Seeing him, Lin Yuejian's anger disappeared for no reason.

The cursing words were also swallowed back into his stomach.

Chen Xingyu and Zhang Weihao faced each other, neither of them spoke.

Zhou Yu and Xu Tingxi, who rushed over, happened to bump into this scene. They were pulling the door frame at the door, poking their heads in to watch the play.

Fuck it, I hit it, it's so exciting! ! !

It's the first time I've seen Yuge stand out for a girl.

Zhang Weihao didn't expect Chen Xingyu to appear at this time, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Especially Chen Xingyu's "harass my sister".

Lin Yuejian is Chen Xingyu's younger sister?

"Cough." Zhang Weihao cleared his throat, inexplicably feeling a little awkward in the air.

Trying to find words.

Lin Yuejian had always been ignorant of him, if she made her brother unhappy again, wouldn't it be even more useless for him to stay with Lin Yuejian?

But Chen Xingyu didn't give him a chance at all, and directly said firmly: "Don't let me see you harassing my sister again, or..."

He didn't say what he said later, but everyone here understands what it means.

Zhang Weihao was stunned for a moment, and then flattered him: "Don't worry, brother, we are all classmates, so let's just make friends."

His brother dared not speak a word.

Who wants to have a conflict with Chen Xingyu? He won't know what's going on when he's covered in a sack and beaten up after school.

Chen Xingyu ignored his words, stuffed the hamburger into his arms, and said indifferently, "Take your things and go."

Zhang Weihao: "..."

This is a master who does not take in oil and salt.

I can only walk away like yesterday.

He first sat back in his seat for a while, and then left with his good friend.

As soon as the front feet stepped out of the classroom, the back feet began to breathe fragrance.

"Bah, what are you dragging, isn't it just that you have better grades and a better family background, making it seem like I'm afraid of him."

The friend thought to himself: Is it because of fear.

A major case happened in Xuexiao next door.

A girl cheated on her senior, and was approached by her boyfriend to seek revenge. The man was still holding a knife, and none of the onlookers dared to step forward.

It happened that Chen Xingyu ran into him at that time. If he hadn't gone up to help, there would have been a lot of trouble.

Because of the seriousness of the matter, the news was blocked, and everyone only knew that it was a young man who acted bravely and prevented the tragedy from happening.

But there are still a small number of people who know that it was Chen Xingyu who subdued the assailant with an empty fist.

He was also scratched at the time.

In addition, there were some gangsters in the society who bullied their classmates, and Chen Xingyu helped them out of any protection fees they charged.

This guy is a trainer, he is very skilled, and he is very proud, who wants to provoke him.

But after thinking about it, that brother didn't say anything.

In order to please him, the other echoed, "That's right, he even said that Lin Yuejian is his sister. I think they get together all day long, and nine out of ten they are boyfriend and girlfriend."

One word woke up Zhang Weihao.

That's right, Chen Xingyu is the only child, where's the younger sister?

Moreover, Lin Yuejian didn't look like him at all, and had a different surname, so how could she be his younger sister.

Fuck, I was fooled!

Zhang Weihao licked his back teeth, "Do good students fall in love early?"

"What will happen if the teacher finds out?"

Friend: "Without evidence, the teacher probably wouldn't believe it."

Zhang Weihao snorted coldly, he was very upset that he was deflated by Chen Xingyu twice in a row.

Already looking for an opportunity to punish him secretly.

But these are later stories.

Inside the classroom.

Seeing Chen Xingyu who suddenly appeared, Lin Yue opened her mouth and said nothing.

For some reason, she always felt awkward when facing Chen Xingyu.

Obviously, she wasn't in a bad mood, but when she saw him, she felt a little irritable and didn't want to talk.

This is the update tonight. Recently, many of my friends have a fever and a cold. Please take care of yourself!

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