignore me. If I don't stalk me, how can I let you look at me?"

Lin Yuejian almost spit out the powder she just ate.

I really want to ask, brother, how did you manage to be so greasy at a young age? !

Seeing that she didn't speak, the boy said again: "Come on, add a WeChat? Just make friends, don't worry, I won't bother you."

I believe you a ghost!
Lin Yuejian resisted the urge to roll her eyes, opened her eyes and said nonsense: "Sorry, I use Nokia, I don't have WeChat."

"Pfft~" Qian Tang couldn't help laughing out loud.

Even Jiang Wanshu, who has always been reticent and has a low smile, slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

The boy almost vomited blood at her words.

Immediately exploded, "No, Lin Yue saw that you lied to ghosts. What era is it now, who still uses Nokia, and who doesn't have a mobile phone!"

His friends all echoed: "That's right, let's find a better excuse for refusing!"

"Besides, we are all classmates, or in the same class, what's wrong with adding a WeChat?"

It was the first time that Lin Yue hated the words "everyone is a classmate" so much.

Fortunately, she has no morals, or she would have been kidnapped.

Looking at the guy who was so angry that he was about to jump up and talk to him, the little girl still kept smiling, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"its me."

The implication is that she has no mobile phone or WeChat.

The boy almost rolled his eyes and passed out on the spot.

How can there be such a difficult girl? !

He has been dating girls for so many years, but this is the first time he failed to ask for WeChat.

From the first day Lin Yue came here, he fell in love with her, and even turned around and kicked his girlfriend at the time.

Several times I wanted to find a chance to get to know Lin Yuejian, but was persuaded to leave by Chen Xingyu who suddenly appeared beside her.

I found her WeChat in the class group and wanted to add her, but she didn't agree. After a lot of times, she even turned off this function directly.

It's hard to meet Lin Yuejian today and didn't go with Chen Xingyu, how could he not act.

As a result, Lin Yuejian completely ignored him.

Seeing that Zhang Weihao has been pestering Lin Yuejian, Qian Tang said: "Yuejian is a good student, her life is only studying and studying, if you want to find a girl, you should find someone else."

Zhang Weihao was upset when he heard this, "I didn't say I wanted to date her, I just added a WeChat to get to know her."

After getting WeChat, let’s talk about other things!
Qian Tang: "..."

It was the first time she had seen such a shameless person.

If you don't want to date someone, why keep chasing them for WeChat?
Really speechless!

At this time, a fair and beautiful hand with fine knuckles came into sight.

He pulled away the chair next to Lin Yuejian and sat in the aisle, facing Zhang Weihao, looking like a big boss.

A cold voice also followed, showing a bit of indifference: "You want to add WeChat, how about adding mine?"

As he spoke, he also took out his mobile phone, displayed his WeChat QR code, and placed it on the table.

With this familiar tone of voice, you don't even need to look to know who it is.

Chen Xingyu.

Seeing his broad back, Lin Yue felt a little puzzled in her heart.

Why is he here?
Zhang Weihao, who was still very frivolous and arrogant at first, wanted to see Jialin Yuejian on WeChat, he didn't dare to fart in an instant.

Chen Xingyu's image in No. [-] Middle School is positive.

He is a three-good student, he is a top student, he is a first-year student, he is a school grassroots, he is the proud son of heaven, and he is a child of other people's family.

Only a few people know that he can't afford to offend.

He is not as obedient as the teacher sees him at all!

(End of this chapter)

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