His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 75 As long as I want to see off your Zhang family, no matter how far away, I will drop by

Chapter 75 As long as I want to take you home, I will drop by no matter how far
Emotions are such a complicated thing.

But everyone didn't stay on this topic for too long. After chatting for a while, they went back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers.

All of a sudden, only Xu Tingxi and Jiang Wanshu were left.

Usually Xu Tingxi took the bus back with Zhou Yu, but I don't know why he stayed today.

Jiang Wan's home is not far from the school, so she sometimes chooses to walk back.

Seeing Xu Tingxi who was still standing still, she hesitated and chose to speak.

"Well, aren't you going home?"

The girl's voice was soft and timid.

Xu Tingxi opened his eyes and said nonsense: "There is no one at home, so don't rush back."

Jiang Wanshu: "Oh."

Then there was no more text, she looked very obedient with her schoolbag on her back.

She is from the south, and she is very petite, barely 1.6 meters tall with shoes on.

Standing in front of Xu Tingxi who is 1.8 meters tall, she looks very small.

It is estimated that the other party did not bow his head, and could not see her in his field of vision.

Xu Tingxi lowered his head and looked at the girl who only reached his shoulders, "Aren't you going home?"

"Ah?" Jiang Wanshu was stunned, looking like a stupid beauty, "Get ready."

Xu Tingxi: "Go back by bus?"

Jiang Wanshu shook her head, "Walk."

Xu Tingxi: "Then I'll see you off, it's on my way anyway."

Jiang Wanshu raised her eyes to meet his gaze, and questioned her soul: "Do you know where my family lives?"


Suddenly a little embarrassed.

This is a good question.

Fortunately, Xu Tingxi played with Zhou Yu a lot, and his skin was thick enough.

"Have you ever heard a word?"

Jiang Wanshu's pretty brows furrowed slightly:?
"As long as I want to take you home, no matter how far it is."

Jiang Wanshu: "..."

She refused indifferently, "No need, I'll just go back by myself."

After finishing speaking, she turned and walked in the direction of home.

Xu Tingxi followed closely, "Don't, it's so boring for you to go home by yourself."

Jiang Wanshu: "I'm not bored, don't follow me."

Xu Tingxi: "I'm bored, you just take it as your company."

Jiang Wanshu: "I can't speak, you should find someone else."

Xu Tingxi: "I just like you."

Jiang Wanshu stopped.

Xu Tingxi almost ran into it, but luckily the car stopped.

Facing the girl's indifferent eyes, he quickly explained: "I mean, I like to find you."

Jiang Wanshu: "..."

What is the difference between saying this and not saying it?
Xu Tingxi, "I have no other intentions. If you don't like it, then I won't follow you."

Generally speaking, when it comes to this, no one else will say anything.

But Jiang Wanshu is an exception.

"Well, go home quickly, don't follow me, I don't like it."

The girl looks soft and bully, but the person is very ruthless.

After she finished speaking, she didn't stop for a second, she raised her footsteps and walked forward, walking faster and faster, and within a short while she distanced herself from Xu Tingxi.

He stood alone on the road with cars passing by, scratching the back of his head, feeling a little worried.

... a bit difficult to get along with!
We've known each other for a month and still can't say a few words.

Jiang Wanshu was always cold towards him.

Could it be that he did something that made her dislike it?

Xu Tingxi thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out. Seeing Jiang Wanshu's figure disappear at the end of the road, he stopped a taxi and went home.

The moment he got into the car, a figure came out from the end of the road.

After watching him leave, he was relieved.

For so many years, she has been alone, walking alone.

Qian Tang was her only friend. Later, she met Lin Yuejian, and then got to know everyone naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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