His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 79 Zhang Weihao is a Scumbag

At twelve o'clock at noon, those who eat and go back to the dormitory for a lunch break.

Lin Yuejian and Jiang Wanshu were the only two people in the huge classroom, and it was very quiet, except for the voice of Lin Yuejian giving lectures occasionally.

The little girl spoke softly and softly.

Jiang Wanshu is very smart, she doesn't know much about the questions, but Lin Yue understands as soon as she speaks.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

Until a few boys appeared outside the corridor, and the rude conversation was mixed with swear words.

"Fuck, Sagittarius, are you a sb? There's only one mage left on the opposite side. Why don't you just run away? I've never seen such a dish!"

Several boys entered the classroom cursing.

Lin Yuejian and Jiang Wanshu, who were interrupted while studying, both looked back subconsciously.

It turned out to be Zhang Weihao who asked Lin Yuejian for WeChat yesterday.

He walked in front, followed by two friends, who were probably playing games with their mobile phones in their hands, and kept exhaling.

Probably sensing something, he looked up.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuejian was actually in the classroom. After being shocked, she was happy.

He seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness of being asked for WeChat yesterday, and asked very familiarly: "See you, Lin Yue? Aren't you going to eat?"

Lin Yuejian didn't want to pay attention to it, but thought that there were only a few of them in the classroom at this moment.

To avoid embarrassment, she still replied: "I don't want to go."

Zhang Weihao went to the empty seat next to Lin Yuejian and sat down, facing her: "Why don't you eat? You are so thin, you should eat more."

Lin Yuejian: "..."

She held the pen and continued to calculate the math problems she hadn't finished.

But because there are many people next to him, it is difficult to concentrate.

She didn't speak, Zhang Weihao didn't mind, and continued: "If you don't want to move, you tell me what you want to eat, and I'll bring it for you."

Lin Yuejian kept her face silent, and spoke in an indifferent and distant tone: "No need, thank you."

Zhang Weihao, "Why don't you need it? There are still several classes in the afternoon. What if I get hungry and hurt my stomach?"

His brother: "That's right, tell me what you want to eat, and I'll buy it right away!"

Lin Yuejian: "..."

Is this person entangled with her?
The little girl was a little annoyed, and even the tone of her mouth was a little impatient: "I don't want to eat, don't bother me, I have to do the questions."

She was obviously a little angry, so Zhang Weihao didn't bother her anymore, "All right, you do the questions first."

Xueba, of course, learning is more important.

After a while, Zhang Weihao and his two friends left the classroom, and the silence returned.

Jiang Wanshu turned her head, "Yueyue, that Zhang Weihao seems to have taken a fancy to you."

Lin Yue didn't raise her eyelids, "Don't worry about him."

After struggling for a while, Jiang Wanshu opened his mouth: "I heard Tangtang say that Zhang Weihao is a scumbag. Changing girlfriends is like changing clothes. Especially the way of chasing people is very difficult. If you don't chase him Don't give up."

She actually wanted to remind Lin Yuejian to be careful of this person, but she didn't know what to say when the words came to her lips.

Fortunately, Lin Yuejian knew what she meant, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

No matter how difficult it is, if she ignores her, the other party will have nothing to do with her.

Jiang Wanshu saw that Lin Yuejian didn't take it seriously, so she didn't say anything, turned around and continued to study the questions.

After a while, Qian Tang came back with a bag of snacks.

"Yueyue, Shushu, I'm back!"

After the words fell, she had already sat down.

Handed her what Jiang Wanshu asked for, "Hey, your bread and milk."

Jiang Wanshu took it, "Thank you."

Qian Tang handed Lin Yuejian another cup of milk tea, "Hey, Yueyue, yours."

At the same time, Zhang Weihao, who had just left for a short time, also came back.

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